17 research outputs found

    IgE-binding to vicilin-like antimicrobial peptides is associated with systemic reactions to macadamia nut

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    Background: Macadamia nut can induce fatal allergic reactions and changes in dietary habits will raise their consumption in industrialised countries. Until now diagnosis of macadamia nut allergy by sIgE solely relies on the macadamia nut extract, but single components are lacking. Methods: Macadamia nut proteins recognised by IgE from 2 macadamia nut extract positive sera were identified by mass spectrometry (vicilin-like antimicrobial peptides: VLAP). Sensitisation to macadamia nut extract and heterologously expressed isoform VLAP-2–3 was evaluated in 82 nut allergic (NA) and 27 tolerant (NT) patients (no tree nut allergy reported) comprehending 10 macadamia nut allergic (MA) and 18 explicitly reported macadamia nut tolerant patients (MT), using line blots. Co-sensitisation to additional VLAP isoforms and other vicilins was evaluated in 8 MA, 12 MT and 14 NA patients sensitised to VLAP-2–3. Functional properties were determined by indirect basophil activation. Results: Even though proteins recognised by IgE were identified as VLAP-2–1, 2–2 and 2–3, only peptides specifically belonging to VLAP-2–3 were detected by mass spectrometry. The macadamia nut extract was recognised by 33% of NA patients (27/82) including 3 MA patients and 26% of NT patients (7/27, 3 MT). Similarly, 29% of NA (24/82) patients showed partly strong sIgE-binding to VLAP-2–3 including 3 MA patients with systemic reactions to macadamia nut. Contrary, VLAP-2–3 was recognised by only 2 NT (1 MT) patients (7%) with very low sIgE titres. Simultaneous recognition of the isoforms VLAP-2–1 and 2–2 was observed in all patients positive for VLAP-2–3 with partly reduced sIgE titres in 59% of these patients. Additionally, all three VLAP isoforms were able to repeatedly induce BAT reactivity upon sensitisation with a MA serum. Conclusion: VLAP proteins are the first described macadamia nut components with serological and functional allergenic properties and they are associated with systemic reactions to macadamia nut

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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    “The magic triangle between bed, office, couch”: a qualitative exploration of job demands, resources, coping, and the role of leadership in remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Abstract Background The COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated many employees to work from home with immediate effect for several months, regardless of their workplace preference or situation at home. Against this backdrop, this study explores perceived job demands and resources as well as the role of leadership and coping strategies of employees and managers with little or no prior experience with working from home in the altered work environment. Methods Based on the job demands-resources model, we developed an interview guide and conducted thirty-four semi-structured interviews. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed deductively-inductively using qualitative content analysis. Results Experienced job demands include, e.g., challenging, insufficient digital communication, and lack of social exchange, while greater flexibility and work-life balance were identified as valuable resources. Regarding the role of leadership, signaling trust, keeping regular contact, and supporting employees are important. To cope with the unforeseen yet persistent work situation, participants applied creative strategies by setting up offices at home with what they had at disposal. Differences were observed between employee and managerial perceptions as well as over time during the pandemic. Conclusions The results expand our knowledge about healthy remote work by adding specific demands, resources, and coping strategies employees and managers experienced during the extreme situation of the COVID-19 pandemic to the picture as well as specifying the role of leadership. Moreover, our findings provide a foundation for guidelines for healthy remote work design and collaboration in times of abrupt change and crises

    Stressoren, Stresserleben und Stressfolgen von PflegekrÀften im ambulanten und stationÀren Setting in Deutschland

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    <jats:title>Zusammenfassung</jats:title><jats:p>Dieser Beitrag liefert einen Überblick ĂŒber den aktuellen Forschungsstand zu arbeitsbedingtem Stress in der ambulanten und stationĂ€ren Pflege. Dabei wird auf Stressoren (z. B. Zeitdruck) und das Stresserleben, ebenso wie auf kurz- und langfristige Folgen von Stress (z. B. emotionale Erschöpfung und Burnout) in der Pflegebranche eingegangen. Des Weiteren werden Möglichkeiten zum Umgang mit Stress und zur Gesundheitsförderung von PflegekrĂ€ften beleuchtet. Im Ausland wurden bisher mehr Studien zu arbeitsbedingtem Stress unter PflegekrĂ€ften, insbesondere zu Burnout als Folge von Stress, durchgefĂŒhrt als in Deutschland. Vor dem Hintergrund aktueller struktureller Herausforderungen fĂŒr die Pflegebranche zeigt sich ein dringender Forschungsbedarf bezĂŒglich der Arbeits- und Gesundheitssituation von ambulant und stationĂ€r tĂ€tigen PflegekrĂ€ften in Deutschland.</jats:p&gt

