1,290 research outputs found

    Innovative concepts of Integrated Solar Combined Cycles (ISCC) using a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC)

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    Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) is one of the most promising ways for electricity production of the upcoming years with high penetration of intermittent renewable energy sources such as wind and solar-photovoltaics. This is due to the fact that CSP when coupled to Thermal Energy Storage (TES) system enables large, inexpensive and flexible energy dispatch, which contributes to energy grid stabilization. At the same time, TES allows for steady operation of the power block by reducing undesirable fluctuations due to weather transient conditions and increasing the number of hours that the power block operates at design conditions 1. Despite the abovementioned advantages of CSP systems, a step further is needed for increase overall system efficiency and decrease CO2 emissions. Several studies have been performed considering high efficiency plant layouts such as combined cycle. For the latter, several works have been investigated about solar integration of combined cycle using parabolic trough and solar tower technologies. In both cases, solar energy was used for water/steam preheating and evaporation steps of the Rankine cycle in combination with the exhaust gases of fossil-fuel gas turbine engine. However, no research has been performed considering ISCC coupled with a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC). In this research, two innovative layouts of ISCC power plants will be analyzed. First considers a ISCC based on solar tower and second a ISCC with a parabolic trough collector field coupled to the Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG). The objective of this research is analyze the energy behavior of both layouts, selecting the best ISCC scheme to be coupled with a SOFC. The simulations will be performed using Thermoflex software. In both layouts, a SOFC is introduced before the combustion chamber at the topping cycle, and a Rankine cycle (bottoming cycle) with 2 pressures is considered.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    CLIL Implementation applied to Mathematics for Engineering

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    CLIL methodology aims to facilitate the learning of contents in a second language. Authors have tested an experience of implementation in English of these methods in subjects of Mathematics for Engineering at the University of Malaga.CLIL methodology aims to facilitate the learning of contents in a second language. Authors have tested an experience of implementation in English of these methods in subjects of Mathematics for Engineering at the University of Malaga. - Objectives: To create groups which will be taught in English. To try to integrate concepts and maths terminology in the target language, in this case English, maintaining the lessons in Spanish. To improve the integration of foreign students and our student’s knowledge in the target language in order to gain mobility to other universities where English is offered. To elaborate teaching materials and assessment tests in English. - Method: Experience has been developed for two academic years in Engineering degrees at Malaga University in the frame of the Educational Innovative Project PIE17-181. Many students hold an adequate level of English, but some others do not know it enough to follow full teaching in English without difficulties. By keeping lessons and assessments in Spanish, we integrated, in a gradual way, materials such as notes, summaries, exercises and powerpoint documents , all written in English. The use of ICTs has been important for the development of this implementation. - Results: This methodology improves the student's English, mainly in the field of scientific/technical terminology, without loss of content in mathematics. - Conclusions: Among others, we believe that the results are positive and we will continue with this experience.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Dissecting The Influence of Perceived Discrimination and Genetic Liability on Mental Health

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    Background: Underrepresented groups are disproportionally affected by discrimination, which can have long-lasting influences on the individual’s wellbeing and mental health. This study leverages the diversity of the All of Us cohort to investigate the interplay between genetic risk factors and perceived discrimination in the context of mental health disorders. This study aims to shed light into the underlying biological and environmental risk factors, and its interplay, of mental health disorders in underrepresented populations. Methods: Data on perceived discrimination was retreived from the the All of Us (AoU) COVID-19 Participant Experience (COPE) questionnaire and matched with sociodemographic and phenotypic data. Perceived discrimination was considered as a binary variable (has the individual experienced discrimination in the past or not) thus including various types/sources of discrimination (e.g., racial, age, gender, economic status, etc.). Two major mood disorders: anxiety and depression were considered, phenotypes for these disorders were defined for each individual based on prescription medication use. ANOVA, CHI2, and regression models were implemented using python to further delve into the underlying risk factors in the population of study. Linear regression models were also constructed using a calculated discrimination score. Results: Preliminary results showed a total of 69,464 AoU participants who answered the discrimination questions within the COPE survey at any point. First survey responses for those participants were selected to be used for the data analysis. Medication use (anxiolytics and antidepressants) was assessed through participants medical records where 21,618 participants were prescribed one or more medications of the above two categories. The everyday discrimination score was constructed by summing the responses across all of the nine questions/ items assessing exposure, scores were then transformed to a mean item score by dividing the sum by number of completed items. Dose dependent associations reveal the impact of discrimination frequency on the individual’s wellbeing and mental health. Conclusion: The study uncovers a different perspective about the biological and environmental risk factors of mental health disorders in underrepresented populations. Mobilization of more resources to address the mental health burden in underrepresented populations is warranted

    Characterization of a possible nosocomial aspergillosis outbreak

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    ObjectiveTo study the epidemiologic aspects of a suspected outbreak of nosocomial invasive aspergillosis.MethodsSixteen Aspergillus fumigatus strains were isolated from bronchoalveolar washings or sputa of 10 patients during a 9-month period. Furthermore, two environmental samples, isolated in a microbiological screening of the hospital, were also available for analysis. Random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis (RAPD) was carried out.ResultsThe analysis performed by RAPD clearly demonstrated substantial genetic variation among the isolates. Both of the two different primers selected for RAPD analysis (R-108 and AP12h) were able to demonstrate that the strains isolated from all patients infected with the same fungal species and the environmental samples were genotypically distinct. The results by RAPD typing demonstrated that this technique could detect variability among isolates of Aspergillus fumigatus from different patients and even from the same patient.ConclusionsRAPD genotyping proved that the outbreak of invasive aspergillosis consisted of a series of events, non-related, and probably not coming from the same source within the hospital. This type of analysis is an easy, quick and highly discriminatory technique that may help in planning epidemiologic studies of aspergillosis

    Importación de whisky desde Escocia hasta la ciudad de Monteria, Colombia.

