6 research outputs found

    Prevalence of Oestrus ovis (Diptera: Oestridae) in sheep from Ituiutaba, south-east region of Brazil

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    Among the diseases which can afflict the nasal cavities of small ruminants, oestrosis stands out. In Brazil, more specifically in its South-East region, the reports are limited only to the State of São Paulo and to the municipality of Araxá, Minas Gerais. Therefore, it has been sought to assess the parasitic prevalence of Oestrus ovis in sheep farmed in the municipality of Ituiutaba, Minas Gerais-Brazil, while correlating the larval size and stage, and its anatomical localization. Eighty-eight hemiheads of healthy Santa Inês/Dorper crossbreds Ovis aries have been used at random. The larvae in view were then collected and fixated to be quantified and analyzed in regard of size and stage of development. It is concluded that the oestrosis is an existing problem in the municipality of Ituiutaba, this being the first complete study on the prevalence of this parasite in the State of Minas Gerais. By anatomical distribution, only the differences of total larval averages between the frontal sinus and the ventral nasal meatus, the common nasal meatus and the nasopharynx have been significant. In size, the significant difference has been there only upon comparison between the size and the larval stage, information that is crucial for a better understanding of the cyclic progression, of the clinical symptomatology, and animal prophylaxis. Keywords: botfly; larval stages; oestrosis; Ovis aries; sheep disease

    Origem e distribuição das artérias coronárias de javalis

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    The heart of a domestic swine is similar to that of a human regarding anatomy, blood perfusion, and distribution of nurturing arteries. In addition to the similarities, its low cost compared with other species is also one of the reasons these animals have been increasingly used in medical schools and in clinical, surgical, and pharmacological studies. Therefore, we aimed to identify the origin and distribution of the right and left coronary arteries of boars, emphasizing the configuration and macroscopic representativity of their branches while characterizing a possible dominance concerning the type of circulation and the potential use of this animal as an experimental model, hence boars are the ancestors of the domestic pigs. The left coronary artery has bifurcated into paraconal interventricular branch and circumflex branch; or it has trifurcated into paraconal interventricular branch, the oblique branch, and into the left circumflex branch. The right coronary artery has originated the marginal branches to the right ventricle and the right circumflex branch, which has branched out in the subsinuous interventricular branch. Anastomoses have stood out among the paraconal and subsinuous interventricular branches – where a right dominant coronary artery occurred – and between the right and left circumflex branches. We concluded that the morphology and the distribution of the coronary arteries of boars resemble those of a human and, thus, our results are useful for the conception of experimental hemodynamics and possible use as process models.O coração dos suínos domésticos apresenta semelhanças ao dos humanos mediante a anatomia, perfusão sanguínea e configuração da distribuição de suas artérias nutridoras. Tendo um menor custo para sua aquisição quando comparado a outras espécies, e dada sua similaridade apresentada, o uso desses animais nas escolas de medicina, em estudos clínicos, cirúrgicos e farmacológicos tem aumentado. Portanto, objetivou-se identificar a origem e distribuição das artérias coronárias direita e esquerda de javalis com ênfase na configuração e representatividade macroscópica dos ramos derivados das mesmas, caracterizando uma possível dominância quanto ao tipo de circulação e o potencial uso deste suídeo como modelo experimental, visto que são considerados ancestrais dos suínos domésticos. A artéria coronária esquerda bifurcou-se e deu origem aos ramos interventricular paraconal e circunflexo esquerdo, ou trifurcouse nos ramos interventricular paraconal, oblíquo e circunflexo esquerdo. Já a artéria coronária direita deu origem aos ramos marginal para o ventrículo direito e circunflexo direito que, por sua vez, ramificou-se no ramo interventricular subsinuoso. Foram evidenciadas anastomoses entre os ramos interventriculares paraconal e subsinuoso, e entre os ramos circunflexos direito e esquerdo e, conforme tal origem do ramo interventricular subsinuoso, a forma de dominância coronariana foi predominantemente direita. Conclui-se que a morfologia e distribuição das artérias coronárias de javalis se assemelham à do homem e, desse modo, nossos resultados são úteis para sua concepção da hemodinâmica experimental, e possível utilização como modelos processuais

    Morfometria do forame mandibular aplicada ao bloqueio anestésico local do nervo alveolar inferior de javalis (Sus scrofa scrofa Linnaeus, 1758)

