904 research outputs found

    Evaluation of inorganic arsenic species in drinking water of the southeastern of the Buenos Aires province, Argentina

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    Arsenic in natural water is a worldwide concern due to chronic health effects in people exposed through the drinking water. The aim was to evaluate the distribution of As(III) and As(V), through ASV, in an Argentine area with low or absent information about these contaminant. The species of inorganic arsenic were quantified in groundwater, surface and drinking water, by Anodic Stripping Voltammetry (ASV) using a gold disc electrode. Total As was analyzed after the reduction step, calculated As(V) by difference. In some sites, total As values exceed the maximum limit for human consumption (10 µg/l), but the As(III)/As(V) ratio was significantly low. The lowest levels of total As were found in those sites related to possible anthropogenic activities, indicating that the content of it in the studied water is coming from natural environment. This study constitutes the first report of inorganic As speciation for the southeastern of Buenos Aires province.Fil: Robles, A. D. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras. Departamento de Ciencias Marinas. Toxicología Ambiental; Argentina.Fil: Robles, A. D. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina.Fil: Cohen, M. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras. Departamento de Ciencias Marinas. Toxicología Ambiental; Argentina.Fil: Romero, M. B. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras. Departamento de Ciencias Marinas. Toxicología Ambiental; Argentina.Fil: Romero, M. B. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina.Fil: Garay, F. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Departamento de Físico Química; Argentina.Fil: Garay, F. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Bioquímica de Córdoba; Argentina.Fil: Gerpe, M. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras. Departamento de Ciencias Marinas. Toxicología Ambiental; Argentina.Fil: Gerpe, M. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina.Química Analític

    Metallothioneins pattern during ontogeny of coastal dolphin, Pontoporia blainvillei, from Argentina

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    Metallothioneins are signals of metal exposure and widely used in biomonitoring. Franciscana dolphin is an endemic cetacean from the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean, classified as Vulnerable A3d by the IUCN. Metallothionein, copper and zinc in Franciscana were assessed in two geographic groups; one inhabits La Plata River estuary, anthropogenically impacted, and the other inhabits marine coastal ecosystems, with negligible pollution. Despite the environment, hepatic and renal MT concentrations were similar, but there was a declining trend from early to later developmental stages. Metallothionein K/L, Cu and Zn levels corresponded to normal reported ranges. MT was not related with Cd. Fetal concentrations were higher than its mother. These results and the health status of dolphins are suggesting that MT correspond to physiological ranges for the species, and they are closely to homeostasis of Zn and Cu, according to its ontogenetic changes. The information constitutes the first MT information on Franciscana dolphin and can be considered as baseline for the species conservation

    Insights into the magnetic dead layer in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films from temperature, magnetic field and thickness dependence of their magnetization

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    Experimental investigations of the magnetic dead layer in 7.6 nm thick film of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (LSMO) are reported. The dc magnetization (M) measurements for a sample cooled to T = 5 K in applied field H = 0 reveal the presence of negative remanent magnetization (NRM) in the M vs. H (magnetic field) measurements as well as in the M vs. T measurements in H = 50 Oe and 100 Oe. The M vs. T data in ZFC (zero-field-cooled) and FC (field-cooled) protocols are used to determine the blocking temperature TB in different H. Isothermal hysteresis loops at differ- ent T are used to determine the temperature dependence of saturation magnetization (MS), remanence (MR) and coercivity HC. The MS vs. T data are fit to the Bloch law,MS (T)=M0 (1–BT 3/2),showingagoodfitforT \u3c100Kandyieldingthe nearest-neighbor exchange constant J/kB 18 K. The variations of TB vs. H andHC vs. T are well described by the model often used for randomly oriented mag- netic nanoparticles with magnetic domain diameter ≈ 9 nm present in the dead-layer of thickness d =1.4 nm. Finally, the data available from literature on the thickness (D) variation of Curie temperature (TC) and MS of LSMO films grown under 200, 150, and 0.38 mTorr pressures of O2 are analyzed in terms of the finite-size scaling, with MS vs. D data fit to MS (D) = MS(b)(1-d/D) yielding the dead layer thickness d = 1.1 nm, 1.4 nm and 2.4 nm respectively

    Quasi-particle Lifetimes in a d_{x^2-y^2} Superconductor

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    We consider the lifetime of quasi-particles in a d-wave superconductor due to scattering from antiferromagnetic spin-fluctuations, and explicitly separate the contribution from Umklapp processes which determines the electrical conductivity. Results for the temperature dependence of the total scattering rate and the Umklapp scattering rate are compared with relaxation rates obtained from thermal and microwave conductivity measurements, respectively.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Sudden switch of generalized Lieb-Robinson velocity in a transverse field Ising spin chain

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    The Lieb-Robinson theorem states that the speed at which the correlations between two distant nodes in a spin network can be built through local interactions has an upper bound, which is called the Lieb-Robinson velocity. Our central aim is to demonstrate how to observe the Lieb-Robinson velocity in an Ising spin chain with a strong transverse field. We adopt and compare four correlation measures for characterizing different types of correlations, which include correlation function, mutual information, quantum discord, and entanglement of formation. We prove that one of correlation functions shows a special behavior depending on the parity of the spin number. All the information-theoretical correlation measures demonstrate the existence of the Lieb-Robinson velocity. In particular, we find that there is a sudden switch of the Lieb-Robinson speed with the increasing of the number of spin

