18 research outputs found

    The secretome of Agaricus bisporus: Temporal dynamics of plant polysaccharides and lignin degradation

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    Despite substantial lignocellulose conversion during mycelial growth, previous transcriptome and proteome studies have not yet revealed how secretomes from the edible mushroom Agaricus bisporus develop and whether they modify lignin models in vitro. To clarify these aspects, A. bisporus secretomes collected throughout a 15-day industrial substrate production and from axenic lab-cultures were subjected to proteomics, and tested on polysaccharides and lignin models. Secretomes (day 6-15) comprised A. bisporus endo-acting and substituent-removing glycoside hydrolases, whereas β-xylosidase and glucosidase activities gradually decreased. Laccases appeared from day 6 onwards. From day 10 onwards, many oxidoreductases were found, with numerous multicopper oxidases (MCO), aryl alcohol oxidases (AAO), glyoxal oxidases (GLOX), a manganese peroxidase (MnP), and unspecific peroxygenases (UPO). Secretomes modified dimeric lignin models, thereby catalyzing syringylglycerol-β-guaiacyl ether (SBG) cleavage, guaiacylglycerol-β-guaiacyl ether (GBG) polymerization, and non-phenolic veratrylglycerol-β-guaiacyl ether (VBG) oxidation. We explored A. bisporus secretomes and insights obtained can help to better understand biomass valorization

    Facile enzymatic C<sub>γ</sub>-acylation of lignin model compounds

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    Simple β-O-4’ linked dimeric model compounds are often targeted as substrate to mimic the reactivity of lignin in enzymatic or chemical treatments. These models mimic the structure and reactivity of regular β-O-4′ linkages in lignin, but are less suitable to predict the reactivity of acylated β-O-4′ substructures, which are abundant in various types of lignin. Here, we present a one-step lipase-catalyzed acylation of a commercially available lignin model compound with p-coumaric acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, cinnamic acid and acetic acid as acyl donors. This facile procedure allows to obtain new and relevant lignin model compounds at milligram scale, with simple purification of products and unreacted substrate.</p

    Reactivity of p-Coumaroyl Groups in Lignin upon Laccase and Laccase/HBT Treatments

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    Laccase-mediator systems (LMS) are potential green tools for oxidative degradation and modification of lignin. Although LMS convert both phenolic and nonphenolic lignin structures, phenolic structures are more prone to react. Remarkably, in a previous study on laccase/HBT treatment of grasses, we observed the accumulation of p-coumaroyl moieties in residual lignin, even though such groups are free phenolic structures. To provide more insights into this apparent paradox, here, we studied the reactivity of p-coumaroyl groups in lignin and model compounds using HSQC NMR and RP-UHPLC-PDA-MSn, respectively. It was found that a p-coumaroylated model compound (VBG-pCA), in contrast to its nonacylated analogue, was rapidly converted by laccase and laccase/HBT, resulting in oxidative coupling and HBT-mediated degradation, respectively. The high reactivity of VBG-pCA was related to the phenolic character of the p-coumaroyl group. Upon laccase/HBT treatment of two grass lignin isolates, p-coumaroyl groups accumulated in residual lignin, indicating that p-coumaroyl groups in polymeric lignin display different reactivity than those in model compounds. On the basis of additional experiments, we propose that p-coumaroyl groups in lignin polymers can be oxidized by laccase/HBT but undergo HSQC-undetectable radical coupling or redox reactions rather than degradation

