85 research outputs found
Cuvântul Editorului
The time elapsed since the establishment of the Medicamentul Veterinar / Veterinary Drug Journal has so far, revealed that the efforts made by the editorial staff have been inspired, as a result of his passion and work. This is why the Journal will continue its journalistic activity in the field of veterinary and zoo-technical sciences. The year 2018 is assessed with the main achievements and failures of the Veterinary Medicine / Veterinary Drug Magazine as well as the guidelines for the next period
About tarantula - possible uses in medicine
In recent years, tarantulas have become increasingly popular in terrariums because they are easy to maintain, do not require much space and because of their beauty. Venom from spiders, snakes, fish, snails and scorpions contain an advanced pharmacopoeia of natural toxins that target membrane receptors and ion channels to produce shock, paralysis, pain or death. Tarantula venoms represent one of the largest collections of chemical compound combinations in the world. They have been developed selectively to ultimately generate some extremely powerful, selective bioactive structures that have undergone a natural optimization process through millions of years of natural selection. The study of
various types of venom has become, in recent years, a priority for medical sciences and biology. In this sense, veterinarians are called to know the tarantula as beings, their way of life, feeding, breeding, as well as how to obtain, preserve, analyze and use. The work brings information about the life of tarantula, the way of contention and especially about how to harvest and store the venom from this species
Monitoring and therapeutics of joint pain in dogs
Osteoarthritis in the dog is one of the most common musculoskeletal disorders that has become a medical and financial problem for the owners. A big problem is treating of the dogs suffering from the side effects that arise as a consequence of OA pain therapy. In the present study, 19 dogs of different races with definite diagnoses of osteoarthritis (OA) and / or hip dysplasia (DSC) were included. In pursuit of the condition of healing / amelioration of osteoarthritis conditions in dogs, two objectives were followed: a) the chronic pain monitoring of acupuncture dogs, via a well-established questionnaire, a multifactorial descriptive scale; b) Influence of acupuncture on blood parameters in chronic pain in the dogs. Dogs grouping was based on the previous use of analgesics and on the Helsinki Chronic Pain Index (HCPI). The dogs were randomly divided into two lots: a group that received acupuncture and antalgic treatments and a placebo (control) not treated. Initially the animals in the study were subjected to exploratory radiographs, and blood samples were collected to determine prolactin and serotonin values. The results revealed that both serotonin and prolactin did not undergo significant quantitative changes during the study in both dogs groups, receiving acupuncture and those in the control group. The questionnaire used is a valid tool for assessing chronic locomotor pain in dogs and we recommend it for the clinical trials
Pharmacotherapeutic elements in the osteoarticular algia in dog
Canine osteoarthritis (OA), along with hip dysplasia (DSC) and elbow dysplasia (CDC) are diseases commonly found in veterinary practice in pet animals. Due to the fact that these conditions persist throughout life, it degenerates rather than improve, so it is extremely important that these dogs be treated in osteoarticular algia in dogs. OA is also one of the most common musculoskeletal disorders in humans that has become a medical and financial problem. Moreover, an even bigger problem is treating people suffering from the side effects that appear as a consequence of pain therapy in OA. As a result, recommendations have been made to use more natural agents in modifying the effects of the disease in the management of human OA pain, to the detriment of much more commonly used non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). To this end, we are also investigating in college to find less harmful drugs and treatments to replace the long-term administration of NSAIDs or regenerative injections with corticosteroids, which today are still the best treatment options used, although they are not ideal because of the risk of side effects. This bibliographic report wishes to bring some valuable information to those interested
Algorithm of calculation of predicted concentration (PEC) for evaluation of the environmental risk of veterinary medicinal products
The environmental risk analysis for veterinary medicinal products is an assessment of their possible evolution, exposures and effects and is structured according to the VICH GL6 (Phase I) and GL38 (Phase II) guides. The environmental risk assessment, an integral part of the veterinary medicinal product authorizations, interpreted and harmonized under the VICH guidelines, ensures the predictability and transparency of the results obtained. The route of distribution and the evolution in the environment are
