22 research outputs found

    Exploring Individual Differences in Stroop Processing with Cluster Analysis: Target Article on Stroop-Differences

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    A relatively small number of studies of the Stroop task has examined individual differences in age, sex, hemispheric processing, and language. The amount of interference is the primary dependent measure in most studies, not the factors that contribute to the interference. In the present target article, cluster analysis is used to identify groups of participants who respond similarly on the Stroop task. Integrated color-word Stroop stimuli were presented for varying durations in the first study. Significant individual differences were found. A cluster analysis identified two groups of subjects. One group responded consistently across durations and conditions while the other responded more erratically. Potential sources of individual differences were examined in a second study. 120 subjects were given the Color and Word Test along with selected subtests of the Stanford Binet Intelligence Test, age appropriate Wechsler tests, and the Detroit Tests of Learning Aptitude. Again, cluster analysis found two groups of subjects. The group with higher scores on visual reasoning and short-term memory produced more interference

    ADHD Differences on the Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale, Fifth Edition

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    Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common psychiatric diagnosis in childhood that requires a level of attention or hyperactivity that falls short of the expected developmental level. Past research shows cognitive discrepancies in ADHD populations with verbal deficiencies observed primarily in tasks that require a combined auditory and verbal component. Working memory has been a long acknowledged deficit in persons with ADHD. This research examines cognitive differences among children with ADHD on working memory and other components of the Stanford Binet, 5th edition (SB5). Stanford Binet verbal and nonverbal working memory was hypothesized to be different for the ADHD sample compared to controls and between ADHD subtypes. Participants were gathered from the Stanford Binet standardization sample that were diagnosed with ADHD and matched with a group of normal controls. Data was analyzed using ANOVA followed by a cluster analysis of discrepancies found at subtest and testlet levels. Due to matching and statistical control, results showed no differences in FSIQ, VIQ, or PIQ between normals and those with ADHD, but those with ADHD took an average of 20 minutes longer to complete the SB5, consistently showed greater response variability, and exhibited significant differential item functioning for Vocabulary, Object Series/Matrices, and the routing scales. Deficits in working memory appear to account for these differences

    Poster: Nonverbal Cognitive Assessment for Special-Needs or Non-English ADHD or LD Cases

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    The Cattell-Horn-Carroll Theory (Willis, 2011) posits several components of general intelligence (e.g., fluid reasoning, visual-spatial memory, and processing speed examined in this study). In regards to measures of general intelligence, nonverbal cognitive measures can reduce verbal load and more accurately appraise non-verbal and non-native English speakers (Johnsen, 2017). In the present study, researchers hypothesized participants with ADHD, the most common neuropsychiatric disorder (Thomas et al., 2015) commonly associated with memory difficulties, would score lower on memory and attention tests than LD and no-diagnosis participants

    Stanford-Binet 5 Nonverbal Subtests Item Fairness in a Latina/o Sample: No News is Good News

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    Examines the effects of acculturation (as measured by years in the U.S.) on performance on the SB5 Nonverbal scales in three population samples

    3. Computer Technology In Testing

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    COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY IN TESTING Although computers have had an important role in educational and psychological testing for decades, the widespread availability of personal computers has focused interest on the appropriate role of computerization in the development, administration, scoring, and interpretation of tests. Although the early decades of computer usage found hardware and services concentrated in large computer installations, future decades will find hardware and services distributed more widely among individual users. With this rapid diffusion of technology and the lightning speed with which technology is changing, it will be increasingly difficult to predict the directions that computerized testing will take. Therefore, the purpose of this review is to discuss some broad themes in the future of computer technology as applied to testing, but, at the same time, restricting the discussion to methodology and usages that appear feasible for application in the near future. Although it is always tempting in the discussion of any innovation, this review will resist the urge to view computerized testing or computerized interpretation of tests as a panacea for all of the limitations of non-automated procedures. In fact, computerized test interpretation raises several new ethical issues and complications that magnify the latent problems of inexperienced test users (Zachary & Pope, 1983). It remains clear that skillful and imaginative clinical use of tests and assessment will always require the reasoned guidance of the experienced professional. Computers remain a tool to the professional, admittedly a more complex tool than previously available to the individual user. This chapter has two time perspectives: (1) current status and (2) future directions. Within each of these perspectives, four areas of computerization are discussed: (a) aides to test development , (b) test administration, (c) scoring, and (d) the interpretation of test results

    Quality of Performance and Change-Sensitive Assessment of Cognitive Ability

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    Growth and change are fundamental processes in human development. Recent trends in education, psychology, medicine, and other fields have stimulated renewed interest in methods of measuring developmental growth and change (Collins & Sayer 2001). Educators and governmental agencies have recently placed greater emphasis on the importance of growth in reading as foundational to student learning (Torgesen 2002).A major review of the regulations is underway in the United States, concerning funding of special education in public schools (e.g., President’s Commission on Excellence in Special Education 2002) and the emphasis has been on ‘continuous progress’ assessment and accountability for student learning (e.g., multiple testing during the school year). Extensive research is underway on the developmental time tables in antisocial behaviour (Bauer & Estell 2001). Highly sophisticated multivariate statistical models are being developed for assessing change in medical programs directed at drug-use prevention, depression recovery, and head-injury recovery (Collins & Sayer 2001). Measures of growth are also needed in monitoring the progress of infants born prematurely (Krishnakumar & Black 2001; Roid & Sampers 2004).When cognitive performance decreases rather than increases, as in the elderly (e.g., memory function), measures sensitive to change in the negative direction are needed (Roid 2003b)

    SB5: Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, Fifth Edition

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    Das international bewährte Einzeltestverfahren zur Erfassung der Intelligenz, jetzt neu als deutsche Version erhältlich. Die SB5 bieten eine große Altersspanne von 4 bis 83+ Jahren. Die Intelligenzwerte der SB5 korrelieren hoch mit denen anderer, etablierter Intelligenztestverfahren. Für spezifische Personengruppen (überdurchschnittliche Intelligenz, Intelligenzminderung, fremdsprachiger Hintergrund, Entwicklungsstörung schulischer Fertigkeiten und ADHS) zeigen sich erwartungskonforme Intelligenzprofile. Das Verfahren kommt mit umfangreichen und für Kinder ansprechend gestalteten Materialien

    A technology for Test-Item Writing /

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    Bibliogr. à la fin des chap.Index: p. 241-24

    A technology for test-item writing

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    xii, 247 p.; 21 cm