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    Occupational safety and health is important for companies that want to improve thei employees work produktivity. PT Segara Timber is one of the industry companies that relies heavily on the productivity of its employees work to meet the demands of the market in addition to achieving profit. However, the productivity of employees at PT Segara Timber in Samarinda is considered as not maximally due to some ongoing accident.This research aims to determine the impact of occupational safety and health to the productivity of PT Segara Timber employees in Samarinda. Safety (X1), and occupational health (X2) are used as independent variables while the emplyee’s work productivity (Y) becomes a dependent variable. Primary data is obtained by conducting interviews to 90 respondents using questionnaires. Secondary data is obtained by conducting field observations. Data was analyzed using multiple linear regression techniques with the help of SPSS version 23 statistical software.The results showed that occupational safety and helath variables were simultaneously influential to the employee’s work productivity at PT Segara Timber in Samarinda.Advice on PT Segara Timber, should be able to maintain and improve the implementation of occupational helath and safety indicators so that employees work productivity can increase

    Kajian terhadap Prinsip Keadilan dalam Pemungutan Pajak di Indonesia

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    Basically, absolute tax regressive requires existence of accomplishment of justice principle either in its regulation formulation or when its realization. Neglecting of justice principle in tax regressive in practical exactly will become counter productive for continuity of the country like incidence of revolution or rebellion. The problem is that concept of justice is a matter of abstract and very subjective, then parameter what is used to measure justice in tax regressive. Problems then continue to ill defined its realization of justice principle in execution of tax regressive in Indonesia, especially in Income tax. Research is conducted by using judicial formality-normative approach by bibliography research. Data that obtained then analysed in judicial formality qualitative and and demonstrate in descriptive judicial formality. The results of this research shows that parameter already implementation of justice principle in tax regressive is existence of protection guarantee for citizen from action without considering power in compilation of taxation code and and generalization accomodation and treatment in common in tax regressive. Meanwhile, justice principle already in tax regressive in our country, but its realization in formula Tax Defined Regulation and Incoming Tax Regulation uncommitted in totally, as a consequence both regulation have judicial formality weakness.Keyword: tax regressive, justice and judicial formality weakness

    Motion extrapolation into the blind spot: Research report

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    The flash-lag effect, in which a moving object is perceived ahead of a colocalized flash, has led to keen empirical and theoretical debates. To test the proposal that a predictive mechanism overcomes neural delays in vision by shifting objects spatially, we asked observers to judge the final position of a bar moving into the retinal blind spot. The bar was perceived to disappear in positions well inside the unstimulated area. Given that photoreceptors are absent in the blind spot, the perceived shift must be based on the history of the moving object. Such predictive overshoots are suppressed when a moving object disappears abruptly from the retina, triggering retinal transient signals. No such transient-driven suppression occurs when the object disappears by virtue of moving into the blind spot. The extrapolated position of the moving bar revealed in this manner provides converging support for visual prediction. © Copyright © 2008 Association for Psychological Science


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kecerdasan emosional terhadap prestasi belajar warga belajar PKBM Al-Fattah. Kecerdasan emosional merupakan kesadaran diri, pengaturan diri, motivasi diri, empati dan keterampilan sosial sehingga perlu diketahui pengaruhnya terhadap prestasi belajar. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode angket. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa variabel kecerdasan emosional (X) berpengaruh terhadap variabel prestasi belajar (Y), dan pengaruh variabel bebas (kecerdasan emosional) terhadap variabel terikat (prestasi belajar) adalah sebesar 59.6%. Sedangkan sisanya sebesar 40.4% merupakan kontribusi variabel lain yang tidak termasuk dalam model