36 research outputs found

    Impact of ectohumus application in birch and pine nurseries on the presence of soil mites (Acari), Oribatida in particular

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    Intensively used forest nurseries are characterised by degradation processes that lead to a drop in the quality of seedlings. The main reason of this problem is a decrease in biological soil diversity. Therefore, an attempt of nursery soil enrichment by introducing ectohumus – as compost and fresh litter – from the pine forest was carried out. The research was carried out in 2009–2011 in the Bielawy forest nursery near the city of Toruń, Poland. The objective of the study was to determine the impact of organic fertilisation (compost made up of forest humus) and mulching using fresh ectohumus on the density and community composition of Acari mites and on species composition of oribatid mites (Oribatida) in the nurseries of silver birch and Scots pine. Mites, especially oribatid mites, were treated as bioindicators of soil biological activity. Research has shown that mulching using fresh ectohumus caused a multiple increase in the density of mites, especially in saprophagous mites Oribatida. Oribatid mites were clearly more numerous in birch cultivation than in that of pine. Overall, 27 species of oribatid mites were found. Mulching resulted in a significant growth in species diversity in both cultivations. The most numerous oribatid mite in the area under the study was Oribatula tibialis. This species was present in all plots and showed clear preference for birch cultivation. Tectocepheus velatus and Oppiella nova, common and known to be present in a variety of environments, were slightly less numerous

    Impact of ectohumus application in birch and pine nurseries on the presence of soil mites (Acari), Oribatida in particular

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    Intensively used forest nurseries are characterised by degradation processes that lead to a drop in the quality of seedlings. The main reason of this problem is a decrease in biological soil diversity. Therefore, an attempt of nursery soil enrichment by introducing ectohumus – as compost and fresh litter – from the pine forest was carried out. The research was carried out in 2009–2011 in the Bielawy forest nursery near the city of Toruń, Poland. The objective of the study was to determine the impact of organic fertilisation (compost made up of forest humus) and mulching using fresh ectohumus on the density and community composition of Acari mites and on species composition of oribatid mites (Oribatida) in the nurseries of silver birch and Scots pine. Mites, especially oribatid mites, were treated as bioindicators of soil biological activity. Research has shown that mulching using fresh ectohumus caused a multiple increase in the density of mites, especially in saprophagous mites Oribatida. Oribatid mites were clearly more numerous in birch cultivation than in that of pine. Overall, 27 species of oribatid mites were found. Mulching resulted in a significant growth in species diversity in both cultivations. The most numerous oribatid mite in the area under the study was Oribatula tibialis. This species was present in all plots and showed clear preference for birch cultivation. Tectocepheus velatus and Oppiella nova, common and known to be present in a variety of environments, were slightly less numerous

    The Water Requirements of Grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.) Under Climatic Conditions of Central Poland

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    The purpose of this study was to estimate the water needs of grapevines in central Poland in 1981-2010. Water needs were calculated by the plant coefficients, which were assumed according to the Doorenbos and Pruitt method. Reference evapotranspiration was assessed by the Blaney-Criddle’s equation, modified for Polish conditions. Rainfall deficit with the occurrence probability of normal, medium dry and very dry years was determined by the Ostromęcki’s method. Water needs of grapevines during the growing season was 434 mm. Upward time trend in the water needs both in the periods May-October and June-August was estimated. Temporal variability in the water needs was significant for most of the provinces. The rainfall deficit was recorded with the occurrence probability of normal as well as medium or very dry years in the entire study area. Due to climate changes, vineyards will require irrigation in the near future. This research significantly broadens and refines the knowledge about the water needs of grapevines in central Poland, which will allow the design of resource-efficient irrigation programs for grapevines in the studied region of Poland

