29 research outputs found


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    Background: Indonesia is one of countries which have inhabitant of elderly highest ever. In 2020 Indonesia will be the fifth highest of elderly. East Java province has included in groups the area having structure aging population. East Java have the number of elderly second highest after Yogjakarta (10.4%). The growing number of elderly would have become complex problem for senior family and community including the physical aspects, biological, mental, or socially economy. Along with the matter will affect on nutrition status for elderly. The aim of this studi is to determine correlation between depression symptom with nutritional status of elderly in Jember regency. Method: This research was observational with cross sectional design. Subjects were elderly in Sumbersari sub-district, Jember regency who fulfilled inclusion criteria. Research subjects consisted of 120 elderly. Depression symptom was measured with Geriatric Depression Scale-15 (GDS-15), dietary intake with semi quantitative food frequency questionnaire (SQFFQ) method, and nutritional status was determined based on body mass armspan (BMA). Data were analyzed with chi squaretest and multiple logistic regression. Result: The proportion of depression symptom in Sumbersari sub-district, Jember egency was by 27,5%. Most of the subjects who suffer depression symptom have more and less nutritional status 69,7% (23 elderly), and have a good nutritional status for as many as 10 elderly (30.3%). The greatest distribution of subjects with depression as much as 31 elderly (33.7%) and the subject with no depression as many as 61 elderly (66.3%) female subjects in the group scattered. Conclusion: Significant correlation was found between depression symptomand nutritional status (p=0.027). [JuKe Unila 2014; 4(8):185-193

    Karies Gigi dan Status Gizi Anak

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    Prevalence of dental caries increase. An increase in prevalence of dental caries as a result increasing sugar consumption. This paper aims to review publish studies to khow if there was any evidence of dental caries and nutritional status of children. All paper relating to effect of dental caries and nutritional status were considered for conclution in this review. The primary focus of this paper is on dental caries problem related with nutritional status of children. Studies using cross-sectional approach.  The lower index dental caries of children, so nutritional status will be getting better. Dental caries causes disruption of function of mastication that can affect nutritional intake and nutritional status.the conclusion was dental caries of children show significant relation with nutritional status

    Kontribusi Zat Gizi Makan Siang Sekolah dan Kecukupan Gizi Terhadap Status Gizi Siswa di SD Al-Furqan Jember

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    School lunch facilities may be an alternative to solve food problems in school-age children. The contribution of food nutrients in schools will affect the total consumption of nutrients as well as nutritional status. The contribution of school lunch is 30% of nutritional needs per day. This study was to analyze both the nutritional contribution of school lunch and nutritional adequacy towards the nutritional status of students at Al-Furqan Jember Elementary School. This study was an observational analytic study with a cross-sectional approach. The population was 141 students with total samples of 58 students. This study indicated that most of the respondents did not meet 30% of the daily nutritional needs based on their lunch nutritional contribution. However, both the nutritional adequacy and nutritional status of most respondents were in the normal category. Abstrak Fasilitas makan siang sekolah dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif untuk mengatasi masalah makanan anak usia sekolah. Kontribusi zat gizi makanan di sekolah akan berpengaruh pada total konsumsi zat gizi yang juga akan berdampak pada status gizi. Kontribusi makan siang sekolah adalah 30% dari kebutuhan gizi sehari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kontribusi zat gizi makan siang sekolah dan kecukupan gizi terhadap status gizi siswa di SD Al-Furqan Jember.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik observasional dengan menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian ini sebanyak 141 siswa dengan sampel sebanyak 58 siswa. hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar responden kontribusi zat gizi makan siang sekolahnya tidak memenuhi 30% kebutuhan gizi sehari. Sedangkan  kecukupan gizi dan status gizi sebagian besar responden dalam kategori normal. &nbsp

    Pengaruh Penambahan Tepung Kacang Merah Terhadap Daya Terima, Kadar Protein, dan Kadar Serat pada Bakso Jantung Pisang (Addition Effect of Red Beans Flour to the Acceptability, Protein Content, and Dietary Fiber of Banana Blossoms Meatballs)

