5,686 research outputs found

    Prevalencia de brucelosis en perros que conviven con vacas en establos lecheros de la provincia de Trujillo - La Libertad

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    Con el objetivo de conocer la prevalencia de brucelosis en los canes que conviven en los establos lecheros de la provincia de Trujillo, departamento de La Libertad, se analizaron las muestras de sangre de 63 perros, a partir de los 6 meses de edad, de ambos sexos, pertenecientes a 34 establos; de los cuales 11 establos están registrados en el Programa de Control y Erradicación de Brucelosis Bovina y 23 establos son de crianza familiar. A los perros que conviven en los establos mencionados se le extrajo una muestra de sangre de la vena cefálica, estas fueron transportadas al Laboratorio de Microbiología Veterinaria de la Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; allí fueron centrifugadas y se extrajo el suero sanguíneo para su posterior análisis serológico mediante la prueba Rosa de Bengala. Se encontró una prevalencia de 3.17%, es decir 2 muestras positivas de 45 perros que conviven en establos lecheros de crianza familiar fueron positivos a la prueba Rosa de Bengala, no encontrado positivas en las muestras de suero de los perros procedentes de establos que se encuentran registrados en el Programa de Control y Erradicación de Brucelosis bovina. Palabras Clave: Brucelosis en perros, prueba rosa de bengala, prevalencia.With objective to know the prevalence of brucellosis in the dogs that live in the dairy stables of the province of Trujillo, department of La Libertad, the blood samples of 63 dogs were analyzed, from 6 months of age, of both sexes, belonging to 34 stables; Of which 11 stables are registered in the Bovine Brucellosis Control and Eradication Program and 23 stables are family breeding, from the dogs that live in the mentioned stables a blood sample was taken from the cephalic vein, these were transported to the Veterinary Microbiology Laboratory of the Antenor Orrego Private University; there they were centrifuged and blood serum was extracted for further serological analysis using the Rose Bengal test. A prevalence of 3.17% was found, that is to say 2, dogs that live in dairy farms of family breeding were positive to the Rose Bengal test, not found positive in the serum samples of the dogs coming from stables that are registered in the Program for the Control and Eradication of Bovine Brucellosis. Key words: Brucellosis in dogs, rose Bengal test, prevalence.Tesi

    Three-dimensional electrode array for brain slice culture

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    Multielektroder arrays (MEA) er rækker af elektroder mest i mikrometer størrelse, som er blevet brugt i stor omfang til at stimulere og måle elektrisk aktivitet fra neuronale netværker. Brug af disse for at analysere hjerne slices (hjerneskiver) kan give indsigt i interaktioner mellem neuroner, eftersom dyrkninger af hjerneskiver in vitro beholder funktionaliteten af netværkerne i den levende hjerne. Elektroder var designet og fabrikeret med det formal at optimere MEA præstationen ved stimulering af og måling fra hjerneskiver in vitro. Meget af arbejdet beskrevet her beskæftiger sig med studiet af silicium mikrofabrikations teknikker for at opnå 3D elektroder med en høj dimensionsforhold, som er de mest egnede til at interagere med hjerneskiver. Elektroderne blev karakteriseret bade elektrisk og mekanisk for at demonstrere deres bedre egenskaber ved elektriske malinger og væv indtrægningsevne. Ved et andet sæt eksperimenter, det fabrikeret MEA system blev forsøgt integreret med et dyrkningsplatform som skal gøre længerevarende målinger mulige. Baseret på eksisterende litteratur mange forskellige platformer blev udviklet og tested med hjerneskiver. Selvom dyrkningen af væv ikke var mulig i disse systemer, eksperimenterne viser at de mikrofluidiske dele af systemet var funktionelle og det var muligt at integrere MEA systemet med ved at modificere den og lave den del af gennemstrømningsmekanismen. Til sidst en mekanisme som var I stand til at flytte elektroderne ind og ud af hjerneskiveren blev udviklet, simuleret og testet. Systemet var i stand til at flytte MEA chippen. Selvom mindre modifikationer vil være ønskelige for at forbedre bevægelsespræcisionen, integrering af denne mekanisme med MEA chippen var mulig og funktionaliteten af systemet blev påvist

    Segmented assimilation trajectories and Latino health : an analysis of the adaptation process over time

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    Cultural adaptation factors likely influence health status and social mobility. Using data from the Corazón Life Journey Studies, cross-sectional interviews of immigrant Latino, U.S.-born Latino, and Non-Hispanic White adults (n=272), we investigated acculturation factors, social mobility, and health outcomes across four time points, elementary school, middle school, high school and current adulthood. Using growth mixture modeling, lifetime segmented assimilation trajectories were developed describing different acculturation and social mobility changes. A four-class model best described the data. Significant differences emerged among the ethnic groups. Family Traditionalism significantly predicted acculturations starting point and change over time. Initial acculturation values predicted social mobility. Differences were also found in health outcomes. Findings have implications for clinical work, research and policy. Early life experiences can influence social mobility later in life, affecting individuals\u27 health. We encourage researchers to employ more complex models in order to reveal mechanisms underlying Latinos\u27 and other ethnic groups\u27 health inequities

