12 research outputs found

    Effects of plasminogen, streptokinase and their equimolar complexes with pyruvate kinase on the human neuroblastoma IMR-32 cells

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    The system of extracellular proteolysis consisted of plasminogen (PGn), its active protease, plasmin, and PGn activators and their inhibitors affect the growth, differentiation, and proliferation of nervous cells both under normal and pathological conditions. The purpose of our investigation was to study the effects of exogenous PGn, its activator, streptokinase (SK), pyruvate kinase (PK), and their equimolar complexes on morphological and functional properties of IMR-32 neuroblastoma cells. It has been found that PGn, SK, PK, and their complexes stimulate cell proliferation during 1–3 days of incubation. We also observed increased DNA, RNA, and protein content. The low-lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) efflux indicated that the addition of the proteins we assayed to the culture medium prevented the development of degenerative processes caused by serum deprivation. The levels of extracellular PGn-activator activity, as measured by the fibrinolytic method, increased in the presence of SK. The SK effect vanished if SK was in the complex with PK on the 3rd day of cultivation. New original facts were obtained to testify the probability of initiation of neoplastic transformation and tumor growth potentiation

    Problems of Agricultural Policy Adaptation Within Sustainable Development Goals

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    The paper reveals problems of integrating national policy for increasing agricultural production and ecological consequences, including the important aspect of Russia’s ratification of the Paris Agreement on climate, which provides additional opportunities for a decrease in carbon emissions. Current government programs for agricultural development in Russia, which include but are not limited to production growth and increase in agricultural exports, do not take into account the ecological consequences of such growth. The paper analyzes how the agriculture of Russia has evolved in the recent period (2007-2017) and what amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions it has caused. Although in general emissions exhibited a decreasing trend, it was found that ploughing additional land for crop production had caused a large outburst of emissions from a small amount of land. Using the GLOBIOM partial equilibrium model, two scenarios of Russia's agricultural development until 2030 were formulated. The first one is intensive, with only a small amount of crop area growth but with a 45% increase in yields compared to current levels. The second scenario is an extensive one, with crop area growth of additional 6.4 million hectares and a total yield increase of 24% compared to current levels. Results have shown that crop and meat production increase in both scenarios, but the extensive one involves more emissions from additional ploughed land. To stop these kinds of practices, the recommendations would be to limit the ploughing of additional land and to improve statistical bookkeeping for a more accurate inclusion of land use and respective GHG emissions

    Occurence of Metalresistant Microorganisms on Islands of the Internal Shelf of the Antarctic Peninsula

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    Microorganisms, superresistant to toxic metals, have been revealed in a geographical zone of internal island shelf of Antarctic peninsula (30x60 km) on islands Darboux, Lippmann, Berthelot, Cruls, Barchans, Jalour, Uruguay, Scua, Three pigs, Winter, Grotto, Galindez, Pitermann, Booth, capes Perez, Rasmussen, Tuxen (coast of Antarctic peninsula), and also on distant from them island King-George. The highest number of metalresistant microorganisms is revealed on the medium containing 1000 ppm of Cr(VI) - up to 5,0х10⁵ cells/g of soil and on the medium containing 250 ppm of Ni²⁺ – 3,0-5,0x10⁵ cells/g of soil

    How much greenhouse gas can each global inhabitant emit while attaining the Paris Agreement temperature limit goal? The equity dilemma in sharing the global climate budget to 2100

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    Decisions taken under the Paris Agreement of the UNFCCC do not clarify how the principle of equity is to be operationalized. Proper consideration of different national circumstances is of paramount importance when designing any multilateral agreements, such as the Paris Agreement . Here, a methodology is presented that implements the equity principle in sharing the global climate budget among countries on the basis of their national circumstances identified by socio-economic factors such as the population size, the per-capita gross domestic product and the current net GHG emission, and physical factors such as the population density and the average temperature. The historical responsibility for net GHG emission since 1990 is dealt with by the financial commitments made by developed countries. The impact of international trade on actual net GHG emission associated with consumption of goods is deemed compensated by the carbon rights underlying the production of such traded goods. Results obtained show that without a consideration of national circumstances, large emitters can claim a larger quota. Nevertheless, national circumstances change over time because of social and economic development as well as because technological improvements. Consequently, quotas have to be recalculated over time (e.g. at each global stocktake)

    Nitrous oxide emission fromagricultural lands in Russia

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    agriculture, greenhouse gases, nitrous oxide emission, Russia, synthetic N fertilizers,

    The problems of biotechnology of nervous tissue cells: the research of the protein factors of trophic character

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    The results of own researches of a role of plasminogen, streptokinase, Cu, Zn-superoxide dismutase and pyruvate kinase in vital activity of nervous tissue cells at organotypic and dissotiated cultures of sympathetic and sensory ganglia, neocortex, and also at transplanted lines of glioma C6, pheochromocytoma PC 12 and neuroblastoma IMR-32 are generalized. The neurotrophic role of the proteins, protective effect of plasminogen in 10–10-10–7M concentration on the cells of sympathetic ganglia, neocortex and transplanted cultures under the damaging effect of H2O2, glutamate, cold stress were demonstrated. The early unknown properties of oligomer of nerve growth factor and its three subunits were established: the participation in the proteolytic processes (plasminogen-activating and direct proteolytic activity), generating and transformation of active oxygen species, first of all, superoxide radical, endonuclease (DNA-ase and RNA-ase) activity. These facts allow to revise the mechanisms of biological effect of nerve growth factor and create preconditions for elaboration of approaches to creation of a ligand bio-imitators of the neurotrophin-specific receptors