10,261 research outputs found

    Integration brings convergence? The role of public and human capital

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    This work decompose labor-productivity grotwh and convergence in EU into components attributable to technological change (shifts in the European production frontier), technological catch-up (movements toward or away from the frontier) and factor accumulation (movement toward or away from the frontier). This work extends previous researchs considering public capital and human capitas as additional productive inputs and analysing its separate constribution to convergence as components of factor accumulation. In the case of human capital, we also test its rate effect as determinant factor of technical change. With this purpose we applied the Malmquist index of total factor productivity to an European data base to provide evidence for the 15 EU State Members. The results show that growth is primarily driven by factor accumulation which contribution is fundamental for lagging countries. We do not find evidence of any significant convergence over the whole period studied related to integration with factor accumulation and efficiency change as important factors of convergence while technical change (encouraged by greater human capital) has worked against it. Key words: Human Capital, Malmquist Index, Source of Convergence. JEL Classification: O47 H54 D24

    The properties of the stellar populations in ULIRGs I: sample, data and spectral synthesis modelling

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    We present deep long-slit optical spectra for a sample of 36 Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies (ULIRGs), taken with the William Herschel Telescope (WHT) on La Palma with the aim of investigating the star formation histories and testing evolutionary scenarios for such objects. Here we present the sample, the analysis techniques and a general overview of the properties of the stellar populations. Spectral synthesis modelling has been used in order to estimate the ages of the stellar populations found in the diffuse light sampled by the spectra in both the nuclear and extended regions of the target galaxies. We find that adequate fits can be obtained using combinations of young stellar populations (YSPs,t_YSP<=2 Gyr), with ages divided into two groups: very young stellar populations (VYSPs, t_VYSP <=100 Myr) and intermediate-young stellar populations (IYSPs, 0.1 < t_IYSP <= 2 Gyr). Our results show that YSPs are present at all locations of the galaxies covered by our slit positions, with the exception of the northern nuclear region of the ULIRG IRAS 23327+2913. Furthermore, VYSPs are presents in at least 85% of the 133 extraction apertures used for this study. Old stellar populations (OSPs, t_{OSP} > 2 Gyr) do not make a major contribution to the optical light in the majority of the apertures extracted. In fact they are essential for fitting the spectra in only 5% (7) of the extracted apertures. The estimated total masses for the YSPs (VYSPs+IYSPs) are in the range 0.18 x 10^{10} <= M_YSP <= 50 x 10^{10} Msun. We have also estimated the bolometric luminosities associated with the stellar populations detected at optical wavelengths, finding that they fall in the range 0.07 x 10^{12} < L_bol < 2.2 x 10^{12} Lsun. In addition, we find that reddening is significant at all locations in the galaxies.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA

    Optimal Control Realizations of Lagrangian Systems with Symmetry

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    A new relation among a class of optimal control systems and Lagrangian systems with symmetry is discussed. It will be shown that a family of solutions of optimal control systems whose control equation are obtained by means of a group action are in correspondence with the solutions of a mechanical Lagrangian system with symmetry. This result also explains the equivalence of the class of Lagrangian systems with symmetry and optimal control problems discussed in \cite{Bl98}, \cite{Bl00}. The explicit realization of this correspondence is obtained by a judicious use of Clebsch variables and Lin constraints, a technique originally developed to provide simple realizations of Lagrangian systems with symmetry. It is noteworthy to point out that this correspondence exchanges the role of state and control variables for control systems with the configuration and Clebsch variables for the corresponding Lagrangian system. These results are illustrated with various simple applications
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