31 research outputs found

    Les leucémies aiguës immatures à l interface myéloïde et lymphoïde T

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    Les leucĂ©mies aiguĂ«s rĂ©sultent de la dĂ©rĂ©gulation de l homĂ©ostasie du tissu hĂ©matopoĂŻĂ©tique, entrainant l expansion d un clone leucĂ©mique. Dans certains cas, l assignation de ces cellules Ă  une voie de diffĂ©renciation ne peut ĂȘtre faite de maniĂšre robuste par manque de marqueurs spĂ©cifiques d une lignĂ©e ou par expression simultanĂ©e de marqueurs lymphoĂŻde T et myĂ©loĂŻde. Nous disposons d une cohorte de leucĂ©mies aiguĂ«s immatures lymphoĂŻdes T (LAL-T) et myĂ©loĂŻdes (LAM0) et de leucĂ©mies dĂ©rivĂ©e des cellules dendritiques plasmocytoĂŻdes (LpDC), nous permettant de mieux comprendre ces entitĂ©s rares afin de contrer ces problĂšmes diagnostiques. Dans un premier temps nous avons adoptĂ© une approche transcriptomique, mettant en Ă©vidence un profil distinct pour les LpDC alors qu il n existe pas de frontiĂšre bien dĂ©finie entre les LAL-T immatures et les LAM0. L analyse non supervisĂ©e des LAL-T ne respecte pas les sous-groupes de la classification immunogĂ©nĂ©tique10 ni mĂȘme ceux de la classification EGIL5. De plus, certains cas de LAL-T immatures se classent au sein des LAM0, crĂ©ant un groupe intermĂ©diaire appelĂ© mixte . L analyse bioinformatique de ces rĂ©sultats a mis en Ă©vidence une liste de 124 gĂšnes discriminants entre les entitĂ©s immatures, dont LMO2 servira d exemple. Cependant il semble qu un seul transcrit ne permette pas aisĂ©ment de caractĂ©riser ces entitĂ©s, et qu une association de marqueurs soit nĂ©cessaire pour mieux les comprendre. Ainsi, les paramĂštres identifiĂ©s en transcriptome devraient Ă  terme permettre l identification d un panel de marqueurs de cytomĂ©trie en flux assurant une orientation prĂ©coce des leucĂ©mies aiguĂ«s indiffĂ©renciĂ©es vers les protocoles de LAL ou de LAM. Dans un second temps nous avons recherchĂ© des stigmates d un engagement lymphoĂŻde T et montrĂ© que les LAM0 et les LpDC peuvent prĂ©senter des rĂ©arrangements des TCR et , mais que les mutations activatrices de NOTCH1/FBXW7 restent un Ă©vĂ©nement rare dans les LAM0. Nous avons dĂ©montrĂ© que le transcrit MEF2C est exprimĂ© principalement dans les sous-populations thymiques humaines les plus immatures mais aussi dans les LAL-T immatures et de façon Ă©tonnante dans les LAM0. Enfin nous avons recherchĂ© des critĂšres de mauvais pronostic des LAL-T immatures pĂ©diatriques15 18 dans notre cohorte. L Ă©tude du critĂšre ABD 18 (absence de dĂ©lĂ©tion biallĂ©lique du TCR ) dans la sĂ©rie a permis de valider la concordance entre trois mĂ©thodes de dĂ©tection des rĂ©arrangements du TCR . Les LAL-T immatures de l adulte rĂ©pondent Ă  la dĂ©finition phĂ©notypique et transcriptomique d une LAL-T ETP 15 (early-T-progenitor) mais leur pronostic est moins sĂ©vĂšre. L analyse des courbes de survie du protocole GRAAL05 a mis en Ă©vidence que les LAL-T de l adulte peu diffĂ©renciĂ©es rĂ©pondent bien Ă  ce type de chimiothĂ©rapieMONTPELLIER-BU Pharmacie (341722105) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Gestion durable de la fertilité des sols par l'utilisation de matiÚres organiques : retours d'expérience en Guyane française

