4,592 research outputs found

    The Value of Applied Ethics in Engineering Studies in a Horizon of Reliable Artificial Intelligence

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    Instituciones políticas como la Comisión Europea y el Gobierno de España han manifestadosu interés y predisposición para sentar las bases de una gobernanza ética de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA). En particular, han planteado el impulso de una Inteligencia Artificial confiable a través de unconjunto de directrices y estrategias. A pesar del beneficio que reportan estas iniciativas políticas, no es posible apreciar en su conjunto una estrategia educativa específica que contribuya a la generación de un ecosistema ético de IA fundamentado en la confianza. En ese sentido, el objetivo principal de este trabajo consiste en explicar que la enseñanza de la ética aplicada en los estudios de ingeniería constituye una apuesta para el fortalecimiento profesional, la gobernanza ética yuna investigación e innovación responsables. Para alcanzar este objetivo, en primer lugar, serándetallados algunos de los aspectos esenciales que dotan de un valor significativo a la enseñanza de la ética aplicada, subrayando la responsabilidad social que presentan las universidades en este terreno. En segundo lugar, se mostrará una clasificación de las asignaturas de ética relacionadas con la ingeniería en el entorno de las universidades públicas españolas. Y, en tercer lugar, se ofrecerá un marco teórico enraizado en la ética discursiva, promoviendo una mirada cívica en el contexto educativo de las profesiones.Political institutions such as the European Commission and the Government of Spain haveexpressed their interest and willingness to lay the foundations for ethical governance of ArtificialIntelligence (AI). In particular, they have proposed the promotion of reliable Artificial Intelligence through a set of guidelines and strategies. Despite the benefit provided by these political initiatives, it is not possible to fully appreciate a specific educational strategy that contributes to the generation of an ethical AI ecosystem based on trust. In this sense, the main objective of this work is to demonstrate that the teaching of applied ethics in engineering studies constitutes a commitment to professional strengthening, ethical governance and responsible research and innovation. To achieve this objective, first of all, some of the essential aspects that give significant value to the teachingof applied ethics will be detailed, highlighting the social responsibility that universities present in this field. Secondly, a classification of ethics subjects related to engineering in the environment of Spanish public universities will be shown. And, thirdly, a theoretical framework rooted in discursive ethics will be offered, promoting a civic perspective in the educational context of the professions

    Diagnóstico de la empresa Familiar Restaurante JUSTIN al 2011

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    La información que se presenta en este documento muestra los resultados de una investigación realizada en base a un diagnostico empresarial, para la empresa familiar Restaurante JUSTIN, realizado con el principal propósito de analizar su desarrollo hasta la actualidad y de esta manera proponer alternativas de cambio, para mejorar su desempeño. Dicha empresa esta ubicada en la ciudad de Rio Blanco desde el año 2001, la cual aparece como una sucursal de un bar con el mismo nombre en el departamento de Matagalpa que atiende desde 1998, actualmente en la ciudad de Rio Blanco esta ofreciendo servicios de: discoteca, bar y restaurante con una variedad de platillos a la carta. Empresa que es propiedad de la familia Sobalvarro Arceda y las principales funciones son desempeñadas por tres miembros de esta familia dirigidos por su propietaria y fundadora la Sra. Justina Arceda, nombre al que obedece el del Restaurante. La formación de la empresa es producto de ahorros y trabajo de esta Sra. que se ha esforzado por sacar adelante su familia y las inversiones para sus mejoras siempre han sido recursos propios. Las empresas familiares constituyen una importante posición para el desarrollo económico de todo país, es por esto que este estudio es de gran importancia de manera que se pueda garantizar un eficiente desempeño para la empresa y pueda crecer en el mercado competitivo. Con este diagnostico los investigadores y estudiante de ciencias económicas se enriquecerán de conocimientos ignorados que serán de mucha utilidad en un futuro de emprendimiento. Palabras claves: Diagnostico Empresarial, Empresa Familiar, Restaurante JUSTI

    L'engagement de l'infirmière dans le respect des choix des personnes confrontées au cancer du poumon: travail de Bachelor

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    Problématique. Le cancer pulmonaire est une maladie qui peut engendrer des troubles psychosociaux. Ces troubles mènent à une détresse psychologie qu’il peut être difficile de surmonter pour les personnes qui vivent cette expérience de santé. Afin d’atténuer cette souffrance psychologique et leur offrir une meilleure qualité de soins, les compétences de communication de l’infirmière sont primordiales pour accompagner la personne dans le processus de sa maladie et dans la détermination de ses choix. Le but de cette revue littéraire consiste à mettre en évidence le rôle de l’engagement de l’infirmière, à travers la communication, afin que les choix des personnes confrontées au cancer pulmonaire soient respectés, en préservant leur dignité et leur liberté. Le cadre théorique s’appuie sur le paradigme de l’humaindevenant de Rosemarie Rizzo Parse qui invite à pratiquer l’art des soins infirmiers. Cette théoricienne insiste sur l’importance de comprendre comment les personnes se réfèrent à leurs valeurs prioritaires, de manière à ce que la personne exprime sa santé et son devenir selon son expérience. La méthode que nous avons utilisée pour ce travail consiste en la réalisation d’une revue de la littérature. Six articles scientifiques ont été sélectionnés dont quatre qualitatifs et deux revues systématiques issues d’une recherche documentaire entre le 1er avril et le 31 mai 2015 à l’aide de deux moteurs de recherche, Cinahl et PubMed. Résultats. Trois thèmes pertinents sont ressortis tels que : l’apport d’informations et les facteurs influençant la communication, le développement des compétences à travers la formation et la posture de l’infirmière au sein d’une équipe interdisciplinaire. Cette évaluation prend tout son sens et laisse supposer que l’accompagnement en soins de soutien est un moment opportun pour l’infirmière afin de communiquer des informations claires, dont les personnes ont besoin pour déterminer leurs choix et les orienter dans leur démarche. Conclusion. Cette revue se penche sur la trajectoire de la maladie. Elle relève l’insatisfaction des besoins en communication chez les personnes atteintes de cancer et tente de comprendre comment l’infirmière s’engage auprès de la personne en s’appuyant de l’humaindevenant