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    Malnutrition is one of the nutritional problems caused by many factors. One contributing factor is the availability of food. The solution offered is diversification. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of adding red bean flour to the acceptability, protein content, and dietary fiber on the banana blossoms meatball. This study was a quasi experimental study. The sample was 25 panelist. Data were analyzed by using the power received Friedman test and Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test, protein content were tested using One Way ANOVA test, and dietary fiber were tested using the Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann Whitney test with a confidence level of 5% (α = 0,05). Based on the results of Friedman test acceptability flavor and color have a p value > α (0,05) so there was no significant difference between the addition of various proportions of red bean flour with the taste and color acceptance in banana blossoms meatballs. Acceptance smell texture has p value < α (0,05) so there was a significant difference between the addition of various proportions of red bean flour with the taste and color acceptance in meatball banana. The result of the protein content and fiber content indicates p value < α (0,05) so there was a significant difference between the addition of various proportions of red bean flour with protein content and fiber content on the banana blossoms meatballs. Keyword: Red Beans Fluor, Banana Meatballs, acceptability, protein, and dietary fibe

    Status Gizi dan Kualitas Hidup Lansia yang Tinggal Bersama Keluarga dan pelayanan Sosial Tresna werdha (Nutritional Status and Quality of Life of Elderly People Who’s Lived With Family and Tresna Werdha Social Service in Bondowoso)

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    Abstract The number of population and life expectancy of elderly in Indonesia have increased every year. Health problems of elderly are associated with the environmental change and nutritional status that will affect for their quality of life. This research used a cross sectional approach and conducted in Bondowoso area with data at Tresna Werdha Social Service Bondowoso and elderly living in region of Maesan Public Health Centre. This research based on 72 respondents, consist of 36 respondents that living with&nbsp; family and 36 respondents that living in PSTW. The sampling technique used Proportional Random Sampling. Methods of data used questionnaires adapted from WHOQOL-BREF. Data analyzed by Chi Square test (α = 0,05). The results showed that nutritional status of elderly living in PSTW were better than elderly living with their family (p&lt;0,05). Quality of life according of physical health domain,&nbsp; psychological domain, social relationships domain, and over all quality of life of elderly living with their family were better than the elderly living in PSTW (p &lt;0.05). While on quality of life according to environment domain in elderly living with their family and PSTW have same result (p&gt; 0,05). &nbsp;Keywords: elderly,nutritional status, quality of lif

    Peran dan Fungsi Kader, Dukungan Sosial Suami, dan Pengetahuan Tentang Budaya Keluarga pada Pelaksanaan Keluarga Sadar Gizi (Roles and Functions of Cadre, Husband Social Support, and Knowledge of Family Culture on the Implementation of Nutrition Conscious

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    Family that is aware of nutrients is family that all members having good nutrition behavior. Pesanggaran was first place in Banyuwangi which has the lowest of implementation nutrition conscious family, it was 43,3%. The purpose of this study was to analyze the correlation between roles and functions of cadre, husband social support, and knowledge of family culture with the implementation of nutrition conscious family which was held July-August 2015 and used cross sectional approach. The research sample consists of 80 families. The result showed implementation of nutrition conscious family in region of Pesanggaran Public Health Centre was 35%. Based on bivariate analysis, it was found that roles and functions of cadre in the increasing in maternal health, baby, toddler, and socialization Kadarzi, husband social support (emotional, award, instrumental, infoemative), and knowledge of family culture had a significant relationship with the impleentation of Knutrition conscious family.The role and function of cadre in a socialization Kadarzi was the most dominant factor related to implementation of Knutrition conscious family on the family of toddler. Keywords: Kadarzi, toddler, risk facto

    Determinan Kejadian Stunting pada Anak Balita di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Soromandi Kabupaten Bima Nusa Tenggara Barat (Determinan Incidence of Stunting in Children Under Five Year at Puskesmas Soromandi Bima district of West Nusa Tenggara)

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    Stunting is linear growth disturbance caused by the nutrient intake of chronic malnutritionand chronic or recurrent infections showed with height z-score for age (H / A) &lt;-2 SDbased on the standard WHO. Based on the results of Nutritional Status Monitoring inBima, the prevalence of stunting for each year has increased. The prevalence of stuntingin 2011 amounted to 23.61%, in 2012 amounted to 30.3%, and in 2013 amounted to53.2%. Soromandi district is one of the districts with the highest prevalence of stunting inBima. This study aimed to analyze the determinants of the incidence of stunting inchildren under five year in Puskesmas Soromandi Bima district of West Nusa Tenggara.This research is an observational analytic study with cross sectional approach. This studyshows that there was no significant relationship between food intake, genetic factors,status BBLR with the incidence of stunting and no significant correlation between geneticfactors with the incidence of stunting. The factors that most influence the incidence ofstunting was exclusive breastfeeding.Keywords: Stunting, Children Under Five Year, Determina

