2,585 research outputs found
The dynamical Manin-Mumford problem for plane polynomial automorphisms
Let be a polynomial automorphism of the affine plane. In this paper we
consider the possibility for it to possess infinitely many periodic points on
an algebraic curve . We conjecture that this happens if and only if
admits a time-reversal symmetry; in particular the Jacobian
must be a root of unity.
As a step towards this conjecture, we prove that the Jacobian of and all
its Galois conjugates lie on the unit circle in the complex plane. Under mild
additional assumptions we are able to conclude that indeed is
a root of unity. We use these results to show in various cases that any two
automorphisms sharing an infinite set of periodic points must have a common
iterate, in the spirit of recent results by Baker-DeMarco and Yuan-Zhang.Comment: 45 pages. Theorems A and B are now extended to automorphisms defined
over any field of characteristic zer
Sustainable deployment of QTLs conferring quantitative resistance to crops: first lessons from a stochastic model
Quantitative plant disease resistance is believed to be more durable than
qualitative resistance, since it exerts less selective pressure on the
pathogens. However, the process of progressive pathogen adaptation to
quantitative resistance is poorly understood, which makes it difficult to
predict its durability or to derive principles for its sustainable deployment.
Here, we study the dynamics of pathogen adaptation in response to quantitative
plant resistance affecting pathogen reproduction rate and its carrying
capacity. We developed a stochastic model for the continuous evolution of a
pathogen population within a quantitatively resistant host. We assumed that
pathogen can adapt to a host by the progressive restoration of reproduction
rate or of carrying capacity, or of both. Our model suggests that a combination
of QTLs affecting distinct pathogen traits was more durable if the evolution of
repressed traits was antagonistic. Otherwise, quantitative resistance that
depressed only pathogen reproduction was more durable. In order to decelerate
the progressive pathogen adaptation, QTLs that decrease the pathogen's ability
to extend must be combined with QTLs that decrease the spore production per
lesion or the infection efficiency or that increase the latent period. Our
theoretical framework can help breeders to develop principles for sustainable
deployment of quantitative trait loci.
The Dynamical Manin-Mumford Problem for Plane Polynomial Automorphisms
International audienceLet f be a polynomial automorphism of the affine plane. In this paper we consider the possibility for it to possess infinitely many periodic points on an algebraic curve C. We conjecture that this hap- pens if and only if f admits a time-reversal symmetry; in particular the Jacobian Jac(f) must be a root of unity. As a step towards this conjecture, we prove that its Jacobian, together with all its Galois conjugates lie on the unit circle in the complex plane. Under mild additional assumptions we are able to conclude that indeed Jac(f) is a root of unity. We use these results to show in various cases that any two automor- phisms sharing an infinite set of periodic points must have a common it- erate, in the spirit of recent results by Baker-DeMarco and Yuan-Zhang
Infrastructures Impacts Assessment, deliverable 4
The objective of the report is to produce qualitative analysis of the evolution of the transport system after important infrastructure investment project, and also to produce quantitative indicators. This report corresponds to the work package 4 of the TranSEcon project whom aims is to assess long term effect of large transport investment.Content of the report : [chapter 2]: presentation of the general methodology for impact assessment within TranSEcon project.[chapter 3]: presentation of the general framework of work package 4. In this chapter the application of the general methodology developed for work package 4 is described. The grid of indicators is first described and then data production and collection is commented[chapter 4]: presentation of the case studies[chapter 5]: description and impact on public transport and private transport supply system. Here some indicators are described to quantify both public and private transport supply. The impact on investment, operating costs and transport related revenues is then analysised[chapter 6]: analysis of the impact on demand of the case studies project in terms of mobility, passenger*kilometre and time savings[chapter 7]: is dedicated to results concerning transport environment and safety impact analysis. (Extract of the report).Transport Infrastructure ; Impact assessment ; Quantitative indicators ; Socio-economic evaluation
Study of the differences in the fermentative metabolism of S. cerevisiae, S. uvarum and S. kudriavzevii species
Tesis por compendio[ES] Saccharomyces cerevisiae, además de ser un importante organismo modelo en biología, es indiscutiblemente la especie de levadura más utilizada en procesos fermentativos industriales, incluyendo el sector enológico. Su capacidad de fermentar en concentraciones elevadas de azúcares, tolerar concentraciones altas de etanol y soportar la adición de sulfitos, son algunos de los factores que explican su éxito en fermentaciones vínicas. El metabolismo fermentativo de S. cerevisiae en condiciones enológicas se conoce bien gracias a una amplia bibliografía científica. En cambio, aún se sabe poco sobre el metabolismo de las especies de Saccharomyces criotolerantes, S. uvarum y S. kudriavzevii, quienes han suscitado recientemente el interés del sector vitivinícola por sus buenas propiedades fermentativas a bajas temperaturas, tales como la producción de vinos con mayor contenido en glicerol y alta complejidad aromática, llegando a veces a reducir su contenido en etanol. En este contexto, esta tesis pretende ampliar nuestros conocimientos sobre el