2,767 research outputs found

    Electrical phase angle as a new method to measure fish condition

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    In this study, phase angle (the ratio of resistance and reactance of tissue to applied electrical current) is presented as a possible new method to measure fish condition. Condition indices for fish have historically been based on simple weight-at-length relationships, or on costly and timeconsuming laboratory procedures that measure specific physiological parameters. Phase angle is introduced to combine the simplicity of a quick field-based measurement with the specificity of laboratory analysis by directly measuring extra- and intracellular water distribution within an organism, which is indicative of its condition. Phase angle, which can be measured in the field or laboratory in the time it takes to measure length and weight, was measured in six species of fish at different states (e.g., fed vs. fasted, and postmortem) and under different environmental treatments (wild vs. hatchery, winter vs. spring). Phase angle reflected different states of condition. Phase angles 15° indicated fish that were in better condition. Phase angle was slightly affected by temperatures (slope = – 0.19) in the 0–8°C range and did not change in fish placed on ice for <12 hours. Phase angle also decreased over time in postmortem fish because of cell membrane degradation and subsequent water movement from intra- to extracellular (interstitial) spaces. Phase angle also reflected condition of specific anatomical locations within the fish

    Effects Of Adult Salmon Carcasses On The Energy Allocation Strategies Of Juvenile Salmonids

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2009When adult salmon return to their natal streams to spawn they deliver energy in the form of carcass tissues and eggs. Currently, the effect of this marine-derived energy on the growth and energy allocation strategies of juvenile salmonids is unknown. This thesis examined the effects of marine-derived energy on the growth and energy allocation strategies of juvenile coho salmon and resident Dolly Varden. Fatty acid analysis was developed as a tool for monitoring the flow of marine-derived lipids and hence energy from carcass tissues to consumers in laboratory and field settings. Fish in these settings were examined before and after the arrival of adult salmon carcasses in their respective habitats. The allocation of protein and lipid was monitored in concert with the fatty acid analysis. In addition, the effect of different diets on fasting of wild coho salmon was studied to determine how marine-derived diets might influence over winter survival. Marine-derived energy was acquired by juvenile salmonids through both direct and indirect processes. Direct acquisition entailed consumption of marine-derived lipids or short trophic linkages between carcass tissues and consumers. Indirect acquisition was typified by long trophic linkages between consumers and carcass tissues in which marine lipids were incorporated by consumers after marine-derived lipids permeated food webs. The benefits of consuming marine-derived lipids depended on the method of acquisition. Fish that directly acquired marine-derived lipids altered their energy allocation strategies by storing greater amounts of lipid; allowing them to maintain elevated metabolic rates over winter and start spring in a high nutritional state. In contrast, indirect acquisition of marine-derived lipids afforded fish few benefits. These fish survive winter by down regulating metabolic rates and start spring in a low nutritional state. The ubiquity of direct acquisition by coho salmon and variable routes of acquisition in Dolly Varden suggest that the presence of carcass tissues may serve to reinforce anadromy among juvenile salmonids rearing in streams

    Energetic Cost of Ichthyophonus Infection in Juvenile Pacific Herring (Clupea pallasii)

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    The energetic costs of fasting and Ichthyophonus infection were measured in juvenile Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) in a lab setting at three temperatures. Infected herring incurred significant energetic costs, the magnitude of which depended on fish condition at the time of infection (fat versus lean). Herring that were fed continually and were in relatively good condition at the time of infection (fat) never stored lipid despite ad libitum feeding. In feeding herring, the energetic cost of infection was a 30% reduction in total energy content relative to controls 52 days post infection. Following food deprivation (lean condition), infection caused an initial delay in the compensatory response of herring. Thirty-one days after re-feeding, the energetic cost of infection in previously-fasted fish was a 32% reduction in total energy content relative to controls. Body composition of infected herring subsequently recovered to some degree, though infected herring never attained the same energy content as their continuously fed counterparts. Fifty-two days after re-feeding, the energetic cost of infection in previously-fasted fish was a 6% reduction in total energy content relative to controls. The greatest impacts of infection occurred in colder temperatures, suggesting Ichthyophonus-induced reductions in body condition may have greater consequences in the northern extent of herring's range, where juveniles use most of their energy reserves to survive their first winter