    Laccase/Mediator Systems : Their Reactivity toward Phenolic Lignin Structures

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    Laccase-mediator systems (LMS) have been widely studied for their capacity to oxidize the nonphenolic subunits of lignin (70-90% of the polymer). The phenolic subunits (10-30% of the polymer), which can also be oxidized without mediators, have received considerably less attention. Consequently, it remains unclear to what extent the presence of a mediator influences the reactions of the phenolic subunits of lignin. To get more insight in this, UHPLC-MS was used to study the reactions of a phenolic lignin dimer (GBG), initiated by a laccase from Trametes versicolor, alone or in combination with the mediators HBT and ABTS. The role of HBT was negligible, as its oxidation by laccase occurred slowly in comparison to that of GBG. Laccase and laccase/HBT oxidized GBG at a comparable rate, resulting in extensive polymerization of GBG. In contrast, laccase/ABTS converted GBG at a higher rate, as GBG was oxidized both directly by laccase but also by ABTS radical cations, which were rapidly formed by laccase. The laccase/ABTS system resulted in Cα oxidation of GBG and coupling of ABTS to GBG, rather than polymerization of GBG. Based on these results, we propose reaction pathways of phenolic lignin model compounds with laccase/HBT and laccase/ABTS

    Relative contributions of charge and surface coverage on pH-induced flocculation of protein-stabilized emulsions

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    To predict the stability of protein-stabilized emulsions against flocculation under different conditions (pH and concentration), a quantitative description of the effect of the relevant factors is essential. Typically, pH is considered to affect the protein charge (viz. zeta potential) and thereby the interactions between the emulsion droplets. In this study, it is shown that emulsion flocculation is not only determined by the interactions between the droplets (pH/charge), but also by the surface coverage (pH and protein concentration). Two distinct regimes of flocculation were identified. At zeta potentials of |9-27|mV, emulsions were stable against flocculation if the protein concentration was sufficiently high to fully cover the interface (C>Ccr). At a lower zeta potential (i.e. below a critical zeta potential ζcr of |9|mV), flocculation occurred even at high concentrations. In this regime, flocculation below ζcr was reversible at C>Ccr, while it was partly irreversible at Ccr, indicating a type of bridging flocculation at Ccr. This shows that emulsion flocculation can be estimated based on the relevant parameters (ζ and protein radius including the association behaviour of the protein).</p

    Controlling the Competition: Boosting Laccase/HBT-Catalyzed Cleavage of a β-O-4′ Linked Lignin Model

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    Over the past years, laccase/mediator systems (LMS) have received a lot of attention as potential sustainable tools for biocatalytic lignin degradation. Nevertheless, it has often been reported that Cα-oxidation, rather than ether bond cleavage, is the main result of LMS treatments, which limits the overall efficiency and effectiveness. Remarkably few studies have attempted to influence this product profile and thereby enhance the effectivity of LMS-catalyzed lignin degradation. Here, we studied the influence of buffer properties on the product profile of a β-O-4′ linked lignin model dimer upon conversion by a laccase/hydroxybenzotriazole system. We show that the ratio between β-O-4′ ether cleavage and Cα-oxidation can be substantially increased by using unconventional buffer properties (i.e., highly concentrated buffers at near-neutral pH). Whereas <10% ether cleavage was obtained in conventional buffer (i.e., weak buffer at pH 4), as much as 80% ether cleavage was obtained in highly concentrated buffers at pH 6. In addition, this alteration of buffer properties was found to improve the stability of both laccase and mediator. The underlying reactions were further studied by using experimental and computational (density functional theory, DFT) approaches. Based on the outcomes, we propose detailed reaction mechanisms for the reactions underlying ether cleavage and Cα-oxidation. We propose that increasing buffer pH or increasing buffer strength enhances H-bonding between the lignin model and buffer anions, which drives the overall reaction outcome toward ether cleavage. These insights may pave the way for more efficient and effective biocatalytic lignin degradation

    Enzymatic Browning in Sugar Beet Leaves (Beta vulgaris L.) : Influence of Caffeic Acid Derivatives, Oxidative Coupling, and Coupled Oxidation

