16 research outputs found

    Adsorption of Aromatics on Silica Gel

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    Breakthrough curves of naphthalene from n -alkane solution with specific feeds typical of liquid phase processes in packed beds of silica gel which contains pores larger than the critical diameter of the naphthalene molecule are investigated. With measurements under conditions of the linear region of the adsorption isotherm it is found that the observed mass-transport is mainly determined by the mixing process in the flowing bulk phase and by mass transfer through the boundary layer at the interface between the liquid bulk phase and the adsorbent grain. In comparison with these mechanisms, the influence of molecular transport processes in the pore system of the silica gel grain is negligibly small. This information is shown to be available by a direct observation of the elementary steps of molecular transport applying the n.m.r. pulsed field gradient technique

    Switch on-switch off small-scale mining: Environmental performance in a life cycle perspective

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    A switch on-switch off (SOSO) approach to mining relies on an integrated modular and mobile plant. It is appropriate for rapid start-up and cessation of production from ore deposits that have economic viability dependent on fluctuating commodity prices. This study aims at assessing the environmental performance of the SOSO approach in a life cycle perspective, using evidence collected during its pilot-scale implementation on a high-grade lead deposit located in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The deployed modules include: i) a selective mining tool, ii) a comminution module with crusher and screen, and iii) a gravity separation module with screen, spirals and a shaking table. The Life Cycle Inventory is based on a comprehensive and transparent set of data, drawn from the on-site pilot tests, completed with additional calculations (including process simulation with USIM-PAC®), scenarios (regarding energy), and some generic data and assumptions. The potential environmental impacts are calculated considering 13 impact categories of the EF 2.0 impact assessment method. The production of one tonne of Pb concentrate, with a Pb-content of 58.7%, induces in particular the potential generation of 897 kg CO2-eq. Moreover, the contribution analysis enables identification of the environmental hotspots, including the consumption of electricity supplied by on-site diesel generators that contributes to more than 90% of the total impacts in seven impact categories. Finally, this article discusses i) how advantageous the SOSO approach is compared to large-scale lead mining regarding some of its associated key environmental hotspots, ii) the potential for reduction of the impacts associated with electricity consumption, in particular through the implementation of a renewable electricity supply mix (solar photovoltaics and biomass-based), iii) the contributions of equipment and tailings to the total impacts, and iv) the contribution of the SOSO approach to resource accessibility and depletion. The inclusion of data outputs of mineral processing simulation in LCA appears a promising development towards optimization of the SOSO modular process chain, based on life-cycle environmental criteria and accounting for the site-dependent variability of ores and processes

    Sustainability of switch on-switch off (SOSO) mining: Human resource development tailored to technological solutions

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    Adaptable, mobile, modularised technical solutions were piloted for switch on-switch off (SOSO) mining at test sites in the west Balkans. Pre-training occurred at the site of module construction and on the mine site in order to transfer knowledge relating to the rapid deployment, commissioning and operation of mining and processing units, in a mature health and safety culture. Translation of extensive documentation, describing operation of the equipment, into local languages and visual aids supported communication. Consideration of the activities required to deploy and operate prototype solutions revealed how characteristics of a SOSO workforce differed from other types of mining. Deployment of modularised plant employed fewer workers than traditional stick-build of a processing plant, but selective mining and processing of complex and variable deposits limited the potential for automation and required operator control. A workforce with mixed levels of experience was most amenable to development of a mature health and safety culture. The total number of employees was small at an individual site and might remain small, even in a multi-deposit, regional business model. However, employment is higher per unit of production than for conventional large-scale mining. The duration of employment is shorter than for large-scale mining but employment can nevertheless be important where there are few alternative opportunities and where it can increase the skills-base to support a more diversified local economy. SOSO mining constitutes a new relationship between society and the mining industry, which needs further consideration for greater resilience in the local community and increased social sustainability