1,165 research outputs found

    Consciousness the Trickster: Or, Tailors for the Emperor

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    Adult Sex-Role Self-Concept as a Function of Age & Marital Status

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    Literature on adult sex-roles and androgyny, the stages of adult personality development, and the effect of marital status on personality and sex-roles was reviewed. Since no research had been reported previously using the Bern Sex Role Inventory to measure differences in adult sex-roles related to age and life-situation, the present study was undertaken. The Bern Sex Role Inventory was administered to 69 men and 137 women who were enrolled in upper level education and psychology courses at Western Kentucky University. The subjects were classified into three age groups and two life-situations related to marital status. The results provided no support for the hypothesis that differences in adult sex-role self-concept are related to differences in age an suggested that adult sex-role may tend to vary as a function of life-situations, such as marital status. Possible interpretations of the data were suggested, and directions for future research were proposed

    Effective Leadership Strategies: What Novice Catholic Elementary Principals Know, Do, And Want to Learn

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    In the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, principal candidates are often ill prepared for the demands of the job. Yearly the Archdiocese hires inexperienced principals in up to 15% of its elementary schools. The principalship is becoming more demanding. At the same time, research shows effective leadership is critical to a school’s success. This mixed methods study focused on the knowledge and activities of novice principals. The researcher gathered information from second and third year principals in the Archdiocese to determine their knowledge, practice, and desire to learn four effective leadership strategies: instructional leadership, shared decision-making, organization of the learning environment, and developing people. The analysis of the data collected was used to determine the need for a mentoring program for novice principals. The research and data collection consisted of a 48-statement survey using a Likert scale and three open-ended qualitative questions. Three follow-up focus sessions were conducted to clarify survey results and deepen the scope of the study. Statistical means indicated principals did not implement the strategies to the extent they were known, and principals wanted to learn more about the strategies, especially in instructional leadership. Focus group data indicated principals felt overwhelmed by the job and did not implement the strategies to the same extend they knew them. Principals in the study expressed the need for a mentor, who would have assisted them in fulfilling their role of principal. Recommendations to improve principal effectiveness were presented to the Superintendent, Regional Supervisors, Pastors, novice principals, and Loyola Marymount University

    Chemoradiation in advanced vulval carcinoma

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    Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 68-74).Vulval carcinoma is uncommon, affecting approximately 2 per 100 000 women annually. The treatment of choice is radical vulvectomy and inguinal lymph node dissection. ‘Advanced’ vulval carcinomas involve midline structures (such as clitoris, urethra or anus) and/or adjacent pelvic organs or bone, and adequate excision may require urinary diversion, colostomy or pelvic exenteration. Less morbid and less mutilating therapeutic alternatives have been investigated, particularly chemoradiation, which has shown significant success in the management of anal carcinomas. Primary chemoradiation has been used, instead of primary radical surgery, to treat advanced vulval carcinomas at Groote Schuur Hospital (GSH) since1982. Aims: 1) To assess the survival of women with advanced vulval carcinoma treated with primary chemoradiation. 2) To examine the role of surgery after treatment with primary chemoradiation

    The Influence of Teacher Effectiveness on Student Achievement: A Case Study

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    The purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore the perceptions and professional practices of 15 middle school teachers regarding teacher effectiveness and the influence on student achievement. The five research questions that guided this study aligned with the Georgia Department of Education five domains of teacher effectiveness: planning, instructional delivery, assessment, learning environment, and communication. This study implemented the qualitative case study design. The research was conducted in four middle schools in a school district in Georgia. The research used individual interviews, focus group interviews, and a prearranged classroom observation. The cross-case synthesis analysis method was implemented to find patterns and themes that were used to explain the phenomenon being studied. The data analysis involved segmenting the database, developing categories, coding segments, grouping category segments and drawing conclusions. Future research studies on teacher effectiveness and the influence on student achievement should include special education teacher participants