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    Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) leaves of 8 month (8m) plants showed more enzymatic browning than those of 3 month (3m). Total phenolic content increased from 4.6 to 9.4 mg/g FW in 3m and 8m, respectively, quantitated by reverse-phase-ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography-ultraviolet-mass spectrometry (RP-UHPLC-UV-MS). The PPO activity was 6.7 times higher in extracts from 8m than from 3m leaves. Substrate content increased from 0.53 to 2.45 mg/g FW in 3m and 8m, respectively, of which caffeic acid glycosyl esters were most important, increasing 10-fold with age. Caffeic acid glycosides and vitexin derivatives were no substrates. In 3m and 8m, nonsubstrate-to-substrate ratios were 8:1 and 3:1, respectively. A model system showed browning at 3:1 ratio due to formation of products with extensive conjugated systems through oxidative coupling and coupled oxidation. The 8:1 ratio did not turn brown as oxidative coupling occurred without much coupled oxidation. We postulate that differences in nonsubstrate-to-substrate ratio and therewith extent of coupled oxidation explain browning.</p

    Understanding laccase/HBT-catalyzed grass delignification at the molecular level

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    Laccase-mediator systems (LMS) are potential green tools to improve the valorization of lignocellulosic biomass by selective degradation of lignin. Despite extensive attention devoted to lignin degradation by LMS in literature, knowledge on the underlying mechanisms is largely limited to model compound studies. Here, we report a mechanistic study on the delignification of wheat straw (WS) and corn stover (CS) by a laccase/HBT system. Quantitative 13C-IS py-GC-MS analysis revealed that WS and CS were delignified in the range of 28-51% (w/w). Based on a combination of py-GC-MS, 2D NMR, SEC and RP-UHPLC-MS, extensive structural characterization of both residual and solubilized lignin structures was performed, from which we reconstructed the degradation pathway of native lignin by laccase/HBT. For the first time, we show that degradation of native lignin in the plant cell wall matrix by LMS occurs via both Cα-Cβ cleavage and ether cleavage of β-O-4′ aryl ethers, and that the latter primarily occurs via cleavage of the β-O bond. Cγ-Coumaroylated substructures were found to be more recalcitrant towards degradation than non-acylated substructures. In addition to lignin degradation, our results provide evidence for grafting of HBT onto lignin.</p

    Understanding laccase/HBT-catalyzed grass delignification at the molecular level

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    Laccase-mediator systems (LMS) are potential green tools to improve the valorization of lignocellulosic biomass by selective degradation of lignin. Despite extensive attention devoted to lignin degradation by LMS in literature, knowledge on the underlying mechanisms is largely limited to model compound studies. Here, we report a mechanistic study on the delignification of wheat straw (WS) and corn stover (CS) by a laccase/HBT system. Quantitative 13C-IS py-GC-MS analysis revealed that WS and CS were delignified in the range of 28-51% (w/w). Based on a combination of py-GC-MS, 2D NMR, SEC and RP-UHPLC-MS, extensive structural characterization of both residual and solubilized lignin structures was performed, from which we reconstructed the degradation pathway of native lignin by laccase/HBT. For the first time, we show that degradation of native lignin in the plant cell wall matrix by LMS occurs via both Cα-Cβ cleavage and ether cleavage of β-O-4′ aryl ethers, and that the latter primarily occurs via cleavage of the β-O bond. Cγ-Coumaroylated substructures were found to be more recalcitrant towards degradation than non-acylated substructures. In addition to lignin degradation, our results provide evidence for grafting of HBT onto lignin.</p

    Prediction of enantioselectivity by monitoring reaction intermediates

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    Enantioselective reactions are at the core of chemical synthesis. Their development mostly relies on prior knowledge, laborious product analysis and post-rationalization by theoretical methods. Here, we introduce a simple and fast method to determine enantioselectivities based on mass spectrometry. The method is based on ion mobility separation of diastereomeric intermediates, formed from a chiral catalyst and prochiral reactants, and delayed reactant labeling experiments to link the mass spectra with the reaction kinetics in solution. The data provide rate constants along the reaction paths of the individual diastereomeric intermediates, revealing the origins of enantioselectivity. Using the derived kinetics, the enantioselectivity of the overall reaction can be predicted. Hence, this method can offer a rapid discovery and optimization of enantioselective reactions in the future. We illustrate the method for the addition of cyclopentadiene (CP) to an α,β-unsaturated aldehyde catalyzed by a diarylprolinol silyl ether