35 research outputs found

    Demographic Factors and Attitudes towards Mental Health Medication Treatments among Latinxs

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    Attitudes towards mental health medications vary, however negative perceptions are often born of normative cultural values, stigma, and religious fatalism,1-3 as well as overall demographic characteristics such as gender, nativity, and primary language.4,5 Further research suggests many Latinx adults fear negative outcomes from adhering to medication for mental health treatment, such as dependence and side effects and, instead, would prefer psychotherapy over psychopharmacology.1,2 Lastly, a lack of health literacy,6 culturally appropriate treatments and information,7 as well as barriers to care also have shown to impact attitudes towards mental health medication treatments among Latinxs.8 To date, little attention has been given to the attitudes towards mental health treatments that will either facilitate or impede using medication treatments for mental health. This qualitative study therefore explores the demographic factors and attitudes towards mental health medication treatment among 20 adult Latinxs (45% Puerto Rico, 20% El Salvador, 10% Guatemala, 10% Honduras, 15% other). Using thematic analysis, results indicated that Latinxs held positive, negative, and neutral attitudes toward mental health medication treatments. Participants who were neutral tended to be more open to treatment, however, still hesitant, indicating medication treatment as a last resort or would engage in it only if recommended by someone they trust (i.e., medical doctor or religious leader). Positive attitudes towards medication treatment were split between it being easier to take medication than talk to someone about one\u27s problems, or the opposite; it is easier to talk to a stranger (i.e., mental health provider) than to someone who is close and trusted (i.e., religious leader). Positive attitudes were also supported through trust in medical professionals. Negative attitudes towards receiving mental health medication treatment were more cultural such that individuals suffering from mental illness should be strong enough to get through it on their own, or that one should trust in God to heal you. The participants who held negative attitudes reported more mistrust in medical professionals, including mental health providers and psychological treatment methodology. Demographically, there were no clear trends in the data for variables such as gender, age, primary language, or educational attainment. However, there was a pattern of attitudes for those who identified with a religion (n=15). Of those who identified with either Catholicism or Christianity, 60% held negative attitudes. The participants who identified with no religion (n=4) all held positive attitudes towards medication for mental health treatment. Additional research and practical implications are therefore discussed. 1. Ailinger, R. L., Martyn, D., Lasus, H., & Lima Garcia, N. (2010). The effect of a cultural intervention on adherence to latent tuberculosis infection therapy in Latino immigrants. Public Health Nursing, 27(2), 115-120. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1525-1446.2010.00834.x 2. Batalova, J., & Zong, J. (2016). Language diversity and English proficiency in the United States. Migration Information Source. 3. Eisenman, D. P., Meredith, L. S., Rhodes, H., Green, B. L., Kaltman, S., Cassells, A., & Tobin, J. N. (2008). PTSD in Latino patients: illness beliefs, treatment preferences, and implications for care. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 23(9), 1386–1392. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11606-008-0677-y 4. Green, B. L., Watson, M. R., Kaltman, S. I., Serrano, A., Talisman, N., Kirkpatrick, L., & Campoli, M. (2017). Knowledge and preferences regarding antidepressant medication among depressed Latino patients in primary care. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 205(12), 952–959. https://doi.org/10.1097/NMD.0000000000000754 5. Interian, A., Martinez, I. E., Guarnaccia, P. J., Vega, W. A., & Escobar, J. I. (2007). A qualitative analysis of the perception of stigma among Latinos receiving antidepressants. Psychiatric services, 58(12), 1591–1594. doi:10.1176/ps.2007.58.12.1591 6. Moreno, O., & Cardemil, E. (2018). Religiosity and well-being among Mexican-born and U.S.-born Mexicans: A qualitative investigation. Journal of Latina/o Psychology, 6(3), 235–247, https://doi.org/10.1037/lat0000099 7. Moreno, O., Nelson, T., & Cardemil, E. (2017) Religiosity and attitudes towards professional mental health services: analysing religious coping as a mediator among Mexican origin Latinas/os in the southwest United States, Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 20:7, 626-637, doi:10.1080/13674676.2017.1372735 8. Peeters, B., Van Tongelen, I., Boussery, K., Mehuys, E., Remon, J. P., & Willems, S. (2011). Factors associated with medication adherence to oral hypoglycaemic agents in different ethnic groups suffering from type 2 diabetes: a systematic literature review and suggestions for further research. Diabetic medicine: A journal of the British Diabetic Association, 28(3), 262–275. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1464-5491.2010.03133.x 9. Shattell, M. M., Hamilton, D., Starr, S. S., Jenkins, C. J., & Hinderliter, N. A. (2008). Mental health service needs of a Latino population: A community-based participatory research project. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 29(4), 351–370. https://doi.org/10.1080/01612840801904316 10. Zuniga J. A. (2012). Medication adherence in Hispanics to latent tuberculosis treatment: a literature review. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 14(1), 23–29, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10903-010-9393-