    Występowanie mechowców podczas rewitalizacji szkółek leśnych

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    The study was conducted in the years 2008-2010 in the bare root nursery Białe Błota that produced pine, beech and linden, and belonged to Bydgoszcz Forest District. The experiments included the following variants: C – control, O – organic fertilization, M – mulching with raw humus, OM – organic fertilization and mulching with raw humus. Relatively small but significant increase in the number and diversity of Oribatida species was observed in O variant for the deciduous trees. Mulching was the soil revitalization method that clearly improved the density and biodiversity of Oribatida species. In total, the investigated area harbored 37 species of oribatid mites. The most effective bioindicator and stimulant of soil revitalization was a common fungivorous species Tectocepheus velatus.Badania były prowadzone w latach 2008-2010 w należącej do Nadleśnictwa Bydgoszcz, szkółce leśnej Białe Błota produkującej sosnę, buk oraz lipę. Badania prowadzone były w następujących wariantach: C – kontrola, O – nawożenie organiczne, M – mulczowanie świeżym humusem, OM – nawożenie organiczne i mulczowanie świeżym humusem. Stosunkowo mały, ale znaczący wzrost liczby i zróżnicowania gatunkowego mechowców zaobserwowano w wariancie O dla drzew liściastych. Mulczowanie było metodą rewitalizacji gleb, która wyraźnie wpłynęła na intensywność i zróżnicowanie gatunkowe mechowców. Na badanej powierzchni stwierdzono ogółem 37 gatunków mechowców. Najskuteczniejszym bioindykatorem i stymulatorem rewitalizacji gleby był powszechnie występujący gatunek grzybożerny Tectocepheus velatus

    Research of Soil Moisture Dynamic in The Recultivated Plėgai Landfill

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    In Lithuania, the transportation of waste to landfills is a major way of eliminating them. However, this is not the safest way taking into account the environmental impact, especially when landfills are installed in inappropriate places without complying with installation and recultivation requirements. According to the data of the Department of Statistics, about 1.2 million tons of municipal solid waste or 361 kilograms per capita were accumulated in Lithuania in 2015. In this work the results of soil moisture dynamic in the recultivated Plėgai landfill are analyzed. The landfill is located in Plėgai village, Šakiai district, Lithuania. The work assessed whether the recultivated landfill was installed in accordance with EU requirements. The scientific hypothesis was put up that after the proper installation of the recultivated landfill, soil moisture in it will be the same as in the nearby natural meadow. The research covered the period from June 2nd, 2016 to September 29th, 2016. In the course of the research period, half of the annual precipitation of the year 2016 fell within 4 months, i.e. 336 mm. The highest rainfall was 119 mm in July, the driest was 46 mm in June. During the period of the research it was established that in the landfill and perennial grass meadow soil moisture reserves varied evenly until the first decade of August, the lowest soil moisture values were fixed on 11-20 days of June, then it was 15.11% in the landfill and 15.3% in the perennial grass meadowVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Nawadnianie w rekultywacji składowisk odpadów komunalnych

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    The study identifies irrigation (sprinkler and slope) as a critical component in the biological reclamation and management of the municipal waste landfill in Boduszewo, the commune of Murowana Goślina in the Wielkopolska province. Irrigation was carried out in the vegetative periods during which, due to the rate and distribution of precipitation (2015 and 2016), it was considered necessary. The irrigation doses were determined corresponding to the water consumption by the vegetation covering the landfill. Results show that precise irrigation with the use of two complementary systems: sprinkler and slope, allows for the prevention and accurate control of the drought, resulting in continuous and uninterrupted growth and development of vegetation in the landfill. During the vegetative period of 2015, when the total precipitation (242 mm) was lower by 78 mm than the multi-year average for this season, rainfall deficiencies were supplemented by means of irrigation with doses from 18 mm to 25 mm. These were varied depending on the vegetation water consumption. On the southwest scarp of the landfill, the water consumption was 124 mm on average, whereas in the same period on the northeast scarp it was 46% lower. During the vegetative period of 2016, there was identified an additional need for irrigation of shrubs and trees. Sprinkler irrigation combined with slope irrigation was carried out with doses ranging from 25 mm to 35 mm, depending upon the water consumption by plants. During the vegetative period of 2017, there was no additional irrigation due to the favourable distribution of precipitation and its high rate (459 mm), higher than the multi-year average (by 139 mm), which retained optimal moisture in the root layer of grasses, trees and shrubs in the landfill. The use of irrigation of plants in the municipal waste landfill proved to be an indispensable process contributing to its effective and fast biological reclamation.W pracy przedstawiono nawodnienie (deszczowniane i stokowe), jako jeden z elementów niezbędnych w przeprowadzeniu rekultywacji biologicznej, składowiska odpadów komunalnych we wsi Boduszewo, gmina Murowana Goślina w województwie Wielkopolskim. Nawodnienia prowadzono w okresach wegetacyjnych: 2015 i 2016 roku, w których ze względu na wysokość a przede wszystkim rozkład opadów występowała potrzeba nawadniania. Określono dawki polewowe, odpowiadające zużyciu wody przez rośliny pokrywające składowisko. Wykazano, że precyzyjne nawadnianie, przy pomocy dwóch uzupełniających się systemów: deszczownianego i stokowego, pozwala uniknąć i zapobiegać okresom suszy, wpływając tym samym na niezakłócony wzrost i rozwój roślinności na składowisku. W okresie wegetacyjnym 2015 roku, w którym suma opadów (242 mm), była niższą o 78 mm od średniej z wielolecia, występujące niedobory opadów uzupełniono nawadnianiem dawkami w ilości od 18 mm do 25 mm. Były one zróżnicowane w zależności od zużycia wody przez rośliny. Na skarpie południowo-zachodniej składowiska, zużycie wody wynosiło średnio 124 mm, podczas gdy w tym samym okresie na skarpie północno-wschodniej było o 46% niższe. W okresie wegetacyjnym 2016 roku, wystąpiła dodatkowo potrzeba nawadniania krzewów i drzew. Nawodnienie deszczowniane połączone ze stokowym przeprowadzono dawkami w ilości od 25 mm do 35 mm, uzależnionymi od zużycia wody przez rośliny. W okresie wegetacyjnym 2017 roku, nawodnień nie prowadzono, z powodu wystąpienia opadów o dużej wysokości (459 mm), wyższych od średniej z wielolecia (o 139 mm), a przede wszystkim korzystnego ich rozkładu. Spowodowały one optymalne uwilgotnienie w warstwie korzeniowej roślin trawiastych oraz drzew i krzewów na składowisku. Zastosowanie nawodnienia roślin na składowisku odpadów komunalnych, okazało się niezbędnym zabiegiem, przyczyniającym się do efektywnej i szybkiej jego rekultywacji biologicznej

