598 research outputs found

    The Oaxaca Barrio in Teotihuacan: Mortuary Customs and Ethnicity in Mesoamerica\u27s Greatest Metropolis

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    This research examines the mortuary customs of the Oaxaca Barrio, one of the foreign settlements in the ancient city of Teotihuacan. The Oaxaca Barrio is associated with the Zapotec homeland in the state of Oaxaca, southern Mexico (roughly 290 miles); but many questions remain unanswered about its origins and development. The mortuary customs of the Oaxaca Barrio show how Zapotec migrants adapted to living in Teotihuacan over a considerable period of time, maintaining aspects of their homeland identity, but also generating a new cultural repertoire by which members of the enclave redefined themselves. The presence of Zapotec people in Teotihuacan has at least three distinct moments or contexts: its origins in a time of Zapotec expansion (200 B.C), the formal settlement of the Oaxaca Barrio (A.D 100), and much later in time, when the barrio shows a hybridization process with singular characteristics (A.D 300). I address in this research two important questions: Why did Zapotec migrants keep their mortuary traditions? How did migrant identity change over time? To answer these questions I present in five chapters general characteristics of the Oaxaca Barrio, theoretical concepts, and archaeological evidence that support the analysis and discussion developed about this foreign group, and finally its mortuary customs and the relationship with its ethnicity. The Zapotec migration to Teotihuacan is important because social, political, economic and ideological aspects are involved, and this topic is not only useful to archaeological studies (in one of the most important cities in Mesoamerica), also it is helpful to anthropological research about modern migrations, and studies of identity and ethnicity in the contemporary world. In Chapter I, I present a general view of the Oaxaca Barrio in Teotihuacan, the chronology and a brief review of the situation in the Zapotec area and Teotihuacan at the moment of the Oaxaca Barrio\u27s foundation, and a general idea of the mortuary customs in each place; also in this chapter I mention the objectives of this investigation and its limits. Chapter II mentions the main theoretical concepts related with this investigation: ethnicity and hybridization, I also approach the main ideas and hypotheses about the political and social structure in the Oaxaca Barrio. Later in Chapter III, I describe the most important archaeological evidence found in each compound excavated until now in the Oaxaca Barrio, and Chapter IV shows the archaeological record of mortuary customs identified in this foreign settlement; in this section I describe four important and basic elements in the mortuary system: type of burial, offerings and practice of funerary rites, and urns. And finally in Chapter V, I present the discussion of each element, making a comparison with funerary practices and characteristics in the Zapotec area, mainly Monte Alban, and Teotihuacan culture; also in this last chapter I mention how could be the syncretism-hybridization process of this foreign settlement, mainly identified through its funerary customs

    Efectos de la suplementación parenteral de cobre, zinc, selenio y manganeso sobre el desempeño reproductivo de las vacas Holstein

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    The objective of this investigation was to study the supplementation of injectable trace minerals (ITM), based on Cu, Zn, Mn, and Se on reproductive performance of dairy cows from Torreon, Mexico, a geographical region characterized by a semi-desertic climate. The study consisted of 2 field trials. Trial 1 compared the application of 2 doses of ITM during the dry period (at dry-off and at prepartum) (n= 75) with a control group (n=79). Trial 2 compared the application of 1 dose of ITM at 35 d postpartum (n=258) with a control group (n=258). In both trials, conception rate at first service (CRFS) and daysto conception were evaluated. In Trial 1, CRFS was not different between groups, but calving to conception interval tended to be shorter in 10 days in the treated than the control group (P=0.14). In trial 2, CRFS was not different between groups either, but time to pregnancy was significantly 14 days earlier than the control group (P ≤ 0.05). It is concluded that although CRFS was similar between groups, the application of an ITM reduced the time to pregnancy in treated than the control groups, which have a great impact on herd’s fertility and profit.El objetivo de esta investigación fue estudiar la suplementación de oligoelementos inyectables (ITM), con base en Cu, Zn, Mn y Se sobre el desempeño reproductivo de vacas lecheras de Torreón, México, una región geográfica caracterizada por un clima semidesértico. El estudio consistió en 2 ensayos de campo. El ensayo 1 comparó la aplicación de 2 dosis de ITM durante el período seco (al secarse y antes del parto) (n = 75) con un grupo de control (n = 79). El ensayo 2 comparó la aplicación de 1 dosis de ITM a los 35 días después del parto (n = 258) con un grupo de control (n = 258). En ambos ensayos, se evaluaron la tasa de concepción en el primer servicio (CRFS) y los días hasta la concepción. En el Ensayo 1, el CRFS no fue diferente entre los grupos, pero el intervalo entre el parto y la concepción tendió a ser más corto en 10 días en el grupo tratado que en el grupo de control (P = 0,14). En el ensayo 2, la CRFS tampoco fue diferente entre los grupos, pero el tiempo a la preñez fue significativamente 14 días antes que en el grupo control (P ≤ 0,05). Se concluye que aunque la CRFS fue similar entre los grupos, la aplicación de un ITM redujo el tiempo a la gestación en los grupos tratados que en los de control, lo que tiene un gran impacto en la fertilidad y las ganancias del hato.en la fertilidad y las ganancias del hato

