11,548 research outputs found

    How effective is the Forestry Commission Scotland's woodland improvement programme--'Woods In and Around Towns' (WIAT)--at improving psychological well-being in deprived urban communities? A quasi-experimental study

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    Introduction: There is a growing body of evidence that suggests that green spaces may positively influence psychological well-being. This project is designed to take advantage of a natural experiment where planned physical and social interventions to enhance access to natural environments in deprived communities provide an opportunity to prospectively assess impacts on perceived stress and mental well-being.<p></p> Study design and methods: A controlled, prospective study comprising a repeat cross-sectional survey of residents living within 1.5 km of intervention and comparison sites. Three waves of data will be collected: prephysical environment intervention (2013); postphysical environment intervention (2014) and postwoodland promotion social intervention (2015). The primary outcome will be a measure of perceived stress (Perceived Stress Scale) preintervention and postintervention. Secondary, self-report outcomes include: mental well-being (Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale), changes in physical activity (IPAQ-short form), health (EuroQoL EQ-5D), perception and use of the woodlands, connectedness to nature (Inclusion of Nature in Self Scale), social cohesion and social capital. An environmental audit will complement the study by evaluating the physical changes in the environment over time and recording any other contextual changes over time. A process evaluation will assess the implementation of the programme. A health economics analysis will assess the cost consequences of each stage of the intervention in relation to the primary and secondary outcomes of the study.<p></p> Ethics and dissemination: Ethical approval has been given by the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh College of Art Research, Ethics and Knowledge Exchange Committee (ref. 19/06/2012). Findings will be disseminated through peer-reviewed publications, national and international conferences and, at the final stage of the project, through a workshop for those interested in implementing environmental interventions.<p></p&gt

    Correspondence between geometrical and differential definitions of the sine and cosine functions and connection with kinematics

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    In classical physics, the familiar sine and cosine functions appear in two forms: (1) geometrical, in the treatment of vectors such as forces and velocities, and (2) differential, as solutions of oscillation and wave equations. These two forms correspond to two different definitions of trigonometric functions, one geometrical using right triangles and unit circles, and the other employing differential equations. Although the two definitions must be equivalent, this equivalence is not demonstrated in textbooks. In this manuscript, the equivalence between the geometrical and the differential definition is presented assuming no a priori knowledge of the properties of sine and cosine functions. We start with the usual length projections on the unit circle and use elementary geometry and elementary calculus to arrive to harmonic differential equations. This more general and abstract treatment not only reveals the equivalence of the two definitions but also provides an instructive perspective on circular and harmonic motion as studied in kinematics. This exercise can help develop an appreciation of abstract thinking in physics.Comment: 6 pages including 1 figur

    Neutron-Capture Elements in the Early Galaxy: Insights from a Large Sample of Metal-Poor Giants

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    New abundances for neutron-capture (n-capture) elements in a large sample of metal-poor giants from the Bond survey are presented. The spectra were acquired with the KPNO 4-m echelle and coude feed spectrographs, and have been analyzed using LTE fine-analysis techniques with both line analysis and spectral synthesis. Abundances of eight n-capture elements (Sr, Y, Zr, Ba, La, Nd, Eu, Dy) in 43 stars have been derived from blue (lambda = 4070--4710, R~20,000, S/N ratio~100-200) echelle spectra and red (lambda = 6100--6180, R~22,000, S/N ratio~100-200) coude spectra, and the abundance of Ba only has been derived from the red spectra for an additional 27 stars. Overall, the abundances show clear evidence for a large star-to-star dispersion in the heavy element-to-iron ratios. The new data also confirm that at metallicities [Fe/H] <~ --2.4, the abundance pattern of the heavy (Z >= 56) n-capture elements in most giants is well-matched to a scaled Solar System r-process nucleosynthesis pattern. The onset of the main r-process can be seen at [Fe/H] ~ --2.9. Contributions from the s-process can first be seen in some stars with metallicities as low as [Fe/H] ~ --2.75, and are present in most stars with metallicities [Fe/H] > --2.3. The lighter n-capture elements (Sr-Y-Zr) are enhanced relative to the heavier r-process element abundances. Their production cannot be attributed solely to any combination of the Solar System r- and main s-processes, but requires a mixture of material from the r-process and from an additional n-capture process which can operate at early Galactic time.Comment: Text + 5 Tables and 11 Figures: Submitted to the Astrophysical Journa

    Absence of Insect Juvenile Hormones in the American Dog Tick, Dermacentor veriabilis (Say) (Acari: Ixodidae), and in Ornithodoros parkeri Cooley (Acari: Argasidae)

