45 research outputs found

    Comparison of food choice motives between malay husbands and wives in an urban community.

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    The main objective of this study was to determine the motives underlying the selection of foods between husbands and wives in an urban community. This cross-sectional study was carried out in Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia among 150 married couples aged 20 and above, who voluntarily agreed to participate and were not on any special diet. Data were collected using the Food Choice Questionnaire (FCQ) which measured the health-related and non healthrelated factor that influence people's food choices. It consisted of 36 items designed to assess the reported importance of nine factors: health, mood, convenience, sensory appeal, natural content, price, weight control, familiarity, and ethical concern. In this study, the FCQ was adapted and a new factor, religion (religious guidelines), was included. Demographic characteristics including age, occupation, education, household income and household size were also collected. Data were analysed using SPSS version 16. Results showed that 40.7% of husbands (mean age= 43.33 + 11.16 years) and 55.3% of wives (mean age= 41.28 + 10.93 years) perceived themselves as the main food shopper while 12.0% of the husbands and 85.3% of the wives perceived themselves as the main meal planner. Husbands rated religion as the most prominent factor in food choice motives with a mean average rating of 4.56 + 0.59 on a 5-point rating scale, followed by health and convenience factor. Meanwhile, the wives rated health as the most essential factor with mean average rating of 4.49 + 0.58, followed by religion and convenience factor. Sensory appeal, ethical concerns and familiarity were rated as the bottom three factors of food choice motives among these two groups. Price of foods was not considered as an important factor in making food choices for the subjects in this study. In conclusion, the husbands and wives of this urban community rated religion, health and convenience as the three most important food choice motives in food selection

    Corporate performance, corporate governance and CEO dismissal in Malaysia

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    Objective – This study empirically examines the incidence of CEO dismissal in Malaysian Public Listed Companies (PLCs). Methodology/Technique – Logistic regression is used in this study to estimate the relationship between firm performance, corporate governance and CEO. Findings – Using 44 CEO turnover firms in 2010 among financial and non- financial institution, this study find that the firm performance, board multiple directorship, family ownership and institutional investors influence CEO dismissal. Specifically, firms that have lower performance, have a high proportion of board member multiple directorships and controlled by institutional investors are more likely to dismiss their CEOs. These results imply that poor performance together with board multiple directorship and controlled by large institutional investors are amongst major factor that contribute to CEO dismissal. In contrast, we find CEO dismissal is less likely occurred at firms that controlled by the family.This result may due to large control by family and in some cases the CEOs are among family members. Novelty – This paper study on the type of CEO turnover which segregate the type of turnover into forced and voluntary turnover. This research idea has limited finding globally as previous research on CEO turnover do not separate between forced and voluntary turnover Type of Paper: Empirica

    Proximate composition and selected mineral determination in organically grown red pitaya (Hylocereus sp.)

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    Hylocereus species has generated a lot of interest as a source of natural red colour for food colouring, cosmetic industry and health potential for improving eyesight and preventing hypertension and combating anaemia. This study was conducted to determine the proximate composition, carbohydrate, crude fibres and minerals content in red pitaya fruits (Hylocereus sp.) which were obtained from organically grown plantation. Results showed that the red pitaya proximate composition were 87.30% moisture, 0.70 g ash, 0.16 g protein, 0.23 g fat, 10.10 g crude fibre and 1.48 g carbohydrate. The mineral content in red pitaya was calcium (5.70 mg), phosphorus (23.0 mg), magnesium (28.30 mg), sodium (50.15 mg), potassium (56.96 mg), iron (3.40 mg), zinc (13.87 mg) and copper (0.031 mg). The results showed that red pitaya fruits could have potential health benefits in preventing risk factors of certain diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, preventing hypertension and hypercholesterolemia, preventing anaemia and improving eyesight

    Effects of Strobilanthes crispus juice on wound healing and antioxidant enzymes in normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.