    Combining 4D Flow MRI and Complex Networks Theory to Characterize the Hemodynamic Heterogeneity in Dilated and Non-dilated Human Ascending Aortas

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    Motivated by the evidence that the onset and progression of the aneurysm of the ascending aorta (AAo) is intertwined with an adverse hemodynamic environment, the present study characterized in vivo the hemodynamic spatiotemporal complexity and organization in human aortas, with and without dilated AAo, exploring the relations with clinically relevant hemodynamic and geometric parameters. The Complex Networks (CNs) theory was applied for the first time to 4D flow magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) velocity data of ten patients, five of them presenting with AAo dilation. The time-histories along the cardiac cycle of velocity-based quantities were used to build correlation-based CNs. The CNs approach succeeded in capturing large-scale coherent flow features, delimiting flow separation and recirculation regions. CNs metrics highlighted that an increasing AAo dilation (expressed in terms of the ratio between the maximum AAo and aortic root diameter) disrupts the correlation in forward flow reducing the correlation persistence length, while preserving the spatiotemporal homogeneity of secondary flows. The application of CNs to in vivo 4D MRI data holds promise for a mechanistic understanding of the spatiotemporal complexity and organization of aortic flows, opening possibilities for the integration of in vivo quantitative hemodynamic information into risk stratification and classification criteria

    Profiling the Influence of Gene Variants Related to Folate-Mediated One-Carbon Metabolism on the Outcome of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) with Donor Oocytes in Recipients Receiving Folic Acid Fortification

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    Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de MálagaNutritional status and gene polymorphisms of one-carbon metabolism confer a well-known interaction that in pregnant women may affect embryo viability and the health of the newborn. Folate metabolism directly impacts nucleotide synthesis and methylation, which is of increasing interest in the reproductive medicine field. Studies assessing the genetic influence of folate metabolism on IVF treatments have currently been performed in women using their own oocytes. Most of these patients seeking to have a child or undergoing IVF treatments are advised to preventively intake folate supplies that restore known metabolic imbalances, but the treatments could lead to the promotion of specific enzymes in specific women, depending on their genetic variance. In the present study, we assess the influence of candidate gene variants related to folate metabolism, such as Serine Hydroxymethyltransferase 1 SHMT1 (rs1979276 and rs1979277), Betaine-Homocysteine S-Methyltransferase BHMT (rs3733890), Methionine synthase reductase MTRR (rs1801394), Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase MTHFR (rs1801131 and rs1801133), methionine synthase MTR (rs12749581), ATP Binding Cassette Subfamily B Member 1 ABCB1 (rs1045642) and folate receptor alpha FOLR1 (rs2071010) on the success of IVF treatment performed in women being recipients of donated oocytes. The implication of such gene variants seems to have no direct impact on pregnancy consecution after IVF; however, several gene variants could influence pregnancy loss events or pregnancy maintenance, as consequence of folic acid fortification.This research was funded by grant PTQ 09–01-00496, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO), Government of Spain, Instituto de Fertilidad Clínica Rincón y Fundación Rincón. AR Palomares and KA Rodriguez-Wallberg are supported by grants from the Swedish Research Council (VR Dnr 2021-06116, Dnr 2020–02230), the Swedish Cancer Society (CAN 2017/704, 20 0170 F) and Karolinska Institutet Research grants

    Rotavirus VP6 nanotubes show an antigen form-dependent adjuvant activity: Zika virus envelope protein monomer vs Zika virus-like particles

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    The structural protein of rotavirus (RV) VP6 can self-assemble into tubular polymeric structures under specific conditions of pH and ionic strength when expressed in recombinant systems. Previous studies have shown that RV VP6 nanotubes (VP6NT) have an adjuvant effect on the immunogenicity of norovirus virus-like particles (VLPs) in mice (Blazevic et al., 2011; Malm et al., 2016). The present study focused on the determination of adjuvant activity of VP6NT on the immunogenicity of monomers of the viral envelope (E) protein or of Zika virus (ZikV) VLPs. ZikV infection can cause congenital malformations in fetuses and the Guillain-Barré syndrome in adults, as the most severe consequences. To date, there is no treatment or vaccine available against ZikV. Several vaccine candidates against this virus have been reported and E protein has been selected as the primary antigenic determinant. Please click Download on the upper right corner to see the full abstract

