885 research outputs found

    Interesse der Erstklässler einer Mittelschule, Jahrgänge 1995-2001, an sportiver Betätigung

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    The aim of the research was to determine the tendencies of change in interest in sports activity among students over the period of a few years. In order to achieve this aim, we diagnosed the interest in sports activity among students in particular years (1995 – 2001). The research was conducted seven times in the seven consecutive years (always in the first grade during the first PE lesson in the school year. We diagnosed interest in the cases of 1,693 students (906 female, 787 male) of grade 1 in the Secondary School No. 7 in Wrocław over a period of the consecutive seven years. By means of the Chi-square Pearson`s test and Chi-square test of highest credibility we verified the hypothesis of the independence of interest in sports activity of first-grade students (separately for females and males) and the year when the research was done. It turned out that on the level of significance α = 0.05 the year of the research influenced the choice of 7 forms of sports activity in the case of males, whereas it did not affect the choice of the remaining 14 sport activities. We noticed a slight degree of growth of interest of the boys in basketball, handball and ring-play, whereas it declined in the case of volleyball, badminton and bodybuilding. As a result of the conducted statistical analysis we also noticed that on the level of significance α = 0.05 the year of the research influenced the choice of 12 forms of sports activity in the case of females, whereas it did not affect the choice of the remaining 9. We observed a uniform growing tendency in interest in cycling. We noticed a growing interest of girls in football, gymnastics, tennis, badminton, ring-play, dancing, judo/karate and other forms of sports activity not mentioned in the survey, whereas it declined in the case of skiing, horseback riding, roller skating and archery. Upon conducting the statistical analysis we noticed that interest in sports activity of first-grade secondary school students is subject to change with the subsequent measurements.Uvod Čini se da socijalne i ekonomske promjene u zemlji, kao i važna sportska postignuća o kojima se govori i koja se populariziraju u medijima (radio, novine, televizija), mogu značajno utjecati na interese ljudi. Stoga smo odlučili utvrditi interes za sportske aktivnosti učenika i učenica srednje škole na temelju niza mjerenja u razdoblju do 1995. do 2001. godine te ispitati mijenja li se interes za sport kroz godine. Proučavajući literaturu iz ovog područja nismo naišli na radove koji bi obrađivali takve promjene interesa. To je razlog zbog kojega je autor poduzeo istraživanje koje je kombinacija transverzalnoga i longitudinalnog pristupa (1995. - 2001., 7 generacija učenika). Pokušao je utvrditi postoji li tendencija promjene interesa za sportske aktivnosti na uzorku učenika unutar odabranih godina, a pretpostavio je da će se interesi učenika za sportske aktivnosti mijenjati od mjerenja do mjerenja. Metode Za prikupljanje podataka autor se koristio metodom dijagnostičkog mjerenja i upitnikom pod naslovom Moji omiljeni oblici sportskih aktivnosti koje bih volio uvježbavati na nastavi tjelesnog odgoja (Ro-kita, 1998). Mjerenje je provedeno u sedam uzastopnih godina, uvijek u prvom razredu, na prvom satu nastave tjelesnog odgoja. Utvrđen je interes za sportske aktivnosti kod 1.693 učenika (906 dje-vojčica, 787 dječaka), prvih razreda srednje škole br. 7 iz Wrocława kroz sedam godina. Rezultati i rasprava Na temelju rezultata Hi-kvadrat testa potvrđena je hipoteza o nezavisnosti interesa za sportske aktivnosti učenika prvog razreda srednje škole s obzirm na spol i s obzirom na godinu u kojoj je provedeno mjerenje. Pokazalo se da je godina prikupljanja podataka statistički značajno utjecala na odabir 7 omiljenih sportskih aktivnosti kod učenika, dok za preostalih 14 taj utjecaj generacije nije potvrđen. Vidljivo je lagano povećanje interesa dječaka za košarku, rukomet i igru prstenova, dok je pad interesa zabilježen za odbojku, badminton i tjelograditeljstvo (body building). Unutar ispitivanih sedam godina (1995. - 2001.), dječaci su uvijek pokazivali najveći interes za košarku (66-84%). Više od 60% učeničkih interesa za sport otpada na nogomet (63-73%). Osim toga, dječaci su ponajviše bili zaintere-sirani za plivanje (48-66%) i stolni tenis (39-53%). Najmanje popularnim sportovima za ovaj uzorak ispitanika pokazali su se