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    The objective of this study is to determine the effect of Strobilanthes crispus Juice (SCJ) on wound healing and antioxidative enzymes activity in normal and streptozotocin-induced rats. A total of 48 male albino Sprague dawley rats, weight 150-200 g were used. The rats were divided into 8 groups with 6 rats in each group. The healing of 2 cm linear incisions created on the back of each rat was monitored by measuring the length of the wounds daily. The result showed a significant increase (p<0.05) in the percentage of wound healing at day 3 and 7 in the treated group especially treated with 140 mg kg-1 b.wt. of S. crispus juice in diabetic and normal rats compared with the control. Strobilanthes crispus juice increased significantly p (<0.05) of glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in treated group in diabetic rats. Significant correlation was found between wound healing, GPx and SOD enzymes. In conclusion, S. crispus juice enhanced wound healing in normal and diabetic rats

    Hypocholesterolemic effect of red pitaya (Hylocereus sp.) on hypercholesterolemia induced rats

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    This study was carried out to evaluate the total phenolic content and anti-oxidant activity of methanolic extract of red pitaya, and hypocholesterolemic effect of red pitaya (Hylocereus sp.) on lipid profiles status on hypercholesterolemia induced rats. From the analysis, total phenolic content in red pitaya is 46.06 ± 1.77 mg GAE/100 g fresh weight and antioxidant activity is 76.10% using FTC method. TBA analysis also showed red pitaya extract had high antioxidant effect (72.90%). An in-vivo study also showed red pitaya has hypocholesterolemic effect on induced hypercholesterolemia rats. After 11 weeks of study, total blood cholesterol significant decrease (p<0.05) in the groups supplement with red pitaya. The total cholesterol (TC) level for group PF1 were reduced from 3.356 mmol/L to 1.707 mmol/L (49.14%), group PF2 reduced from 3.435 mmol/L to 1.487 mmol/L (56.72%) and group PF3 reduced from 3.448 mmol/L to 1.412 mmol/L (59.06%) as compare to baseline respectively. The mean total cholesterol level in both negative (N – 5.12%) and positive controls (group HC – 13.79%) were not significantly different (p<0.05). The mean triglycerides (TG) level for all groups had shown a reduction (p<0.05) with value of 23.87% (group N), 22.674% (group HC), 42.81% (group PF1), 52.82% (group PF2) and 59.52% (group PF3) as compare to baseline levels. The mean HDL level increased by about 2.12% (group N), 19.31% (group PF1), 21.93% (group PF2) and much higher increase in group PF3 (34.42%). The mean LDL decreased by about 39.06% (PF3), 15.10% (PF2), 1.50% (PF1) and 4.33% (group N). The positive control has showed significantly increase with the mean value for 25.68%. In conclusion, all groups that received red pitaya supplementation has high antioxidant properties and showed a good results in managing of lipid profile. It was suggested that the consumption of red pitaya demonstrated the potential to reduce dyslipidemia and play a role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease

    Determination of radical scavenging activity and vitamin A, C and E in organically grown red pitaya (Hylocereus sp.)

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    This study was conducted to determine radical scavenging activity and vitamin antioxidant composition in red pitaya from organic plantation. For antioxidant vitamins analysis, a reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography was used and radical scavenging activity of methanolic and water extract were determined using 1,1-diphenyl-2-pircrylhydrazyl assay. Results for radical scavenging activity, red pitaya methanolic extract achieved the highest percentage 70.13% compared with water extract (47.13%). Antioxidant vitamins composition in red pitaya showed that the concentration of vitamin A is 120.13 ± 0.69 μg/100 g freeze-dried sample, vitamin C is 540.27 ± 0.59 μg/100 g fresh samples and vitamin E is 105.67 ± 0.56 μg/100 g freeze-dried samples. This shows that red pitaya may become an alternative and potential source of natural antioxidant

    Functional properties and characterization of dietary fiber from mangifera pajang kort. Fruit pulp

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    A dried high fiber product from bambangan (Mangifera pajang Kort.) fruit pulp was prepared and evaluated for proximate composition, functional properties, and soluble and insoluble dietary fiber composition. Mangifera pajang fibrous (MPF) consisted of 4.7% moisture, 0.8% fat, 4% protein, and 30 mg total polyphenol per g of dry sample, and 9, 79 and 88% soluble, insoluble and total dietary fiber, respectively. Water holding capacity, oil holding capacity, swelling, and solubility were found to be 9 g/g dry sample, 4 g/g dry sample, 16 mL/g dry sample, and 11%, respectively. The glucose dialysis retardation index of MPF was approximately double that of cellulose fiber. Soluble dietary fiber contained mannose, arabinose, glucose, rhamnose, erythrose, galactose, xylose, and fucose at 1.51, 0.72, 0.39, 0.16, 0.14, 0.05, 0.04, and 0.01%, respectively, with 5.8% uronic acid, while insoluble dietary fiber was composed of arabinose (18.47%), glucose (4.46%), mannose (3.15%), rhamnose (1.65%), galactose (1.20%), xylose (0.99%), and fucose (0.26%) with 15.5% uronic acid and 33.1% klason lignin. These characteristics indicate that MPF is a rich source of dietary fiber and has physicochemical properties which make it suitable as an added ingredient in various food products and/or dietetic, low-calorie high-fiber foods to enhance their nutraceutical propertie

