78 research outputs found


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    The reproductive health problems can result in impaired function of the reproductive organs in the form of decreased fertility, even difficulty getting the pregnancy process can occur, causing psychological impacts on women. Husband's support can help the healing process because it refers to a comfort, concern, self-esteem or help for reproductive system cysts. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between husband's support and coping mechanisms of reproductive system cysts. This type of correlational analytic research with cross sectional approach. The population of this study were all patients with reproductive system cysts who were treated at Tidar Hospital, Magelang City during March-May 2020, using accidental sampling technique as many as 15 respondents. Data analysis used the Spearman rank test. The results showed that there was a relationship between husband's support and coping mechanisms in patients with reproductive system cysts in Tidar Hospital, Magelang City (p value=0.002 less than α=0.05), with moderate closeness (r=0.591). Husband are expected to take full responsibility for their wives, both healthy and sick, and midwives are more sensitive to the patient's psychological condition, including coping mechanisms.

    Problematika Guru dalam Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Digital

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    Media pembelajaran merupakan bagian yang sangat penting dalam mendukung proses pembelajaran di sekolah. Dengan adanya media pembelajaran mampu memperkuat pemahaman siswa terhadap pembelajaran. Namun, ada beberapa kendala yang sering terjadi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penerapan penggunaan media pembelajaran berbasis digital di MIN 3 Jombang dan menganalisis permasalahan guru kelas V dalam menggunakan media pembelajaran berbasis digital di MIN 3 Jombang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Informan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari kepala sekolah, asistan kurikulum, guru kelas V, dan siswa kelas V. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa : (1) MIN 3 Jombang sudah menerapkan media pembelajaran berbasis digital dalam proses pembelajarannya namun belum maksimal, karena ditemukan beberapa kendala yang menyertainya dan tidak semua media pembelajaran digital digunakan hanya beberapa saja. , seperti penggunaan video dan youtube. (2) faktor internal yaitu guru belum bisa mengoperasikan media digital dan kesulitan memahami media digital. Faktor eksternal yaitu faktor keberuntungan fasilitas yang memadai, dan tidak semua orang tua menerima penggunaan teknologi

    Analisis Daya Dukung Dan Daya Tampung Di Tinjau Dari Aspek Ruang Pertanian

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    Recently, the carrying capacity and carrying capacity of the environment (DDDTL) are currently being discussed. The high population growth which results in the development rate greatly influences environmental sustainability. Increased population growth causes the need for space for built-in land such as housing to also increase. Of course, once the land is built, it will be accompanied by an increase in natural resource needs such as air. DDDTL is an alarm to wake up whether the resource capacity is available or not to support the large number of people in an area. This is at the same time to measure the limits of the existing space to keep it under control. The qualitative analysis method with the literature review approach was chosen to examine in this study. There are several factors that can influence or not DDDT for agricultural land in an area. DDDT agricultural land that is developed by the area of harvested land, population, food production and minimum physical consumption. Meanwhile, water DDDT is influenced by the average rainfall, population, water needs per person, and area. Keywords: DDDTL, DDDT Agricultural Land and DDDT Wate


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    Adolescent physical changes related to hormonal changes, the period of sexual maturity and reactions to menarche. Low understanding of menarche can have a negative impact on adolescent growth. Technological progress is a potential that can be used as a delivery of material related to menarche. The "Heager" application has several features, including video features and assessment features. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Heager application media on the level of knowledge about menarche. This study used a pre-experimental design study with a One-Group Pre Test-Post Test Design. Data analysis used the Wilcoxon test. The results showed that the average level of knowledge about menarche before using the heager application media was 13, after using the heager application media was 15. The results of the Wilcoxon test analysis obtained a p value 0.05. There is an influence of Heager application media on the level of knowledge about menarche. Most of the students who experienced an increase in knowledge were as many as 29 respondents. The conclusion of this study is that there is an effect of using Heager application media on the level of knowledge about menarch


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    Background :Health education that is given by midwive in antenatal care was hoped can improve the knowledge, grow the attitude and positif behaviour from pregnant women to care her pregnancy and health.Objective : This research intents to analize the factors that related to the midwifery practice in carrying the rule as an educator at antenatal care.   Method : This research is an explanatory research by using design cross sectional study with qualitative and quantitative approaches. The cuantitative research sample is 57 midwives, 5 pregnant women, 1 worker from health institution  and  IBI organization of Magelang district for checking the data.Result : The research results prove that most of the respondences (68,4 %) do the practice well. Factors that related to the midwifery practice in carrying the rules as an educator at antenatal care, are midwive attitude, period in midwive’s work and midwive community behaviour. And the most dominant factor that influence to midwivery practice in carrying the rule as an educator at antenatal care is midwive community behaviour.