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    Synganglia, salivary gland, midgut, ovary, fat body and muscle alone and in combination from the ixodid tick, Dermacentor variabilis (Say), or the argasid tick, Ornithodoros parkeri Cooley, were incubated in vitro in separate experiments with L-[methyl-3H]methionine and farnesoic acid or with [1-14C]acetate. Life stages examined in D. variabilis were 3 and 72 h old (after ecdysis) unfed nymphs, partially fed nymphs (18 and 72 h after attachment to the host), fully engorged nymphs (2 d after detachment from host), 3 and 72 h old (after eclosion) unfed females, partially fed unmated females (12–168 h after attachment to host) and mated replete females (2 d after detachment from the host). Those from O. parkeri were third and fourth stadium nymphs and female O. parkeri, 1–2 d after detachment. Corpora allata from Diploptera punctata, Periplaneta americana and Gromphadorina portentosa were used as positive controls in these experiments. No farnesol, methyl farnesoate, JH I, JH II, JH III, or JHIII bisepoxide was detected by radio HPLC from any tick analysis while JH III, methyl farnesoate, and farnesol were detected in the positive controls. To examine further for the presence of a tick, insect-juvenilizing agent, Galleria pupal–cuticle bioassays were conducted on lipid extracts from 10 and 15 d old eggs, unfed larvae (1–5 d after ecdysis), unfed nymphs (1–7 d after ecdysis), and partially fed, unmated female adults (completed slow feeding phase) of D. variabilis. Whole body extracts of fourth stadium D. punctata and JH III standard were used as positive controls. No juvenilizing activity in any of the tick extracts could be detected. Electron impact, gas chromatography–mass spectrometry of hemolymph extracts from fed, virgin (forcibly detached 7 d after attachment) and mated, replete (allowed to drop naturally) D. variabilis and fully engorged (1–2 d after detachment) O. parkeri females also failed to identify the common insect juvenile hormones. The same procedures were successful in the identification of JH III in hemolymph of fourth stadium D. punctata. Last stadium nymphal (female) O. parkeri implanted with synganglia from second nymphal instars underwent normal eclosion to the adult. The above studies in toto suggest that D. variabilis and O. parkeri do not have the ability to make the common insect juvenile hormones, and these juvenile hormones do not regulate tick metamorphosis or reproduction as hypothesized in the literature

    Food composition at present: new challenges

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    Food composition data is important for stakeholders and users active in the areas of food, nutrition and health. Newchallenges related to the quality of food composition data reflect the dynamic changes in these areas while the emerging technologies create new opportunities. These challenges and the impact on food composition data for the Mediterranean region were reviewed during the NUTRIMAD 2018 congress of the Spanish Society for Community Nutrition. Data harmonization and standardization, data compilation and use, thesauri, food classification and description, and data exchange are some of the areas that require new approaches. Consistency in documentation, linking of information between datasets, food matching and capturing portion size information suggest the need for new automated tools. Research Infrastructures bring together key data and services. The delivery of sustainable networks and Research Infrastructures in food, nutrition and health will help to increase access to and effective use of food composition data. EuroFIR AISBL coordinates experts and national compilers and contributes to worldwide efforts aiming to produce and maintain high quality data and tools. A Mediterranean Network that shares high quality food composition data is vital for the development of ambitious common research and policy initiatives in support of the Mediterranean Diet.The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of the many members of EuroFIR and RICHFIELDS project (funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation funding programme under grant agreement no. 654280) partners who contributed to the developments referred to in this articleinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An Euler Solver Based on Locally Adaptive Discrete Velocities

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    A new discrete-velocity model is presented to solve the three-dimensional Euler equations. The velocities in the model are of an adaptive nature---both the origin of the discrete-velocity space and the magnitudes of the discrete-velocities are dependent on the local flow--- and are used in a finite volume context. The numerical implementation of the model follows the near-equilibrium flow method of Nadiga and Pullin [1] and results in a scheme which is second order in space (in the smooth regions and between first and second order at discontinuities) and second order in time. (The three-dimensional code is included.) For one choice of the scaling between the magnitude of the discrete-velocities and the local internal energy of the flow, the method reduces to a flux-splitting scheme based on characteristics. As a preliminary exercise, the result of the Sod shock-tube simulation is compared to the exact solution.Comment: 17 pages including 2 figures and CMFortran code listing. All in one postscript file (adv.ps) compressed and uuencoded (adv.uu). Name mail file `adv.uu'. Edit so that `#!/bin/csh -f' is the first line of adv.uu On a unix machine say `csh adv.uu'. On a non-unix machine: uudecode adv.uu; uncompress adv.tar.Z; tar -xvf adv.ta

    A new approach to electromagnetic wave tails on a curved spacetime

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    We present an alternative method for constructing the exact and approximate solutions of electromagnetic wave equations whose source terms are arbitrary order multipoles on a curved spacetime. The developed method is based on the higher-order Green's functions for wave equations which are defined as distributions that satisfy wave equations with the corresponding order covariant derivatives of the Dirac delta function as the source terms. The constructed solution is applied to the study of various geometric effects on the generation and propagation of electromagnetic wave tails to first order in the Riemann tensor. Generally the received radiation tail occurs after a time delay which represents geometrical backscattering by the central gravitational source. It is shown that the truly nonlocal wave-propagation correction (the tail term) takes a universal form which is independent of multipole order. In a particular case, if the radiation pulse is generated by the source during a finite time interval, the tail term after the primary pulse is entirely determined by the energy-momentum vector of the gravitational field source: the form of the tail term is independent of the multipole structure of the gravitational source. We apply the results to a compact binary system and conclude that under certain conditions the tail energy can be a noticeable fraction of the primary pulse energy. We argue that the wave tails should be carefully considered in energy calculations of such systems.Comment: RevTex, 28 pages, 5 eps figures, http://www.tpu.ee/~tony/texdocs/, 4 changes made (pp. 2, 4, 22, 24), 2 references adde
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