150 research outputs found

    Fosfatos organógenos en los recubrimientos de los granitos de Monte Louro

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    [Resumen] Se realiza la identificación por métodos químicos e instrumentales de un fosfato magnésico hidratado localizado en forma de recubrimientos y costras en las rocas graníticas de Monte Louro (La Coruña). La determinación del comportamiento de este mineral durante su deshidratación permite, comprobar el estrecho paralelismo existente entre la pérdida de agua y la destrucción de la newberyita. Teniendo ,en cuenta la escasa estabilidad de la newberyita en los medios de alteración y su frecuente asociación con la «struvita» se atribuye a este mineral un origen organógeno, discutiéndose la posibilidad de' que se encuentre estabilizado por la presencia de recubrimi'entos de fosfatos cálcicos (Brushita y/o Monetita)[Abstract] The identification of a hydrated magneslc phosphate is carried out by chemical and instrumental methods. This is found the shape of overlag and crust on the granitic rocks on Monte Lauro. The determination of its behaviour during the dehydratation 'is performend, let us check the elosed paralelism hetween the loss of water, and the destruction of the new" beryite structure. This mineral isimput,ed to have an organic origin taking into account its short ,stabilityin weatheringenvironments and its freguent assooiation with the «struviteD. It is presumend the posibility of becomíng stabilited by the pres,enc-e of calcic phosphate co,atings (Brushitaand/or Monetite)

    Cavities formation in granite rocks under non epigenic conditions

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    [Resumen] Las cavidades graníticas tipo gnama y tafone se han entendido siempre como resultado de procesos de alteración epigénicos. En el trabajo se describe el hallazgo de cavidades de este tipo encontradas no en un perfil de alteración de un macizo rocoso, sino en el interior de la roca y relacionadas con las discontinuidades estructurales que la afectan, interpretándose según la teoría elástica de formación de cavidades.[Abstract] The gnarnma and tafone granite cavities are understood like the result of weathering processes developed under epigenic conditions. The paper describe the find of cavities, gnamma and tafone type, during the excavation of a granite intact rock and connected with the structural discontinuitieso The find is interpreted according the elastic theory of cavities formation

    Condition factors in the distribution of large mammals from Galicia (NW Iberian Peninsular) during the Upper Quaternary

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    [Abstract] Galicia, in theNWofthe Iberian Peninsula, was a transit area for the migrating large mammals during the Upper Quaternary. These migrations were praduced by the c1imatic changes that characterize this periodo A complete inventory of the localities with Pleistocene and Holocene faunas fram Galicia is presented, as well as several considerations about the abiotic factors that conditioned the distribution of them. These factors have been c1asified into three: lithologic, eustatic andglacial ones. Only taking into account these factors, the reconstruction of the dynamic of the quaternary large mammals will acquire signification

    Taphonomic study of the bone sample of Liñares sur (Lugo, Galicia)

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    [Abstract] This paper deal with the biostratinomic processes and fossildiagenetic processes which affected the bone rest of Pleistocene age from the Liñares Sur carstic cave. AH show that the active processes was creepy remaining the fossil bones close ro the original situation of the animal and showing a distinctive intervention of rodents (rooth marks) inmediately after the death of those. The burial was produced by solifiuxion which includes bone remains in between clays and shales resulting from the decalcification ofthe hybrid limesrones that constitutes the cave. After this happened the bones were affected by edaphic processes becoming encrusted, patinated and tinged by Fe and Mn oxides

    Componentes no cristalinos y cristalinos (gibbsita y caolinita) en los productos de neoformación de rocas graníticas de Galicia.

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    [Resumen] El estudio de los recubrimientos y costras existentes en las diaclasas y fracturas superficiales de rocas graníticas de Galicia permite la diferenciación de dos tipos de materiales: a) Materiales con predominio de componentes con bajo grado de orden. Se localizan en las fracturas subhorizontales por las que discurre el agua que atraviesa el suelo y la saprolita. b) Materiales cristalinos de naturaleza gibbsítica y/o caolinítica. Se localizan en las fracturas verticales.[Abstract] The study of 'coatings and crust on the diaclasas and cracks on the surface of granitic rocks in Galicia, let us differenciate two kinds of materials. a) Materials in wich low order degree components are predominant. These are lacated in subhorizontal cracks through wich water flows. b) Crystalline materials with a gibbsitic and/or kaolinitic minerals, located in the vertical crack

    Process integration of thermal energy storage systems – Evaluation methodology and case studies

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    As a key tool for decarbonization, thermal energy storage systems integrated into processes can address issues related to energy efficiency and process flexibility, improve utilization of renewable energy resources and thus reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, integration of these systems is dominated by the variety of potential processes in which the storage technologies can be deployed as well as the various benefits they deliver. Therefore, the requirements for thermal energy storage systems vary greatly depending on the chosen application, just as the systems themselves have different capabilities depending on their technical principles. This paper addresses this issue by developing a systematic methodology that approaches the challenge of characterizing and evaluating thermal energy storage systems in different applications in three concrete steps. To begin, a set of guidelines for process analysis has been created to disclose process requirements for storage integration. The methodology continues by explicitly defining the system boundary of a thermal energy storage system, as well as addressing technical and economic parameters. Finally, the approach concludes by determining the benefit of an integrated thermal energy storage system to an application and examines how key performance indicators vary based on the perspectives of different stakeholders. Within this work, the methodology is then applied to two case studies of high-temperature storage in concentrating solar power and cogeneration plants. Also introduced are the concepts of retrofit and greenfield applications, which are used to clarify differences between integrated storage systems. The paper shows how such a systematic approach can be used to consistently analyse processes for storage integration, facilitate comparison between thermal energy storage systems integrated into processes across applications and finally grasp how different interests perceive the benefits of the integrated storage system. This type of systematic methodology for technology integration has not been previously developed and as such, is a novel and important contribution to the thermal energy storage community. In the long term, this work builds the basis for a discussion on benefits of thermal energy storage system integration with diverse stakeholders including storage system designers, process owners and policy makers.This work has been partially funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy in the framework of the TESIN project (03ESP011) and the THESAN project (03ET1297). This work has also been partially funded by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España (ENE2015-64117-C5-1-R (MINECO/FEDER)). The authors at the University of Lleida would like to thank the Catalan Government for the quality accreditation given to their research group (2017 SGR 1537). GREA is certified agent TECNIO in the category of technology developers from the Government of Catalonia. Jaume Gasia would like to thank the Departament d'Universitats, Recerca i Societat de la Informació de la Generalitat de Catalunya for his research fellowship (2018 FI_B2 00100). The authors are responsible for the content of this publication

    Implicaciones paleoecológicas inferidas de la caracterización isotópica (δ13C,δ15N) del colágeno óseo de Ursus spelaeus ROS.-HEIN.

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    [Abstract] Stable isotopic signatures measured in bone collagen provide with data related to the species diet type. In this paper we compare δ13C and δ15N outcomes in Ursus spelaeus ROS.-HEIN. Bone remains from Liñares site and Cova Eirós site (Galicia, NW of the Iberian Peninsula). Some data on fossil Ursus arctos L. and Pleistocene Cervus elaphus L. from Galician caves are also presented, as a first approach to distinguish paleodiets of different species inferred from their isotopic signatures. Once all data have been analyzed with proper statistical tools and since this work was planned in order to reduce variation in stable isotopic signals caused by metabolic causes, we may assume that the observed differences between both studied groups are exclusively due to environmental factors and show a migration of the cave bear population in the Serra do Courel mountains from higher to lower altitudes because of the transition from warm climatic conditions to colder ones
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