920 research outputs found

    When and where? Pathogenic Escherichia coli differentially sense host D-serine using a universal transporter system to monitor their environment

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    Sensing environmental stimuli is critically important for bacteria when faced with the multitude of adversities presented within the host. Responding appropriately to these signals and in turn integrating these responses into the regulatory network of the cell allows bacteria to control precisely when and where they should establish colonization. D-serine is an abundant metabolite of the human urinary tract but is a toxic metabolite for Escherichia coli that lack a D-serine tolerance locus. Enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) cannot catabolize D-serine for this reason and colonize the large intestine specifically, an environment low in D-serine. EHEC can however use D-serine sensing to repress colonization thus signaling the presence of an unfavorable environment. In our recent work (Connolly, et al. PLoS Pathogens (2016) 12(1): e1005359), we describe the discovery of a functional and previously uncharacterized D-serine uptake system in E. coli. The genes identified are highly conserved in all E. coli lineages but are regulated differentially in unique pathogenic backgrounds. The study identified that EHEC, counter-intuitively, increase D-serine uptake in its presence but that this is a tolerated process and is used to increase the transcriptional response to this signal. It was also found that the system has been integrated into the transcriptional network of EHEC-specific virulence genes, demonstrating an important pathotype-specific adaptation of core genome components

    From screen to target: insights and approaches for the development of anti-virulence compounds

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    A detailed understanding of host-pathogen interactions provides exciting opportunities to interfere with the infection process. Anti-virulence compounds aim to modulate or pacify pathogenesis by reducing expression of critical virulence determinants. In particular, prevention of attachment by inhibiting adhesion mechanisms has been the subject of intense research. Whilst it has proven relatively straightforward to develop robust screens for potential anti-virulence compounds, understanding their precise mode of action has proven much more challenging. In this review we illustrate this challenge from our own experiences working with the salicylidene acylhydrazide group of compounds. We aim to provide a useful perspective to guide researchers interested in this field and to avoid some of the obvious pitfalls

    Tracking elusive cargo: Illuminating spatio-temporal type 3 effector protein dynamics using reporters

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    Type 3 secretion systems (T3SS) form an integral part of the arsenal of many pathogenic bacteria. These injection machines, together with their cargo of subversive effector proteins are capable of manipulating the cellular environment of the host in order to ensure persistence of the pathogen. In order to fully appreciate the functions of Type 3 effectors it is necessary to gain spatio-temporal knowledge of each effector during the process of infection. A number of genetic modifications have been exploited in order to reveal effector protein secretion, translocation and subsequent activity and localisation within host cells. In this review, we will discuss the many available approaches for tracking effector protein dynamics and discuss the challenges faced to improve the current technologies and gain a clearer picture of effector protein function

    The structure of an orthorhombic crystal form of a 'forced reduced' thiol peroxidase reveals lattice formation aided by the presence of the affinity tag

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    Thiol peroxidase (Tpx) is an atypical 2-Cys peroxiredoxin, which has been suggested to be important for cell survival and virulence in Gram-negative pathogens. The structure of a catalytically inactive version of this protein in an orthorhombic crystal form has been determined by molecular replacement. Structural alignments revealed that Tpx is conserved. Analysis of the crystal packing shows that the linker region of the affinity tag is important for formation of the crystal lattice

    LoCoH: nonparameteric kernel methods for constructing home ranges and utilization distributions.

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    Parametric kernel methods currently dominate the literature regarding the construction of animal home ranges (HRs) and utilization distributions (UDs). These methods frequently fail to capture the kinds of hard boundaries common to many natural systems. Recently a local convex hull (LoCoH) nonparametric kernel method, which generalizes the minimum convex polygon (MCP) method, was shown to be more appropriate than parametric kernel methods for constructing HRs and UDs, because of its ability to identify hard boundaries (e.g., rivers, cliff edges) and convergence to the true distribution as sample size increases. Here we extend the LoCoH in two ways: "fixed sphere-of-influence," or r-LoCoH (kernels constructed from all points within a fixed radius r of each reference point), and an "adaptive sphere-of-influence," or a-LoCoH (kernels constructed from all points within a radius a such that the distances of all points within the radius to the reference point sum to a value less than or equal to a), and compare them to the original "fixed-number-of-points," or k-LoCoH (all kernels constructed from k-1 nearest neighbors of root points). We also compare these nonparametric LoCoH to parametric kernel methods using manufactured data and data collected from GPS collars on African buffalo in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. Our results demonstrate that LoCoH methods are superior to parametric kernel methods in estimating areas used by animals, excluding unused areas (holes) and, generally, in constructing UDs and HRs arising from the movement of animals influenced by hard boundaries and irregular structures (e.g., rocky outcrops). We also demonstrate that a-LoCoH is generally superior to k- and r-LoCoH (with software for all three methods available at http://locoh.cnr.berkeley.edu)