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kejadian Stunting pada Anak Balita di Wilayah Pedesaan dan Perkotaan (The Factors Affecting Stunting on Toddlers in Rural and Urban Areas)

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    In 2013, the prevalence of stunting in rural areas of Jember is 67% and 27,27% for urban areas. Stunting if problem above 20% that is a public health problem. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors that influence the genesis of stunting in toddlers between rural and urban areas. This type of this study is an observasional analytic with cross-sectional approached and conducted in Patrang health center and Mangli health center for urban whereas Kalisat health centers for rural with sample fifty respondents each. Analysis of data consisting of chi-square test, mann whitney test and logistic regression with α=0,05. Result of analysis showed that affecting factors of stunting occurrence in toddlers who are in the rural and urban areas were the mother's education, family income, mother's knowledge of nutrition, exclusive breastfeeding, complementary feeding age provision, zinc and iron adequacy level, infection disease history and genetic factors. However, another factors such as mother's work, family numbers, immunization status, energy adequacy level and BBLR status didn't affect the occurrence of stunting. Protein and calcium adequacy level in rural areas showed a significant relation while in urban areas showed no relation. The most factor affecting stunting on toddlers in rural and urban areas was zinc adequacy level. Keyword: Stunting, Toddlers, Rural, Urba

    Praktik Pola Asuh dan Status Gizi Anak Balita Usia 6-24 Bulan pada Masyarakat Suku Using Desa Kemiren Kecamatan Glagah, Kabupaten Banyuwangi (The Practice of Parenting Style and Nutritional Status of 6-24 Month-Old Toddlers on Using Community in Kemiren Village, District of Glagah, Banyuwangi Regency)

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    Child’s nutritional status was influenced by several factors, including the parenting.Based on the results of weighing operations in February 2014, Kemiren village was inthe fourth highest position of ten villages in Glagah Subdistric for thin and verry thinprevalence. Weighing operations on August 2014 showed that Kemiren was in thesecond highest position of ten villages in, which was 2,94%. Based on teh preliminarystudy, according to midwives and community leaders in Kemiren village, toddlers stillobtained improper parenting, that was, giving food other than breast milk before the ageof 6 months and unvaried food. In addition to nutritional problems, the other underlyingthing was the cultural factors in Kemiren village, one of which was the dietaryrestrictions. There was a presumption among parents that infants should not be givenlady finger bananas because they would experience difficulty in speaking. This studyaimed to identify parenting practice and nutritional status of toddlers aged 6-24 monthsin the community of Using ethnic in Kemiren village.This was a descriptive study usingcross sectional approach. The samples were total population in total of 35 toddlers aged6-24 months. The results of this study showed that most of nutritional parenting were inpoor category, health parenting were in good category, and majority of children hadnormal nutritional status.Keywords: Practice of Parenting, nutritional statu


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    The iron deficiency anemia is a condition caused by a lack of nutrients that an important role in the formation of hemoglobin, it is happened due to the lack of consumption and due to absorption disorders. One of the factors associated with iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women is chronic energy deficiency. This study aimed to examine the determinants of the incidence iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women with chronic energy deficiency in the working area of Sumberjambe Primary Health Center in Jember Regency. This research was a descriptive study. The determination of the sample in this study used a total sampling technique, there were 44 research subjects of pregnant women with chronic energy&nbsp;deficiency. The researcher collected the data by using interview methods, knowledge tests, and hemoglobin measurements of pregnant women. The results of the study show that most of pregnant women were in the young age group (20 years below), they had basic education level, unemployed, the family income is below the regional minimum wage of Jember, and had sufficient knowledge, had a low parity, low birth gap, ANC meets K4, most of their carbohydrates, proteins and fats consumption tend to be high. Meanwhile, the ironconsumption was in the deficit category. In the consumption pattern of iron inhibitors, most of them never consume tea, coffee, potatoes and they often consume long beans and cucumbers