    Diseño de un plan estratégico de mercadeo para el posicionamiento de la empresa "Me Latte Café, y Más" en el municipio de San Miguel, 2020

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    RESUMEN: En los últimos años, dentro del sector de servicios de alimentos y bebidas, las cafeterías se han convertido gradualmente en uno de los negocios más representativos del sector. Considerando que San Miguel es la puerta de entrada y salida para todo tipo actividades en la zona oriental, se establece como una zona ideal para crear un negocio diferente, junto con un plan de mercadotecnia que permite brindar a los turistas, tanto nacionales como extranjeros, y los habitantes de dicha ciudad con un adecuado entorno donde ciertos productos se ofrecen de una manera diferente, refiriéndose a la temática de la cafetería, con máquinas y equipos de primera clase y un personal altamente capacitado en manejo de alimentos y servicio al cliente, a fin de proporcionar a los clientes una experiencia única. Entre las principales estrategias que contribuirán a la cafetería para su desarrollo y posicionamiento futuro, están el uso de herramientas de comunicación directa con el cliente como las redes sociales, la prensa escrita y Merchandising. Así capturando el segmento objetivo de la cafetería, como hombres y mujeres de 18 años de edad o mayores, estudiantes, comerciantes o profesionales, de estado civil indistinto, a quienes les gustan las actividades de relajación con familiares, amigos o parejas y les gusta las bebidas calientes, fríos y postres en un ambiente diferente, agradable y acogedor. ABSTRAC: In recent years, within the food and beverage service sector, coffee shops have gradually become one of the most representative businesses in the sector. Considering that San Miguel is the entry and exit door for all kinds of activities in the eastern zone, it is established as an ideal area to create a different business, together with a marketing plan that allows tourists, both national and foreign, to be offered, and the inhabitants of said city with an adequate environment where certain products are offered in a different way, referring to the theme of the cafeteria, with first-class machines and equipment and a highly trained staff in food handling and customer service, to in order to provide customers with a unique experience. Among the main strategies that will contribute to the cafeteria for its future development and positioning, are the use of direct communication tools with the client such as social networks, the written press and Merchandising. Thus capturing the target segment of the cafeteria, such as men and women 18 years of age or older, students, merchants or professionals, of indistinct marital status, who like relaxation activities with family, friends or couples and who like hot and cold drinks and desserts in a different, pleasant and welcoming environmen

    Experiential Learning for Sustainability in Supply Chain Management Education

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    This work is about sustainability-related learning experiences for the discipline of supply chain management (SCM) in Higher Education. It arises from the need to motivate students with relevant and interesting activities to improve their learning performance. Higher Education must respond to dynamic demands to keep impactful topics for students, organizations, and society over time. This work addresses the relevance of contemporary challenges in real-world SCM situations concerning Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It also provides an actionable framework integrating experiential learning ideas, the ADDIE model for instructional design, the Triple Bottom Line for sustainability, the continuous improvement cycle, and the SDGs into an SCM model. In a case study, the article illustrates the use of this framework for instructional design in a learning experience from an undergraduate course in an Industrial and Systems Engineering program. The application describes the impact of food ecosystems on cities and communities during the COVID-19 crisis. The results suggest positive attainment levels in students’ learning outcomes and highly favorable opinions regarding learning relevance, interest, motivation, and the recommendation of the course. Therefore, this work contributes to SCM education by including sustainability-related challenges and disciplinary topics in novel instructional designs that will actively prepare future professionals and decision-makers

