36 research outputs found


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    Introduction. Polygradient magnetic separation has wide application in industry and in biomedicine. Working process in polygradient separators takes place in a matrix, magnetic elements of which create magnetic forces sufficient to remove small ferro- and paramagnetic inclusions. Problem. The influence of mutual arrangement of elements on character of distribution of magnetic field is not taken into account during calculation of characteristics of magnetic field in magnetic matrixes. It makes comparative analysis of matrixes of different configurations quite difficult. Fulfillment of comparative analysis of strength characteristics of magnetic fields of multicomponent matrixes of polygradient separators of various configurations requires further researches. Goal. To determine the dependence of the strength characteristics of the polygradient electromagnetic separator on the geometrical parameters of the plate type elements of the multicomponent matrix. Methodology. The finite element method for calculation of power characteristics of separator magnetic field, method of comparative analysis and simple search method for determination of rational geometric parameters of the matrix have been used during the solution of the paper problem. Results. Estimation of entire spectrum of force field in plane of working zones of investigated structures in two-dimensional location for determination of rational variants of polygradient matrixes has been done. The main stages of computational experiment are given. Method of comparative analysis of power characteristics of investigated variants of matrix structures with corresponding characteristics of basic version of separator for determination of rational geometrical variants of polygradient matrixes has been applied. By results of calculations the rational geometric parameters of polygradient matrix has been chosen. The characteristics of power magnetic fields in working gaps of matrixes of polygradient separator have been studied. It made possible to determine the rational structural variants of matrix on basis of parameter of effective area of working zone. Practical value. The results of research can be used in practice of design of electromagnetic separators with polygradient matrixes

    Generation of electromagnetic fields of extremely high intensity by coherent summation of Cherenkov superradiance pulses

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    We demonstrate both theoretically and experimentally the possibility of correlating the phase of a Cherenkov superradiance (SR) pulse to the sharp edge of a current pulse, when spontaneous emission of the electron bunch edge serves as the seed for SR processes. By division of the driving voltage pulse across several parallel channels equipped with independent cathodes we can synchronize several SR sources to arrange a two-dimensional array. In the experiments carried out, coherent summation of radiation from four independent 8-mm wavelength band SR generators with peak power 600 MW results in the interference maximum of the directional diagram with an intensity that is equivalent to radiation from a single source with a power of 10 GW

    Coherent summation of emission from relativistic Cherenkov sources as a way of production of extremely high-intensity microwave pulses

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    For relativistic Cherenkov devices, we investigate the process of high-power microwave pulse generation with its phase correlating to the sharp edge of an e-beam current pulse. Our theoretical consideration is referred to quasi-stationary and superradiative (SR) generation regimes when spontaneous emission of the e-beam edge serves as the seed for the development of further coherent oscillations. Phase correlation of the excited microwave pulses with the characteristics of the current pulse front and/or an initial external electromagnetic pulse has been additionally confirmed by particle-in-cell simulations. Pulse-to-pulse stability of the radiation phase within several percents of the oscillation period makes it possible to arrange multichannel schemes producing mutually coherent microwave pulses. In the experiments that have been carried out, the cathodes of independent generators were powered by identical accelerating pulses from strictly synchronized voltage modulators, or by splitting the pulse from a single powerful modulator. For the 2-ns regime with the power of each Ka-band backward-wave oscillator about 100 MW, we demonstrate quadratic growth of the power density in the interference maximum of the directional diagram. In a short pulse SR regime, with the peak power of 600 MW in a single channel, for a four-channel 2-D array, we attained a 16-fold radiation intensity gain

    Iron-based ultrafine particles made in mode solutions and industrial waste waters

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    Iron and attendant impurities settled from industrial waste water by ferritizing and formation of nanoparticles in batch bacterials culture have been studies. Iron settlement by ferritizing forms magnetic sediment extractable by magnetic separation..