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    Les sols sont au cƓur des grands enjeux planĂ©taires tels que la sĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire et forment une ressource naturelle qu’il faut protĂ©ger et utiliser durablement. Afin de maintenir, voire d’amĂ©liorer, la fertilitĂ© des sols de Guyane dĂ©jĂ  naturellement pauvres, des pratiques agro-Ă©cologiques, par valorisation d’apport en matiĂšres organiques (MO) permettant de stimuler la vie des sols, sont dĂ©veloppĂ©es dans les systĂšmes de cultures actuels. Par cette approche de gestion durable, le sol n’est plus considĂ©rĂ© comme un simple support mais comme un milieu vivant qui produit et fournit les Ă©lĂ©ments nutritifs aux cultures. Dans le cadre du projet Guyafer du RITA, diffĂ©rents types de matiĂšres organiques ont Ă©tĂ© testĂ©s (bois ramĂ©al fragmentĂ© - BRF, charbon de bois, compost, plantes de couverture) pour en dĂ©terminer leur capacitĂ© Ă  amĂ©liorer la qualitĂ© du sol. Cette qualitĂ© est apprĂ©hendĂ©e par l’utilisation de bio-indicateurs d’activitĂ©s microbiennes du sol liĂ©es aux deux grands cycles biochimiques que sont ceux du carbone et de l’azote. Si les diffĂ©rents types de matiĂšres organiques amĂšnent Ă  des amĂ©liorations de la qualitĂ© des sols - la biomasse microbienne active du sol est souvent largement stimulĂ©e par l’apport de MO. Cette amĂ©lioration peut ĂȘtre trĂšs diffĂ©rente en intensitĂ© et en durĂ©e suivant le type de MO utilisĂ©e. Certains de ces apports n’entrainent pas de changement profond de la qualitĂ©, changement Ă©valuĂ© par les indicateurs de variations de diversitĂ©.Soils are at the heart of major global challenges: food security, quality of groundwater and surface water, air quality, climate change and biodiversity. Soil is a natural resource that must be protected and sustainably used. To maintain or even improve the soil fertility of French Guiana, already naturally poor, agro-ecological processes focusing organic matter in order to stimulate the soil life are developed in the current cropping systems. Through this sustainable management approach, soil is no longer considered as an inert support but also as a living component that produces and provides nutrients to crops. Various types of organic matter (Rameal Chipped Wood - RCW, charcoal, compost, mulch of cover plants) were tested to determine their impact on the soil, particularly through the use of bio-indicators of soil microbial activities related to the carbon and nitrogen cycles. Every tested organic matters increase soil quality (high stimulation of active microbial biomass). However, different types of organic matters affect differently the soil microbial diversity

    Gestion durable de la fertilité des sols par l'utilisation de matiÚres organiques : retours d'expérience en Guyane française

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    Soils are at the heart of major global challenges: food security, quality of groundwater and surfacewater, air quality, climate change and biodiversity. Soil is a natural resource that must be protected andsustainably used. To maintain or even improve the soil fertility of French Guiana, already naturally poor,agro-ecological processes focusing organic matter in order to stimulate the soil life are developed in thecurrent cropping systems. Through this sustainable management approach, soil is no longer consideredas an inert support but also as a living component that produces and provides nutrients to crops.Various types of organic matter (Rameal Chipped Wood - RCW, charcoal, compost, mulch of coverplants) were tested to determine their impact on the soil, particularly through the use of bio-indicators ofsoil microbial activities related to the carbon and nitrogen cycles. Every tested organic matters increasesoil quality (high stimulation of active microbial biomass). However, different types of organic mattersaffect differently the soil microbial diversity.Les sols sont au cƓur des grands enjeux planĂ©taires tels que la sĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire et forment uneressource naturelle qu’il faut protĂ©ger et utiliser durablement. Afin de maintenir, voire d’amĂ©liorer, lafertilitĂ© des sols de Guyane dĂ©jĂ  naturellement pauvres, des pratiques agro-Ă©cologiques, parvalorisation d’apport en matiĂšres organiques (MO) permettant de stimuler la vie des sols, sontdĂ©veloppĂ©es dans les systĂšmes de cultures actuels. Par cette approche de gestion durable, le sol n’estplus considĂ©rĂ© comme un simple support mais comme un milieu vivant qui produit et fournit lesĂ©lĂ©ments nutritifs aux cultures.Dans le cadre du projet Guyafer du RITA, diffĂ©rents types de matiĂšres organiques ont Ă©tĂ© testĂ©s (boisramĂ©al fragmentĂ© - BRF, charbon de bois, compost, plantes de couverture) pour en dĂ©terminer leurcapacitĂ© Ă  amĂ©liorer la qualitĂ© du sol. Cette qualitĂ© est apprĂ©hendĂ©e par l’utilisation de bio-indicateursd’activitĂ©s microbiennes du sol liĂ©es aux deux grands cycles biochimiques que sont ceux du carbone etde l’azote. Si les diffĂ©rents types de matiĂšres organiques amĂšnent Ă  des amĂ©liorations de la qualitĂ© dessols - la biomasse microbienne active du sol est souvent largement stimulĂ©e par l’apport de MO. CetteamĂ©lioration peut ĂȘtre trĂšs diffĂ©rente en intensitĂ© et en durĂ©e suivant le type de MO utilisĂ©e. Certains deces apports n’entrainent pas de changement profond de la qualitĂ©, changement Ă©valuĂ© par lesindicateurs de variations de diversitĂ©

