26 research outputs found

    Glosa do wyroku Wojew贸dzkiego S膮du Administracyjnego w Warszawie z dnia 25 czerwca 2019 r. (VI SA/Wa 904/19)

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    The provisions of Article 99 (4) of the Pharmaceutical Law Act stipulate the requirements for obtaining a permit for operating a generally accessible pharmacy by a given entity. The entity operating the pharmacy obtained permission before the amendment of this provision by the amendment to the Pharmaceutical Law, but applied for its change after the entry into force of this amendment. Both the Voivodeship Pharmaceutical Inspector and the Main Pharmaceutical Inspector concluded that the entity applying for a change of authorization to operate a pharmacy, which it obtained before the entry into force of the Amendment Act, must meet the requirements imposed by the currently applicable provisions of the Pharmaceutical Law. The Voivodeship Administrative Court in Warsaw annulled the decisions of both instances appealed by the entity requesting a change of authorization. The gloss to the Court鈥檚 judgement is critical, in particular as regards the Court鈥檚 interpretation of the inter-temporal provisions contained in the Amending Act.Postanowienia art. 99 ust. 4 ustawy Prawo farmaceutyczne przewiduj膮 wymagania dla uzyskania pozwolenia na prowadzenie apteki og贸lnodost臋pnej przez dany podmiot. Podmiot prowadz膮cy aptek臋 uzyska艂 zezwolenie przed zmian膮 tego przepisu przez nowel臋 Prawa farmaceutycznego, ale wyst膮pi艂 o jego zmian臋 po wej艣ciu w 偶ycie tej noweli. Zar贸wno Wojew贸dzki Inspektor Farmaceutyczny, jak i G艂贸wny Inspektor Farmaceutyczny uznali, 偶e podmiot wyst臋puj膮c o zmian臋 zezwolenia na prowadzenie apteki, kt贸re to zezwolenie uzyska艂 przed wej艣ciem w 偶ycie ustawy nowelizuj膮cej, musi spe艂nia膰 wymogi na艂o偶one obecnie obowi膮zuj膮cymi przepisami Prawa farmaceutycznego. Wojew贸dzki S膮d Administracyjny w Warszawie uchyli艂 zaskar偶one przez podmiot wnioskuj膮cy o zmian臋 zezwolenia decyzje obu instancji. Glosa do wyroku S膮du jest krytyczna, w szczeg贸lno艣ci w zakresie interpretacji przez S膮d przepis贸w intertemporalnych zawartych w ustawie nowelizuj膮cej

    Single-shot experimental-numerical twin-image removal in lensless digital holographic microscopy

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    Lensless digital holographic microscopy (LDHM) offers very large field-of-view label-free imaging crucial, e.g., in high-throughput particle tracking and biomedical examination of cells and tissues. Compact layouts promote point-of-case and out-of-laboratory applications. The LDHM, based on the Gabor in-line holographic principle, is inherently spoiled by the twin-image effect, which complicates the quantitative analysis of reconstructed phase and amplitude maps. Popular family of solutions consists of numerical methods, which tend to minimize twin-image upon iterative process based on data redundancy. Additional hologram recordings are needed, and final results heavily depend on the algorithmic parameters, however. In this contribution we present a novel single-shot experimental-numerical twin-image removal technique for LDHM. It leverages two-source off-axis hologram recording deploying simple fiber splitter. Additionally, we introduce a novel phase retrieval numerical algorithm specifically tailored to the acquired holograms, that provides twin-image-free reconstruction without compromising the resolution. We quantitatively and qualitatively verify proposed method employing phase test target and cheek cells biosample. The results demonstrate that the proposed technique enables low-cost, out-of-laboratory LDHM imaging with enhanced precision, achieved through the elimination of twin-image errors. This advancement opens new avenues for more accurate technical and biomedical imaging applications using LDHM, particularly in scenarios where cost-effective and portable imaging solutions are desired

    DeepOrientation: convolutional neural network for fringe pattern orientation map estimation