gimnastika, (2-6%), igra prstenova (2-10%), ples (3-10%) i rolanje (3-12%) (tablica 2). Rezultati su također pokazali da postoji statistički značajan utjecaj godine ispitivanja na odabir 12 omiljenih kretnih aktivnosti kod učenica (nogomet, gimnastika, tenis, jahanje, badminton, igra prstenova, rolanje, ples, judo/karate, vožnja bicikla i još neki sportovi koji nisu bili navedeni u upitniku), dok kod 9 preostalih sportova iz upitnika taj utjecaj nije potvrđen. Vidljivo je da postoji jasan porast interesa učenica za vožnju bickla. Zabilježen je i lagani pad interesa kod djevojaka za nogomet, gimnastiku, tenis, badminton, judo/karate, ples, skijanje, jahanje, rolanje, streljaštvo i ostale oblike kretnih aktivnosti koje nisu bile navedene u upitniku. Unutar ispitivanih sedam godina djevojke su od svih sportova uvijek najviše izabirale plivanje (69-80% djevojaka iz uzorka). Više od 50% interesa učenica bilo je usmjereno na odbojku (62-74%) i košarku (56-66 %). Osim toga, djevojke su bile zainteresirane i za klizanje, skijanje i jahanje. Najmanje popularnim sportovima djevojke su ocijenile: igru prstenova (3-19%), tjelograditeljstvo (5-12%) i ostale sportove koji nisu bili navedeni u upitniku (tablica 2). Usporedba iskazanih interese učenika i učenica otkriva da su i jedni i drugi najviše zainteresirani za košarku i odbojku. Rastuća popularnost timskih sportova, prema mišljenju autora, može biti posljedica toga da ti sportovi pružaju puno mogućnosti za natjecanje, za provjeru vlastitih vještina u varijabilnim situacijama igre, ali i za doživljavanje emocija koje ju prate. Uzimajući u obzir praktične implikacije ovog istraživanja, s velikim oprezom autor zaključuje da utvrđivanje interesa za sport kod srednjoškolaca ima svoju svrhu. Zadovoljavanjem interesa učenika za sport na nastavi tjelesnog odgoja, što je autor i provodio u praksi (Rokita, 1998, 1999), moguće je pozitivno djelovati na motivaciju mladih ljudi za sport, što se onda odražava i šire, na njihove životne potrebe. Zaključak Dobiveni su rezultati potvrdili početne hipoteze - interesi učenika prvih razreda srednjih škola za sportske aktivnosti mijenjali su se iz generacije u generaciju u razdoblju od sedam godina (1995. - 2001.). Zamjećuje se lagani porast interesa za košarku, rukomet i igru prstenova kod dječaka, dok opada interes za odbojku, badminton i tjelogradisteljstvo. Kod djevojčica je vidljivo povećanje interesa za nogomet, gimnastiku, tenis, badminton, igru prstenova, judo/karate i još neke oblike kretnih aktivnosti, dok interes opada za skijanje, jahanje, rolanje i streljaštvo.Unsere Forschungsarbeit hatte das Ziel, die Tendenzen wechselnden Interesses der Schüler an sportiver Betätigung während ein paar Jahren zu untersuchen. Um das zu erzielen registrierten wir in jedem Jahr innerhalb des betreffenden Zeitintervalls (1995 – 2001) das Interesse von Schülern an sportiver Betätigung. Die Untersuchung wurde sieben Mal durchgeführt (immer in der 1. Klasse während des Sportunterrichts, und zwar an der ersten Stunde in betreffendem Schuljahr. Wir untersuchten das Interesse 1693 Erstklässler (906 Schülerinnen, 787 Schüler) am Sporttreiben in der Mittelschule 7 in Wrocław im Laufe der folgenden sieben Jahre. Mittels des Pearson Chi-Quadrat-Tests und Chi-Quadrat-Tests der höchsten Verlässlichkeit, wurde die Hypothese bestätigt, dass zwischen dem Interesse der Erstklässler an sportiver Betätigung (Mädchen und Jungen getrennt) und dem Forschungsjahr ein Zusammenhang besteht. Die Untersuchung ergab, dass bei dem Signifikanzniveau von 0,05 das Forschungsjahr die Wahl 7 Sportarten beeinflusste, wobei die Wahl der übrigen 14 unter keinem Einfluss stand. Leicht steigendes Interesse der Schüler an Basketball, Handball und Wurfring-Spiel machte sich bemerkbar, aber an Volleyball, Badminton und Bodybuilding sind die Schüler immer weniger interessiert. Anhand von Ergebnissen einer von uns vorgenommenen statistischen Analyse konnten wir auch feststellen, dass beim Signifikanzniveau α = 0,05 das Forschungsjahr die von den Schülerinnen gezeigte Wahl beeinflusste, und zwar, von 12 Sportarten, nicht aber von übrigen 9. Ein allgemein steigendes Interesse am Radfahren ist festzustellen. Die Mädchen interessierten sich zunehmend für Fußball, Gymnastik, Tennis, Badminton, ring-play, Tanzen, Judo – Karate und für andere in der Untersuchung nicht erwähnten Sportarten. Das Interesse am Skilaufen, Reiten, Rollschuhlaufen, Bogenschießen nahm ab. Die statistische Analyse zeigte ein wechselndes Interesse der Erstklässler der Mittelschule an sportiver Betätigung

