266 research outputs found

    Chemical compositions of Four B-type Supergiants in the SMC Wing

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    High-resolution UCLES/AAT spectra of four B-type supergiants in the SMC South East Wing have been analysed using non-LTE model atmosphere techniques to determine their atmospheric parameters and chemical compositions. The principle aim of this analysis was to determine whether the very low metal abundances (−-1.1 dex compared with Galactic value) previously found in the Magellanic Inter Cloud region (ICR) were also present in SMC Wing. The chemical compositions of the four targets are similar to those found in other SMC objects and appear to be incompatible with those deduced previously for the ICR. Given the close proximity of the Wing to the ICR, this is difficult to understand and some possible explanations are briefly discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figues, A&A accepte

    The spatial distribution of O-B5 stars in the solar neighborhood as measured by Hipparcos

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    We have developed a method to calculate the fundamental parameters of the vertical structure of the Galaxy in the solar neighborhood from trigonometric parallaxes alone. The method takes into account Lutz-Kelker-type biases in a self-consistent way and has been applied to a sample of O-B5 stars obtained from the Hipparcos catalog. We find that the Sun is located 24.2 +/- 1.7 (random) +/- 0.4 (systematic) pc above the galactic plane and that the disk O-B5 stellar population is distributed with a scale height of 34.2 +/- 0.8 (random) +/- 2.5 (systematic) pc and an integrated surface density of (1.62 +/- 0.04 (random) +/- 0.14 (systematic)) 10^{-3} stars pc^{-2}. A halo component is also detected in the distribution and constitutes at least ~5% of the total O-B5 population. The O-B5 stellar population within ~100 pc of the Sun has an anomalous spatial distribution, with a less-than-average number density. This local disturbance is probably associated with the expansion of Gould's belt.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the May 2001 issue of the Astronomical Journa

    PG 1002+506: A Be Star Apparently at z \u3e +10 Kiloparsecs

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    PG 1002+506 is found to be a Be star, one of three found so far by the Palomar-Green survey. Its spectrum is classified as a B5 ± 1 Ve, with Teff = 14,900 ± 1200, log g = 4.2 ± 0.2, and v sin i = 340 ± 50 km s-1. At b = +51°, its height above the Galactic plane would therefore be z = +10.8 kpc, putting this apparently young, rapidly rotating star well into the Galactic halo. Its heliocentric radial velocity is found to be -2 ± 15 km s-1, consistent with either having been formed in the Galactic disk and subsequently ejected or having been formed in the halo

    OVI, NV and CIV in the Galactic Halo: II. Velocity-Resolved Observations with Hubble and FUSE

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    We present a survey of NV and OVI (and where available CIV) in the Galactic halo, using data from the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) and the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) along 34 sightlines. These ions are usually produced in nonequilibrium processes such as shocks, evaporative interfaces, or rapidly cooling gas, and thus trace the dynamics of the interstellar medium. Searching for global trends in integrated and velocity-resolved column density ratios, we find large variations in most measures, with some evidence for a systematic trend of higher ionization (lower NV/OVI column density ratio) at larger positive line-of-sight velocities. The slopes of log[N(NV)/N(OVI)] per unit velocity range from -0.015 to +0.005, with a mean of -0.0032+/-0.0022(r)+/-0.0014(sys) dex/(km/s). We compare this dataset with models of velocity-resolved high-ion signatures of several common physical structures. The dispersion of the ratios, OVI/NV/CIV, supports the growing belief that no single model can account for hot halo gas, and in fact some models predict much stronger trends than are observed. It is important to understand the signatures of different physical structures to interpret specific lines of sight and future global surveys.Comment: ApJ in press 43 pages, 22 fig

    Updated Information on the Local Group

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    The present note updates the information published in my recent monograph on \underline{The Galaxies of the Local Group}. Highlights include (1) the addition of the newly discovered Cetus dwarf spheroidal as a certain member of the Local Group, (2) an improved distance for SagDIG, which now places this object very close to the edge of the Local Group zero-velocity surface, (3) more information on the evolutionary histories of some individual Local Group members, and (4) improved distance determinations to, and luminosities for, a number of Local Group members. These data increase the number of certain (or probable) Local Group members to 36. The spatial distribution of these galaxies supports Hubble's claim that the Local Group ``is isolated in the general field.'' Presently available evidence suggests that star formation continued much longer in many dwarf spheroidals than it did in the main body of the Galactic halo. It is suggested that ``young'' globular clusters, such as Ruprecht 106, might have formed in now defunct dwarf spheroidals. Assuming SagDIG, which is the most remote Local Group galaxy, to lie on, or just inside, the zero-velocity surface of the Local Group yields a dynamical age \gtrsim 17.9 \pm 2.7 Gyr.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure, to be published in the April 2000 issue of PAS

    Deep Near-Infrared Imaging af an Embedded Cluster in the Extreme Outer Galaxy: Census of Supernovae Triggered Star Formation