    An Investigation on the Energy Balance and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Orange Production in Turkey

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    In agricultural production, it is important to determine where input usage saving can be implemented by taking energy use into consideration and to analyze the greenhouse gas emissions of agricultural activities. This study has been conducted to review orange (Citrus sinensis L.) production in terms of energy balance and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This study was carried out during the 2015/2016 production season in Adana, a province in Turkey. Energy balance and GHG emissions have been defined by calculating the inputs and outputs of agricultural nature used in orange production. The findings of the study indicate that the distribution of energy inputs in orange production are 11,880 MJ ha−1 (34.10%) of electricity, 10,079.75 MJ ha−1 (28.93%) of chemical fertilizer energy, 7630 MJ ha−1 (21.90%) of chemical energy, 3052 MJ ha−1 (8.76%) of diesel fuel energy, 1348.91 MJ ha−1 (3.87%) of human labor energy, 378 MJ ha−1 (1.09%) of irrigation water energy, 351.22 MJ ha−1 (1.01%) of machinery energy and 118.80 MJ ha−1 (0.34%) of lime energy. In total, input energy (IE) in orange production has been calculated as 34,838.68 MJ ha−1 and the output energy (OE) has been calculated as 95,000 MJ ha−1. Energy use efficiency (EUE), specific energy (SE), energy productivity (EP) and net energy (NE) have been calculated as 2.73, 0.70 MJ kg−1, 1.44 kg MJ−1 and 60,161.32 MJ ha−1, respectively. The total energy input in the production of oranges was divided into: 47.82% direct, 52.18% indirect, 4.96% from renewable sources and 95.04% from non-renewable sources. The GHG emissions figure for orange production was 3794.26 kg CO2–eq ha−1, with electricity having the greatest share, 1983.96 (52.29%); the GHG ratio was 0.08 kg CO2–eq kg−1. According to the results, the production of orange was considered to be profitable in terms of EUE

    The Use of Chosen Biological Methods for Forest Soil Revitalization in Scots Pine Cultivation

