24 research outputs found

    Transmission-Blocking Vaccines: Focus on Anti-Vector Vaccines against Tick-Borne Diseases

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    Tick-borne diseases are a potential threat that account for significant morbidity and mortality in human population worldwide. Vaccines are not available to treat several of the tick-borne diseases. With the emergence and resurgence of several tick-borne diseases, emphasis on the development of transmission-blocking vaccines remains increasing. In this review, we provide a snap shot on some of the potential candidates for the development of anti-vector vaccines (a form of transmission-blocking vaccines) against wide range of hard and soft ticks that include Ixodes, Haemaphysalis, Dermacentor, Amblyomma, Rhipicephalus and Ornithodoros species

    Penicillium strains isolated from Slovak grape berries taxonomy assessment by secondary metabolite profile

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    The secondary metabolite profiles of microfungi of the genus Penicillium isolated from samples of grape berries collected in two different phases during two vegetative seasons in Slovakia is described to assess the taxonomy. Three Slovak vine regions have been selected for this study, based on their climatic differences and national economic importance. Cultures of microfungi isolated from berries were incubated on different selective media for macro and micromorphology identification. The species Penicillium brevicompactum, Penicillium crustosum, Penicillium chrysogenum, Penicillium expansum, Penicillium palitans and Penicillium polonicum were identified according to growth and morphology. The related strains were found to produce a broad spectrum of fungal metabolites, including roquefortine C, chaetoglobosin A, penitrem A, cyclopeptin, cyclopenin, viridicatin, methylviridicatin, verrucofortine, secalonic acid D, cyclopiazonic acid, fumigaclavine and mycophenolic acid. Chemotaxonomy was performed using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and mass spectrometry (MS). Dried grape berries were also analyzed allowing to assess the presence of patulin,roquefortine C and penicillic acid; this last one has been identified in dried berries but not in vitro

    Saksenaea dorisiae sp. nov., a New Opportunistic Pathogenic Fungus from Europe

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    A new species, Saksenaea dorisiae (Mucoromycotina, Mucorales), isolated from a water sample originating from a private well in Manastirica, Petrovac, in the Republic of Serbia (Europe), is described and illustrated. The new taxon is well supported by multilocus phylogenetic analysis that included the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region, domains D1 and D2 of the 28S rRNA gene (LSU), and translation elongation factor-1α gene (tef-1α), and it is resolved in a clade with S. oblongispora and S. trapezispora. This fungus is characterized by its moderately slow growth at 15 and 37°C, sparse rhizoids, conical-shaped sporangia, and short-cylindrical sporangiospores. Saksenaea dorisiae is a member of the opportunistic pathogenic genus often involved in severe human and animal mucormycoses encountered in tropical and subtropical regions. Despite its sensitivity to several conventional antifungals (terbinafine and ciclopirox), the fungus can potentially evoke clinically challenging infections. This is the first novel taxon of the genus Saksenaea described from the moderately continental climate area of Europe

    <i>Fusarium sporotrichioides</i> Produces Two HT-2-α-Glucosides on Rice

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    Fusarium is a genus that mostly consists of plant pathogenic fungi which are able to produce a broad range of toxic secondary metabolites. In this study, we focus on a type A trichothecene-producing isolate (15-39) of Fusarium sporotrichioides from Lower Austria. We assessed the secondary metabolite profile and optimized the toxin production conditions on autoclaved rice and found that in addition to large amounts of T-2 and HT-2 toxins, this strain was able to produce HT-2-glucoside. The optimal conditions for the production of T-2 toxin, HT-2 toxin, and HT-2-glucoside on autoclaved rice were incubation at 12 °C under constant light for four weeks, darkness at 30 °C for two weeks, and constant light for three weeks at 20 °C, respectively. The HT-2-glucoside was purified, and the structure elucidation by NMR revealed a mixture of two alpha-glucosides, presumably HT-2-3-O-alpha-glucoside and HT-2-4-O-alpha-glucoside. The efforts to separate the two compounds by HPLC were unsuccessful. No hydrolysis was observed with two the alpha-glucosidases or with human salivary amylase and Saccharomyces cerevisiae maltase. We propose that the two HT-2-alpha-glucosides are not formed by a glucosyltransferase as they are in plants, but by a trans-glycosylating alpha-glucosidase expressed by the fungus on the starch-containing rice medium

    Tracing genetic history of modern humans using X-chromosome lineages

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    Genetic variability of the compound interrupted microsatellite DXS1238, in intron 44 of the dystrophin gene, provides evidence for a complex structure of the ancestral population that led to the emergence of modern humans. We sequenced DXS1238 in 600 X-chromosomes from all over the world. Forty four percent of African-specific chromosomes belong to the ancestral lineage that did not participate in the out-of-Africa expansion and subsequent colonization of other continents. Based on the coalescence analysis these lineages separated from those that contributed to the out-of-Africa expansion 366 ± 136 thousands years ago (Kya). Independently, the analysis of the variance in the repeat length and of the decay of the ancestral alleles of the two DXS1238 repeats, GT and GA, dates this separation at more than 200 Kya. This suggests a complex demographic history and genetic structure of the African melting pot that led to the emergence of modern humans and their out-of-Africa migration. The subsequent subdivisions of human populations among different continents appear to be preceded by even more structured population history within Africa itself, which resulted from a restricted gene flow between lineages allowing for genetic differences to accumulate. If the transition to modern humans occurred during that time, it necessarily follows that genes associated with this transformation spread between subpopulations via gene flow. Otherwise, in spite of subsequent anatomical variation, Homo sapiens as a species could have emerged in Africa already between 300 and 200 Kya, i.e. before the mitochondrial DNA and well before the Y-chromosome most recent common ancestors. © Springer-Verlag 2007