    Conformally flat spacetimes and Weyl frames

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    We discuss the concepts of Weyl and Riemann frames in the context of metric theories of gravity and state the fact that they are completely equivalent as far as geodesic motion is concerned. We apply this result to conformally flat spacetimes and show that a new picture arises when a Riemannian spacetime is taken by means of geometrical gauge transformations into a Minkowskian flat spacetime. We find out that in the Weyl frame gravity is described by a scalar field. We give some examples of how conformally flat spacetime configurations look when viewed from the standpoint of a Weyl frame. We show that in the non-relativistic and weak field regime the Weyl scalar field may be identified with the Newtonian gravitational potential. We suggest an equation for the scalar field by varying the Einstein-Hilbert action restricted to the class of conformally-flat spacetimes. We revisit Einstein and Fokker's interpretation of Nordstr\"om scalar gravity theory and draw an analogy between this approach and the Weyl gauge formalism. We briefly take a look at two-dimensional gravity as viewed in the Weyl frame and address the question of quantizing a conformally flat spacetime by going to the Weyl frame.Comment: LATEX - 18 page

    Polaron formation for a non-local electron-phonon coupling: A variational wave-function study

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    We introduce a variational wave-function to study the polaron formation when the electronic transfer integral depends on the relative displacement between nearest-neighbor sites giving rise to a non-local electron-phonon coupling with optical phonon modes. We analyze the ground state properties such as the energy, the electron-lattice correlation function, the phonon number and the spectral weight. Variational results are found in good agreement with analytic weak-coupling perturbative calculations and exact numerical diagonalization of small clusters. We determine the polaronic phase diagram and we find that the tendency towards strong localization is hindered from the pathological sign change of the effective next-nearest-neighbor hopping.Comment: 11 page

    Variable Modified Chaplygin Gas in Anisotropic Universe with Kaluza-Klein Metric

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    In this work, we have consider Kaluza-Klein Cosmology for anisotropic universe where the universe is filled with variable modified chaplygin gas (VMCG). Here we find normal scalar field ϕ\phi and the self interacting potential V(ϕ)V(\phi) to describe the VMCG Cosmology. Also we graphically analyzed the geometrical parameters named {\it statefinder parameters} in anisotropic Kaluza-Klein model. Next, we consider a Kaluza-Klein model of interacting VMCG with dark matter in the Einstein gravity framework. Here we construct the three dimensional autonomous dynamical system of equations for this interacting model with the assumption that the dark energy and the dark matter are interact between them and for that we also choose the interaction term. We convert that interaction terms to its dimensionless form and perform stability analysis and solve them numerically. We obtain a stable scaling solution of the equations in Kaluza-Klein model and graphically represent solutions.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figure

    Statistical Theory of Spin Relaxation and Diffusion in Solids

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    A comprehensive theoretical description is given for the spin relaxation and diffusion in solids. The formulation is made in a general statistical-mechanical way. The method of the nonequilibrium statistical operator (NSO) developed by D. N. Zubarev is employed to analyze a relaxation dynamics of a spin subsystem. Perturbation of this subsystem in solids may produce a nonequilibrium state which is then relaxed to an equilibrium state due to the interaction between the particles or with a thermal bath (lattice). The generalized kinetic equations were derived previously for a system weakly coupled to a thermal bath to elucidate the nature of transport and relaxation processes. In this paper, these results are used to describe the relaxation and diffusion of nuclear spins in solids. The aim is to formulate a successive and coherent microscopic description of the nuclear magnetic relaxation and diffusion in solids. The nuclear spin-lattice relaxation is considered and the Gorter relation is derived. As an example, a theory of spin diffusion of the nuclear magnetic moment in dilute alloys (like Cu-Mn) is developed. It is shown that due to the dipolar interaction between host nuclear spins and impurity spins, a nonuniform distribution in the host nuclear spin system will occur and consequently the macroscopic relaxation time will be strongly determined by the spin diffusion. The explicit expressions for the relaxation time in certain physically relevant cases are given.Comment: 41 pages, 119 Refs. Corrected typos, added reference

    Entanglement, Bell Inequalities and Decoherence in Particle Physics

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    We demonstrate the relevance of entanglement, Bell inequalities and decoherence in particle physics. In particular, we study in detail the features of the ``strange'' K0Kˉ0K^0 \bar K^0 system as an example of entangled meson--antimeson systems. The analogies and differences to entangled spin--1/2 or photon systems are worked, the effects of a unitary time evolution of the meson system is demonstrated explicitly. After an introduction we present several types of Bell inequalities and show a remarkable connection to CP violation. We investigate the stability of entangled quantum systems pursuing the question how possible decoherence might arise due to the interaction of the system with its ``environment''. The decoherence is strikingly connected to the entanglement loss of common entanglement measures. Finally, some outlook of the field is presented.Comment: Lectures given at Quantum Coherence in Matter: from Quarks to Solids, 42. Internationale Universit\"atswochen f\"ur Theoretische Physik, Schladming, Austria, Feb. 28 -- March 6, 2004, submitted to Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer Verlag, 45 page