    Letter to the Editor

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    Page et al. appear to have missed our point that the teratogenic effects of oil on fish derive from embryonic exposure to environmentally persistent 3- and 4-ring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). They regard our conclusions as incorrect because we failed to demonstrate causality or a clear dose-response relationship. As evidence for lack of causality, they indicate that our data were not replicated. However, our report was a companion paper to a similar one demonstrating PAH-induced teratogenesis in herring embryos, also in the low ppb. Current literature corroborates our data and careful consideration of our conclusion demonstrates that their inclusion of low molecular weight PAHs in their dose-response relationship is counter to their thesis that dose measures should only include toxic compounds. When we published this work 12 years ago, the concept that PAHs with high octanol-partition coefficient (KOW) were teratogenic at concentrations below their solubility was considered novel. Since then, the sensitivity of developing fish embryos to ppb concentrations of PAHs dissolved in water has been confirmed for fish embryos exposed to oiled sediments, dissolved mixtures of PAHs derived from oiled sediments, and specific high molecular weight PAHs dissolved in water; additional references will be found in the Supplemental Data. More recently, experiments involving specific PAHs with partition-controlled delivery systems also have demonstrated toxic effects at levels below aqueous solubility limits. At least eleven reports replicate our findings in seven different fish species and support our conclusion that accumulation of PAHs by embryos depends on the kinetics of the transfer of PAHs from oil to egg rather than PAH solubility

    Measurements of resistance and reactance in fish with the use of bioelectrical impedance analysis: sources of error

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    New technologies can be riddled with unforeseen sources of error, jeopardizing the validity and application of their advancement. Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) is a new technology in fisheries research that is capable of estimating proximate composition, condition, and energy content in fish quickly, cheaply, and (after calibration) without the need to sacrifice fish. Before BIA can be widely accepted in fisheries science, it is necessary to identify sources of error and determine a means to minimize potential errors with this analysis. We conducted controlled laboratory experiments to identify sources of errors within BIA measurements. We concluded that electrode needle location, procedure deviations, user experience, time after death, and temperature can affect resistance and reactance measurements. Sensitivity analyses showed that errors in predictive estimates of composition can be large (>50%) when these errors are experienced. Adherence to a strict protocol can help avoid these sources of error and provide BIA estimates that are both accurate and precise in a field or laboratory setting

    Effects of Environmental Temperature on the Dynamics of Ichthyophoniasis in Juvenile Pacific Herring (Clupea pallasii)

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    The effects of temperature and infection by Ichthyophonus were examined in juvenile Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) maintained under simulated overwinter fasting conditions. In addition to defining parameters for a herring bioenergetics model (discussed in Vollenweider et al. this issue), these experiments provided new insights into factors influencing the infectivity and virulence of the parasite Ichthyophonus. In groups of fish with established disease, temperature variation had little effect on disease outcome. Ichthyophonus mortality outpaced that resulting from starvation alone. In newly infected fish, temperature variation significantly changed the mortality patterns related to disease. Both elevated and lowered temperatures suppressed disease-related mortality relative to ambient treatments. When parasite exposure dose decreased, an inverse relationship between infection prevalence and temperature was detected. These findings suggest interplay between temperature optima for parasite growth and host immune function and have implications for our understanding of how Ichthyophonus infections are established in wild fish populations

    Variable trust in public health messaging during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in Southeast Alaska