    Hypocholesterolaemic effect of yoghurt containing Bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum G4 or Bifidobacterium longum BB536

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    The effect of a yoghurt supplement containing Bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum G4 or Bifidobacterium longum BB536 on plasma lipids, lipid peroxidation and the faecal excretion of bile acids was examined in rats fed a cholesterol-enriched diet. After 8 weeks, the rats in the positive control (PC) group who were fed the cholesterol-enriched diet showed significant increases in plasma total cholesterol (TC), low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, and malondialdehyde (MDA). However, groups fed a cholesterol-enriched diet supplemented with yoghurt containing B. pseudocatenulatum G4 or B. longum BB536 had significantly lower plasma TC, LDL-C, very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) cholesterol, and MDA than had the PC group after 8 weeks of treatment. In addition, faecal excretion of bile acids was markedly increased in the rats fed the yoghurt containing B. pseudocatenulatum G4 or B. longum BB536 as compared to the PC and NC groups

    Hypocholesterolemic effect of red pitaya (Hylocereus sp.) on hypercholesterolemia indeuced rats

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    This study was carried out to evaluate the total phenolic content and anti-oxidant activity of methanolic extract of red pitaya, and hypocholesterolemic effect of red pitaya (Hylocereus sp.) on lipid profiles status on hypercholesterolemia induced rats. From the analysis, total phenolic content in red pitaya is 46.06 ± 1.77 mg GAE/100g fresh weight and antioxidant activity is 76.10% using FTC method. TBA analysis also showed red pitaya extract had high antioxidant effect (72.90%). An in-vivo study also showed red pitaya has hypocholesterolemic effect oninduced hypercholesterolemia rats. After 11 weeks of study, total blood cholesterol significant decrease (p<0.05) in the groups supplement with red pitaya. The total cholesterol (TC) level for group PF1 were reduced from 3.356 mmol/L to 1.707mmol/L (49.14%), group PF2 reduced from 3.435 mmol/L to 1.487 mmol/L (56.72%) and group PF3 reduced from 3.448 mmol/L to 1.412 mmol/L (59.06%) as compare to baseline respectively. The mean total cholesterol level in both negative (N–5.12%) and positive controls (group HC–13.79%) were not significantly different (p<0.05). The mean triglyce rides (TG) level for all groups had shown a reduction (p<0.05) with value of 23.87% (group N), 22.674% (group HC), 42.81% (group PF1), 52.82% (group PF2) and 59.52% (group PF3) as compare to baseline levels. The mean HDL level increased by about 2.12% (group N), 19.31% (group PF1), 21. 93% (group PF2) and much higher increase in group PF3 (34.42%). The mean LDL decreased by about 39.06% (PF3), 15.10% (PF2), 1.50% (PF1) and 4.33% (group N). The positive control has showed significantly increase with the mean value for 25.68%. In conclusion, all groups that received red pitaya supplementation has high antioxidant properties and showed a good results in managing of lipid profile. It was suggested that the consumption of red pitaya demonstrated the potential to reduce dyslipidemia and play a role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease

    CEO characteristics and financial restatement: The case of CEO turnover in Malaysia

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    This study examines the incidence of financial restatement in CEO turnover firms. Using 78 CEO turnover firms from 2008 to 2010 among nonfinancial institution, we find that the age of the CEO and forced turnover influence restatement in the year prior to CEO turnover. Specifically, older CEOs have higher probability of restating financial statement as they may wish to hold to the l ast bonus/pay they would likely receive.We also document some evidence of management entrenchment hypothesis that CEO ownership may lower financial restatement.Firm characteristics such as size, Big 4 and growth as measure by market to book value have a positive relationship with restatement which suggests that big companies with high growth have higher probability of restatement.The study also supports the argument of debt as a monitoring cost as debt is argued to constraint opportunistic earnings management behavior including restatement