important factors for the concentration of the final exposure. The risk quotient (RQ) is defined as the ratio between the predicted environmental concentration (PEC) and the predicted no-effect concentration (PNEC). The risk quotients indicate the likelihood of adverse effects occurring. For the determination of PECs, soil, water, sediment, environmental exposure for the product, its active substances and other ingredients is considered, taking into account target species, mode of administration, and physicochemical characteristics. Calculation of the predicted active substance concentration in the soil (PECsol) is based on the total residue approach. The calculation of the concentration of the active substance in groundwater (PECgroundwater) is based on the solid sorption equilibrium approach, modeled by the organic water-carbon distribution coefficient (Koc). The predicted concentration of the active substance in surface water (PEC surface water) is considered to be 1/3 of the groundwater
concentration and in the sediment is calculated according to the sediment-water partition coefficient (Ksed-water). The paper presents an algorithm for calculating predictable concentrations for
environmental factors: soil, water, sediment required for environmental risk assessment of veterinary medicinal products. Based on this calculation algorithm, a specialized interactive software has been developed to allow rapid and convenient determination of predictable PEC concentrations for environmental factors: soil, water, sediment for veterinary medicinal products. It is a very useful tool for environmental risk assessment specialists
Elements of chemotherapy and radiotherapy in animals
Cancer treatment is usually a polymorphic one, which includes: surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy or any combination of these. In order to choose a correct and appropriate therapeutic procedure for each patient, the following should be noted: the result of the histological examination, the malignancy status, the patient's medical history and the financial possibilities of the owner. In this regard, a minimum database on the health/illness of the patient is required, which is obtained by a blood test (biochemistry and hematology) and a urine test. For proper staging and correct prognosis, X-rays (simple or/and contrast), ultrasound or CT scan (CT) will be performed. Once the diagnosis is made, it is important to define the goals and expectations of the treatment applied. Tumor growth presents an exponential development phase, and then quickly enters a plateau phase. Response to chemotherapy depends on where it is on the development curve (if there are few cells in the division then the fraction destroyed by chemotherapeutics will be small). In conclusion, small tumors with high growth fraction are more sensitive to chemotherapeutics because they have a larger number of cells in the proliferative phase. In this bibliographic reference are presented the main elements of chemotherapy and radiotherapy in animals
Algorithm of calculation of Predicted No-effect Concentration (PNEC) for evaluation of the environmental risk of veterinary medicinal products
The environmental risk analysis for veterinary medicinal products is an assessment of their possible evolution, exposures, and effects and is structured according to the VICH GL6 (Phase I) and GL38 (Phase II) guides. The environmental risk assessment, an integral part of the veterinary medicinal product authorizations, interpreted and harmonized under the VICH guidelines, ensures the predictability and transparency of the results obtained. The route of distribution and the evolution in the environment are important factors for the concentration of the final exposure. Predicted No-Effect Concentration (PNEC) is the concentration of a substance in an environment below which adverse effects will most likely not occur during a long term or short term exposure. In environmental risk assessment, PNECs will be compared to predicted environmental concentration (PEC) to determine if the risk of a substance is acceptable or not. If PEC/PNECs<1, the risk is acceptable. The PNECs are usually calculated by dividing toxicological dose descriptors by an assessment factor. The endpoints most frequently used for deriving PNECs are mortality (LC50), growth (ECx or NOEC) and reproduction (ECx or NOEC). PNECs need to be derived from various environmental compartments (water, sediment, soil, air, etc.). The paper presents an algorithm for calculating predictable no-effect concentrations (PNEC) for environmental factors: soil, water, sediment required for environmental risk assessment of veterinary medicinal products. Based on this calculation algorithm, specialized interactive software has been developed to allow rapid and convenient determination of predictable no-effect concentrations, PNEC, for environmental factors: soil, water, sediment for veterinary medicinal products. It is a very useful tool for environmental risk assessment specialists
Background: A pharmaco-chemical investigation of the Euphorbia cyparissias plant was justified by its known multiple therapeutic valences. Numerous components from extracts and latex of Euphorbiacae were identified, revealing a large plant family with a polyvalent therapeutic activity.
Materials and Methods: The aim of the study was to assess the skin tolerance level to irritation on different testing concentrations, of Euphorbia cyparissias extracts and ointments. Study was accomplished in rats and dogs, with the identification of all possible skin injuries and histological changes, after a simple patch test methodology.
Results: Ointment dermatological testing on rats, proved to be bearable on epilated skin at concentrations of 1, 2 and 5%. Ointments and mother tincture with higher concentrations (10% and 20%), led to irritation and cutis damages, and this was revealed through histology.