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    Fringe pattern based measurement techniques are the state-of-the-art in full-field optical metrology. They are crucial both in macroscale, e.g., fringe projection profilometry, and microscale, e.g., label-free quantitative phase microscopy. Accurate estimation of the local fringe orientation map can significantly facilitate the measurement process on various ways, e.g., fringe filtering (denoising), fringe pattern boundary padding, fringe skeletoning (contouring/following/tracking), local fringe spatial frequency (fringe period) estimation and fringe pattern phase demodulation. Considering all of that the accurate, robust and preferably automatic estimation of local fringe orientation map is of high importance. In this paper we propose novel numerical solution for local fringe orientation map estimation based on convolutional neural network and deep learning called DeepOrientation. Numerical simulations and experimental results corroborate the effectiveness of the proposed DeepOrientation comparing it with the representative of the classical approach to orientation estimation called combined plane fitting/gradient method. The example proving the effectiveness of DeepOrientation in fringe pattern analysis, which we present in this paper is the application of DeepOrientation for guiding the phase demodulation process in Hilbert spiral transform. In particular, living HeLa cells quantitative phase imaging outcomes verify the method as an important asset in label-free microscopy

    Hilbert phase microscopy based on pseudo thermal illumination in Linnik configuration

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    Quantitative phase microscopy (QPM) is often based on recording an object-reference interference pattern and its further phase demodulation. We propose Pseudo Hilbert Phase Microscopy (PHPM) where we combine pseudo thermal light source illumination and Hilbert spiral transform phase demodulation to achieve hybrid hardware-software-driven noise robustness and increase in resolution of single-shot coherent QPM. Those advantageous features stem from physically altering the laser spatial coherence and numerically restoring spectrally overlapped object spatial frequencies. Capabilities of the PHPM are demonstrated analyzing calibrated phase targets and live HeLa cells in comparison with laser illumination and phase demodulation via temporal phase shifting and Fourier transform techniques. Performed studies verified unique ability of the PHPM to couple single-shot imaging, noise minimization, and preservation of phase details

    Accurate automatic object 4D tracking in digital in鈥憀ine holographic microscopy based on computationally rendered dark fields

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    Building on Gabor seminal principle, digital in-line holographic microscopy provides efficient means for space-time investigations of large volumes of interest. Thus, it has a pivotal impact on particle tracking that is crucial in advancing various branches of science and technology, e.g., microfluidics and biophysical processes examination (cell motility, migration, interplay etc.). Well-established algorithms often rely on heavily regularized inverse problem modelling and encounter limitations in terms of tracking accuracy, hologram signal-to-noise ratio, accessible object volume, particle concentration and computational burden. This work demonstrates the DarkTrack algorithm a new approach to versatile, fast, precise, and robust 4D holographic tracking based on deterministic computationally rendered high-contrast dark fields. Its unique capabilities are quantitatively corroborated employing a novel numerical engine for simulating Gabor holographic recording of time-variant volumes filled with predefined dynamic particles. Our solution accounts for multiple scattering and thus it is poised to secure an important gap in holographic particle tracking technology and allow for ground-truth-driven benchmarking and quantitative assessment of tracking algorithms. Proof-of-concept experimental evaluation of DarkTrack is presented via analyzing live spermatozoa. Software supporting both novel numerical holographic engine and DarkTrack algorithm is made open access, which opens new possibilities and sets the stage for democratization of robust holographic 4D particle examination

    Communications interception and obtaining telecommunications billings by authorised entities within their operational and intelligence activities in Poland