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    Background :Health education that is given by midwive in antenatal care was hoped can improve the knowledge, grow the attitude and positif behaviour from pregnant women to care her pregnancy and health.Objective : This research intents to analize the factors that related to the midwifery practice in carrying the rule as an educator at antenatal care.   Method : This research is an explanatory research by using design cross sectional study with qualitative and quantitative approaches. The cuantitative research sample is 57 midwives, 5 pregnant women, 1 worker from health institution  and  IBI organization of Magelang district for checking the data.Result : The research results prove that most of the respondences (68,4 %) do the practice well. Factors that related to the midwifery practice in carrying the rules as an educator at antenatal care, are midwive attitude, period in midwive’s work and midwive community behaviour. And the most dominant factor that influence to midwivery practice in carrying the rule as an educator at antenatal care is midwive community behaviou


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    The aim of this research is to develop interactive English modules which have been designed in a systematic and attractive manner by containing material, limitations and assessment methods. With this module, researchers hope to help English teachers at MTs An-Nur in the learning process so that they become more active and easy to achieve learning goals. According to observations made by researchers, a problem has been found, namely the lack of student literacy results in very little student interest in learning English. On the other hand students also have difficulty understanding it. The research method used in this article is research and development (R&D), a research approach to produce new products or improve existing products. In producing certain products, this research is a needs analysis using survey or qualitative methods. Each product produced also needs to be tested for product feasibility with experimental methods. In accordance with the results that have been carried out, the validation results obtained by the expert team are 91%. 81% student response, and 85% teacher response. With these results it can be concluded that the development of interactive modules for class VIII at MTs An-Nur Bululawang is declared valid and feasible to use

    Side Effects Experience on Behavior of Pregnant Women Consuming Iron Tablets

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     Background: Anemia was a disease that attracts worldwide concern and was a very big problem, especially in developing countries. The factor that caused high iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women was the low compliance of pregnant women in consuming iron tablets. Side effects in the form of nausea were the reason pregnant women did not comply with Iron tablets. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the side effects experience and the behavior of pregnant women in consuming Iron tablets. This type of research was quantitative with analytic survey and using a cross sectional approach.Methods: This type of research was quantitative with analytic survey and using a cross sectional approach. The population in this study were pregnant women in the second and third trimesters in the working area of the Puskesmas Tempuran, Magelang Regency based on the February-March 2019 cohort, totaling 177 pregnant women with a sample of 123 pregnant women, calculated using the Slovin formula. The sampling technique used Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling. Data analysis used Kendall tau test.Results: The results showed that most of the pregnant women who consumed Iron tablets had side effects experience caused by the behavior of pregnant women in consuming Iron tablets, mostly in the low category.Conclusion: There was a relationship between the side effects experience and the behavior of pregnant women in consuming Iron tablets. It was recommended that pregnant women consume Iron tablets regularly in accordance with the recommendations of health workers so that they can prevent anemia

    PIKMA Role in Improving The Knowledge of Free Sex

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    Background : Youth is an asset and the future generation, so that young people had an important role to determine the future of Indonesia. Adolescents tend to want to know new things, so comes the behavioral want to try, and if it is driven by sexual stimulation can lead teens to get in on premarital sexual intercourse (sex). The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of Pikma role in improving knowledge about sex with using the media module, singing Goldapersas, and leaflets to the students of SMK Negeri 2 Magelang Year 2019Methods : quasy experimental research type with pretest post test control group design. The population in this study as many as 282 people. a sample of 165 people. Data analysis by Kruskal Wallis and Mann Whitney Post Hoc test.Results : The results showed that there are different levels of knowledge between variables (singing Goldapersas, modules and leaflets) after being given health education, p = 0.000. The results of this study were expected to make teenagers more active in seeking information about reproductive health, in addition to the teachers also need to improve and equip students with knowledge about sex.Conclusion : Media module is more effective in supporting roles Pikma to increase knowledge about sex in adolescents


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    Background: Breast swelling or engorgement breast is the blocking up of breast milk because of the narrowing of the lactiferous duct or glands that are not emptied completely and the percentage incidence of it to postpartum women is 72%-85%. Breast swelling that is not handled properly can cause complications such as obstructions that lead to breast infection that can hinder the realization of exclusive breastfeeding in the future and without adequate treatment, the engorgement with moderate severity can become the obstructions of ducts and breast infections/mastitis. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the moringa leaves and yellow sweet potato noodles for the uterine involution and breast milk production of postpartum women.Methods: This research was conducted in the Tembarak Public Health Center, Temanggung Regency using a quantitative approach with Quasi Experiment method. The design was post test only with control group. The population in this study was postpartum women who gave birth in September and October 2016. The sampling technique used was total sampling.Results: The results of this study showed that there were effects from the consumption of moringa leaves noodles for breast milk production of postpartum women, showed by the p value of 0.034 and there was no effect from the consumption of yellow sweet potato noodles for the uterine involution, showed by the p value of 0.767.Conclusion: The suggestions for professional organizations were to cooperate with the relevant authorities (Health Offices) in disseminating the results of this evidence-based research to help increasing breast milk production by using local food, and also to cooperate in cross-programs and cross-sectors in order to incorporate the use of local food based on the evidence as a procedure in providing health education for postpartum wome