14 research outputs found

    Synthesis of Nanosized Oxides by Thermal Decomposition of Citrate Precursors

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    The paper describes the citric acid aided synthesis of single and mixed nanosized oxides of transition metals (Zn, Cu, Co, Ni, Mn, Ce). Thermal analysis is used for determining the composition of precursors and intermediates formed in the process of their pyrolysis and for finding minimal temperatures of the formation of oxide. All samples studied are found to be nanoporous materials with predominant mesoporosity. The greatest surface area is obtained for samples with metal to citric acid ratio as 1 : 2. Overviewing the results of porosity studies one can reach a conclusion regarding the optimal composition of the precursors for obtaining each of target materials of the best quality. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3513

    Method of automated control of distributed radio direction finding system

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    Secondary processing of products from polyurethane foam

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    © 2019 Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology. All rights reserved. The influence of secondary raw materials and wastes, which are sandwich constructions of PPU products on the physical and mechanical properties of PPU products, is investigated. Decrease in deformability at indentation by 11% is established; Sound absorption coefficient up to 44% at 1600 Hz; coefficient of thermal conductivity of 12.5%, while maintaining the index of the strength of the connection of the face layer with the ESP at the same level of 0.3 N/mm compared with the original products of the PPU

    Insights into the health effects of acrolein and crotonaldehyde in Russian smokers switching from regular cigarettes to heated tobacco products

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    The effects of acrolein and crotonaldehyde on the health of Russian smokers upon switching to heated tobacco product use were analyzed in a five-day randomized clinical trial. The findings suggest that heated tobacco products significantly reduce exposure to these toxicants, with the adverse effects becoming less pronounced in just one day and comparable to complete cessation of smoking. The dynamics of nicotine intake and metabolism in the smokers who switched to heated tobacco products remained stable throughout the study and was similar to that in the group of regular cigarette smokers. Therefore, our study, which has been performed for the first time among the Russian population, shows that smokers switching to heated tobacco products are less exposed to harmful chemicals like acrolein and crotonaldehyde and thus may be protected against some of the negative health effects often associated with regular cigarettes

    Clinical outcomes of hospitalization of premature infants (Gestational age 33–35 weeks) with lower respiratory tract infections, associated and not associated with the respiratory syncytial virus, in the poni international study

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    Study rationale: premature infants have a higher risk of developing severe lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI), compared with full-term children. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the most common cause of LRTI in preschool children, including children aged up to 1 year. Objective of the research – to determine the incidence, severity, course and outcome of hospitalizations caused by LRTI associated and not associated with RSV in preterm infants who had no immunoprophylaxis. Study materials and methods: a surveillance epidemiological study was conducted in 23 countries (Western Europe, Eastern Europe and Russia, Middle East, Mexico, Korea) from September 2013 to July 2014. The study included premature infants born from 33 weeks +0 days to 35 weeks +6 days of gestation, within 6 months before the start of RSV season. Data were obtained from medical records during a conversation/telephone contact with the parents. Results: of 2390 children included, 64 were hospitalized due to LRTI and had at least one positive RSV test result (RSV+ group), 100 – at least one negative RSV test result (RSV–). Results for RSV+ and RSV– groups were, respectively: the incidence of coughing was in 31,3 and 8%of children; hospitalization duration (median) 7 and 5,5 days; use of additional oxygen: 73,4 and 40% of children; hospitalization in the intensive care unit: 29,7 and 24%; artificial lung ventilation: 10,9 and 8% of children; its duration (median) 4 and 3 days. Conclusion: premature infants with RSV, in contrast to preterm infants without RSV, have more severe symptoms and signs of LRTI, more frequent use of supplemental oxygen and a tendency to more severe hospitalization course. © 2017, Pediatria Ltd. All rights reserved