    Effects of tabata training on health-related fitness components among secondary school students

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    Physical education curricula in Polish schools should include more tasks to increase physical activity. The Tabata Training Program can help regulate body weight and induce changes in body fat and physical fitness. This study aimed to determine the effects of a 10-week PE curriculum supplemented by a Tabata Training Program on health-related fitness in 16-year-old secondary school students. The study examined 187 students (66 boys and 121 girls) assigned to either a Tabata Training Program intervention or control group. The intervention lasted 14 minutes during one physical education lesson per week. Pre- and post-intervention, anthropometric measurements were taken, and each participant performed physical fitness tests to evaluate muscular strength, flexibility, speed/agility, and cardiovascular efficiency. Boys of the intervention group significantly reduced body fat (by 1.77%, p<.05) and increased cardiovascular efficiency (the physical efficiency index was higher by 3.61 points, p<.05). Girls increased cardiovascular efficiency only (the physical efficiency index increased by 5 points, p<.001). However, slight changes in motor parameters were observed in all the participants. The Tabata Training Program demonstrated partial effectiveness but should be individualized and sex differences should be considered

    Chemical composition and morphology of renal stones

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    Two issues related to nephrolithiasis are explored: (1) does the chemical composition and morphology of renal calculi in South Poland overlap with the studies from other countries? and (2) are there possibilities to evaluate in vivo chemical composition of stones using computed tomography? The study was conducted on 108 renal stones. X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction and Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy were used to determine the chemical composition. The morphology of the stones was examined using micro computed tomography. The stone chemical composition in South Poland indicate that calcium oxalate monohydrate was overwhelmingly dominant (84%) followed by hydroxyapatite (8%) and struvite (6%). The occurrence of uric acid stones was very low (2%). The relative frequency of various stone types is similar in South Poland to other industrialized countries. The studied renal stones were characterized by a large variability in the concentrations of both major and trace elements. The maximum/minimum concentration ratio exceeds two orders of magnitude. Significant morphological differences have been observed between different types of stones. The stones were composed of oxalate polyhedrons stuck together or had the phosphate core overlaid with layers oxalate and organic mater. The use of CT to identify stone type seems to be limited

    Combining areal DXA bone mineral density and vertebrae postero-anterior width improves the prediction of vertebral strength

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    Objective - Areal bone mineral density (aBMD) measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is an important determinant of bone strength (BS), despite the fact that the correlation between aBMD and BS is relatively weak. Parameters that describe BS more accurately are desired. The aim of this study was to determine whether the geometrical corrections applied to aBMD would improve its ability for BS prediction. We considered new parameters, estimated from a single DXA measurement, as well as BMAD (bone mineral apparent density) reported in the literature. Materials and methods - In vitro studies were performed with the L3 vertebrae from 20 cadavers, which were studied with DXA and quantitative computed tomography (QCT). A mechanical strength assessment was carried out. Two new parameters were introduced: vBMD_{min}=\frac{aBMD}{W_{PA}^{min}} and vBMD_{av}=\frac{aBMD}{W_{PA}^{av}} \left ( W^{min}_{PA}-minimal vertebral body width in postero-anterior \left ( PA \right ) view, {W_{PA}}^{av} — average PA vertebral body width\right ). Volumetric BMD measured by QCT (vBMD), aBMD, BMAD, vBMD _{min}, and vBMD_{av} were correlated to ultimate load and ultimate stress \left ( P_{max} \right ) to find the best predictor of vertebrae BS. Results - The coefficients of correlation between P_{max} and vBDM_{min} as well as BMAD, were r = 0.626 (p = 0.005), r = 0.610 (p = 0.006) and r = 0.567 (p = 0.012), respectively. Coefficients for vBMD and aBMD are r = 0.648 (p = 0.003) and r = 0.511 (p = 0.03), respectively. Conclusions. Our results showed that aBMD normalized by vertebrae dimensions describes vertebrae BS better than aBMD alone. The considered indices vBMD_{av}, vBMD_{min} and BMAD can be measured in routine PA DXA and considerably improve BS variability prediction. vBMD_{min} is superior compared to vBMD_{av} and BMAD