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    The author  summarizes  the  results  of research  of the  antibacterial,  antiviral  and  antifungal  properties  of multifunctional  human protein  — lactoferrin,  in order  to determine  the prospects  for its use in the prevention  and  treatment  of infectious  diseases  of children in their first year of life. The mechanisms of anti-infectious effect of this protein with breastfed children have been described. Basic differences between human lactoferrin and cattle lactoferrin have been shown. Biotechnology of obtaining recombinant human lactoferrin from the milk of genetically engineered dairy animals (goat-producers) has been described. According to the studies, both by physical and chemical parameters and biological activity, human lactoferrin, obtained from milk-producing  goats, corresponds to its natural counterpart


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    The author  summarizes  the  results  of research  of the  antibacterial,  antiviral  and  antifungal  properties  of multifunctional  human protein  — lactoferrin,  in order  to determine  the prospects  for its use in the prevention  and  treatment  of infectious  diseases  of children in their first year of life. The mechanisms of anti-infectious effect of this protein with breastfed children have been described. Basic differences between human lactoferrin and cattle lactoferrin have been shown. Biotechnology of obtaining recombinant human lactoferrin from the milk of genetically engineered dairy animals (goat-producers) has been described. According to the studies, both by physical and chemical parameters and biological activity, human lactoferrin, obtained from milk-producing  goats, corresponds to its natural counterpart.В статье обобщены результаты исследований, посвященных изучению антибактериальных, противовирусных и противогрибковых свойств многофункционального белка человека — лактоферрина, для определения перспектив его применения с целью профилактики и лечения инфекционной патологии у детей первого года жизни. Описаны механизмы противоинфекционного действия этого белка у детей, находящихся на грудном вскармливании. Показаны основные различия между лактоферрином человека и лактоферрином крупного рогатого скота. Описана биотехнология получения рекомбинантного лактоферрина человека из молока генно-инженерных молочных животных (коз-продуцентов). Согласно проведенным исследованиям, как по физико-химическим параметрам, так и по биологической активности лактоферрин  человека, выделенный из молока коз-продуцентов, соответствует его природному аналогу


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    Introduction. Polygradient magnetic separation has wide application in industry and in biomedicine. Working process in polygradient separators takes place in a matrix, magnetic elements of which create magnetic forces sufficient to remove small ferro- and paramagnetic inclusions. Problem. The influence of mutual arrangement of elements on character of distribution of magnetic field is not taken into account during calculation of characteristics of magnetic field in magnetic matrixes. It makes comparative analysis of matrixes of different configurations quite difficult. Fulfillment of comparative analysis of strength characteristics of magnetic fields of multicomponent matrixes of polygradient separators of various configurations requires further researches. Goal. To determine the dependence of the strength characteristics of the polygradient electromagnetic separator on the geometrical parameters of the plate type elements of the multicomponent matrix. Methodology. The finite element method for calculation of power characteristics of separator magnetic field, method of comparative analysis and simple search method for determination of rational geometric parameters of the matrix have been used during the solution of the paper problem. Results. Estimation of entire spectrum of force field in plane of working zones of investigated structures in two-dimensional location for determination of rational variants of polygradient matrixes has been done. The main stages of computational experiment are given. Method of comparative analysis of power characteristics of investigated variants of matrix structures with corresponding characteristics of basic version of separator for determination of rational geometrical variants of polygradient matrixes has been applied. By results of calculations the rational geometric parameters of polygradient matrix has been chosen. The characteristics of power magnetic fields in working gaps of matrixes of polygradient separator have been studied. It made possible to determine the rational structural variants of matrix on basis of parameter of effective area of working zone. Practical value. The results of research can be used in practice of design of electromagnetic separators with polygradient matrixes.Здійснено оцінку спектру силового поля в площині робочих зон досліджуваних структур поліградієнтних матриць електромагнітного сепаратора у двовимірній постановці. Наведені основні етапи обчислювального експерименту. Для розв’язання завдання по визначенню раціональних варіантів поліградієнтних матриць був задіяний метод порівняльного аналізу силових характеристик досліджуваних варіантів структур матриці з відповідними характеристиками базового варіанту сепаратора. Здійснений вибір раціональних геометричних параметрів пластинчастих елементів магнітної матриці сепаратора за критерієм ефективної площі робочої зони матриці. Проведений порівняльний аналіз отриманих даних з результатами інших дослідників


