152 research outputs found

    Isolation and characterization of a new simian rotavirus, YK-1

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    BACKGROUND: To effectively analyze the requirements for protection to rotavirus infection, a reliable animal model that reasonably mimics infection and disease in humans is needed. A requirement for an effective animal model is the availability of appropriate rotavirus stocks for challenge. RESULTS: A new simian rotavirus, designated YK-1, was isolated from a 2-year-old immunodeficient pigtailed macaque with chronic diarrhea. YK-1 was distinguishable by electropherotype from the other simian rotavirus strains, SA11 and RRV. One variant of YK-1, clone 311, which was isolated after adaptation and plaque purification in cell cultures, displayed an unusual RNA electropherotype with an abnormally migrating gene 11 segment. Sequence analysis demonstrated a genetic rearrangement that involved a partial duplication of the gene 11 ORF encoding NSP5. YK-1 was identified as a Group A rotavirus belonging to subgroup 1. To further characterize the YK-1 strain, the genes encoding VP4, VP7, and NSP4 were sequenced. Analysis of VP4 and VP7 gene fragments suggests that this strain is a G3P[3] rotavirus and is closely related to the simian rotavirus strain RRV. Serotype analysis also identified YK-1 as a G3 rotavirus. The NSP4 genotype of YK-1 is C, the same genotype as RRV. CONCLUSION: This newly isolated rotavirus, YK-1, is being used to establish a nonhuman primate model for studying the infectivity, immunity, and pathogenesis of rotavirus and for evaluating candidate rotavirus vaccines

    Development of candidate rotavirus vaccines derived from neonatal strains in India

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    The need for a rotavirus vaccine in India is based on the enormous burden associated with the <100,000 deaths due to rotavirus diarrhea that occur annually among Indian children. Two rotavirus strains identified during nosocomial outbreaks of rotavirus infection in New Delhi and Bangalore, India, more than a decade ago are being developed as live oral vaccines. Infected newborns had no symptoms, shed virus for up to 2 weeks after infection, mounted a robust immune response, and demonstrated protection against severe rotavirus diarrhea after reinfection. The 2 strains are naturally occurring bovine-human reassortants. The New Delhi strain, 116E, is characterized as having a P[11],G9 genotype, and the Bangalore strain, I321, is characterized as having a P[11],G10 genotype. The strains have been prepared as pilot lots for clinical trials to be conducted in New Delhi. This unique project, which is developing a new rotavirus vaccine in India with the use of Indian strains, an Indian manufacturer, and an Indian clinical development program, aims to expedite introduction of rotavirus vaccines in India

    Histone chaperone HIRA deposits histone H3.3 onto foreign viral DNA and contributes to anti-viral intrinsic immunity

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    The HIRA histone chaperone complex deposits histone H3.3 into nucleosomes in a DNA replication- and sequence-independent manner. As herpesvirus genomes enter the nucleus as naked DNA, we asked whether the HIRA chaperone complex affects herpesvirus infection. After infection of primary cells with HSV or CMV, or transient transfection with naked plasmid DNA, HIRA re-localizes to PML bodies, sites of cellular anti-viral activity. HIRA co-localizes with viral genomes, binds to incoming viral and plasmid DNAs and deposits histone H3.3 onto these. Anti-viral interferons (IFN) specifically induce HIRA/PML co-localization at PML nuclear bodies and HIRA recruitment to IFN target genes, although HIRA is not required for IFN-inducible expression of these genes. HIRA is, however, required for suppression of viral gene expression, virus replication and lytic infection and restricts murine CMV replication in vivo. We propose that the HIRA chaperone complex represses incoming naked viral DNAs through chromatinization as part of intrinsic cellular immunity

    HCG 16 Revisited: Clues About Galaxy Evolution in Groups

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    We present new spectroscopic observations of 5 galaxies, members of the unusually active compact group HCG 16, observed using the Palomar 5m telescope. The high signal to noise ratios (S/N ∼70\sim 70) of the spectra allow us to study the variation of the emission line characteristics and the stellar populations in the nucleus and the circumnuclear regions of the galaxies. The emission line characteristics of these galaxies are complex, varying between Seyfert 2 and LINERs or between LINERs and starbursts. All of the galaxies show traces of intermediate age stellar populations, supporting our previous result that post-starburst galaxies are common in compact groups. The galaxies HCG16--4 and HCG16--5 show double nuclei and therefore could be two cases of recent merger. Our observations support a scenario where HCG 16 was formed by the successive merger of metal poor, low mass galaxies. The galaxies HCG16--1 and HCG16--2, which are more evolved, form the old core of the group. Galaxies HCG16--4 and HCG16--5 are two more recent additions still in a merging phase. Galaxy HCG16--5 is a starburst galaxy which is just beginning to fall into the core. If HCG 16 is representative of compact groups in their early stage, the whole set of observations implies that the formation of compact groups is the result of hierarchical galaxy formation. HCG 16 could be one example of this process operating in the local universe.Comment: tar file containing text and figures is available at http://www.daf.on.br/~reinaldo/paper.htm
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