Conclusion: Ointment tested on dog’s skin was tolerable for epilated skin to concentrations of 1, 2 and/or 5%, additional testing on human volunteers confirmed the same situation
Analiza glavnih komponenti i korelacije rutinskih parametara krvi u eksperimentalnoj sepsi kod pacova
Sepsis can be defined as a multisystem response of the organism on bacterial infection agents. The aim of this study is to provides an extensive analysis of associations between numerous routine biochemical and hematological markers in function of type of sepsis caused by experimental Gram-positive (G+, Staphylococcus aureus), Gram-negative (G-, Escherichia coli) and mixed (MIX) microorganism in laboratory rats model. In G- and G+ sepsis higher values of erythrocytes, total protein, albumin, creatinine, sodium and plasma osmolarity were noted and lower triglycerides values compared to MIX sepsis. Existence of statistically significant interaction between time and type of sepsis was showed that values of erythrocytes, neutrophiles, LUC, glucose, total protein, urea, Na, Cl, osmolarity and LDH were changed during time in function of sepsis type. Distinguish of animals with G+, G- or MIX sepsis is not possible because principal component analysis (PCA) demonstrated similar expression of blood hematological and metabolic parameters in animals regardless type of experimental sepsis (G+, G- or MIX), with minimal deviation of animal with MIX sepsis from animals with sepsis caused by pure culture (G+ or G-). Correlation coefficient analysis showed 507 significant correlations between routine blood parameters (207 in G-, 186 in G+ and 114 in MIX) and some of them are in function of type of sepsis. Distinguish of type of sepsis in function of blood parameters is not possible. After extraction of two components they load by blood parameters was similar in all type of sepsis (positive load with different type of white blood cells, PLT, glucose, amylase, Cl, urea and osmolarity, and negative load with albumin, total protein, cholesterol, creatinine and ALT). Although our results demonstrated difference in values and correlation coefficients for routine blood biochemistry and hematology parameters, multiparametric statistic showed they not be a useful tool for distinguishing type of sepsis according bacterial causative.Sepsa se može definisati kao multisistemski odgovor organizma na uzročnike bakterijske infekcije. Cilj ove studije je da pruži opsežnu analizu povezanosti brojnih rutinskih biohemijskih i hematoloških markera u funkciji tipa sepse izazvane eksperimentalnim Gram-pozitivnim (G+, Staphylococcus aureus), Gramnegativnim (G-, Escherichia coli) i mešani (MIX) mikroorganizam u modelu laboratorijskih pacova. U G- i G+ sepsi su zabeležene više vrednosti eritrocita, ukupnog proteina, albumina, kreatinina, natrijuma i osmolarnosti plazme i niže vrednosti triglicerida u odnosu na MIX sepsu. Utvrđeno je postojanje statistički značajne interakcije između vremena i tipa sepse da su se vrednosti eritrocita, neutrofila, LUC, glukoze, ukupnog proteina, uree, Na, Cl, osmolarnosti i LDH menjale tokom vremena u funkciji tipa sepse. Razlikovanje životinja sa G+, G- ili MIX sepsom nije moguće jer je analiza glavnih komponenti (PCA) pokazala sličnu ekspresiju hematoloških i metaboličkih parametara krvi kod životinja bez obzira na tip eksperimentalne sepse (G+, G- ili MIX), uz minimalno odstupanje od životinja sa MIX sepsom od životinja sa sepsom izazvanom čistom kulturom (G+ ili G-). Analiza koeficijenta korelacije pokazala je 507 značajnih korelacija između rutinskih parametara krvi (207 kod EC, 186 kod SA i 114 kod MIX sepse) i neke od njih su u funkciji tipa sepse. Nije moguće razlikovati vrstu sepse u funkciji parametara krvi. Nakon ekstrakcije dve komponente opterećenje po parametrima krvi bilo je slično kod svih vrsta sepse (pozitivno opterećenje različitim vrstama belih krvnih zrnaca, PLT, glukozom, amilazom, Cl, ureom i osmolarnošću, a negativno albuminom, ukupnim proteinom, holesterolom , kreatinin i ALT). Iako su naši rezultati pokazali razliku u vrednostima i koeficijentima korelacije za rutinske biohemijske i hematološke parametre krvi, multiparametarska statistika je pokazala da oni nisu korisno sredstvo za razlikovanje tipa sepse prema bakterijskom uzročniku
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