3,141 research outputs found

    Non-principal surface waves in deformed incompressible materials

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    The Stroh formalism is applied to the analysis of infinitesimal surface wave propagation in a statically, finitely and homogeneously deformed isotropic half-space. The free surface is assumed to coincide with one of the principal planes of the primary strain, but a propagating surface wave is not restricted to a principal direction. A variant of Taziev’s technique [R.M. Taziev, Dispersion relation for acoustic waves in an anisotropic elastic half-space, Sov. Phys. Acoust. 35 (1989) 535–538] is used to obtain an explicit expression of the secular equation for the surface wave speed, which possesses no restrictions on the form of the strain energy function. Albeit powerful, this method does not produce a unique solution and additional checks are necessary. However, a class of materials is presented for which an exact secular equation for the surface wave speed can be formulated. This class includes the well-known Mooney–Rivlin model. The main results are illustrated with several numerical examples

    Biosensor technology: applications in microbial toxicology

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    This work describes the development of mediated amperometric biosensors that are able to monitor the metabolic activity of both single and mixed microbial populations, with applications in toxicity assessment and wastewater treatment plant protection. Biosensor systems have been constructed incorporating either the single-species eubacteria Escherichia coli or Pseudomonas putida, Bioseed®, or a mixture of activated sludge organisms from wastewater treatment plants, as the sensing components immobilised on disposable screen printed electrodes in stirred reaction vials. The biosensor approach is generic allowing for a wide range of microbial cell types to be employed. Appropriate bacterial species can be selected for specific sensor applications in order to confer validity and relevance to the test, hence the biosensor can be tailor-made to assess the toxicity in a particular environment and provide diagnostically valid and relevant results. The biosensors have been used to assess the toxicity of a standard toxicant and toxicant formulations and in blind testing of a range of industrial effluents, in parallel with a number of bioassays including Microtox® and activated sludge respiration inhibition. The biosensor results generally show significant correlation to the appropriate conventional toxicity tests. In this study, an activated sludge based biosensor assay was developed and used to assess the toxicity of industrial process and site effluents with the specific purpose of wastewater treatment plant protection. Data generated compared significantly with those from an activated sludge respiration inhibition test, with added advantages of rapidity, safety and ease of use

    Mg/Ca ratios in freshwater microbial carbonates: Thermodynamic, kinetic and vital effects

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    The ratio of magnesium to calcium (Mg/Ca) in carbonate minerals in an abiotic setting is conventionally assumed to be predominantly controlled by (Mg/Ca)solution and a temperature dependant partition coefficient. This temperature dependence suggests that both marine (e.g. foraminiferal calcite and corals) and freshwater (e.g. speleothems and surface freshwater deposits, “tufas”) carbonate deposits may be important archives of palaeotemperature data. However, there is considerable uncertainty in all these settings. In surface freshwater deposits this uncertainty is focussed on the influence of microbial biofilms. Biogenic or “vital” effects may arise from microbial metabolic activity and/or the presence of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). This study addresses this key question for the first time, via a series of unique through-flow microcosm and agitated flask experiments where freshwater calcite was precipitated under controlled conditions. These experiments reveal there is no strong relationship between (Mg/Ca)calcite and temperature, so the assumption of thermodynamic fractionation is not viable. However, there is a pronounced influence on (Mg/Ca)calcite from precipitation rate, so that rapidly forming precipitates develop with very low magnesium content indicating kinetic control on fractionation. Calcite precipitation rate in these experiments (where the solution is only moderately supersaturated) is controlled by biofilm growth rate, but occurs even when light is excluded indicating that photosynthetic influences are not critical. Our results thus suggest the apparent kinetic fractionation arises from the electrochemical activity of EPS molecules, and are therefore likely to occur wherever these molecules occur, including stromatolites, soil and lake carbonates and (via colloidal EPS) speleothems

    Implementing tradable permits for sulfur oxides emissions : a case study in the South Coast Air Basin

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    Tradable emissions permits have important theoretical advantages over source-specific technical standards as a means for controlling pollution. Nonetheless, difficulties can arise in trying to implement an efficient, competitive market in emissions permits. Simple workable versions of the market concept may fail to achieve the competitive equilibrium, or to take account of important complexities in the relationship between the pattern of emissions and the geographical distribution of pollution. Existing regulatory law may severely limit the range of market opportunities that states can adopt. This report examines the feasibility of tradable permits for controlling particulate sulfates in the Los Angeles airshed. Although the empirical part of the paper deals with a specific case, the methods developed have general applicability. Moreover, the particular market design that is proposed -- an auction process that involves no net revenue collection by the state -- has attractive features as a general model

    Medical Device Regulation in Australia: Safe and Effective?