    Into the depths of deep eutectic solvents

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    Ionic liquids (ILs) have been successfully tested in a wide range of applications; however, their high price and complicated synthesis make them infeasible for large scale implementation. A decade ago, a new generation of solvents so called deep eutectic solvents (DESs) was reported for the first time. DESs show similar properties to ILs and they have proven to be an excellent alternative to ILs in many applications where ILs succeeded first. Besides, DESs can be prepared easily and cheaply, with low-cost starting materials, no need of solvents, no atom loss during the formation and no additional purification requirements. The main problem that scientist are facing when they want to use DESs in different applications is the lack of information on the fundamentals of these solvents. Why do they form? How do they form? How do the hydrogen bond donor (HBD) and the hydrogen bond acceptor (HBA) interact? How do DESs interact with other compounds? Can we predict their thermophysical properties? The answer to these questions will provide to researches new insights on the application of these solvents, solving the problem of trial-and-error experimentation. In this work, we present a detailed analysis of molecular interactions and conformational states of two selected DESs: lactic acid – choline chloride (2:1) and glycolic acid – choline chloride (1:1), using density functional theory (DFT) and second-order Møller¿Plesset perturbation theory (MP2) with various basis sets. Theoretical calculations were performed using the GAUSSIAN 03 software package. The obtained results are used to evaluate the nature of interactions between the HBD and HBA and their structural features. Additionally, it will contribute to the better understanding of how DESs are formed

    Context-Aware Service Creation On The Semantic Web

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    With the increase of the computational power of mobile devices, their new capabilities and the addition of new context sensors, it is possible to obtain more information from mobile users and to offer new ways and tools to facilitate the content creation process. All this information can be exploited by the service creators to provide mobile services with higher degree of personalization that translate into better experiences. Currently on the web, many data sources containing UGC provide access to them through classical web mechanisms (built on a small set of standards), that is, custom web APIs that promote the fragmentation of the Web. To address this issue, Tim Berners-Lee proposed the Linked Data principles to provide guidelines for the use of standard web technologies, thus allowing the publication of structured on the Web that can be accessed using standard database mechanisms. The increase of Linked Data published on the web, increases opportunities for mobile services take advantage of it as a huge source of data, information and knowledge, either user-generated or not. This dissertation proposes a framework for creating mobile services that exploit the context information, generated content of its users and the data, information and knowledge present on the Web of Data. In addition we present, the cases of different mobile services created to take advantage of these elements and in which the proposed framework have been implemented (at least partially). Each of these services belong to different domains and each of them highlight the advantages provided to their end user

    Attachment and Spatial Navigation

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    There is preliminary evidence suggesting that hippocampal functioning is associated with attachment style. However, it is unknown if attachment is also associated with hippocampal-related cognitive function such as spatial learning and recall. This study aims to verify if attachment dimensions are associated with spatial learning and recall. Sixty-five female participants were recruited and were evaluated using the Adult Attachment Scale-R and tested on a virtual maze navigation task (VMT) at one moment (exploratory trial + 3 trials) and 24 h later (3 trials). There was a significant Moment × Trial × Close-Depend interaction for the outcome time, F(2,126) = 3.807, p = 0.025, with post hoc analysis indicating that the High Close-Depend group displayed significant improvements between Trial 1 and Trial 3 in the post-test assessment. Conversely, the Low Close-Depend group displayed significant improvements between Trial 1and Trial 3 but on the pre-test assessment. Furthermore, the Low Close-Depend group presented significant better performance in pre-test Trial 3 in comparison to the High Close-Depend group. Thereby, it seems that low comfort with proximity and trust in others is associated with reduced spatial recall, although spatial learning performance was actually superior in these participants. It is possible that reduced exposure to social interaction and meaningful relationships may be reduced in the Low Close-Depend group, leading to modifications in hippocampal function and, ultimately, reduced spatial recall. Oppositely, participants in the High Close-Depend group may not display typical spatial learning in the proposed task as they are more willing to freely explore the presented environment

    Social and AR Applications Using the User’s Context and User Generated Content

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    The core business of Mobile Network Operators (MNO) has moved from network management and phone services to service providing. In contrast to Information Communication Technology (ICT) service providers, MNOs handle large amounts of their customers’ context data and generated content, which can be used to bring value-added services to customers and therefore, generate solid revenues. Given this scenario, this paper describes how Telecom Italia (a major Italian MNO) has prototyped such type of services after a deep research performed in the context-awareness and context management field and using its user-generated content management facilities in federation with other platforms and systems
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