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    The purpose of this investigation was to indicate the most effective method of revitalizing degraded forest area. The different modifications of wood chips were used as a substitute for humus layer. The mites (Acari), and moss mites (Oribatida) as the bio-indicators of soil succession changes were used. The study began 2 years after planting of Scots pine seedlings on the land devastated by military activity, at the former military training ground (GPS: 53.156943N, 17.986440E). The soil on this area was in the type of rusty soils and subtype of the rusty algae soils. Scots pine seedlings were planted in spring 2011, in a distance 1.5×0.8 m. In one-factor experiment four soil mulching treatments were tested: 1. uncovered soil – control (C), 2. soil mulched with wood chips (W), 3. W + mycorrhizal preparation (WM), 4. W + forest litter (WL). Three replicates of microplots arrangement was applied. Each microplot was 5 m long with 3 rows of Scots pine. Each replication covers 10 rows. Mulching with wood chips was carried out on April 12, 2012. On October 25, 2012, the wood chips on the WM microplots were inoculated with the mycorrhizal biopreparation, and on the WL microplots, a 10% addition of fresh forest litter from the ripe fresh coniferous forest was applied. After the end of the growing season of 2012, 2013 and 2014, the measurement of the plants was carried out (the height, the root neck diameter, the length of one-year increments in the last whorl, the number of one-year increments of the last whorl and the lengths of one-year increments of the last whorl). The samples for acarological tests were collected four times. In total, 40 substrate samples with a volume of 50 cm3 each were collected from each treatment. Mites extraction was carried out for 7 days in Tullgren apparatus. Mites were identified to the order, and moss mites to the species or genus, including juvenile stages. Calculated: the average density of mites, the dominance index, the species richness, the diversity of moss mites, the average number of species, and the Shannon general species diversity index. The use of soil mulching with the Scots pine wood chips did not significantly affect the growth and developmental characteristics of the Scots pine plants. After mulching with wood chips, the total number of mites increased many times, and moss mites began to dominate among micro-arthropods. Mulching treatments increased the number and the species diversity of moss mites in the substrate. The number of moss mites increased the most in wood chips without additives. The highest species diversity was observed in the wood chips with the addition of forest litter. Among moss mites Tectocepheus velatus visibly dominated in all study treatments. Oppiella nova and Scutovertex sculptus also constituted numerous mites populations. The study shows that the wood chips are very useful for use in the regeneration of the devastated and degraded forest soils