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    Przedmiotem artyku艂u jest problematyka pozyskiwania przez tzw. uprawnione podmioty, np. Policj臋, w ramach czynno艣ci operacyjno-rozpoznawczych, korespondencji, przesy艂ek i wykazu po艂膮cze艅. W Polsce, poza s膮dami i prokuratur膮, podmioty te s膮 uprawnione do pozyskiwania tego rodzaju informacji. Uprawnienia wskazanych podmiot贸w s膮 przewidziane w ustawach szczeg贸lnych, kt贸re reguluj膮 ich dzia艂alno艣膰. W wyroku z dnia 30 lipca 2014 r., sygn. K 23/11, polski Trybuna艂 Konstytucyjny stwierdzi艂 niezgodno艣膰 szeregu przepis贸w reguluj膮cych czynno艣ci operacyjno-rozpoznawcze z postanowieniami polskiej Konstytucji. Nowela ustaw reguluj膮cych te uprawnienia uwzgl臋dnia wyrok Trybuna艂u Konstytucyjnego. Artyku艂 omawia zmiany i przedstawia nowe uregulowania w tym zakresie.The article focuses on the issue of communications interception and obtaining telecommunications billings by authorised entities, e.g. the Police, within their operational and surveillance activities. In Poland, apart from courts and the prosecution service, these entities are authorised to collect this information. Their entitlements are laid down in statutes regulating their functioning. The Constitutional Tribunal of the Republic of Poland in its ruling of 30 July 2014, K 23/11, stated that a series of provisions regulating operational and surveillance activities are in contradiction to the Constitution. The amendments to these acts take into account the ruling of the Constitutional Tribunal. The article discusses the changes and presents the new solutions

    Appeals in an auction conducted pursuant to the provisions of the Telecommunications Law in order to allocate frequencies

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    Przepisy prawa telekomunikacyjnego reguluj膮 przeprowadzenie aukcji w celu rozdysponowania cz臋stotliwo艣ci niezb臋dnych do 艣wiadczenia us艂ug w technologii 5G. Po raz pierwszy przewidziano w przepisach wymagania w zakresie bezpiecze艅stwa infrastruktury telekomunikacyjnej. Przedmiotem analizy jest udzielenie odpowiedzi na pytanie, jakie 艣rodki zaskar偶enia przys艂uguj膮 jakim podmiotom na poszczeg贸lnych etapach prowadzonej aukcji, a tak偶e w okresie j膮 poprzedzaj膮cym. W szczeg贸lno艣ci zbadano, czy 艣rodki zaskar偶enia przys艂uguj膮 od akt贸w lub czynno艣ci z zakresu administracji publicznej podejmowanych w okresie poprzedzaj膮cym aukcj臋 lub przypadaj膮cym na jej rozpocz臋cie.The provisions of the telecommunications law regulate the conduct of auctions in order to allocate the frequencies necessary to provide services in 5G technology. For the first time, the regulations provide for security requirements for telecommunications infrastructure. The subject of the analysis is to answer the question what are the legal remedies and which entities are entitled to use them at various stages of the auction, as well as in the period preceding it. In particular, it was examined whether it is possible to bring appeals against acts or actions in the field of public administration undertaken in the period preceding or commencing the auction

    The concept of evidence obtained from electronic correspondence

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    This article addresses cross-border cooperation between Polish law enforcement authorities and those of other European Union Member States in obtaining electronic evidence in criminal matters. It discusses provisions such as Article 589g 搂 1, Article 589l 搂 1, Article 589w 搂 4, and Article 589ze 搂 10 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CCP), focusing on defining electronic evidence. Currently, there are no legal definitions for these terms. The article posits that the existing definitions of electronic evidence are imprecise and lead to interpretational doubts. Therefore, it is crucial to organise the conceptual framework in the CCP by creating new definitions or clarifying existing ones. The analysis incorporates the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2023/1543 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 July 2023 on European Production Orders and European Preservation Orders for electronic evidence in criminalproceedings and the execution of custodial sentences following criminal proceedings

    Umowy o 艣wiadczenie us艂ug telekomunikacyjnych na czas okre艣lony (art. 56 ust. 4a prawa telekomunikacyjnego)