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    Purpose. To carry out research the influence of magnetic system configuration (shape and size of the permanent magnets) on magnetic field spatial distribution in working area of new structure design magnetic separator with active front surface by numerical methods. Methodology. We have applied the magnetic field numerical simulation for permanent magnets system in absence of electrical current in magnetostatic approximation. We have solved the problem by using finite element method. Research of permanent magnets cross-sectional shape influence made in the two-dimensional formulation using software package Elcut. Research of magnetic field induction spatial (three-dimensional) distribution in new construction magnetic separator working area is conducted using software package COMSOL Multiphysics 3.5a. Results. Magnetic flux density maximum in the immediate vicinity of permanent magnet surface provide magnets with spherical and trapezoidal cross-sectional shape. At a distance from pole surface, where the separation process working, magnetic field density produced by trapezoidal and spherical cross section magnets, substantially lower in comparison with rectangular magnets. Rectangular and rectangular with beveled corners cross-section shape magnets create approximately same magnetic field intensity not significantly different in weight. Analysis of the spatial distribution of magnetic field induction in the working area of a new construction magnetic separator has shown that a strong magnetic field with high magnetic flux density gradient value is formed in the interpolar working volume. Originality. For the first time research of magnetic flux density distribution in working area of new construction magnetic separator is conducted. Developed device feature is complex spatial distribution of magnetic field. Practical value. Results of research can be used for selection of rational parameters of separator magnetic system. Received results also can be used for determination of separator force characteristics.В работе проведено исследование влияния конфигурации магнитной системы (формы и размеров постоянных магнитов) на пространственное распределение индукции магнитного поля в рабочей зоне магнитного сепаратора нового конструктивного исполнения. Поставленные задачи решены с использованием численного метода конечных элементов. Показано, что кольцевые постоянные магниты с прямоугольной формой поперечного сечения обеспечивают наиболее высокие показатели магнитной индукции в рабочих воздушных зазорах на требуемых расстояниях от поверхности магнитов. В результате анализа пространственного распределения индукции магнитного поля установлено, что в межполюсном рабочем объеме сепаратора образуется достаточно интенсивное магнитное поле с высоким значением градиента индукции. Отмечена целесообразность использования результатов исследования для выбора рациональных конструктивных параметров магнитной системы и определения силовых характеристик сепаратора


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    Purpose. To carry out research the influence of magnetic system configuration (shape and size of the permanent magnets) on magnetic field spatial distribution in working area of new structure design magnetic separator with active front surface by numerical methods. Methodology. We have applied the magnetic field numerical simulation for permanent magnets system in absence of electrical current in magnetostatic approximation. We have solved the problem by using finite element method. Research of permanent magnets cross-sectional shape influence made in the two-dimensional formulation using software package Elcut. Research of magnetic field induction spatial (three-dimensional) distribution in new construction magnetic separator working area is conducted using software package COMSOL Multiphysics 3.5a. Results. Magnetic flux density maximum in the immediate vicinity of permanent magnet surface provide magnets with spherical and trapezoidal cross-sectional shape. At a distance from pole surface, where the separation process working, magnetic field density produced by trapezoidal and spherical cross section magnets, substantially lower in comparison with rectangular magnets. Rectangular and rectangular with beveled corners cross-section shape magnets create approximately same magnetic field intensity not significantly different in weight. Analysis of the spatial distribution of magnetic field induction in the working area of a new construction magnetic separator has shown that a strong magnetic field with high magnetic flux density gradient value is formed in the interpolar working volume. Originality. For the first time research of magnetic flux density distribution in working area of new construction magnetic separator is conducted. Developed device feature is complex spatial distribution of magnetic field. Practical value. Results of research can be used for selection of rational parameters of separator magnetic system. Received results also can be used for determination of separator force characteristics.В работе проведено исследование влияния конфигурации магнитной системы (формы и размеров постоянных магнитов) на пространственное распределение индукции магнитного поля в рабочей зоне магнитного сепаратора нового конструктивного исполнения. Поставленные задачи решены с использованием численного метода конечных элементов. Показано, что кольцевые постоянные магниты с прямоугольной формой поперечного сечения обеспечивают наиболее высокие показатели магнитной индукции в рабочих воздушных зазорах на требуемых расстояниях от поверхности магнитов. В результате анализа пространственного распределения индукции магнитного поля установлено, что в межполюсном рабочем объеме сепаратора образуется достаточно интенсивное магнитное поле с высоким значением градиента индукции. Отмечена целесообразность использования результатов исследования для выбора рациональных конструктивных параметров магнитной системы и определения силовых характеристик сепаратора