    Nitrogen cycling in the tropical rain forest of French Guiana: comparison of two sites with contrasting soil types using delta 15N

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    The natural 15N abundance method for estimating symbiotic biological N2-fixation was tested on legume trees from two rain forests on contrasting soils (oxisols and spodosols) in French Guiana. When possible, the significance of N2-fixing species in the plant community was evaluated in terms of density, biomass and contribution of N2-fixation to the building up of the total nitrogen mass in the leaves. Of the two sites, the rain forest on spodosols was the less favourable for application of the [delta]15N method: the available soil nitrogen was isotopically similar to fixed-N2. Hence, the results showed that a reliable estimate of N2-fixation could not be obtained. A substantial contribution of fixed-N2 to the nitrogen nutrition of legumes was found on oxisols, with an average value of 54 % Ndfa (Nitrogen derived from the atmosphere). The contribution of the N2-fixing legumes to the biomass of the stand was estimated to be 2 t ha[minus sign]1 for the leaf biomass and 136 t ha[minus sign]1 for the total above-ground plant biomass. With 7.5 % of trees in the stand able to fix N2 (462 out of 6156), N2-fixation was estimated to be 7 kg ha[minus sign]1 y[minus sign]1. These results are the first use of the [delta]15N method to estimate nitrogen input by N2-fixing legumes to a natural rain forest. The inter-site variability observed in the [delta]15N of the non-fixing plants suggested different nitrogen-cycling processes in the two soils. The [delta]15N of the non-N2-fixing plants could be related to the soil nitrogen availability and be used as an indicator of efficient or non-efficient nitrogen-cycling rain forests. The spatial variability of the [delta]15N in the plant-available soil nitrogen pool and the nitrogen balance in tropical rain forests are discussed

    Evaluation of the recovery of microbial functions during soil restoration using near-infrared spectroscopy

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    Microbial-based indicators, such as C and N contents or microbial functions involved in C and N cycles, are currently used to describe the status of soils in disturbed areas. Microbial functions are more accurate indicators but their measurement for studies at the ecosystem level remains problematical because of the huge spatial variability of these processes and, consequently, of the large number of soil samples which must be analyzed. Our goal was to test the capacity of near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) to predict respiration and denitrification but also carbon and nitrogen contents of soils submitted to various procedures of restoration. To achieve this objective, we took advantage of an experiment conducted on a reforestation system established after open-cast gold mining in French Guiana. In this experimental station, plantations of various ages and various soil textures were at our disposal. Our results showed that both plantations and soil texture had a strong impact on the recovery of soil functioning: carbon and nitrogen contents, respiration and denitrification increased with age of plantation and clay content. Calibrations were performed between spectral data and microbial-based indicators using partial least squares regression (PLS). The results showed that C and N contents were accurately predicted. Microbial functions were less precisely predicted with results more accurate on clayey soils than on sandy soils. In clayey soils, perturbed or restored soils and the year of plantation were discriminated very efficiently through principal component analyses of spectral signatures (over 80% of variance explained on the first two axes). Near-infrared spectroscopy may thus be extended to the prediction of functional soil parameters, but the capacity of this method must be strengthened by expending the databases with other soils in other contexts. The possibility of using NIRS provides many opportunities for understanding both the temporal dynamics and the spatial variability of the recovery of key microbial functions during soil restoration

    Microbial bioindicators of soil functioning after disturbance: The case of gold mining in tropical rainforests of French Guiana