    The Symbiosis Interactome: a computational approach reveals novel components, functional interactions and modules in Sinorhizobium meliloti

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Rhizobium</it>-Legume symbiosis is an attractive biological process that has been studied for decades because of its importance in agriculture. However, this system has undergone extensive study and although many of the major factors underpinning the process have been discovered using traditional methods, much remains to be discovered.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we present an analysis of the 'Symbiosis Interactome' using novel computational methods in order to address the complex dynamic interactions between proteins involved in the symbiosis of the model bacteria <it>Sinorhizobium meliloti </it>with its plant hosts. Our study constitutes the first large-scale analysis attempting to reconstruct this complex biological process, and to identify novel proteins involved in establishing symbiosis. We identified 263 novel proteins potentially associated with the Symbiosis Interactome. The topology of the Symbiosis Interactome was used to guide experimental techniques attempting to validate novel proteins involved in different stages of symbiosis. The contribution of a set of novel proteins was tested analyzing the symbiotic properties of several <it>S. meliloti </it>mutants. We found mutants with altered symbiotic phenotypes suggesting novel proteins that provide key complementary roles for symbiosis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our 'systems-based model' represents a novel framework for studying host-microbe interactions, provides a theoretical basis for further experimental validations, and can also be applied to the study of other complex processes such as diseases.</p

    Proceso de adaptación cultural del “Questionnaire for Assesing the Childbirth Experience (QACE)”

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    Background: Negative experiences during delivery are associated with women disempowerment, postpartum depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and low breastfeeding rates. The Questionnaire for Assessing the Childbirth Experience (QACE) is a 23-item screening tool useful for discovering women with a negative experience in their birth process and avoids future complications in following pregnancies or couple's relationships. Objective: The general objective is to adapt the Questionnaire for Assessing the Childbirth Experience (QACE) to the Spanish population and to obtain its psychometric characteristics.Methodology: The cultural adaptation process consisted of forwarding translation and back translation into Spanish, conceptual equivalence evaluation by a committee of judges, comprehensibility evaluation and cognitive interview to a postpartum group. Psychometric characteristics were obtained throughout the factorial analysis, Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) and Bartlett’s test of sphericity and Cronbach alpha level.Results: After complete the adaptation process, the committee of judges made several adjustments to achieve a better comprehension in the Spanish population, avoid misunderstandings or offensive words in the target language. 138 participants were needed to calculate factor analysis. The KMO (0.838) and Bartlett test (p &lt; 0.001) confirmed the adequacy of factor analysis and the Scree plot showed 6 factors with the predictive power of 73.75% supported total variance. Internal consistency was assured using a Cronbach α of 0.896.Conclusions: Data from this study demonstrate that the Spanish version of QACE is a valid and reliable measure of childbirth experience in the Spanish population.Introducción: Las experiencias negativas durante el parto se han asociado con desempoderamiento de la mujer, depresión postparto, trastorno por estrés postraumático y bajas tasas de lactancia maternal, entre otros. El Questionnaire for Assessing the Childbirth Experience (QACE) es una herramienta de 23 ítems útil para identificar mujeres que han tenido una mala experiencia en su proceso de parto y evitar así futuras complicaciones en embarazos posteriores o en la relación de pareja.Objetivo: El objetivo general consiste en adaptar el Questionnaire for Assessing the Childbirth Experience (QACE) a la población española y obtener sus características psicométricas.Metodología: El proceso de adaptación cultural ha consistido en la traducción y retro traducción al español, evaluación de la equivalencia conceptual por un comité de jueces, evaluación de la comprensibilidad y una entrevista cognitiva a un grupo de mujeres puérperas. Las características psicométricas se han obtenido mediante el análisis factorial, los test de Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) y Bartlett y el alfa de Cronbach.Resultados: Tras el proceso de adaptación transcultural, el grupo de expertos realizó las modificaciones necesarias para conseguir una mayor compresión del cuestionario en la población española, evitar malentendidos y palabras ofensivas en la lengua de destino. Se necesitaron 138 participantes para obtener el análisis factorial. El KMO (0,838) y el test de Bartlett (p &lt; 0,001) confirmaron la adecuación del análisis factorial y el grafico de sedimentación mostró 6 factores con un poder predictivo del 73,75% del total de la varianza. La consistencia interna se obtuvo mediante un alfa de Cronbach de 0,896.Conclusiones: Los datos obtenidos en este estudio demuestran que la versión española del QACE es una herramienta válida y fiable para medir la experiencia en el nacimiento en la población española