    Boundarylessness and sleep quality among virtual team members – a pilot study from Germany

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    Background!#!In the course of globalisation and digitalisation, new ways of work are becoming increasingly prevalent. To remain competitive as an organisation, cooperation across time, place, and organisational boundaries is becoming necessary. Virtual teamwork offers these advantages, but can also be both, an opportunity and a burden, for employees. This pilot study aims to gain first insights into job demands and resources in virtual teamwork to provide a basis for further research from which appropriate health promotion and prevention measures can be derived.!##!Methods!#!In this pilot study, an online questionnaire was used to examine the relationship between boundarylessness as a job demand, psychological detachment as a personal resource, as well as perceived stress and sleep quality as health outcomes among 46 virtual team members from Germany. Data collection lasted from October 2019 to January 2020. Validated scales were used for the questionnaire, except for virtuality. Due to insufficient operationalisation to date, a virtuality scale was developed based on the current state of research. The data were analysed with ordinal logistic regression analyses and median split !##!Results!#!The results indicate that perceived stress impaired sleep quality of virtual team members in this sample. In contrast, successful psychological detachment from work was positively related to sleep quality. A higher degree of virtuality coincided with higher levels of boundarylessness. Virtual team members with leadership responsibility showed higher levels of psychological detachment.!##!Conclusion!#!The present pilot study breaks ground and provides initial insights into the relationship between virtual teamwork and employee health in the German context. Further research, particularly on job demands in virtual teamwork, is needed to derive concrete health promotion and prevention measures

    Gesundheitsfördernde Arbeitsgestaltung im Homeoffice im Kontext der COVID-19-Pandemie

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    Background!#!The contact restrictions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic have led many companies to allow their employees to work from home for infection control reasons.!##!Objective!#!This literature review explores the question in what way health-promoting work from home can be excercised.!##!Results!#!Working from home requires consideration of the same guidelines just like those for office and computer workstations. To prevent negative mental and physical stress reactions, an ergonomic workstation design is recommended. Furthermore, the organization of working time (structuring the working day, adhering to breaks and regeneration units, and avoiding disturbances and interruptions) is of great importance for a health-promoting work design at home.!##!Conclusion!#!Important components of a health-promoting work design are temporal, spatial and mental separation of work and private life. Employees and their individual needs must be taken into account when designing a health-promoting workplace at home; however, the responsibility for implementing health-promoting work design mostly lies solely with the employees due to the ad hoc change of workplace

    Health promotion for outpatient careworkers in Germany

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    Due to ongoing demographic changes, the need for care is increasing in Germany. The number of outpatient care services is also rising, and with it, the number of employees in outpatient care, who are also continuously becoming older. Workplace health promotion (WHP) becomes relevant in this context, as it can reduce negative strain reactions and promote employees’ health. The aim of this study was (1) to reveal implemented WHP interventions in German outpatient care services; (2) to examine the potential challenges regarding a successful implementation of WHP measures; and (3) to illuminate further requests and needs experienced by outpatient careworkers. In qualitative field research, 30 semi-structured individual interviews were conducted with German caregivers, using the problem-centered interview method. The collected data were deductively and inductively evaluated and interpreted, using qualitative content analysis according to Mayring. Outpatient caregivers reported various WHP measures known from their workplaces, such as the provision of fruit baskets, programmes to increase physical activity, or a subsidy for a personal gym. They further reported WHP, such as back training, known from other care services. However, the respondents spoke of the challenges regarding the implementation or the use of WHP interventions in general. The most frequently named barriers were a lack of time after work and interventions that were only offered in their leisure time. In the same course, the participants still needed offers to increase physical activity, joint activities, or relaxation techniques. However, respondents highlighted that they preferred the interventions to take place during working hours. This way, they would also be more likely to take advantage of the interventions. The results of this study provide an insight into various WHP measures that already exist, or that are desirable for implementation with regard to caregivers’ needs. Subjectively perceived challenges for a successful implementation of WHP measures represent the importance of adjustments in the work organization of caregivers. It becomes clear that WHP is not yet established in the ambulant care sector, although it appears to be imperative for keeping caregivers healthy. Considering the different needs of employees, the results can provide a basis for the development of needs-based health promotion measures for caregivers

    Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung in der Pflege

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    <jats:title>Zusammenfassung</jats:title><jats:sec> <jats:title>Hintergrund</jats:title> <jats:p>In der Pflegebranche nehmen ArbeitsunfĂ€higkeitstage durch verschiedene Fehlbelastungen zu, welches die Relevanz der Betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung (BGF) hervorhebt.</jats:p> </jats:sec><jats:sec> <jats:title>Ziel der Arbeit</jats:title> <jats:p>Der Artikel soll die Thematik der BGF in der Pflege beleuchten und zudem eine Übersicht von bestehenden betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderungsmaßnahmen im Setting Pflege bieten.</jats:p> </jats:sec><jats:sec> <jats:title>Material und Methoden</jats:title> <jats:p>In einer explorativen Literaturrecherche werden bisher verfĂŒgbare Erkenntnisse aus der BGF in der Pflege recherchiert und zusammengefasst. Aus diesen Forschungserkenntnissen werden MaßnahmenvorschlĂ€ge fĂŒr die Pflege-BGF abgeleitet. Die VorschlĂ€ge sollten aktualisiert werden, wenn derzeit laufende arbeitspsychologische Studien neue Erkenntnisse hervorgebracht haben.</jats:p> </jats:sec><jats:sec> <jats:title>Ergebnisse</jats:title> <jats:p>Bestehende Interventionen in der Pflegebranche, welche beispielsweise Achtsamkeitstrainings, Maßnahmen zur Stress‑/Tabakkonsumreduzierung sowie die Förderung gesunder ErnĂ€hrungsweise und körperlichen AktivitĂ€t beinhalten, werden dargestellt.</jats:p> </jats:sec><jats:sec> <jats:title>Diskussion</jats:title> <jats:p>Studienergebnisse zeigen, dass Interventionen zur Stressreduzierung aus der stationĂ€ren Pflege effektiv das Stresserleben der PflegekrĂ€fte senken konnten. Web-basierte Interventionen scheinen darĂŒber hinaus fĂŒr das ambulante Pflegesetting als erstrebenswert. Mögliche Herausforderungen, wie fehlende Fachkenntnisse und -krĂ€fte, fĂŒr die BGF-Umsetzung werden diskutiert.</jats:p> </jats:sec&gt

    The Health Behaviour of German Outpatient Caregivers in Relation to Their Working Conditions: A Qualitative Study

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    Ongoing demographic change is leading to an increasingly older society and a rising proportion of people in need of care in the German population. Therefore, the professional group of outpatient caregivers is highly relevant. Their work is characterised not only by interacting with patients in a mobile setting but also by working in shifts. Health behaviour under these specific working conditions is crucial for ensuring long-term work ability and performance. Little is known about the health behaviour of German outpatient caregivers and its potential impact on their work. The aims of the study were (1) to examine health behavioural patterns (nutrition, exercise, smoking, regeneration) of outpatient caregivers, (2) to illuminate their personal health-promoting behaviours, and (3) to identify potential work-related factors influencing their health behaviour. Fifteen problem-centred interviews were conducted with outpatient caregivers working in Northern Germany in the period January–April 2020. Interviews were analysed by using qualitative content analysis. Outpatient caregivers reported improvable nutrition and hydration, with simultaneous high coffee consumption, low physical activity, poor regeneration (breaks and sleep quality), and good personal health-promoting behaviour (e.g., back-friendly habits), although the majority were smokers. Barriers to the implementation of health-promoting behaviours were a high perception of stress due to increased workload and time pressure, while aids to better health-promoting behaviour were described as being social support and personal resources. The respondents perceived their working conditions as potentially influencing their health behaviour. On the basis of their descriptions, various practice-relevant strategies were derived. The data explore a potential need for outpatient care services to develop interventions on behavioural and structural levels that can help create healthier working conditions for their employees so these caregivers can adopt better health behaviours