    Determinants of obesity in population of PURE study from Lower Silesia

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    Introduction: The knowledge about obesity pathogenesis is insufficient. The aim of our study was to investigate environmental and individual determinants of obesity in population of PURE study from Lower Silesia.Material and methods: This was a cross sectional observation of 1064 inhabitants of Wroclaw and neighbouring rural area (671 women, 393 men), who took part in PURE study in years 2007–2010. Each participant answered PURE questionnaire and International Physical Activity Questionnaire providing information about obesity risk factors. Anthropometric measurements were collected, blood samples were taken for assessment of FTO gene polymorphism. A stepwise logistic regression analysis was performed to identify the most significant predictors of obesity.Results: 31% of the study group had obesity (BMI over 30 kg/m2, no difference between men and women), overweight (BMI 25–29.9 kg/m2) affected 48.1% of men and 36.7% of women. Determinants of obesity in female group were: rural inhabitancy, chronic medication, unemployment, age, sedentary leisure time activity, non-smoking, hypertension in family, family related stress (p = 0.66 in the Hosmer-Lemeshow test). Determinants of obesity in male group were rural inhabitancy, chronic medication, family related stress, diabetes in family (p = 0.27 in the Hosmer-Lemeshow test). Risk factors for central obesity were similar, however in women oral contraception and physical activity were associated with lower obesity risk.Conclusions: Environmental factors, especially rural inhabitancy and family related stress were associated with higher obesity risk in our study. Employment, smoking, physical activity and use of oral contraception seemed to have protective role in women

    New method for quantitative analysis of GD2 ganglioside in plasma of neuroblastoma patients

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    Neuroblastoma, the most common extracranial solid tumour of childhood, is a malignancy of unknown origin and non-specific symptoms. One of the markers of the disease is GD2 ganglioside (disialoganglioside), which is abundantly expressed on the surface of neuroblastoma cells. Gangliosides are known to be shed by tumour cells and this phenomenon can be significant in cancer progression as they inhibit a number of immune responses both in vitro and in vivo. In search for novel markers useful in monitoring and prognosis of neuroblastoma, we developed and validated a new quantitative method of GD2 ganglioside analysis in human blood plasma. We evaluated the level of gangliosides in blood serum of 34 neuroblastoma patients using high-performance liquid chromatography. The technique was used to detect fluorescently labelled oligosaccharides derived from serum glycosphingolipids by enzymatic digestion with ceramide glycanase. The developed method allowed determination of GD2 concentrations at the picomole level and required only 40 µl of plasma, which should be particularly useful when the quantity of clinical material is limiting. Moreover, this method can be applied to study concentration of other gangliosides, as shown for GD3 ganglioside. Analysis of plasma samples from the 34 neuroblastoma patients did not reveal any correlations between the concentration of GD2 ganglioside and clinical parameters, including the results of therapy; it showed, however, that the concentration of GD2 ganglioside in the plasma of neuroblastoma patients decreased substantially in the course of treatment

    Is digit ratio (2D:4D) associated with a religious profession? An exploratory study on male Polish seminary students

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    Human females demonstrate higher religiosity than men in populations. Digit ratio (2D:4D), being a putative indicator of prenatal testosterone, is associated in varying degrees with characters that show sexual dimorphism. A small number of studies have indicated that religiosity may be associated with the biological basis of sex differences in humans. The objective of the present study was to ascertain whether 2D:4D in religiously oriented seminary students is different from individuals in other occupations. The study followed a cross-sectional design. Male participants of the study included 13 seminary students, 18 military chaplains and 91 control students from study courses relating to civil occupations. Lengths of second (2D) and fourth (4D) digits and their ratio (2D:4D) for each hand, height and weight were the variables and 2D:4D was the outcome measure. The results demonstrated that the seminary students had significantly higher 2D:4D than both the military chaplains and civil students. The military chaplains had the lowest 2D:4D. The study also revealed that the choice of religious occupation, and for that matter, religiosity, could be linked with the prenatal hormonal environment, particularly lower intrauterine testosterone compared to oestrogen