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    The article discusses the latest change in the Telecommunications Law, i.e. the amendment of 21 December 2012, which limits the fixed time contracts to provide telecommunications services to a maximum period of 24 months (Article 56 item 4a of the Telecommunications Law). The regulation is an implementation of Article 30 item 5 of the Directive on Common Services. The regulation of Article 56 item 4a of the Telecommunications Law has been in force for a few months but its implementation has caused many doubts. Especially, if the regulation of Article 56 item 4a of the Telecommunications Law refers to the first time contract with a customer or to every next one, too; for what period should the first contract be entered into to make the ban imposed by the regulation invalid; whether in case of the first and the second contract the services must be the same and provided by the same company; whether the regulation covers only new contracts or also the old ones that were entered into before the amendment came into force and from what time it should cover those two types of contracts. The article gives answers to these practical questions.Artyku艂 jest po艣wi臋cony ostatniej zmianie Prawa telekomunikacyjnego wprowadzonej nowel膮 z 21 grudnia 2012 r. a polegaj膮cej na ograniczeniu zawierania um贸w na czas okre艣lony w zakresie us艂ug telekomunikacyjnych na okres nie d艂u偶szy ni偶 24 miesi膮ce (art. 56 ust. 4a Prawa telekomunikacyjnego). Przepis ten stanowi implementacje postanowie艅 art. 30 ust. 5 dyrektywy o us艂udze powszechnej. Przepis art. 56 ust. 4a Prawa telekomunikacyjnego obowi膮zuje zaledwie kilka miesi臋cy, ale jego stosowanie w praktyce wywo艂a艂o ju偶 wiele w膮tpliwo艣ci. W szczeg贸lno艣ci, czy przepis art. 56 ust. 4a Prawa telekomunikacyjnego ma zastosowanie do pierwszej umowy zawartej przez konsumenta czy te偶 tak偶e do ka偶dej kolejnej; na jaki okres czasu mo偶e by膰 zawarta pierwsza umowa, aby zakaz wynikaj膮cy z tego przepisu nie obowi膮zywa艂; czy w przypadku pierwszej i drugiej umowy musz膮 to by膰 te same us艂ugi tego samego przedsi臋biorcy; czy przepis ten ma zastosowanie tylko do nowych um贸w czy te偶 do starych, tj. zawartych przed dniem wej艣cia w 偶ycie noweli i od kiedy ma zastosowanie do tych dw贸ch grup um贸w. Artyku艂 udziela odpowiedzi na te praktyczne pytania

    Gloss to the Judgement of the Voivodeship Administrative Court in Warsaw of 25 June 2019 (VI SA/Wa 904/19)

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    Postanowienia art. 99 ust. 4 ustawy Prawo farmaceutyczne przewiduj膮 wymagania dla uzyskania pozwolenia na prowadzenie apteki og贸lnodost臋pnej przez dany podmiot. Podmiot prowadz膮cy aptek臋 uzyska艂 zezwolenie przed zmian膮 tego przepisu przez nowel臋 Prawa farmaceutycznego, ale wyst膮pi艂 o jego zmian臋 po wej艣ciu w 偶ycie tej noweli. Zar贸wno Wojew贸dzki Inspektor Farmaceutyczny, jak i G艂贸wny Inspektor Farmaceutyczny uznali, 偶e podmiot wyst臋puj膮c o zmian臋 zezwolenia na prowadzenie apteki, kt贸re to zezwolenie uzyska艂 przed wej艣ciem w 偶ycie ustawy nowelizuj膮cej, musi spe艂nia膰 wymogi na艂o偶one obecnie obowi膮zuj膮cymi przepisami Prawa farmaceutycznego. Wojew贸dzki S膮d Administracyjny w Warszawie uchyli艂 zaskar偶one przez podmiot wnioskuj膮cy o zmian臋 zezwolenia decyzje obu instancji. Glosa do wyroku S膮du jest krytyczna, w szczeg贸lno艣ci w zakresie interpretacji przez S膮d przepis贸w intertemporalnych zawartych w ustawie nowelizuj膮cej.The provisions of Article 99 (4) of the Pharmaceutical Law Act stipulate the requirements for obtaining a permit for operating a generally accessible pharmacy by a given entity. The entity operating the pharmacy obtained permission before the amendment of this provision by the amendment to the Pharmaceutical Law, but applied for its change after the entry into force of this amendment. Both the Voivodeship Pharmaceutical Inspector and the Main Pharmaceutical Inspector concluded that the entity applying for a change of authorization to operate a pharmacy, which it obtained before the entry into force of the Amendment Act, must meet the requirements imposed by the currently applicable provisions of the Pharmaceutical Law. The Voivodeship Administrative Court in Warsaw annulled the decisions of both instances appealed by the entity requesting a change of authorization. The gloss to the Court鈥檚 judgement is critical, in particular as regards the Court鈥檚 interpretation of the inter-temporal provisions contained in the Amending Act