7 research outputs found

    Nitrogen Removal from Wood Laminated Flooring Waste by Low-Temperature Pyrolysis

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    International audienceThe optimisation of wood laminated flooring decontamination was studied to improve energy recovery. This work addresses the first step of a novel nitrogen-containing biomass waste-to-energy process that has been previously published. Pyrolysis in N-2 atmosphere performed at different temperatures (523-673 K) and different durations led to the removal of nitrogen contained in the material, mainly in the forms of ammonia (NH3) and isocyanic acid (HNCO), as analysed by Fourier Transform infrared spectrometry. The optimisation of this step consists in determining a [temperature, duration] of treatment parameters couple to obtain a maximum nitrogen removal coupled with the minimum energy loss in the residue. Amounts of removed nitrogen were determined through ultimate analysis, and energy available in the ``decontaminated'' residues was obtained by calorimetry. Pre-treatment at 548 K during 11 min appeared to be the most promising, with 65 % of nitrogen removed and mass and energy losses of 18.7 and 8.9 %, respectively

    Optimiser la combustion pour un développement durable du bois-énergie

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    Le bois-énergie, majoritairement utilisé sous forme de chauffage individuel et de chaufferies industrielles et collectives bénéficie de forts potentiels inexploités en termes de ressources et de consommateurs. C'est dans cette optique de développement que s'inscrit ce travail basé sur l'étude de 18 chaudières au bois dont la puissance varie de 20 kW à 4 MW et de plusieurs appareils indépendants d'une puissance de l'ordre de 10 kW. Le monoxyde de carbone étant un très bon indicateur de la qualité de combustion, nous avons utilisé cette mesure pour qualifier les appareils et voir l'influence de paramètres tels que la nature du foyer, le système de régulation ou la qualité du combustible sur les résultats de combustion. En effet, l'utilisation du bois comme source d'énergie ne peut être considérée comme renouvelable et participant pleinement au développement durable que si les rejets émis sont faibles et maîtrisés. A l'heure actuelle, toutes les installations satisfont aux normes de rejets en vigueur, mais il est maintenant nécessaire d'aller plus loin et d'atteindre des performances thermiques et environnementales proches de celles obtenues avec les combustibles fossiles.Woodenergy, mainly used for private heating, industrial boilers and heating networks, includes high unexploited potentials as resources or consumers. In this perspective of development, the following work deals with the study of 18 wood fed boilers providing a power between 20 kW and 4 MW and several independent heating devices providing around 10 kW. As carbon monoxide is a very relevant indicator of the quality of combustion, we used this measurement to qualify the devices and to follow the influence of parameters such as the shape of the fireplace, the system of regulation or the quality of the fuel on the results of combustion. Indeed, the use of wood as a source of energy is considered as renewable and interesting for sustainable development only if the pollutant emissions are low and under control. Nowadays, all installations respect and pass the norms of restriction for pollutant emissions, but it is now necessary to carry on with improving in order to reach the same thermic and environmental performances as those using fossil fuels

    VOC emissions from linear vibration

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    Godkänd; 2015; 20150831 (dicsan)</p