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    While conducting a near-infrared (NIR) survey of ``Digel Clouds'', which are thought to be located in the extreme outer Galaxy (EOG), Kobayashi & Tokunaga found star formation activity in ``Cloud 2'', a giant molecular cloud at the Galactic radius of ~ 20 kpc. Additional infrared imaging showed two embedded young clusters at the densest regions of the molecular cloud. Because the molecular cloud is located in the vicinity of a supernova remnant (SNR) HI shell, GSH 138-01-94, it was suggested that the star formation activity in Cloud 2 was triggered by this expanding HI shell. We obtained deep J (1.25 um), H (1.65 um) and K (2.2 um) images of one of the embedded clusters in Cloud 2 with high spatial resolution (FWHM ~0".3) and high sensitivity (K ~ 20 mag, 10 sigma). We identified 52 cluster members. The estimated stellar density (~ 10 pc^{-2}) suggests that the cluster is a T-association. This is the deepest NIR imaging of an embedded cluster in the EOG. The observed K-band luminosity function (KLF) suggests that the underlying initial mass function (IMF) of the cluster down to the detection limit of ~ 0.1 M_sun is not significantly different from the typical IMFs in the field and in the near-by star clusters. The overall characteristics of this cluster appears to be similar to those of other embedded clusters in the far outer Galaxy. The estimated age of the cluster from the KLF, which is less than 1 Myr, is consistent with the view that the star formation was triggered by the HI shell whose age was estimated at 4.3 Myr (Stil & Irwin). The 3-dimensional geometry of SNR shell, molecular cloud and the embedded cluster, which is inferred from our data, as well as the cluster age strongly suggest that the star formation in Cloud 2 was triggered by the SNR shell.Comment: 19pages, 8 figures, 1 table, accepted to ApJ. Full paper (pdf) with high resolution figures available at http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~ck_yasui/papers/Cloud2N_1.pd

    Discovery of an Unbound Hyper-Velocity Star in the Milky Way Halo

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    We have discovered a star, SDSS J090745.0+024507, leaving the Galaxy with a heliocentric radial velocity of +853+-12 km/s, the largest velocity ever observed in the Milky Way halo. The star is either a hot blue horizontal branch star or a B9 main sequence star with a heliocentric distance ~55 kpc. Corrected for the solar reflex motion and to the local standard of rest, the Galactic rest-frame velocity is +709 km/s. Because its radial velocity vector points 173.8 deg from the Galactic center, we suggest that this star is the first example of a hyper-velocity star ejected from the Galactic center as predicted by Hills and later discussed by Yu & Tremaine. The star has [Fe/H]~0, consistent with a Galactic center origin, and a travel time of <80 Myr from the Galactic center, consistent with its stellar lifetime. If the star is indeed traveling from the Galactic center, it should have a proper motion of 0.3 mas/yr observable with GAIA. Identifying additional hyper-velocity stars throughout the halo will constrain the production rate history of hyper-velocity stars at the Galactic center.Comment: 4 pages, submitted to ApJ Letter

    FUSE Observations of the Magellanic Bridge Gas toward Two Early-Type Stars: Molecules, Physical Conditions, and Relative Abundance

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    We discuss FUSE observations of two early-type stars, DI1388 and DGIK975, in the low density and low metallicity gas of Magellanic Bridge (MB). Toward DI1388, the FUSE observations show molecular hydrogen, O VI, and numerous other atomic or ionic transitions in absorption, implying the presence of multiple gas phases in a complex arrangement. The relative abundance pattern in the MB is attributed to varying degrees of depletion onto dust similar to that of halo clouds. The N/O ratio is near solar, much higher than N/O in damped Ly-alpha systems, implying subsequent stellar processing to explain the origin of nitrogen in the MB. The diffuse molecular cloud in this direction has a low column density and low molecular fraction. H2 is observed in both the Magellanic Stream and the MB, yet massive stars form only in the MB, implying significantly different physical processes between them. In the MB some of the H2 could have been pulled out from the SMC via tidal interaction, but some also could have formed in situ in dense clouds where star formation might have taken place. Toward DGIK975, the presence of neutral, weakly and highly ionized species suggest that this sight line has also several complex gas phases. The highly ionized species of O VI, C IV, and Si IV toward both stars have very broad features, indicating that multiple components of hot gas at different velocities are present. Several sources (a combination of turbulent mixing layer, conductive heating, and cooling flows) may be contributing to the production of the highly ionized gas in the MB. Finally, this study has confirmed previous results that the high-velocity cloud HVC 291.5-41.2+80 is mainly ionized composed of weakly and highly ions. The high ion ratios are consistent with a radiatively cooling gas in a fountain flow model.Comment: Accepted for publication in the ApJ (October 10, 2002). Added reference (Gibson et al. 2000

    Metallicity and Physical Conditions in the Magellanic Bridge

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    We present a new analysis of the diffuse gas in the Magellanic Bridge (RA>3h) based on HST/STIS E140M and FUSE spectra of 2 early-type stars lying within the Bridge and a QSO behind it. We derive the column densities of HI (from Ly\alpha), NI, OI, ArI, SiII, SII, and FeII of the gas in the Bridge. Using the atomic species, we determine the first gas-phase metallicity of the Magellanic Bridge, [Z/H]=-1.02+/-0.07 toward one sightline, and -1.7<[Z/H]<-0.9 toward the other one, a factor 2 or more smaller than the present-day SMC metallicity. Using the metallicity and N(HI), we show that the Bridge gas along our three lines of sight is ~70-90% ionized, despite high HI columns, logN(HI)=19.6-20.1. Possible sources for the ongoing ionization are certainly the hot stars within the Bridge, hot gas (revealed by OVI absorption), and leaking photons from the SMC and LMC. From the analysis of CII*, we deduce that the overall density of the Bridge must be low (<0.03-0.1 cm^-3). We argue that our findings combined with other recent observational results should motivate new models of the evolution of the SMC-LMC-Galaxy system.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Ap