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    Javalis mantidos em criatórios comerciais utilizam os dentes caninos como mecanismo de defesa e ataque a fim de expressar seus instintos naturais, o que pode resultar em fraturas dentárias e da mandíbula propriamente dita. Desta forma, propiciar a dessensibilização local do nervo alveolar inferior é essencial para a execução de procedimentos terapêuticos na cavidade oral destes animais. Logo, objetivou-se realizar a morfometria do forame mandibular desta espécie a fim de correlacioná-lo com as estruturas mandibulares, inferindo, também, sobre a forma mais segura de realização da referida técnica nos espécimes. Para tanto, foram utilizadas seis hemimandíbulas de Sus scrofa scrofa jovens, a partir das quais foram realizadas as mensurações propostas. Em média, a margem lateral do processo condilar distanciou-se 142,43 mm da raiz do dente incisivo medial inferior; o eixo longitudinal do corpo da mandíbula mediu 22,3 mm ao nível do diastema existente entre o quarto dente pré-molar e o primeiro dente molar inferiores; e o forame mandibular, a partir do extremo caudal de sua margem ventral, posicionou-se a 26,6 mm da margem ventral do ângulo da mandíbula neste nível, 34,92 mm da margem medial do processo condilar, e 38,63 mm do extremo dorsal da margem caudal do processo coronóide. Na falta de diferenças estatisticamente significantes, e observando que o acidente ósseo estudado posicionou-se no ramo da mandíbula, indica que o procedimento proposto deva ser realizado a partir da introdução da agulha em sentido oblíquo rostroventral por 2,0 cm e angulada a 60º com o referencial anatômico criado pela delimitação medial obtida pelo apoio do dedo polegar na margem lateral do ramo da mandíbula, ventralmente ao arco zigomático,preservando as estruturas próximas e definindo-se uma metodologia anestésica inédita para os Javalis.Boars kept on commercial farms use their canine teeth as a mechanism of defense and attack in order to express their natural instincts, which could result in fractures of the teeth and jaws. Thus, utilizing local desensitization of the inferior alveolar nerve is crucial for executing therapeutic procedures in the oral cavities of those animals. Then, the goal is to carry out the morphometry of the mandibular foramen of that species, correlating it with the mandibular structures, while doing so in the safest manner for the animals. For that purpose, six hemimandibles of young-aged Sus scrofa scrofa were used, from which the proposed measurements were taken. On average, the lateral margin of the condylar process stood 142.43 mm away from the root of the lower medial incisive tooth. The longitudinal axis of the body of the mandible measured 22.3 mm at the level of the diastema that exists between the fourth lower premolar tooth and the first lower molar tooth. The mandibular foramen, from the caudal limit of the ventral margin, would be positioned at26.6 mm from the ventral margin of the angle of the mandible in that level, 34.92 mm away from the medial margin of the condylar process, and 38.63 mm away from the dorsal limit from the caudal margin of the coronoid process. The lack of statistically significant differences, and observing that the osseous accident under scrutiny had been positioned in the ramus of the mandible, indicated that the proposed procedure should be performed from the introduction of the needle in an oblique and rostrodorsal direction for 2.0 cm, and angulated at 60º with the anatomic reference created by the medial demarcation obtained via the support of the thumb on the lateral margin of the ramus of the mandible, ventrally to the zygomatic arch, all while preserving neighboring structures and establishing an unheard-of anesthetic methodology for boars

    Feline cardiac lymphoma: a case report

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    Cancer is the main cause of death among pet animals. FeLV, the feline leukemia virus, increases the odds of domestic felines’ developing lymphoma or leukemia 62 fold. The cardiac lymphoma is a rare neoplasia and little is known about it in Veterinary Medicine. Therefore, it has been sought to report a case of cardiac lymphoma in a two-year-old, FeLV-positive feline patient, who presented dyspnea, lack of appetite, progressive loss of weight, and apathy. By means of supplementary examination, the presence of a mass attached to the heat would be verified, and lymphoma was diagnosed upon histopathological examination. It is thus concluded that this neoplasia was associated to the feline leukemia virus and that, in spite of the supplementary examinations’ having been utterly important for a correct diagnosis, the lack of an early definition aggravated the clinical picture of the patient and hindered the implementation of specific treatment

    Anatomia comparativa da artéria facial de Sus scrofa scrofa Linnaeus, 1758 (Mammalia, Suidae)

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    The wild boar is broadly distributed in several parts of the world by man, with the exception of Antarctica. It is known that the facial artery and its branches are responsible for maintaining the blood supply of structures related to chewing, swallowing, and the production of saliva. The aim of this study is to describe the origin and distribution of the right and left facial arteries of the boar in the context of foraging. The facial arteries of this boar species originated from the external carotid artery in all specimens and were distributed in the pharyngeal, glandular, and muscular branches as well as the branches to the mandibular lymph nodes. The anastomotic branches of the facial artery with the buccal and mylohyoid branch of the inferior alveolar artery were also identified. This feature shows that the region of allocation of the facial artery in these animals requires a large network for irrigation, which contributes to the functional efficacy as well as the modus viventis of this animal.O javali encontra-se amplamente distribuído pelo homem em diversas partes do mundo, com exceção da Antártica. É sabido que a artéria facial e seus ramos são responsáveis por manter o suprimento sanguíneo das estruturas relacionadas com a mastigação, deglutição e produção de saliva. Diante do exposto, objetivou-se descrever as origens e distribuições das artérias faciais direita e esquerda do javali. As artérias faciais deste suídeo originaram-se da artéria carótida externa em todos os espécimes e distribuíram-se em ramos faríngeo, glandulares, musculares e ramos para linfonodos mandibulares. Ramos anastomóticos da artéria facial com a bucal e com o ramo milo-hioideo da artéria alveolar inferior foram identificados. Essa característica demonstra que a região de alocação da artéria facial nesses animais necessita de um expressivo contingente para irrigação, colaborando muito com sua eficácia funcional, bem como com o modus viventis deste animal