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    El objetivo general de la investigación es realizar el plan de importación de whisky desde Escocia hasta Montería-Colombia en las mejores condiciones y al menor costo posible. Al enfrentar este proceso de importación, se debe de tener en cuenta muchos aspectos importantes como lo son el mercado de este producto tanto en su país de origen, como el país destino y a nivel mundial; la legislación aduanera que se aplica en este caso; la presentación del producto (empaque y embalaje); costos de la distribución física nacional e internacional y honorarios del personal que esté a cargo de su manipulación y tratado del producto desde su destino hasta su origen. Con lo se pretende calcular el precio final del producto teniendo como base las cotizaciones, tanto del producto como de todo el coste de distribución física internacional a que haya lugar es por ello, la imperiosa necesidad de poder contar con elementos que logren brindar el tratamiento adecuado durante todo su proceso, y que además conlleve al cumplimiento en forma correcta y oportuna el desarrollo de la actividad

    Evidence of suppression of onchocerciasis transmission in the Venezuelan Amazonian focus.

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    BACKGROUND: The World Health Organization (WHO) has set goals for onchocerciasis elimination in Latin America by 2015. Most of the six previously endemic countries are attaining this goal by implementing twice a year (and in some foci, quarterly) mass ivermectin (Mectizan®) distribution. Elimination of transmission has been verified in Colombia, Ecuador and Mexico. Challenges remain in the Amazonian focus straddling Venezuela and Brazil, where the disease affects the hard-to-reach Yanomami indigenous population. We provide evidence of suppression of Onchocerca volvulus transmission by Simulium guianense s.l. in 16 previously hyperendemic Yanomami communities in southern Venezuela after 15 years of 6-monthly and 5 years of 3-monthly mass ivermectin treatment. METHODS: Baseline and monitoring and evaluation parasitological, ophthalmological, entomological and serological surveys were conducted in selected sentinel and extra-sentinel communities of the focus throughout the implementation of the programme. RESULTS: From 2010 to 2012–2015, clinico-parasitological surveys indicate a substantial decrease in skin microfilarial prevalence and intensity of infection; accompanied by no evidence (or very low prevalence and intensity) of ocular microfilariae in the examined population. Of a total of 51,341 S. guianense flies tested by PCR none had L3 infection (heads only). Prevalence of infective flies and seasonal transmission potentials in 2012–2013 were, respectively, under 1 % and 20 L3/person/transmission season. Serology in children aged 1–10 years demonstrated that although 26 out of 396 (7 %) individuals still had Ov-16 antibodies, only 4/218 (2 %) seropositives were aged 1–5 years. CONCLUSIONS: We report evidence of recent transmission and morbidity suppression in some communities of the focus representing 75 % of the Yanomami population and 70 % of all known communities. We conclude that onchocerciasis transmission could be feasibly interrupted in the Venezuelan Amazonian focus. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13071-016-1313-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Role of Trehalose in Salinity and Temperature Tolerance in the Model Halophilic Bacterium Chromohalobacter salexigens.

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    The disaccharide trehalose is considered as a universal stress molecule, protecting cells and biomolecules from injuries imposed by high osmolarity, heat, oxidation, desiccation and freezing. Chromohalobacter salexigens is a halophilic and extremely halotolerant γ-proteobacterium of the family Halomonadaceae. In this work, we have investigated the role of trehalose as a protectant against salinity, temperature and desiccation in C. salexigens. A mutant deficient in the trehalose-6-phosphate synthase gene (otsA::Ω) was not affected in its salt or heat tolerance, but double mutants ectoine- and trehalose-deficient, or hydroxyectoine-reduced and trehalose-deficient, displayed an osmo- and thermosensitive phenotype, respectively. This suggests a role of trehalose as a secondary solute involved in osmo- (at least at low salinity) and thermoprotection of C. salexigens. Interestingly, trehalose synthesis was osmoregulated at the transcriptional level, and thermoregulated at the post-transcriptional level, suggesting that C. salexigens cells need to be pre-conditioned by osmotic stress, in order to be able to quickly synthesize trehalose in response to heat stress. C. salexigens was more sensitive to desiccation than E. coli and desiccation tolerance was slightly improved when cells were grown at high temperature. Under these conditions, single mutants affected in the synthesis of trehalose or hydroxyectoine were more sensitive to desiccation than the wild-type strain. However, given the low survival rates of the wild type, the involvement of trehalose and hydroxyectoine in C. salexigens response to desiccation could not be firmly established

    Reversible Cardiomyopathies

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    Cardiomyopathy includes a diverse and heterogeneous group of disorders affecting the myocardium and eventually leading to cardiac dysfunction. Cardiomyopathy is the leading cause of hospitalization in patients older than 65 years of age and it is an important cause for enormous healthcare expenditure. All reversible cardiomyopathies can be associated with cardiomegaly, systolic heart failure, structural changes, and an increase in mortality, but when the offensive agent is identified and stopped, these conditions tend to stop their progression and reverse. The prognosis of reversible nonischemic cardiomyopathies is better than ischemic or other nonreversible cardiomyopathies. Additionally, it is important to diagnose etiology of HF early and precisely to determine prognosis and effective treatment. Most patients with reversible cardiomyopathy present with clinical picture similar to that of systolic heart failure. Here in this book chapter, we discuss about different types of reversible cardiomyopathy including pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment
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