    Heterogeneity in populations of enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli undergoing D-serine adaptation

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    Phenotypic and genetic heterogeneities are conserved features of prokaryotic populations. During periods of stress, this programmed diversity increases the likelihood that variants within the population will survive the adverse conditions, allowing for proliferation. Phenotypic heterogeneity can have a mutational or indeed a non-mutational basis as observed in bet-hedging strategies adopted by antibiotic-tolerant persister cells. Genetic variants can arise by phase variation (slip-strand mispairing, promoter inversions etc.), nucleotide polymorphisms resulting from replication errors or larger rearrangements such as deletions and insertions. In the face of selective pressures, these alterations may be neutral, beneficial or deleterious. We recently described the genetic basis of tolerance to a normally toxic metabolite, D-serine (D-ser) in enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC). Here we summarize our work in the context of population dynamics, provide further discussion on the distinction between these tolerance mechanisms and the importance of heterogeneity for maximising adaptive potential

    Plastic circuits: regulatory flexibility in fine tuning pathogen success

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    Bacterial pathogens employ diverse fitness and virulence mechanisms to gain an advantage in competitive niches. These lifestyle-specific traits require integration into the regulatory network of the cell and are often controlled by pre-existing transcription factors. In this review, we highlight recent advances that have been made in characterizing this regulatory flexibility in prominent members of the Enterobacteriaceae. We focus on the direct global interactions between transcription factors and their target genes in pathogenic Escherichia coli and Salmonella revealed using chromatin immunoprecipitation coupled with next-generation sequencing. Furthermore, the implications and advantages of such regulatory adaptations in benefiting distinct pathogenic lifestyles are discussed

    Genomic plasticity of pathogenic Escherichia coli mediates D-serine tolerance via multiple adaptive mechanisms

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    Significance Pathogens ensure infection of favored sites in the body by responding to chemical signals. One chemical abundant in urine, the amino acid d -Ser, is toxic to EHEC and reduces expression of the machinery used for host cell attachment, making the bladder an unfavorable environment. We observed that under d -Ser stress, EHEC acquires genetic changes that lead to blocking d -Ser uptake into the cell or activating a silent enzyme for degrading d -Ser. This prevents growth inhibition and, critically, inhibits the repression of attachment machinery normally caused by d -Ser. These findings highlight the importance of pathogen evolution in determining how host molecules regulate colonization. These interactions underpin a process known as niche restriction that is important for pathogen success within the host

    Bacterial Outer Membrane Vesicles Provide an Alternative Pathway for Trafficking of Escherichia Coli O157 Type III Secreted Effectors to Epithelial Cells

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    Outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) are proteoliposomes shed by Gram-negative bacteria. Their secretion is enhanced by the transition into the intra-host milieu, and OMVs play critical roles during pathogenesis. Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157 (EHEC) can cause diarrheal disease in humans, and soluble toxins including Shiga-like toxins that contribute to disease severity and clinical complications like hemolytic uremic syndrome have been shown to be OMV associated. In addition to Shiga-like toxins, EHEC produces a type III secretion system (T3SS), and T3SS effectors are associated with colonization and disease severity in vivo. Here, we show that type III secreted substrates including translocators and effectors are incorporated into OMVs both in the presence and absence of a functional T3SS. EHEC strains with non-functional T3SS shed more OMVs, and vesicles enter host cells with accelerated kinetics compared to vesicles shed from wild-type EHEC. The T3SS effector translocated intimin receptor (Tir) is trafficked from OMVs into host cells and localizes to the membrane. However, its clustering on the host membrane and co-localization with bacterial pedestals is intimin dependent. We show that OMV-delivered Tir can cross-complement an effector-deficient EHEC strain and promote pedestal formation. Together, these data demonstrate that OMVs provide an alternative pathway for the delivery of EHEC T3SS cargo and that vesicle associated effectors are released from OMVs inside host cells and can retain biological activity. IMPORTANCE Bacteria can package protein cargo into nanosized membrane blebs that are shed from the bacterial membrane and released into the environment. Here, we report that a type of pathogenic bacteria called enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157 (EHEC) uses their membrane blebs (outer membrane vesicles) to package components of their type 3 secretion system and send them into host cells, where they can manipulate host signaling pathways including those involved in infection response, such as immunity. Usually, EHEC use a needle-like apparatus to inject these components into host cells, but packaging them into membrane blebs that get taken up by host cells is another way of delivery that can bypass the need for a functioning injection system
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