    Potrzeby wodne szparaga w różnych regionach Polski

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    Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.), due to their deep and well-developed root system, are relatively resistant to the water deficits in the soil. On the other hand, asparagus plants grown on the light soil positively respond to the irrigation treatments. The aim of the present study was the determination of water needs of asparagus plants in the different agro-climatic regions of Poland. The calculations of asparagus water requirements, considered as the crop evapotranspiration, based on the precipitation measurements collected during the thirty-year period from 1981 to 2010. The estimations were achieved for the months, including July and August, critical in terms of the amount of water available to the plants. The calculation of asparagus water needs using the plant coefficients was performed. The plant coefficients for asparagus cultivated in the Polish field conditions were determined by Rolbiecki. Published by him calculations based on the long-term observations of the irrigated asparagus crop. The reference evapotranspiration was calculated according to Grabarczyk's method. The Grabarczyk's formula was chosen because it allowed estimating the reference evapotranspiration in a simplified way, i.e. based only on the precipitation measurements. The rainfall deficit was considered using the Ostromęcki's method. The precipitation deficit in the period from July 1 to August 31 was calculated as the difference between the water needs of asparagus, expressed as the crop evapotranspiration for a considered month and the total precipitation in this month. The water needs of asparagus plants were determined for five agro-climatic regions of Poland with the representative meteorological stations located in Olsztyn, Bydgoszcz, Warszawa, Wroclaw and Krakow. The highest variability of asparagus water requirements was calculated in the central-north-west (C-N-W) region of the Poland. The variation coefficient in July and August was 7.7% and 7.6%, respectively. In contrast, the lowest variability of asparagus water needs were find in the south-west (S-W) and south-east (S-E) region of Poland. The highest water needs of asparagus plants, on average 228 mm, in the period from July to August were noted in the C-N-W and central-east (C-E) region of Poland. The highest rainfall deficit, calculated for medium dry years, average dry years and very dry years, was 91 mm and 89 mm, 157 mm and 166 mm, and 209 mm and 245 mm, respectively, in the C-N-W and C-E region, re-spectively. Generally, higher precipitation deficiencies were noted in August than in July.Szparagi (Asparagus officinalis L.), ze względu na swój głęboki oraz dobrze rozwinięty system korzeniowy, są roślinami uważanymi za stosunkowo odporne na niedobory wody w glebie. Z drugiej strony, rośliny szparagów uprawiane na glebie lekkiej bardzo pozytywnie reagują na przeprowadzone zabiegi nawadniające. Podstawowym celem niniejszej pracy było określenie potrzeb wodnych roślin szparagów w różnych regionach agro-klimatycznych Polski. Obliczenie zapotrzebowania roślin tego gatunku warzywnego na wodę, wyrażonego jako ewapotranspiracja potencjalna, wykonano na podstawie pomiarów opadów atmosferycznych przeprowadzonych w okresie trzydziestu lat licząc od 1981 do 2010 roku. Obliczenia wykonano dla dwóch miesięcy, dla lipca oraz dla sierpnia. Miesiące te stanowią okres krytyczny pod względem ilości wody dostępnej dla roślin. Potrzeby wodne roślin szparaga oszacowano przy użyciu współczynników roślinnych. Współczynniki roślinne dla roślin szparaga uprawianych w Polsce w warunkach polowych zostały ustalone przez Rolbieckiego w oparciu o długoterminowe obserwacje nawadnianych nasadzeń szparaga. Ewapotranspirację wskaźnikową obliczono zgodnie z metodą zaproponowaną przez Grabarczyka. Metoda Grabarczyka została wybrana do niniejszych badań, ponieważ pozwoliła ona na określenie ewapotranspiracji wskaźnikowej w uproszczony sposób, to znaczy tylko na podstawie pomiarów opadów atmosferycznych. Niedobory opadów zostały obliczone przy użyciu metody Ostromęckiego. Deficyt opadów w okresie od 1 lipca do 31 sierpnia obliczono, jako różnicę między potrzebami wodnymi roślin szparagów, wyrażonymi jako ewapotranspiracja potencjalna dla danego miesiąca, a sumą opadów atmosferycznych w tym miesiącu. Potrzeby wodne roślin szparaga określono dla pięciu różnych regionów agro-klimatycznych Polski wraz z reprezentatywnymi stacjami meteorologicznymi zlokalizowanymi na terenie Olsztyna, Bydgoszczy, Warszawy, Wrocławia i Krakowa. Największą zmienność potrzeb wodnych roślin szparaga obliczono w środkowo-północno-zachodnim (C-N-W) regionie Polski. Współczynnik zmienności w lipcu oraz w sierpniu wyniósł odpowiednio 7,7% i 7,6%. Natomiast najmniejszą zmienność potrzeb wodnych roślin szparaga stwierdzono w południowo-zachodnim (S-W), a także południowo-wschodnim (S-E) regionie Polski. Największe potrzeby wodne roślin szparagów, średnio 228 mm, w okresie od 1 lipca do 31 sierpnia, odnotowano w C-N-W, a także środkowo-wschodnim (C-E) regionie Polski. Największy deficyt opadów atmosferycznych, obliczony dla przeciętnie suchych lat, średnio suchych lat oraz bardzo suchych lat, wynosił odpowiednio 91 mm i 89 mm, 157 mm i 166 mm oraz 209 mm i 245 mm, odpowiednio w C-N-W i C-E regionie Polski. Podsumowując, większe niedobory opadów atmosferycznych odnotowano w sierpniu niż w lipcu


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    The aim of the experiment presented in this paper is to assess the relationship between the height and diameter increase rate and the thermal conditions and precipitation during its growth. The experiment was carried out in the Agro- and Hydrometeorology Observatory of the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences in 2013–2015. The height and diameter measurement was made each time on the same 43 plants, randomly selected at the stage of setting up the experiment in 2012 and specially marked. Plants included in further analyses were divided into 5 classes and the classification criterion was their height in the 3rd year of cultivation. Initially, an analysis of relationships of selected morphological parameters of Scots pine was carried out, i.e. of the heights and diameters against the changing weather conditions, i.e. precipitations and air temperatures. Subsequently, an effect of the thermal conditions and the amount of precipitation on growth of Scots pine was assessed with the use of the two meteorological parameters mentioned above. These parameters were used as their accumulated sums, calculated as of the dates of biometric measurements, made at the end of each month (the last ten days of a month) in the summer half-year period. Multiple regression analysis was applied to evaluate the effect of thermal conditions and precipitation on the growth of Scots pine in both variants and the significance of the relationships under study was examined with the use of an adjusted coefficient of determination R2. The analyses and calculations indicate a close significant relationship between the height of pine trees and their diameter at the base on any measurement date. Analyses of different measurement periods indicated a decrease in significance of the relationships between the height of pine trees and their diameter at the base. A decrease in these relationships is becoming more and more pronounced with the age of the trees. Of the two weather parameters, i.e. total air temperature and total precipitation, the precipitation dominates in the relationship with the trees height and air temperature – with the trees diameter