7 research outputs found

    Pelatihan Ilmu Tajwid menggunakan Metode Sorogan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan membaca Al-qur’an pada masyarakat di Desa Sriamur

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    The science of recitation is the basis for reading the Qur'an that is good and correct because the Qur'an is the holy book in Islam that was revealed by Allah SWT to the Prophet Muhammad SAW, and the Qur'an was revealed as a guide for all mankind. In managing life to obtain happiness in this world and in the hereafter. Therefore, the science of recitation becomes the main education to know how to pronounce the letters contained in the Qur'an. if at the time of reading it is wrong in reciting it can change the meaning of the verse of the al quran. the results of observations in the village of sriamur most of the people have difficulty in memorizing various kinds of tajwid and its application when reading the Al-quran. Therefore, this community service program aims to provide recitation training to develop people in reading the Qur'an. This type of community service is carried out directly to the program subject using the sorogan method. This method is a learning that takes place individually between researchers and the community


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    Teachers have an important role in the process of teaching and learning activities. But unfortunately in this online learning there are still many teachers who have difficulty in making learning patterns through content media. Due to lack of references and several other factors. Therefore, the readiness of teachers to face the digital era in the world of education is very necessary, so that teachers are ready to use digital technology as the main learning platform. By conducting training to make learning videos through the Canva application because it is very important for teachers to do. The goal is for teachers to be able to make videos that are interesting, interactive, easy to understand and useful. In addition, continue to encourage a sense of enthusiasm to teach under any circumstances. The method used is socialization, training and evaluation. The existence of training activities to make learning media can improve the ability of teachers to provide material and teachers are also increasingly able to use technology, are able to make learning videos through YouTube and can implement the Canva application and get new references


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    The development of science and technology in this millennial era makes it easier for everyone to connect via the internet with smartphones and computers. The da'wah method has changed where da'wah can be done online with a smartphone link. On the other hand, the negative impact of this digital era is the moral decadence and morality of teenagers. One of the basic things that must be understood and done by teenagers is morals towards parents. Many cases of criminal behavior committed by children to their parents and neglect of parents by their children are triggers for this community service. The method used in this community service is counseling or socialization related to morality towards parents. The results of this community service program are adding insight and increasing family ties and brotherhood among the people of the Telaga Pure Villag


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    This program is held to develop the talents of every student at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al-Hikmah. By carrying out 3 activities in this Arabic (Calligraphy) writing training program, which uses the face-to-face 2-meeting training method, and the training method via Whatsapp group. During the face-to-face training, 2 techniques were used, the first was the technique of writing with 1 tilted pencil, and the second was the technique of writing with 2 pencils tied together. Meanwhile, the training was via whatsapp group, with material videos and tutorials on how to write calligraphy with 2 pencils that were tied and colored. The target participants in these 2 activities are different, during the face-to-face training the target is class 5 MI, while the training via whatsapp group has a mix of participants from class 5 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah around South Tambun Demo


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    As a teenager of mosque should have the ability to preach or at least have the courage to speak in public. However, the fact is that mosque youth, especially in the Kaliabang Tengah RW 013 sub-district, still do not have more confidence to speak in public. Thus, with such problems it is necessary to have activities aimed at developing skills, especially in terms of giving speeches and also preaching. So the right method to deal with these problems is to use the da'wah training method. The implementation is by implementing the muhadharah strategy. Through this muhadharah, mosque youth will be trained to speak like a preacher who is preaching. Muhadharah activities are equipped with da'wah techniques and convey propaganda messages with the intention that they have the courage to speak in public. This training activity will be carried out by providing material, training for each individual and then there will be an evaluation at the end of the activity. This research was carried out using training which in the process would involve youth mosques in the Kaliabang Tengah village, especially in the RW 013 environment

    Makna rizqi dalam al-Qur’an perspektif masyarakat Kelurahan Bahagia Kabupaten Bekasi

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    Kebahagiaan dunia diidentikkan dengan terpenuhinya segala kebutuhan, baik lahir maupun batin. Karena dorongan dan keinginan, kadang orang gelap mata dalam mencari rizqi yang halal asalkan mendapatkan keuntungan besar, tak dihiraukan lagi apakah cara mendapatkan keuntungan itu merugikan orang banyak atau tidak, menzalimi hidup orang lain atau tidak, atau apakah keuntungan yang besar itu sesungguhnya bukan haknya sama sekali. Seperti contoh untuk sekarang-sekarang ini maraknya pencurian, pembegalan, pencopetan, penjambretan dan kasus kriminal lainnya yang termotifasi hanya untuk mencari rizqi. Padahal jelas pencarian dan penjemputan rizqi dengan cara itu tidak halal. Masalah yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah [1] Bagaimana masyarakat Kelurahan Bahagia Bekasi memahami makna rizqi? [2] Bagaimana implementasi pemahaman rizqi oleh masyarakat Kelurahan Bahagia Kabupaten Bekasi Dalam Kehidupan? Metodologi dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, lapangan dengan data primer dari wawancara dan data skunder dari buku-buku yang menunjang penelitian. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara. Sampel dengan strata (cluster sampling) berdasarkan kelompok. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Grounded Theory Approach teori yang dibangun dari data suatu fenomena dan dianalisis secara induktif Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini adalah 1. Masyarakat desa Bahagia Kabupaten Bekasi mengartikan makna rizqi dengan versinya masing-masing sesuai dengan latar belakang pendidikan, juga pengalaman hidup. Sepakatnya untuk keseluruhan, rizqi adalah sesuatu yang bermanfaat untuk kehidupan yang mana telah diberikan oleh Allah untuk hambaNya. Macam rizqi bisa berupa harta, kesehatan, anak, istri, keluarga, ilmu dan lain-lain. 2. Implementasi pemahaman makna rizqi menurut masyarakat Desa Bahagia Kabupaten Bekasi sudah cukup baik, karena beberapa masyarakat mengerti betul bagaimana Allah telah memberikan rizqi kepada mereka yang mana telah dijamin olehNya dan manusia hanya butuh usaha untuk mendapatkannya. Adapun masyarakat yang memahami agama pasti tidak hanya mengartikan bahwa rizqi itu hanya harta saja, akan tetapi rizqi juga bisa berupa sesuatu yang tidak dapat dilihat oleh indra mata namun dapat dirasakan dalam hati. Dari data diatas peneliti mengharapkan dapat bermanfaat bagi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan juga menambah khazanah kepustakaan Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Humaniora jurusan Tafsir Hadis