metabolismo fermentativo de S. uvarum y S. kudriavzevii en condiciones enológicas, profundizando en el entendimiento de las diferencias existentes con el de S. cerevisiae, así como entre cepas de S. cerevisiae de distintos orígenes. Para ello, hemos utilizado varias técnicas ómicas para analizar la dinámica de los metabolomas (intra- y extracelulares) y/o transcriptomas de cepas representativas de S. cerevisiae, S. uvarum y S. kudriavzevii a alta (25 °C) y baja (12 °C) temperatura de fermentación. También, hemos desarrollado un modelo metabólico a escala de genoma que, junto a un análisis de balance de flujos, es capaz de cuantificar los flujos a través del metabolismo del carbono y del nitrógeno de levaduras en cultivo de tipo batch. Así, el conjunto de estos trabajos nos ha permitido identificar rasgos metabólicos y/o transcriptómicos relevantes para el sector enológico en estas especies. También se aporta nueva información sobre las especificidades de redistribución de flujos en la red metabólica de levaduras del género Saccharomyces acorde a la especie y las fluctuaciones ambientales que ocurren durante una fermentación vínica.[CAT] Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a més de ser un important organisme model en biologia, és indiscutiblement l'espècie de llevat més utilitzat en processos fermentatius industrials, incloent el sector enològic. La seua capacitat de fermentar grans concentracions de sucres, tolerar concentracions altes d'etanol i suportar l'addició de sulfits, són alguns dels factors que expliquen el seu èxit en fermentacions víniques. D'aquesta manera, el metabolisme fermentatiu de S. cerevisiae en condicions enològiques està ben descrit i es beneficia d'una àmplia bibliografia científica. En canvi, poc se sap encara sobre el metabolisme de les espècies de Saccharomyces criotolerants, S. uvarum i S. kudriavzevii, els qui han recentment suscitat l'interés del sector vitivinícola per les seues bones propietats fermentatives a baixes temperatures, com ara la producció de vins amb major contingut en glicerol, alta complexitat aromàtica i arribant a vegades a reduir el seu contingut en etanol. En aquest context, aquesta tesi pretén ampliar els nostres coneixements sobre el metabolisme fermentatiu de S. uvarum i S. kudriavzevii en condicions enològiques, aprofundint en l'enteniment de les diferències existents amb el de S. cerevisiae, així també com entre ceps de S. cerevisiae de diferents orígens. Per a això, hem utilitzat diverses tècniques omiques per a analitzar la dinàmica dels metabolomes (intra- i extracelul·lars) i/o transcriptomes de ceps representatius de S. cerevisiae, S. uvarum i S. kudriavzevii a alta (25 °C) i baixa (12 °C) temperatures de fermentació. També, hem desenvolupat un model metabòlic a escala del genoma que, al costat d'una anàlisi de balanç de fluxos, és capaç de quantificar els fluxos a través del metabolisme carbonat i nitrogenat de llevats en cultius de tipus batch. Així, el conjunt d'aquests treballs ens ha permés identificar trets metabòlics i/o transcriptómics rellevants per al sector enològic en aquestes espècies. També aporta nova informació sobre les especificitats de redistribució de fluxos en la xarxa metabòlica de llevats del gènere Saccharomyces concorde a l'espècie i les fluctuacions ambientals ocorrent durant una fermentació vínica.[EN] Saccharomyces cerevisiae, besides being an important model organism in biology, is undoubtedly the most widely used yeast species in industrial fermentation processes, including the winemaking sector. Its ability to ferment at high levels of sugars, tolerate high ethanol concentrations and withstand the addition of sulfites are some of the factors explaining its success in wine fermentation. Accordingly, the fermentative metabolism of S. cerevisiae under oenological conditions is well described and benefits from a large scientific literature. In contrast, little is known about the metabolism of the cryotolerant Saccharomyces species, S. uvarum and S. kudriavzevii, which have recently attracted the interest of the wine industry for their good fermentative properties at low temperatures, such as the production of wines with higher glycerol content, high aromatic complexity and sometimes even reduced ethanol content. In this context, this thesis aims to expand our knowledge on the fermentative metabolism of S. uvarum and S. kudriavzevii under oenological conditions, deepening our understanding of the existing differences with that of S. cerevisiae, as well as between S. cerevisiae strains of different origins. For this purpose, we have used several omics techniques to analyze the dynamics of the (intra- and extracellular) metabolomes and/or transcriptomes of representative strains of S. cerevisiae, S. uvarum and S. kudriavzevii at high (25 °C) and low (12 °C) fermentation temperatures. Also, we have developed a genome-scale metabolic model that, together with a flux balance analysis, is able to quantify fluxes through carbon and nitrogen metabolism of yeast in batch culture. Taken together, this work has allowed us to identify metabolic and/or transcriptomic traits relevant to the oenological sector in these species. It also provides new information on the specificities of flux redistribution in the metabolic network of Saccharomyces yeasts according to the species and environmental fluctuations occurring during wine fermentation.The present work has been carried out at the Department of Food Biotechnology of the IATA (CSIC). Romain Minebois was funded by a FPI grant (REF: BES-2016-078202) and supported by projects AGL2015-67504-C3-1R and RTI2018-093744-BC31 of the Ministerio de Ciencia e Inovación awarded to Amparo Querol.Minebois, RCM. (2021). Study of the differences in the fermentative metabolism of S. cerevisiae, S. uvarum and S. kudriavzevii species [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/176018TESISCompendi
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