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    In the context of an ongoing monitoring study on the impacts of gold-mining activities on critical ecosystem processes, we explored the use of soil Denitrifying Enzyme Activity (DEA) and Substrate Induced Respiration (SIR) as ecosystem indicators in tropical rainforests of French Guiana. We also propose DEA/SIR ratio as ecosystem attribute able to describe the state of an ecosystem and to reflect changes in ecological processes. With this purpose, we measured SIR, DEA and DEA/SIR ratio in five gold-mining areas and five surrounding natural reference rainforests. We also measured indicators in two conditions of spontaneous regeneration of vegetation (stratified or not) and two conditions of soil rehabilitation (prior preparation of soils or not). We showed a high variability of DEA, SIR and DEA/SIR ratio in the natural reference forests. This pointed out the necessity to identify relevant reference systems - i.e. proving a close match in all relevant ecological dimensions - to compare with closed perturbed systems in order to assess the levels of alterations after disturbances. Results showed a high impact of gold mine on microbial processes with a strong decrease of DEA (10-fold lower), SIR (2-fold lower) and DEA/SIR ratio (8-fold lower) in perturbed areas in comparison with natural reference forests. The type of spontaneous vegetation (stratified or not) influenced the values of indicators as well as prior rehabilitation of soils, demonstrating the capacity of DEA. SIR and DEA/SIR ratio to respond in proportion to the perturbation (robustness) and to the different levels of restoration (sensitivity). The systematic decrease of the ratio DEA/SIR observed in the studied perturbed situations demonstrates clearly that the structure of microbial communities has been also modified. The ratio DEA/SIR proved to be robust and sensitive, and able to describe in fairly fine way changes of soil microbial communities in terms of structure and function in gold mine areas and during processes of restoration. We propose to use DEA, SIR and DEA/SIR ratio as bioindicators of both structural and functional aspects of C and N cycling in soils. Together with others bioindicators based on key supporting functions in soils, these indicators should accurately evaluate the ecological potential of natural ecosystems and the levels of degradation in case of land-use changes. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Leaf natural 15N abundance and total N concentration as potential indicators of plant N nutrition in legumes and pioneer species in a rain forest of French Guiana

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    The suitability of the natural 15N abundance and of total N concentration of leaves as indicators of the type of plant N nutrition in a rain forest of French Guiana were tested. Leaf samples from primary legume species, non-legumes (pioneer species) and from the non-N2-fixing species Dicorynia guianensis were analyzed. Both '15N and total leaf N varied widely (m1 r '15N (‰) r 7 and 1 r leaf N(%) r 3.2) suggesting possible distinctions between diazotrophic and non-fixing plants. The '15N also revealed two statistically distinct groups of non-N2-fixing species ('15N = 5.14 - 0.3 vs '15Nv=v1.65 - 0.17) related to the different ecological behaviors of these species in the successional processes. We conclude that the '15N signature of plant leaves combined with their total N concentration may be relevant indicators for identifying functional groups within the community of non-N2-fixing species, as well as for detecting diazotrophy. Despite the variability in the '15N of the non-N2-fixing species, N2-fixing groups can still be identified, provided that plants are simultaneously classified taxonomically, by their leaf '15N and total N concentration and by the presence or absence of nodules. The variability in the '15N of the non-fixing species is discussed

    Nodulation and dinitrogen fixation of legume trees in a tropical freshwater swamp forest in French Guiana

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    Nodulated legume trees comprised 43% of the stand basal area in the low, most frequently flooded microsites, and 23% in higher, drier microsites in a tropical freshwater swamp forest in French Guiana. Dinitrogen fixation in Pterocarpus officinalis, Hydrochorea corymbosa and Inga pilosula was confirmed by acetylene reduction assay (ARA), presence of leghaemoglobin in nodules and the N-15 natural abundance method. The results for Zygia cataractae were inconclusive but suggested N-2 fixation in drier microsites. Nodulated Inga disticha had a N-15-to-N-14 ratio similar to non-N-2-fixing trees, but ARA indicated nitrogenase activity and leghaemoglobin was present in nodules. All bacterial strains were identified as Bradyrhizobium spp. according to the partial 16S rDNA sequences, and they were infective in vitro in the model species Macroptilium atropurpuretan. About 35-50% of N in the leaves of P. officinalis, H. corymbosa and I. pilosula was fixed from the atmosphere. Dinitrogen fixation was estimated to contribute at least 8-13% and 1728% to whole-canopy N in high and low microsites, respectively. Symbiotic N, fixation appears to provide both a competitive advantage to legume trees under N-limited, flooded conditions and an important N input to neotropical freshwater swamp forests