48 research outputs found

    NK Cell Receptor NKp46 Regulates Graft-versus-Host Disease

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    SummaryHematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is often the only curative treatment for a wide variety of hematologic malignancies. Donor selection in these diseases is crucial, given that transplanted cells can mediate not only the desired graft-versus-leukemia effect but also graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). Here, we demonstrate that in the absence of NKp46, a major killer receptor expressed by human and mouse natural killer (NK) cells, GVHD is greatly exacerbated, resulting in rapid mortality of the transplanted animals because of infection with commensal bacteria. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the exacerbated GVHD is the result of an altered ability of immune cells to respond to stimulation by immature dendritic cells. Because high and low expression of NKp46 on NK cells is observed in different individuals, our data indicate that choosing NKp46-high donors for the treatment of different hematologic malignancies might lead to better tumor eradication while minimizing GVHD

    Fgd5 identifies hematopoietic stem cells in the murine bone marrow

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    Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are the best-characterized tissue-specific stem cells, yet experimental study of HSCs remains challenging, as they are exceedingly rare and methods to purify them are cumbersome. Moreover, genetic tools for specifically investigating HSC biology are lacking. To address this we sought to identify genes uniquely expressed in HSCs within the hematopoietic system and to develop a reporter strain that specifically labels them. Using microarray profiling we identified several genes with HSC-restricted expression. Generation of mice with targeted reporter knock-in/knock-out alleles of one such gene, Fgd5, revealed that though Fgd5 was required for embryonic development, it was not required for definitive hematopoiesis or HSC function. Fgd5 reporter expression near exclusively labeled cells that expressed markers consistent with HSCs. Bone marrow cells isolated based solely on Fgd5 reporter signal showed potent HSC activity that was comparable to stringently purified HSCs. The labeled fraction of the Fgd5 reporter mice contained all HSC activity, and HSC-specific labeling was retained after transplantation. Derivation of next generation mice bearing an Fgd5-CreERT2 allele allowed tamoxifen-inducible deletion of a conditional allele specifically in HSCs. In summary, reporter expression from the Fgd5 locus permits identification and purification of HSCs based on single-color fluorescence


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    Isolation of Murine Myeloid Progenitor Populations by CD34/CD150 Surface Markers

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    Myeloid progenitors are intermediates between Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs) and Myeloid effector progeny. In mouse bone marrow, they are part of the Lineage− cKit+ Sca1− (LK) compartment. To date, most researchers used CD34 and FcγR surface markers for the dissection of this compartment into various populations. Surprisingly, however, this approach does not provide distinct separation by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). In this study, we suggest using CD150 instead of FcγR. We re-analyzed published single-cell RNA-Seq data and found that CD34/CD150 provides better sub-populations separation, compared to the “classical” CD34/FcγR-based approach. We confirm our findings by independent FACS analysis. We demonstrate comparable differentiation potential of the newly-obtained LK sub-populations, like previous “classical” ones. Therefore, we suggest the CD34/CD150 gating strategy, utilizing commonly-used surface markers, as a robust and reproducible separation of the LK compartment into distinct sub-populations

    Rapid activation of hematopoietic stem cells

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    Abstract Adult hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) in the bone marrow (BM) are quiescent. Following perturbations, such as blood loss or infection, HSCs may undergo activation. Surprisingly, little is known about the earliest stages of HSCs activation. We utilize surface markers of HSCs activation, CD69 and CD317, revealing a response as early as 2 h after stimulation. The dynamic expression of HSCs activation markers varies between viral-like (poly-Inosinic-poly-Cytidylic) or bacterial-like (Lipopolysaccharide) immune stimuli. We further quantify dose response, revealing a low threshold, and similar sensitivity of HSCs and progenitors in the BM. Finally, we find a positive correlation between the expression of surface activation markers and early exit from quiescence. Our data show that the response of adult stem cells to immune stimulation is rapid and sensitive, rapidly leading HSCs out of quiescence

    Molecular Mechanisms in Murine Syngeneic Leukemia Stem Cells

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    Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is a severe disease with a very high relapse rate. AML relapse may be attributable to leukemic stem cells (LSC). Notably, the “cancer stem cell” theory, which relates to LSCs, is controversial and criticized due to the technical peculiarities of the xenotransplant of human cells into mice. In this study, we searched for possible LSCs in an immunocompetent synergetic mice model. First, we found phenotypic heterogeneity in the ML23 leukemia line. We prospectively isolated a sub-population using the surface markers cKit+CD9−CD48+Mac1−/low, which have the potency to relapse the disease. Importantly, this sub-population can pass in syngeneic hosts and retrieve the heterogeneity of the parental ML23 leukemia line. The LSC sub-population resides in various organs. We present a unique gene expression signature of the LSC in the ML23 model compared to the other sub-populations. Interestingly, the ML23 LSC sub-population expresses therapeutic targeted genes such as CD47 and CD93. Taken together, we present the identification and molecular characterization of LSCs in a syngeneic murine model

    Molecular Mechanisms in Murine Syngeneic Leukemia Stem Cells

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    Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is a severe disease with a very high relapse rate. AML relapse may be attributable to leukemic stem cells (LSC). Notably, the “cancer stem cell” theory, which relates to LSCs, is controversial and criticized due to the technical peculiarities of the xenotransplant of human cells into mice. In this study, we searched for possible LSCs in an immunocompetent synergetic mice model. First, we found phenotypic heterogeneity in the ML23 leukemia line. We prospectively isolated a sub-population using the surface markers cKit+CD9−CD48+Mac1−/low, which have the potency to relapse the disease. Importantly, this sub-population can pass in syngeneic hosts and retrieve the heterogeneity of the parental ML23 leukemia line. The LSC sub-population resides in various organs. We present a unique gene expression signature of the LSC in the ML23 model compared to the other sub-populations. Interestingly, the ML23 LSC sub-population expresses therapeutic targeted genes such as CD47 and CD93. Taken together, we present the identification and molecular characterization of LSCs in a syngeneic murine model

    Tumor Immunoediting by NKp46

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