    Diseño de un manual para la gestión de riesgo de lavado de dinero en las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito de San Francisco Gotera, Morazán

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    RESUMEN: El lavado de dinero y de activos tiene como propósito obtener beneficios económicos provenientes de operaciones ilícitas y disfrazarlos en ilícitas, el objetivo del estudio fue diseñar un Manual para la Gestión de Riesgo de Lavado de Dinero en las Cooperativas de Ahorro y Crédito de San Francisco Gotera, Morazán, la investigación fue cuantitativa, utilizando como muestra 5 Cooperativas de San Francisco Gotera, para compilar la información, se elaboró una encuesta, conformada por 11 preguntas de opción múltiple, teniendo como resultados que el 100% de las Asociaciones Cooperativas de Ahorro y Crédito consideran que están obligadas al cumplimiento de las disposiciones legales, según la información se identificó que el oficial (designado) de cumplimiento en un 60% de cooperativas posee la independencia necesaria ya que depende del Consejo de Administración, el 80% de cooperativas tienen un manual de procedimientos, el 60% de las cooperativas utilizan el área de Administración para la prevenir el riesgo de lavado de dinero, respecto a la frecuencia del análisis del ambiente interno y externo, el 40% de entidades lo efectúan anualmente, llegando a las conclusiones que las asociaciones cooperativas afiliadas a FEDECACES están sujetas a reportar a la Unidad de Investigación Financiera (UIF), considerando que su relación con las instituciones supervisoras y reguladoras, se limitan al intercambio de información en virtud del cumplimiento de la ley, sin recibir soporte adicional mediante capacitaciones o apoyo técnico para fortalecer sus respectivos programas de prevención. ABSTRACT: The purpose of money and asset laundering is to obtain economic benefits from illicit operations and disguise them as illicit, the objective of the study was to design a Manual for Money Laundering Risk Management in the San Francisco Gotera Savings and Credit Cooperatives , Morazán, the research was quantitative, using 5 Cooperatives from San Francisco Gotera as a sample, to compile the information, a survey was made, made up of 11 multiple-choice questions, with the result that 100% of the Cooperative Associations of Savings and Credit consider that they are obliged to comply with the legal provisions, according to the information it was identified that the compliance officer (designated) in 60% of cooperatives has the necessary independence since it depends on the Board of Directors, 80% of cooperatives have a procedures manual, 60% of the cooperatives use the Administration area for prevention To avoid the risk of money laundering, regarding the frequency of the analysis of the internal and external environment, 40% of entities carry it out annually, reaching the conclusions that the cooperative associations affiliated with FEDECACES are subject to reporting to the Financial Investigation Unit (FIU), considering that their relationship with supervisory and regulatory institutions is limited to the exchange of information by virtue of law enforcement, without receiving additional support through training or technical support to strengthen their respective prevention program

    New Trends for the Processing of Poly(Methyl Methacrylate) Biomaterial for Dental Prosthodontics

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    Rehabilitation of masticatory function in patients with absent teeth with removable dentures is an established form of treating partial or complete dentition in edentulous patients. The developments in recent decades with dental implants dominate current dental research. However, medical contraindications, a negative attitude toward implants, or financial limitations on the part of the patients limit their universal applicability, so the rehabilitation with dental prostheses still makes up a significant portion of everyday clinical practice. Conversely, removable dentures are used in the critical conditions of the oral cavity. There are about 500 strains of microorganisms in the mouth, which form the biofilm in an acidic environment causing several issues, such as denture stomatitis, deterioration of the periodontal status of the remaining teeth, or carious lesions in the supporting teeth. Therefore, it is very important to choose a suitable material for the prosthesis. Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) is an acrylic resin usually used with a long tradition for prosthetic purposes. The aim of this chapter is to present the trends for the processing of PMMA. It includes the chemical synthesis, conventional thermal processing of this acrylic resin, the new processing technique assisted with ultrasound, the antibacterial effect on PMMA with nanoparticles, and the cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, and mutagenesis of this material

    Immunoglobulin, glucocorticoid, or combination therapy for multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children: a propensity-weighted cohort study

