4 research outputs found

    Dynamics and precise control of fluid V-states using an electron plasma

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    An electron plasma can be confined for a theoretically infinite time in a Penning-Malmberg trap, a linear, azimuthally-symmetric magneto-electrostatic device where upon suitable conditions (high magnetization) the transverse dynamics of the plasma column is isomorphic to the one displayed by a two-dimensional ideal fluid. Fluid dynamics can thus be reproduced in these systems with a very high degree of control on the system's parameters and active excitation of fluid perturbations is made possible by the use of static or time-dependent electric fields (i.e., fluid strains) imparted by electric potentials applied to the azimuthal patches of a sectored electrode of the trap. An example is represented by azimuthal velocity shear phenomena and the insurgence of Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) instabilities in fluid vortices. We present a study where we exploit multipolar rotating electric fields to generate V-states and observe their dynamics and stability properties. A V-state is the generalization of the 2D Kirchhoff (elliptical) fluid vortex to a generic KH mode, in the nonlinear regime. In particular, we discuss first how we can exploit a combination of techniques (plasma evaporation and tilt-induced transport) to tune the radial vorticity profile, which may have an effect on the dynamics of the growth and decay of the selected KH wave. We also investigate autoresonant (swept-frequency, self-locking) excitation - useful, e.g., for the precise control of the KH mode growth - and discuss the features of autoresonance applied to higher-order KH waves.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 48th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics (2023

    A Hamiltonian fluid-kinetic model for a two-species non-neutral plasma

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    International audienceA model for describing the dynamics of a pure electron plasma in the presence of a population of massive charged particles is presented. The model couples the fluid dynamics of the pure electron plasma with the dynamics of the massive particle population, the latter being treated kinetically. The model is shown to possess a noncanonical Hamiltonian structure and to preserve invariants analogous to those of the two-dimensional (2D) Euler equation for an incompressible inviscid fluid, and of the Vlasov equation. The Hamiltonian structure of the model is used to derive a set of stability conditions for rotating coherent structures of the two-species system, in the case of negatively charged massive particles. According to these conditions, stability is attained if both the equilibrium distribution function of the kinetic species and the equilibrium density of the electron fluid are monotonically decreasing functions of the corresponding single-particle energies in the rotating frame. For radially confined equilibria near the axis, the stability condition corresponds to the existence of a finite interval of rotation frequencies for the reference frame, with the upper bound determined by the presence of the kinetic population

    An Interferometric Method for Particle Mass Measurements

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    We present an interferometric method suitable to measure particle masses and, where applicable to the particle and its corresponding antiparticle, their mass ratio in order to detect possible symmetry violations between matter and antimatter. The method is based on interferometric techniques tunable to the specific mass range of the particle under consideration. The case study of electron and positron is presented, following the recent observation of positron interferometry