312 research outputs found

    Dilemma in Inclusive Education: How Amre Challenged the Policy of Proportions of Students With and Without Disabilities in an Inclusive Education Center

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    This case study highlights a teacher’s struggle to include a student with autism spectrum disorder into a classroom, where there is already a maximum number of students with special educational needs compliant to the principle of the natural proportions. This study provides a narrative of an ethical dilemma faced in the realization of the educational inclusion of a child with special needs. The case raises the following question: where is the line between adhering to the principles of the natural proportions and excluding a student? This qualitative narrative study facilitates a critical reflection of the dilemma in the inclusive educational leadership, when difficult decisions need to be made

    Inclusive Education Reform in Kazakhstan: Civil Society Activism from the Bottom-Up

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    It is a common discourse in Kazakhstan that policy-making is state-driven and top-down with weak engagement by civil society. One of the educational reform initiatives announced by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a transition to an inclusive education model by 2020. The present study sought to challenge the traditional perspectives on the policy-making process and to investigate to what extent and how civil society in Kazakhstan contributes to inclusive education reform. Described as a phenomenological inquiry, this study employed a qualitative approach, interviewing seven representatives of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) about their contribution to inclusive education reform in Kazakhstan..

    La migració de rapinyaires a Sant Fost

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    A study of the feasibility in obtaining the kinetics of various ordering phenomena of the iron aluminum system utilizing the Mössbauer effect

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    The determination of the kinetics of ordering for various ordering phenomena of the Iron-Aluminum system utilizing exclusively the Mössbauer effect technique is shown to be infeasible for all but a highly restrictive consideration from experimental as well as theoretical evidence. Also, the possible use of the Mössbauer effect for the analysis of other ordered systems is discussed. An alternative method for the acquisition of the needed information utilizing diffraction and Mossbauer techniques is presented recognizing the need for a computer fitting analysis of the complex Mössbauer effect spectra. However, at this stage of investigation, no experimental work has been performed using the alternative method --Abstract, page ii

    Biodiversitat del riu Besòs a Sant Fost

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    Lactic fermentation as a strategy to improve the nutritional and functional values of pseudocereals

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    One of the greatest challenges is to reduce malnutrition worldwide while promoting sustainable agricultural and food systems. This is a daunting task due to the constant growth of the population and the increasing demands by consumers for functional foods with higher nutritional values. Cereal grains are the most important dietary energy source globally; wheat, rice, and maize currently provide about half of the dietary energy source of humankind. In addition, the increase of celiac patients worldwide has motivated the development of gluten-free foods using alternative flour types to wheat such as rice, corn, cassava, soybean, and pseudocereals (amaranth, quinoa, and buckwheat). Amaranth and quinoa have been cultivated since ancient times and were two of the major crops of the Pre-Colombian cultures in Latin-America. In recent years and due to their well-known high nutritional value and potential health benefits, these pseudocereals have received much attention as ideal candidates for gluten-free products. The importance of exploiting these grains for the elaboration of healthy and nutritious foods has forced food producers to develop novel adequate strategies for their processing. Fermentation is one of the most antique and economical methods of producing and preserving foods and can be easily employed for cereal processing. The nutritional and functional quality of pseudocereals can be improved by fermentation using Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB). This review provides an overview on pseudocereal fermentation by LAB emphasizing the capacity of these bacteria to decrease antinutritional factors such as phytic acid, increase the functional value of phytochemicals such as phenolic compounds, and produce nutritional ingredients such as B-group vitamins. The numerous beneficial effects of lactic fermentation of pseudocereals can be exploited to design novel and healthier foods or grain ingredients destined to general population and especially to patients with coeliac disease.Fil: Rollan, Graciela Celestina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos; ArgentinaFil: Gerez, Carla Luciana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos; ArgentinaFil: Leblanc, Jean Guy Joseph. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos; Argentin

    Diasporas sur le Web

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    Ne sont ici retenus que les sites des diasporas qui correspondent à notre zone de la Méditerranée orientale et du monde turco-iranien. La diaspora juive, ne concernant pas directement notre domaine, est exclue. Un grand nombre de centres de recherche travaillent sur les migrations et présentent parfois des articles sur les diasporas. Cet article ne prétend bien evidemment pas à l'exhaustivité; n'y sont présentés que les principaux sites

    Aide humanitaire : quelques sites web

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    Cet article recense, d'une part, les organisations travaillant dans les zones couvertes par les CEMOTI et, d'autre part, les sites fournissant de la documentation abondante et plus particulièrement des nouvelles détaillées et des articles de fond soit sur la pratique et la théorie de l'aide humanitaire, soit sur ces zones, régions et pays

    Les réseaux d’équipements sportifs dans les stations balnéaires : l’exemple du tennis

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    Les réseaux d’équipements sportifs sont indissociables de l’histoire du sport et de son développement dans notre pays. Le sport est passé en un siècle d’une activité, représentative du snobisme à un phénomène populaire. L’installation du sport moderne a été difficile car il s’opposait aux sports traditionnels. Le rôle de l’Etat a été fondamental dans le développement du sport et surtout la loi de 1901 sur les associations a permis aux réseaux sportifs de se constituer et d’initier les réseaux d’équipements, l’Etat prenant le relais dans un second temps. Dans les stations balnéaires, dont la hiérarchie était déjà établie avant la Première Guerre mondiale, ce sont les Anglais qui ont été à l’origine de l’installation des différents sports. Les classes très aisées ont suivi et ont participé à leur diffusion. Les équipements privés ont d’abord été pris en charge par l’Etat. Mais suite aux investissements massifs des années 1980, les réseaux d’équipements sportifs sont aujourd’hui sous-utilisés une partie de l’année. Les golfs des stations balnéaires des côtes de l’Atlantique, de la Manche et de la mer du Nord organisés en réseaux grâce aux programmes immobiliers qui les accompagnent sont quant à eux, rentabilisés tout au long de l’année.Sport facilities networks are an integral part of sport history and development in France. Starting as a snobbish activity, in one century sport became a popular phenomenon. Modern sport, going against traditional sport, met with a great many obstacles. On top of this, the legislation was not favourable since it forbade any association. Therefore the role of the State was essential. But, it was the 1901 Law concerning associations which made it truly possible for the sporting networks to be formed and for sport facilities networks to be initiated, the State taking over in a second time. On seaside resorts, the hierarchy of which was already established before WWI, the English were at the beginning of the various sports. The upper classes followed and participated actively to its spreading. Sport facilities which were private at the start had to be supported by - State. But after massive public investments during the eighties, sport facilities networks prove to be underused a major part of the year. On the opposite, the golf courses of the Atlantic, the Channel, and the North Sea Coasts seaside resorts which are network organised because they go along with property programmes, get a return all over the year

    Hermano árbol : (pro reforestación patria) : poesías por y para las fiestas del árbol

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    Copia digital : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 201