    Management of Advanced Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Vulva

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    Vulvar cancer is a rare gynaecological malignancy, accounting for 2–5% of cancers of the female genital tract. Squamous cell carcinoma is the most frequently occurring subtype and, historically, has been a disease of older post-menopausal women, occurring with a background of lichen sclerosus and other epithelial conditions of the vulvar skin that may be associated with well-differentiated vulvar intra-epithelial neoplasia (dVIN). An increase in human papillomavirus (HPV) infections worldwide has led to an increase in vulvar squamous carcinomas in younger women, resulting from HPV-associated high-grade vulvar squamous intra-epithelial lesions (vHSIL). Surgical resection is the gold standard for the treatment of vulvar cancer. However, as approximately 30% of patients present with locally advanced disease, which is either irresectable or will require radical surgical resection, possibly with a stoma, there has been a need to investigate alternative forms of treatment such as chemoradiation and targeted therapies, which may minimise the psychosexual morbidity of radical surgery. This review aims to provide an update on management strategies for women with advanced vulvar cancer. It is hoped that investigation of the molecular biologies of the two different pathways to vulvar squamous cell carcinoma (HPV-associated and non-HPV-associated) will lead to the development of targeted therapeutic agents

    The effects of instructional approach, locus of control, and cognitive style on the decision to teach

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    Self-concept theory of career development suggests that experiences resulting in self-clarification and self-understanding are linked to adequate vocational decisions and career development.(\u271) The study proposed that adequate career decision-making may be related to accountability in teacher education programs;Subjects were 149 students assigned by the registrar\u27s computer scheduling procedure to six sections of SEC ED 204 Fall Semester 1981. Four sections of SEC Ed 204 received a self-assessment instructional approach that included career education concepts in the study of Social Foundations of American Education. Two sections received a traditional foundations instructional approach. Students completed background information, a seven-point item measuring certainty about teaching, Rotter\u27s I-E Scale, the DMT-M Scale from Harren\u27s Assessment of Career Decision-Making (ACDM), and three scales from the ACDM measuring decision-making style.(\u272);Instructional approach was neither related to posttest certainty score nor to posttest DMT-M score. However, a number of posthoc two-way interactions were significant (p \u3c .05) suggesting that the effects of instructional approach may depend upon an individual\u27s locus of control, whether the teaching field has a surplus, shortage, or balanced supply of teachers, and use of the rational decision-making style;Locus of control was significantly (p \u3c .01) related to posttestcertainty core and to both pretest and posttest DMT-M scores.Higher dependent decision-making style scores were significantly(p \u3c .01) related to lower pretest and lower posttest DMT-M scores.The time when the decision about teaching was made wassignificantly (p \u3c .05) related to posttest certainty score and to;posttest DMT-M score;(\u271)Donald E. Super, Reuben Starishevsky, Norman Matlin, and Jean P. Jordaan, Career Development: Self-concept Theory (New York: College Entrance Examination Board, 1963);(\u272)Julian B. Rotter, Generalized Expectancies for Internal Versus External Control of Reinforcement, Psychological Monographs 80, 1 Whole No. 609 (1966): 1-28; Vincent A. Harren, Assessment of Career Decision-Making, Carbondale, Illinois: Southern Illinois University, 1980

    Junior Recital: Theresa Stephens, clarinet

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    Kennesaw State University School of Music presents a Junior Recital: Theresa Stephens, clarinet. This capstone is presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of Music Education in Music Performance.https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/musicprograms/1768/thumbnail.jp

    Due Process Implications of Telephone Hearings: The Case for an Individualized Approach to Scheduling Telephone Hearings

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    As the executive branch shrinks and reduces expenditures, its adjudicative functions adjust to the new fiscal reality. Telephone hearings are, therefore, increasingly being used in order to control costs. This Article examines the impact of telephone hearings on the due process elements of unemployment compensation \u27fair hearings. The Authors review the applicable federal and state law and find that there is no absolute bar to using the telephone to conduct administrative hearings. They test the empirical effect of the telephone on hearings in California and Maine. Their analysis of hundreds of hearings indicates that parties to telephone hearings are less likely to exercise their rights to submit evidence through witnesses and documents than are parties to in-person hearings. The Authors caution that it is critical to balance the interests of cost savings with the rights of the parties to the proceedings. Failure to do so may result in successful court challenges to this practice
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