2,492 research outputs found

    Seasonal reproduction in a fluctuating energy environment: Insolation-driven synchronized broadcast spawning in corals

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    *Background/Question/Methods:* Colonies of spawning corals reproduce in mass-spawning events, in which polyps within each colony release sperm and eggs for fertilization in the water column, with fertilization occurring only between gametes from different colonies. Participating colonies synchronize their gamete release to a window of a few hours once a year (for the species Acropora digitifera we study experimentally). This remarkable synchrony is essential for successful coral reproduction and thus, maintenance of the coral reef ecosystem that is currently under threat from local and global environmental effects such as pollution, global warming and ocean acidification. The mechanisms determining this tight synchrony in reproduction are not well understood, although several influences have been hypothesized and studied including lunar phase, solar insolation, and influences of temperature and tides. Moreover, most corals are in a symbiotic relationship with photosynthetic algae (Symbiodinium spp.) that live within the host tissue. Experiments supported by detailed bioenergetic modeling of the coral-algae symbiosis have shown that corals receive >90% of their energy needs from these symbionts. We develop a bioenergetic integrate-and-fire model in order to investigate whether annual insolation rhythms can entrain the gametogenetic cycles that produce mature gametes to the appropriate spawning season, since photosynthate is their primary source of energy. We solve the integrate-and-fire bioenergetic model numerically using the Fokker-Planck equation and use analytical tools such as rotation number to study entrainment.

*Results/Conclusions:* In the presence of short-term fluctuations in the energy input, our model shows that a feedback regulatory mechanism is required to achieve coherence of spawning times to within one lunar cycle, in order for subsequent cues such as lunar and diurnal light cycles to unambiguously determine the “correct” night of spawning. Entrainment to the annual insolation cycle is by itself not sufficient to produce the observed coherence in spawning. The feedback mechanism can also provide robustness against population heterogeneity due to genetic and environmental effects. We also discuss how such bioenergetic, stochastic, integrate-and-fire models are also more generally applicable: for example to aquatic insect emergence, synchrony in cell division and masting in trees

    Fiberboards Made from Acetylated Bagasse Fiber

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    Bagasse fiber was acetylated with acetic anhydride alone to various levels of acetyl weight gain. Acetylation causes the bagasse fiber to become more hydrophobic, as evidenced by a lowering of the equilibrium moisture content as the level of acetylation increased. Acetylated bagasse fiber and fiberboards made from acetylated fiber at acetyl weight gains of about 17% had an equilibrium moisture content of about one-third that of controls at all relative humidities tested. Fiberboards made from acetylated fiber swelled at a much slower rate and to a lesser extent as compared to control fiberboards. Internal bond strength was higher in acetylated fiberboards, while moduli of rupture and elasticity were slightly lower in acetylated boards than in control boards

    Electric propulsion for geostationary orbit insertion

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    Solar electric propulsion (SEP) technology is already being used for geostationary satellite stationkeeping to increase payload mass. By using this same technology to perform part of the orbit transfer additional increases in payload mass can be achieved. Advanced chemical and N2H4 arcjet systems are used to increase the payload mass by performing stationkeeping and part of the orbit transfer. Four mission options are analyzed which show the impact of either sharing the orbit transfer between chemical and SEP systems or having either complete the transfer alone. Results show that for an Atlas 2AS payload increases in net mass (geostationary satellite mass less wet propulsion system mass) of up to 100 kg can be achieved using advanced chemical for the transfer and advanced N2H4 arcjets for stationkeeping. An additional 100 kg can be added using advanced N2H4 arcjets for part of a 40 day orbit transfer

    Small Satellite Propulsion Options

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    Advanced chemical and low power electric propulsion offer attractive options for small satellite propulsion. Applications include orbit raising, orbit maintenance, attitude control, repositioning, and deorbit of both Earth-space and planetary spacecraft. Potential propulsion technologies for these functions include high pressure Ir/Re bipropellant engines, very low power arcjets, Hall thrusters, and pulsed plasma thrusters, all of which have been shown to operate in manners consistent with currently planned small satellites. Mission analyses show that insertion of advanced propulsion technologies enables and/or greatly enhances many planned small satellite missions. Examples of commercial, DoD, and NASA missions are provided to illustrate the potential benefits of using advanced propulsion options on small satellites

    Intra-dance variation among waggle runs and the design of efficient protocols for honey bee dance decoding

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    Noise is universal in information transfer. In animal communication, this presents a challenge not only for intended signal receivers, but also to biologists studying the system. In honey bees, a forager communicates to nestmates the location of an important resource via the waggle dance. This vibrational signal is composed of repeating units (waggle runs) that are then averaged by nestmates to derive a single vector. Manual dance decoding is a powerful tool for studying bee foraging ecology, although the process is time-consuming: a forager may repeat the waggle run 1- >100 times within a dance. It is impractical to decode all of these to obtain the vector; however, intra-dance waggle runs vary, so it is important to decode enough to obtain a good average. Here we examine the variation among waggle runs made by foraging bees to devise a method of dance decoding. The first and last waggle runs within a dance are significantly more variable than the middle run. There was no trend in variation for the middle waggle runs. We recommend that any four consecutive waggle runs, not including the first and last runs, may be decoded, and we show that this methodology is suitable by demonstrating the goodness-of-fit between the decoded vectors from our subsamples with the vectors from the entire dances

    Advanced Propulsion for Geostationary Orbit Insertion and North-South Station Keeping