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    Public health messaging in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic has been variable in effectiveness. Different levels of governmental institutions have different goals and methods; it is unclear how messaging from these disparate levels is received, trusted, and implemented. We investigate the degrees of trust of Alaska Native and non-Alaska Native people in Southeast Alaska for the U.S. federal, Alaska state, and local Southeast Alaskan governments to parse how Southeast Alaskans feel about relative preparation, actions, and public health messaging. We use data collected in two waves of a regional survey: the first in April-June 2020, and the second in November 2020-February 2021. Results indicate that trust in the federal government was significantly lower than in the Alaska state government for each time period, and trust in both federal and state government significantly decreased between the two periods. Trust in the local governments of Southeast Alaska were significantly higher than both state and federal levels, and increased between the two survey waves, albeit insignificantly. We discuss potential drivers of these observations and outline how this can be leveraged for more comprehensive research into how relatively small communities with a large Native presence perceive public health messaging from different sources

    Seasonal presence and potential influence of humpback whales on wintering Pacific herring populations in the Gulf of Alaska

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    This study addressed the lack of recovery of Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) in Prince William Sound, Alaska, in relation to humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) predation.This study addressed the lack of recovery of Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) in Prince William Sound, Alaska, in relation to humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) predation. As humpback whales rebound from commercial whaling, their ability to influence their prey through top-down forcing increases. We compared the potential influence of foraging humpback whales on three herring populations in the coastal Gulf of Alaska: Prince William Sound, Lynn Canal, and Sitka Sound (133–147°W; 57–61°N) from 2007 to 2009. Information on whale distribution, abundance, diet and the availability of herring as potential prey were used to correlate populations of overwintering herring and humpback whales. In Prince William Sound, the presence of whales coincided with the peak of herring abundance, allowing whales to maximize the consumption of overwintering herring prior to their southern migration. In Lynn Canal and Sitka Sound peak attendance of whales occurred earlier, in the fall, before the herring had completely moved into the areas, hence, there was less opportunity for predation to influence herring populations. North Pacific humpback whales in the Gulf of Alaska may be experiencing nutritional stress from reaching or exceeding carrying capacity, or oceanic conditions may have changed sufficiently to alter the prey base. Intraspecific competition for food may make it harder for humpback whales to meet their annual energetic needs. To meet their energetic demands whales may need to lengthen their time feeding in the northern latitudes or by skipping the annual migration altogether. If humpback whales extended their time feeding in Alaskan waters during the winter months, the result would likely be an increase in herring predationAll humpback whale photographic data collected was authorized under scientific research permits 473-1700-01 and 782-1719 issued to Janice M. Straley and the National Marine Mammal Lab, respectively, from NOAA, Office of Protected Resources, WA, DC. In addition, this research was conducted with the authorization 08-07 of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), University of Alaska Fairbanks. Special thanks to D. Janka, and his knowledge of Prince William Sound and all the crew that joined us on our surveys. Also, thanks to Jennifer Cedarleaf, Ellen Chenoweth, Keith Cox, Suzie Teerlink, Fletcher Sewall, and others that assisted on surveys in Sitka Sound and Lynn Canal. Thanks to the Captains and crews of the NOAA Vessel John N Cobb, M/V Auklet, M/V Steller, and M/V Alaskan Adventurer, Heather Riley, Neil Dawson, Jennifer Cedarleaf, Ellen Chenoweth, Kate McLaughlin, Andy McLaughlin, Craig Matkin, Olga von Ziegesar, Fletcher Sewall, John Hudson, Keith Cox, Prince William Sound Science Center and Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Cordova. Reference to trade names does not imply endorsement by the National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA. The findings and conclusions of this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the National Marine Fisheries Service. The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council (award NA17NMF4720027) supported the research described in this paper. However, the findings and conclusions presented by the author(s) are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views or position the Trustee Council. The authors disclose there was no actual or potential conflict of interest including any financial, personal, or other relationships with other people or organizations within three years of beginning the submitted work that could inappropriately influence, or be perceived to influence, their work.Ye