4 research outputs found

    Mathematical physical diagnosis of neonatal cardiac dynamics based on dynamic systems and fractal geometry: Clinical validation study

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    A mathematical evaluation of neonatal cardiac dynamics was developed. The purpose of this study is to confirm the diagnostic capacity of this methodology to differentiate normal neonatal cardiac and cardiac pathologies through a blind study. For this, 80 Holter records were taken, 10 with evaluation within the limits of normality and 70 with different cardiac pathologies. The conventional evaluations were masked, and the maximum and minimum heart rates were taken every hour and the number of beats/hours, during 21 hours. These values were used to generate the neonatal cardiac attractor, then their fractal dimension was calculated, their occupation spaces were quantified in the fractal space of Box-Counting, determining their physic mathematical diagnosis. The spaces of occupation of neonatal chaotic cardiac attractors measured according to the number of frames occupied by the Box Counting method, differentiate states of normality from acute pathologies, achieving a sensitivity and specificity of 100%, as well as a kappa coefficient of 1. The This study confirms the diagnostic capacity of the methodology developed, from which it is possible to establish geometric differences between the chaotic attractors of normal neonatal cardiac dynamics and with disease.https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0000343870https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7239-0763Introducción. -- Metodología. -- Resultados. -- Discusión. -- Conclusiones. -- Agradecimiento

    XVI International Congress of Control Electronics and Telecommunications: "Techno-scientific considerations for a post-pandemic world intensive in knowledge, innovation and sustainable local development"

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    Este título, sugestivo por los impactos durante la situación de la Covid 19 en el mundo, y que en Colombia lastimosamente han sido muy críticos, permiten asumir la obligada superación de tensiones sociales, políticas, y económicas; pero sobre todo científicas y tecnológicas. Inicialmente, esto supone la existencia de una capacidad de la sociedad colombiana por recuperar su estado inicial después de que haya cesado la perturbación a la que fue sometida por la catastrófica pandemia, y superar ese anterior estado de cosas ya que se encontraban -y aún se encuentran- muchos problemas locales mal resueltos, medianamente resueltos, y muchos sin resolver: es decir, habrá que rediseñar y fortalecer una probada resiliencia social existente - producto del prolongado conflicto social colombiano superado parcialmente por un proceso de paz exitoso - desde la tecnociencia local; como lo indicaba Markus Brunnermeier - economista alemán y catedrático de economía de la Universidad de Princeton- en su libro The Resilient Society…La cuestión no es preveerlo todo sino poder reaccionar…aprender a recuperarse rápido.This title, suggestive of the impacts during the Covid 19 situation in the world, and which have unfortunately been very critical in Colombia, allows us to assume the obligatory overcoming of social, political, and economic tensions; but above all scientific and technological. Initially, this supposes the existence of a capacity of Colombian society to recover its initial state after the disturbance to which it was subjected by the catastrophic pandemic has ceased, and to overcome that previous state of affairs since it was found -and still is find - many local problems poorly resolved, moderately resolved, and many unresolved: that is, an existing social resilience test will have to be redesigned and strengthened - product of the prolonged Colombian social conflict partially overcome by a successful peace process - from local technoscience; As Markus Brunnermeier - German economist and professor of economics at Princeton University - indicates in his book The Resilient Society...The question is not to foresee everything but to be able to react...learn to recover quickly.Bogot

    Evaluación de registros holter durante 19 horas en el contexto de la teoría de la probabilidad

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    Introducción: Previamente se desarrolló una nueva metodología de ayuda diagnóstica para los registros Holter fundamentada en los sistemas dinámicos y la teoría de probabilidad, a partir de la información registrada en 21 horas. Objetivo: Evaluar la capacidad diagnóstica de esta metodología durante 19 horas, comparándola con los resultados convencionales del Holter y con los resultados del método matemático aplicado en 21 horas. Materiales y Métodos: fueron evaluados 80 casos de pacientes mayores a 20 años, 10 con registro Holter normal y 70 diagnosticados de forma convencional con diferentes patologías cardíacas. Se establecieron los rangos para las frecuencias cardíacas y de número de latidos por hora en 21 y 19 horas; luego, se calculó la probabilidad de ocurrencia de estos, lo que permitió diferenciar estados de normalidad y enfermedad aguda a partir de tres parámetros. Se comparó el diagnóstico físico-matemático con el diagnóstico convencional, tomado como Gold Standard. Resultados: De los casos normales, dos presentaron probabilidad menor o igual a 0,217 y ocho probabilidades mayores o igual a 0,304; ningún caso de enfermedad aguda presentó valores con probabilidad menor o igual a 0,217, mientras que todos presentaron valores mayores o iguales a 0,304, tanto para los registros Holter evaluados en 21 como en 19 horas. Conclusiones: Se confirmó la utilidad clínica de la metodología ante una reducción del tiempo de evaluación a 19 horas, obteniendo diagnósticos objetivos con base en la auto-organización matemática del fenómeno.Background: a new method to help evaluate 21 hour holter recordings based on dynamic systems and the theory of probability was previously developed Aim: to evaluate the diagnostic value of this methodology in the analysis of 19 hr compared to conventional holter analysis over a 21-hr recording. Methods: the holter recordings of 80 subjects aged over 20 years old were analyzed. Ten subjects had a normal holter and 70 conventionally diagnosed as abnormal. Ranges for heart rate and number of beats in 21 or 19 hours were determined. The probability of their occurrence was calculated using 3 parameters. The mathematically derived diagnosis was compared to the clinical diagnosis, considered a gold standard. Results: Among normal cases the calculated probability was ≤ 0.217 in 2 cases and ≥0.304 in 8. No case with acute disease presented probability values ≤0.217; all had probability values ≥0.304, both in 21 and 19 hour recordings. Conclusion: the mathematical methodology described was clinically useful allowing a reduction in recording time from 21 to 19 hr. Clinical diagnosis may be inferred from the mathematical organization of a holter recording. Keywords: holter recording, heart rate, probability theory.Introducción. -- Materiales y Metodos. -- Resultados. -- Agradecimientos.https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0000343870https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7239-0763https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/gruplac/jsp/visualiza/[email protected]

    Application of the theory of probability and dynamic systems in the evaluation of cardiac dynamics: Study of diagnostic agreement

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    In the present work a new methodology was applied, to evaluate the cardiac status in 16 hours, in continuous electrocardiographic records and Holter, this by means of the theory of probability, and the occupation of spaces from attractors in the general space of Box-Counting, of recent development. 20 normal and 80 pathological records were analyzed, according to the conventional diagnosis. A simulation of the totality of the dynamics was made, taking into account the number of beats, and their maximum and minimum frequencies per hour, during 21 hours. With these data the attractors were built in a phase space. The calculation of the fractal dimension of the attractors was made from the evaluation of the spatial occupation of each one of them and through probability of occupation in the Box-Counting space, establishing its diagnosis with previous mathematical results. Finally, taking the conventional diagnosis as Goldstandard, this and the mathematical result were compared. In the states of normality, the probability of occupation values of the attractors was between 0.157 and 0.286, while for the pathological states, it was 0.019 and 0.141, thereby differentiating the normal and pathological states.Introducción. -- Metodología. -- Aspectos éticos. -- Resultados. -- Discusión. -- Conclusiones. -- Agradecimientos. -- Referencias.https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0000343870https://orcid.org/[email protected]