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    Objective: To describe the frequency, characteristics and outcomes of reports of possible harms related to medical devices submitted to the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) using data made publicly available on the TGA website. Design and setting: A retrospective analysis, conducted in January 2012, of data made publicly available on the TGA website from January 2000 to December 2011. Main outcome measures: The number and nature of reports of medical device incidents, recalls and alerts. Results: Up to December 2011, 6812 incidents involving medical devices were reported to the TGA, although there were several periods where data were unavailable. Incidents were reported more frequently in later years, most often by device sponsors, and were often attributed to mechanical problems. 295 deaths and 2357 serious injuries have been related to incidents, with serious injury (597) highest in 2009. Most incidents involving medical devices were not investigated (47.5%), or, after investigation, no further action was taken (25.0%). During the same time period, there were 35 medical device recalls and 34 medical device alerts issued by the TGA, with no consistent increase over time. Conclusions: Despite TGA reform proposals, greater transparency is still needed. Issues that have not been addressed include patchy and conflicting data in the public domain and lack of explanations for the large proportion of uninvestigated reports. To maintain public confidence in the national regulatory system these problems need to be resolved

    Systematic reviews of surgical procedures in children: Quantity, coverage and quality

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    Aim Systematic reviews have the potential to map those areas where children are under‐represented in surgical research. We aimed to describe and evaluate the quantity, coverage and the quality of conduct and reporting of systematic reviews of surgical procedures in children. Methods We searched four biomedical databases, a systematic review register, reference lists and conducted hand searching to identify relevant reviews. Two reviewers worked independently to critically appraise included studies and abstract data. We assessed reporting quality using the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta‐analysis statement and methodological quality using the Assessment of Multiple SysTemAtic Reviews tool. Results Fifteen systematic reviews were identified, representing 0.01% of all paediatric surgical citations in MEDLINE and E mbase. Thirteen of the reviews were C ochrane reviews, and most reviews (12/15) addressed subspecialty interests such as otorhinolaryngology. The median number of included trials per systematic review was four (interquartile range 1 to 9.5), the median number of primary outcomes was 5.5 (interquartile range 3.5 to 7.5). In general, reporting and methodological quality was good although there were several omissions, particularly around completeness of reporting of statistical methods used, and utilisation of quality assessments in analyses. Outcomes were often not clearly defined and descriptions of procedures lacked sufficient detail to determine the similarities and differences among surgical procedures within the contributing trials. Conclusion Systematic reviews of surgical procedures in children are rarely published. To improve the evidence base and guide research agendas, more systematic reviews should be conducted, using standard guidelines for conduct and reporting

    Frequentist Analysis of the Parameter Space of Minimal Supergravity

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    We make a frequentist analysis of the parameter space of minimal supergravity (mSUGRA), in which, as well as the gaugino and scalar soft supersymmetry-breaking parameters being universal, there is a specific relation between the trilinear, bilinear and scalar supersymmetry-breaking parameters, A_0 = B_0 + m_0, and the gravitino mass is fixed by m_{3/2} = m_0. We also consider a more general model, in which the gravitino mass constraint is relaxed (the VCMSSM). We combine in the global likelihood function the experimental constraints from low-energy electroweak precision data, the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, the lightest Higgs boson mass M_h, B physics and the astrophysical cold dark matter density, assuming that the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) is a neutralino. In the VCMSSM, we find a preference for values of m_{1/2} and m_0 similar to those found previously in frequentist analyses of the constrained MSSM (CMSSM) and a model with common non-universal Higgs masses (NUHM1). On the other hand, in mSUGRA we find two preferred regions: one with larger values of both m_{1/2} and m_0 than in the VCMSSM, and one with large m_0 but small m_{1/2}. We compare the probabilities of the frequentist fits in mSUGRA, the VCMSSM, the CMSSM and the NUHM1: the probability that mSUGRA is consistent with the present data is significantly less than in the other models. We also discuss the mSUGRA and VCMSSM predictions for sparticle masses and other observables, identifying potential signatures at the LHC and elsewhere.Comment: 18 pages 27 figure