    Funciones que cumple el cuaderno resolutor al abordar una situación problema

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    Este artículo está especialmente elaborado para docentes y/o alumnos para profesores que deseen trabajar en la búsqueda de la solución de problemas a partir de la metodología del cuaderno resolutor, partiendo de la experiencia en el aula con un grupo de estudiantes donde se lleva a cabo una situación – problema (lugares geométricos), haciendo énfasis en la resolución de problemas que se plantea desde la teoría y contrastando con la experiencia propia que se tiene para llegar a la solución del problema.se formulen preguntas: ¿Qué es un cuaderno resolutor?, ¿Cómo lo manejan los estudiantes?, ¿Qué instrucciones se le daban para escribir en el cuaderno?, clarifique el objetivo, defina y ejecuta el plan de acción y finalmente se evalúe la solución

    Putting the pieces together : elucidation of podocyte biology in the homeostasis of the kidney filtration barrier

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    End-stage renal disease (ESRD) is a devastating condition that can only be treated with chronic dialysis or kidney transplantation. ESRD treatment costs account for up to 10% of healthcare budgets in the Western world. The 5-year survival for patients in dialysis is only about 40%. Glomerular disease processes are the main cause of ESRD. Despite this, our basic knowledge on the biology and disease processes of the glomerulus is poor. As a result, we still lack effective therapy options to stop the progression of glomerular diseases. In this thesis we have identified a number of candidate genes and proteins that could have an essential role in the glomerular homeostasis. In the first project, we identified a group of neural proteins, Hip1, Nfasc and Olfml2, which are enriched in podocytes. We used these markers to provide further evidence that podocytes are present in glomerular crescent lesions that occur in inflammatory diseases of the glomerulus. In project 2, we studied the functional role of another neural protein, dendrin, in the kidney by generating and characterizing a knockout (KO) mouse line. Previously, we and others have shown that dendrin is very specific to podocytes and interacts with cd2ap and nephrin, two podocyte proteins imperative for the maintenance of the kidney barrier. The KO mouse model showed that dendrin is not needed for the development or maintenance of the glomerulus filtration barrier. Furthermore, the outcome of glomerular disease in two injury models was unaffected by the absence of dendrin. This suggests that dendrin does not have a role in the development of glomerular damage in these two models. In project 3, we identified Tmem234, Slfn5, Lrrc49 and Znf185 as highly podocyte-enriched molecules. Morpholino knockdown experiments in zebrafish showed that the silencing of Tmem234 results in podocyte foot effacement and proteinuria in pronephros. Thus, Tmem234 seems to have an important role in the formation of functional filtration barrier in zebrafish pronephros, and therefore it is reasonable to speculate that it can have also an important role in the mammalian kidney. Lastly, in project 4 we identified a mediator protein subunit, Med22, to be essential for the kidney filtration barrier. In zebrafish pronephros, Med22 morphants exhibit defective capillary loop formation and leak large proteins to tubuli. In mice, full KO mice die during embryonic development. In podocyte-specific KO animals kidney development proceeds normally. However, these mice exhibit proteinuria starting from 8 weeks of age that progresses to ESRD by 16 weeks of age. Histological analysis shows the accumulation of caveolin-positive vesicles in the cytoplasm of podocytes. As these vesicles became larger, we detected the loss of podocytes that leads to glomerulosclerosis and ESRD. Thus, Med22 seems to regulate vesicular trafficking in podocytes and be essential for podocyte survival. This thesis provides novel insights into podocyte biology and obviously opens up new possibilities to study these candidate genes in glomerular function and pathology

    TiO2 nanotubes for room temperature toluene sensor

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    TiO2 nanotubes were used to prepare gas sensor and the gas sensing properties towards toluene were analyzed. Titania nanotube arrays were fabricated via electrochemical anodization method in glycerol electrolytes containing NH4F. The sensor fabricated from these nanotubes exhibits a good response to toluene at room temperature with good sensitivity. The toluene sensing properties were tested from 20 to 150 ppm concentrations.Fil: Perillo, Patricia Maria. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia de Área de Investigación y Aplicaciones no Nucleares. Gerencia de Desarrollo Tecnológico y Proyectos Especiales. Departamento de Micro y Nanotecnología; ArgentinaFil: Rodriguez, Daniel Fabian. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia de Área de Investigación y Aplicaciones no Nucleares. Gerencia de Desarrollo Tecnológico y Proyectos Especiales. Departamento de Micro y Nanotecnología; ArgentinaFil: Boggio, Norberto Gabriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia de Área de Investigación y Aplicaciones no Nucleares. Gerencia de Desarrollo Tecnológico y Proyectos Especiales. Departamento de Micro y Nanotecnología; Argentin


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