1 research outputs found


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    File: Pecten-Msat-Genotype.xls Contain all the data in excel formating, ready to be converted by a software such as CREATE (Coombs et al. 2008) First sheet ("genotype_raw"): raw data (all individuals genotyped at all microsatellite loci) Each line is an individual animal.Each columns after population and individual identifier contain one allele. Both alleles for a given locus are given consecutively (see header row). For details on microatellites primers, PCR protocols and marker statistics please see Morvezen et al. 2013 and Morvezen et al. 2016 Population names are abbreviated in the publication for simplicity. Name equivalences Hatch=Hatchery=H Wild=W Second sheet ("genotypes_cleaned") Same as the first sheet minus indivudals with >50% missing data. This is the dataset used as input for all analyses in the publication