    Oprogramowanie do rekonstrukcji i analizy 3D obrazów diagnostycznych

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    Background: Recent advances in computer technologies have opened new frontiers in medical diagnostics. Interesting possibilities are the use of three-dimensional (3D) imaging and the combination of images from different modalities. Software prepared in our laboratories devoted to 3D image reconstruction and analysis from computed tomography and ultrasonography is presented. In developing our software it was assumed that it should be applicable in standard medical practice, i.e. it should work effectively with a PC. An additional feature is the possibility of combining 3D images from different modalities. Materials/Methods: The program was tested on a PC using DICOM data from computed tomography and TIFF files obtained from a 3D ultrasound system. The results of the anthropomorphic phantom and patient data were taken into consideration. A new approach was used to achieve spatial correlation of two independently obtained 3D images. The method relies on the use of four pairs of markers within the regions under consideration. The user selects the markers manually and the computer calculates the transformations necessary for coupling the images. Results: The main software feature is the possibility of 3D image reconstruction from a series of twodimensional (2D) images. The reconstructed 3D image can be: (1) viewed with the most popular methods of 3D image viewing, (2) filtered and processed to improve image quality, (3) analyzed quantitatively (geometrical measurements), and (4) coupled with another, independently acquired 3D image. The reconstructed and processed 3D image can be stored at every stage of image processing. The overall software performance was good considering the relatively low costs of the hardware used and the huge data sets processed. The program can be freely used and tested (source code and program available at http://www.biofizyka.cm-uj.krakow.pl). Improvements allowing the processing of new data types and new procedures can be implemented for specific demands. Conclusions: The reconstruction and data processing can be conducted using a standard PC, so low investment costs result in the introduction of advanced and useful diagnostic possibilities

    The effects of high-intensity interval training at the anaerobic and psychomotor fatigue thresholds on physiological parameters in young soccer players: a prospective study

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    This study aimed to investigate the effects of a 4-week specific high-intensity interval training (HIIT) program performed between the anaerobic threshold (ANT) and the psychomotor fatigue threshold (PFT) on physiological parameters in 14 professional soccer players at the under-17 level. The first and second stages of the research protocol included a treadmill running exercise with increasing load and six 3-min four-versus-four games of soccer with a 3-min break between games. Players then participated in a training microcycle involving three specific HIIT exercises twice per week for 4 weeks, after which they repeated stages one and two, followed by an assessment of changes. The measurement of lactate (LA) determined ANT, whereas the choice reaction time (CRT) indicated PFT among other selected physiological parameters. The repeated-measure analysis of variance (ANOVA) compared mean values for the examined variables using Bonferroni post hoc test. It demonstrated significantly increased maximal oxygen consumption (VO2 max) from 45.9 ± 3.0 to 48.7 ± 2.6 at the ANT and from 49.1 ± 3.4 to 52.0 ± 3.6 on the PFT after 4 weeks of training. A significant increase in the running speed (RS) at both thresholds and heart rate (HR) at the ANT (p ≤ 0.05) was also recorded. Moreover, the players exceeded their intensity of effort during ANT while playing four-versus-four soccer matches, but they did not reach intensity during PFT. In conclusion, the findings of the study demonstrated that both thresholds shifted toward higher loads and the proposed specific HIIT effectively increased the exercise capacity of soccer players

    Physical Activity With Eduball Stimulates Graphomotor Skills in Primary School Students

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    Despite the general agreement that the interdisciplinary model of physical education (PE), based on the incorporation of core academic subjects into the PE curriculum, stimulates the holistic development of students, there is still a lack of methods for its implementation. Therefore, Eduball was created, i.e., a method that uses educational balls with printed letters, numbers, and other signs. Numerous studies have shown that children participating in activities with Eduballs can develop their physical fitness while simultaneously improving their academic performance, particularly in math and language, including some writing skills. However, little is known about the effects of Eduball on children’s graphomotor skills, which are key for the academic performance of students throughout the entire schooling process. Here, we investigate whether 6-month participation in PE with Eduball stimulates graphomotor skills in primary school students, such as drawing prehandwriting letter patterns on unlined or lined paper and rewriting text on unlined or lined paper. Our results show that the Eduball class (N = 28) significantly improved these skills compared to the control class (N = 26) participating in traditional PE. For example, students from the experimental group wrote with a lower pen pressure and better stability of the line, in contrast to those from the control group. Therefore, this study demonstrates that the Eduball method successfully supports teachers in developing graphomotor skills in children. More broadly, our findings make clear once again that there is the need to integrate physical and cognitive development in education, which can be achieved by using an interdisciplinary model of PE