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    Solar electric propulsion technology is currently being used for geostationary satellite station keeping. Analyses show that electric propulsion technologies can be used to obtain additional increases in payload mass by using them to perform part of the orbit transfer. Three electric propulsion technologies are examined at two power levels for geostationary insertion of an Atlas IIAS class spacecraft. The onboard chemical propulsion apogee engine fuel is reduced in this analysis to allow the use of electric propulsion. A numerical optimizer is used to determine the chemical burns that will minimize the electric propulsion transfer times. For a 1550-kg Atlas IIAS class payload, increases in net mass (geostationary satellite mass less wet propulsion system mass) of 150-800 kg are enabled by using electric propulsion for station keeping, advanced chemical engines for part of the transfer, and electric propulsion for the remainder of the transfer. Trip times are between one and four months

    Advanced Propulsion for Geostationary Orbit Insertion and North-South Station Keeping

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    Solar electric propulsion (SEP) technology is currently being used for geostationary satellite station keeping to increase payload mass. Analyses show that advanced electric propulsion technologies can be used to obtain additional increases in payload mass by using these same technologies to perform part of the orbit transfer. In this work three electric propulsion technologies are examined at two power levels for an Atlas 2AS class spacecraft. The on-board chemical propulsion apogee engine fuel is reduced to allow the use of electric propulsion. A numerical optimizer is used to determine the chemical burns which will minimize the electric propulsion transfer time. Results show that for a 1550 kg Atlas 2AS class payload, increases in net mass (geostationary satellite mass less wet propulsion system mass) of 150 to 800 kg are possible using electric propulsion for station keeping, advanced chemical engines for part of the transfer, and electric propulsion for the remainder of the transfer. Trip times are between one and four months

    Vitamin D with Calcium reduces mortality: patient level pooled analysis of 70,528 patients from eight major vitamin D trials

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    Introduction: Vitamin D may affect multiple health outcomes. If so, an effect on mortality is to be expected. Using pooled data from randomized controlled trials, we performed individual patient data (IPD) and trial level meta-analyses to assess mortality among participants randomized to either vitamin D alone or vitamin D with calcium. Subjects and Methods: Through a systematic literature search, we identified 24 randomized controlled trials reporting data on mortality in which vitamin D was given either alone or with calcium. From a total of 13 trials with more than 1000 participants each, eight trials were included in our IPD analysis. Using a stratified Cox regression model, we calculated risk of death during 3 yr of treatment in an intention-to-treat analysis. Also, we performed a trial level meta-analysis including data from all studies. Results: The IPD analysis yielded data on 70,528 randomized participants (86.8% females) with a median age of 70 (interquartile range, 62–77) yr. Vitamin D with or without calcium reduced mortality by 7% [hazard ratio, 0.93; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.88–0.99]. However, vitamin D alone did not affect mortality, but risk of death was reduced if vitamin D was given with calcium (hazard ratio, 0.91; 95% CI, 0.84–0.98). The number needed to treat with vitamin D plus calcium for 3 yr to prevent one death was 151. Trial level meta-analysis (24 trials with 88,097 participants) showed similar results, i.e. mortality was reduced with vitamin D plus calcium (odds ratio, 0.94; 95% CI, 0.88–0.99), but not with vitamin D alone (odds ratio, 0.98; 95% CI, 0.91–1.06). Conclusion: Vitamin D with calcium reduces mortality in the elderly, whereas available data do not support an effect of vitamin D alone

    Lack of Association of Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2 Gene Haplotypes with Bone Mineral Density, Bone Loss, or Risk of Fractures in Men

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    Introduction. The association of bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2) with BMD and risk of fracture was suggested by a recent linkage study, but subsequent studies have been contradictory. We report the results of a study of the relationship between BMP2 genotypes and BMD, annual change in BMD, and risk of fracture in male subjects. Materials and Methods. We tested three single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) across the BMP2 gene, including Ser37Ala SNP, in 342 Caucasian Englishmen, comprising 224 control and 118 osteoporotic subjects. Results. BMP2 SNP1 (Ser37Ala) genotypes were found to have similar low frequency in control subjects and men with osteoporosis. The major informative polymorphism, BMP2 SNP3 (Arg190Ser), showed no statistically significant association with weight, height, BMD, change in BMD at hip or lumbar spine, and risk of fracture. Conclusion. There were no genotypic or haplotypic effects of the BMP2 candidate gene on BMD, change in BMD, or fracture risk identified in this cohort

    Cover crop planting practices determine their performance in the U.S. Corn Belt

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    Cover crop growing periods in the western U.S. Corn Belt could be extended by planting earlier. We evaluated both pre-harvest broadcast interseeding and post-harvest drilling of the following cover crops: (a) cereal rye (Secale cereale L.) [RYE]; (b) a mix of rye + legumes + brassicas [MIX1], (c) a mix of rye + oat [Avena sativa L.] + legumes + brassicas (MIX2), (d) legumes [LEGU]) and (e) a no cover crop control. These were tested in continuous corn (Zea mays L.) [corn–corn] and soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]–corn systems [soybean–corn] at three sites in Nebraska for their effect on cover crop productivity, soil nutrients, and subsequent corn performance. At the sites with wet fall weather, pre-harvest broadcasting increased cover crop biomass by 90%, to 1.29 Mg ha−1 for RYE and 0.87 Mg ha−1 for MIX1 in soybean–corn, and to 0.56 Mg ha−1 and 0.39 Mg ha−1 in corn–corn, respectively. At the drier site, post-harvest drilling increased biomass of RYE and MIX1 by 95% to 0.80 Mg ha−1 in soybean–corn. Biomass N uptake was highest in pre-harvest RYE and MIX1 at two sites in soybean–corn (35 kg ha−1). RYE and sometimes mixes reduced soil N, but effects on P, K, and soil organic C were inconsistent. In soybean–corn, corn yields decreased by 4% after RYE, and in corn–corn, by 4% after pre-harvest cover crops. Site-specific selection of cover crops and planting practices can increase their performance while minimizing impacts on corn