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    Background: Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), a hyperinflammatory condition associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection, has emerged as a serious illness in children worldwide. Immunoglobulin or glucocorticoids, or both, are currently recommended treatments. Methods: The Best Available Treatment Study evaluated immunomodulatory treatments for MIS-C in an international observational cohort. Analysis of the first 614 patients was previously reported. In this propensity-weighted cohort study, clinical and outcome data from children with suspected or proven MIS-C were collected onto a web-based Research Electronic Data Capture database. After excluding neonates and incomplete or duplicate records, inverse probability weighting was used to compare primary treatments with intravenous immunoglobulin, intravenous immunoglobulin plus glucocorticoids, or glucocorticoids alone, using intravenous immunoglobulin as the reference treatment. Primary outcomes were a composite of inotropic or ventilator support from the second day after treatment initiation, or death, and time to improvement on an ordinal clinical severity scale. Secondary outcomes included treatment escalation, clinical deterioration, fever, and coronary artery aneurysm occurrence and resolution. This study is registered with the ISRCTN registry, ISRCTN69546370. Findings: We enrolled 2101 children (aged 0 months to 19 years) with clinically diagnosed MIS-C from 39 countries between June 14, 2020, and April 25, 2022, and, following exclusions, 2009 patients were included for analysis (median age 8·0 years [IQR 4·2–11·4], 1191 [59·3%] male and 818 [40·7%] female, and 825 [41·1%] White). 680 (33·8%) patients received primary treatment with intravenous immunoglobulin, 698 (34·7%) with intravenous immunoglobulin plus glucocorticoids, 487 (24·2%) with glucocorticoids alone; 59 (2·9%) patients received other combinations, including biologicals, and 85 (4·2%) patients received no immunomodulators. There were no significant differences between treatments for primary outcomes for the 1586 patients with complete baseline and outcome data that were considered for primary analysis. Adjusted odds ratios for ventilation, inotropic support, or death were 1·09 (95% CI 0·75–1·58; corrected p value=1·00) for intravenous immunoglobulin plus glucocorticoids and 0·93 (0·58–1·47; corrected p value=1·00) for glucocorticoids alone, versus intravenous immunoglobulin alone. Adjusted average hazard ratios for time to improvement were 1·04 (95% CI 0·91–1·20; corrected p value=1·00) for intravenous immunoglobulin plus glucocorticoids, and 0·84 (0·70–1·00; corrected p value=0·22) for glucocorticoids alone, versus intravenous immunoglobulin alone. Treatment escalation was less frequent for intravenous immunoglobulin plus glucocorticoids (OR 0·15 [95% CI 0·11–0·20]; p<0·0001) and glucocorticoids alone (0·68 [0·50–0·93]; p=0·014) versus intravenous immunoglobulin alone. Persistent fever (from day 2 onward) was less common with intravenous immunoglobulin plus glucocorticoids compared with either intravenous immunoglobulin alone (OR 0·50 [95% CI 0·38–0·67]; p<0·0001) or glucocorticoids alone (0·63 [0·45–0·88]; p=0·0058). Coronary artery aneurysm occurrence and resolution did not differ significantly between treatment groups. Interpretation: Recovery rates, including occurrence and resolution of coronary artery aneurysms, were similar for primary treatment with intravenous immunoglobulin when compared to glucocorticoids or intravenous immunoglobulin plus glucocorticoids. Initial treatment with glucocorticoids appears to be a safe alternative to immunoglobulin or combined therapy, and might be advantageous in view of the cost and limited availability of intravenous immunoglobulin in many countries. Funding: Imperial College London, the European Union's Horizon 2020, Wellcome Trust, the Medical Research Foundation, UK National Institute for Health and Care Research, and National Institutes of Health

    Cálculo de ajustes para la coordinación de proteciones del sistema eléctrico de 69 KV a 13.8 KV en Ingenio La Unión

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    Proporcionar las recomendaciones pertinentes para una adecuada coordinación de protecciones en el sistema eléctrico de mediana tensión, así conocer los equipos y protecciones instalados en el sistema y evidenciar a través de un cálculo de cortocircuito las magnitudes de corriente y potencia