2,227 research outputs found

    Effect of cadmium on the morphology and anatomy of Salvinia auriculata

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    This study aimed to evaluate the morphological and anatomical changes of Salvinia auriculata exposed to different concentrations 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10 μM of cadmium (Cd) and its effect on plant growth. The experiment was conducted in the laboratory of Plant Anatomy of the IF Goiano/Rio Verde Campus, Goiás. Cd free samples of S. auriculata, was obtained from the Aquários Plantados  company, located in Belo Horizonte. The material was grown hydroponically for 20 days and after the experimental period, the leaf samples were fixed, including in historesin, cut to 5 μm thick thick, stained with toluidine blue and the images were obtained in an optical microscope. The toxic effects of Cd on S. auriculata was observed at lowest concentration with the appearance of chlorotic and necrotic spots. Microscopic analysis showed increased height and width of the aerenchyma gaps, mesophyll and a reduction in abaxial surface epidermal cells, due to increased doses of this metal. It was observed that S. auriculata is a plant sensitive to Cd, and thus indicated for environmental monitoring.Key words: Ecological, aquatic species, pollution

    The critique and the new : the melancholic semblance in Belchior?s Alucina??o.

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    O modo de encarar a nostalgia e o antagonismo projetado pelos artistas envolvidos no tropicalismo parecem ser as premissas principais em torno do ?lbum Alucina??o (1976), do cantor e compositor Belchior. A articula??o tem?tica e est?tica do disco imprime, al?m disso, uma esp?cie de reflex?o cr?tica interna sobre os movimentos contraculturais na m?sica popular brasileira dos anos 1970. Pretendemos, a partir disso, identificar aspectos de certa melancolia nessa produ??o, por meio dos aportes te?ricos sobre a cr?tica cultural.The ways of facing nostalgia and antagonism projected by artists involved in the Brazilian movement called tropicalismo seem to be the main premises which characterize the album Alucina??o (1976), from the singer and composer Belchior. The thematic and aesthetic articulation of the album also provides a sort of internal, critical reflection on the countercultural movements from Brazilian popular music of the 1970s. We sought to identify aspects of a particular melancholy in this work by using theoretical contributions on cultural criticism

    The criticism of the pingente intellectual narrator : Jo?o Ant?nio evokes Lima Barreto.

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    Pretendemos examinar as manifesta??es expostas pelo narrador intelectual pingente, a partir de textos liter?rios e jornal?sticos de Lima Barreto (1881-1922). O eco cr?tico de tal exame pode ser percebido na obra do escritor e jornalista Jo?o Ant?nio (1937-1996), especialmente em Calv?rio e porres do pingente Afonso Henriques de Lima Barreto (1977). Nosso percurso pretende articular tais textos por meio da descri??o, discuss?o e an?lise da cr?tica firmada como elemento decisivo para os prop?sitos desse narrador intelectual pingente, considerando os aspectos de media??o e de valores culturais no di?logo entre os dois autores. Para isso, utilizaremos referenciais te?ricos que possam nos dar pistas sobre a reflex?o da cr?tica como fen?meno intelectual, comunicacional e art?stico.We intend to assess manifestations addressed to? narrador intelectual pingente?, from literary and journalistic texts of Lima Barreto (1881-1922). The critical echo of such assessment can be seen in the work of the writer and journalist Jo?o Ant?nio (1937-1996), especially in Calv?rio and Porres do pingente Afonso Henriques de Lima Barreto (1977). We intend to articulated such texts by means of description, discussion and critical analysis established as a crucial element to the proposal of this ?narrador intelectual pingente?, considering the aspects of mediation and values in the dialog between the two authors. For this, we use theoretical references which can provide clues about the reflections on criticisms as an intellectual, communicational, artistic and mediatic phenomena

    Pleuroamniotic shunting--case report

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    Fetal hydrothorax refers to a collection of fluid within the fetal thorax that may be the result of chylous leak from the thoracic duct (primary hydrothorax) or generalized fluid retention associated with immune or no immune fetal hydrops (secondary hydrothorax). The authors' presents a case report occurred in 2002, of a pregnant woman that at 25 weeks' gestation that was referred to Maternidade Bissaya-Barreto-Coimbra because of a fetal hydrothorax at left, under tension and with cardiac decompensation signs. A fetal thoracocentesis was performed and the diagnosis was chylothorax. Because of a rapid reaccumulation of fluid a pleuroamniotic shunt was placed. The effusion and the cardiac decompensation signs regressed. The delivery was at 38 weeks' gestation. The newborn had been stable. Actually he has 10 months, is healthy and has a normal grow and development

    Remembrance as a body of time : dialogues about communication and temporalities in Jo?o Guimar?es Rosa.

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    Aqui, abordamos a demanda comunicacional de culto ? velocidade/acelera??o do tempo e seu confronto com a ideia de demora/contempla??o. Exemplo desse embate entre pressa e vagar, o conto A Terceira Margem do Rio, de Jo?o Guimar?es Rosa, mostra-se uma metodologia de reflex?o. Por ele, acionamos a lembran?a (um cerne do conto) como a esteira de uma temporalidade ?nica (ou um rio que corre infinitamente), associamos outras figuras midi?ticas e travamos di?logos sobre comunica??o e temporalidades.This paper discusses the communicational demand for the cult of speed/acceleration of time and its confrontation with the idea of delay/contemplation. An example of this conflict between hurry and slowness, the short story A Terceira Margem do Rio, by Jo?o Guimar?es Rosa, represents a methodology for reflection. Through it, we trigger the remembrance (the core of the story) as a unique temporality (or a river that flows endlessly), we associate other media figures, and we engage in dialogues about communication and temporalities

    Between Lolita and Lana Del Rey : market fabrications of sexuality in the female body under the notions of gesture, presence and fading.

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    Neste artigo, trabalhamos a possibilidade de explora??o mercadol?gica do corpo da cantora estadunidense Lana Del Rey por meio da ret?rica da sexualidade. Verificamos tal manifesta??o a partir da an?lise da sexualidade em Lana durante sua apresenta??o em S?o Paulo, no Festival Planeta Terra, em 2013, com vistas a perspectivas metodol?gicas de gesto, presen?a e o que denominamos como esvanecimento entre Del Rey e a personagem Lolita, de Vladimir Nabokov, aura convocada pela artista em seu show. Enxergamos a discursividade em torno da sexualidade como pragm?tica mercantil que organiza os afetos dos sujeitos que com esse corpo se relacionam. Objeto de consumo de uma l?gica cultural do capitalismo tardio, esse corpo vend?vel n?o rompe, entretanto, com um car?ter representativo, sendo indicativo de disputas na cultura pop.In this article, we work the possibility of market exploration of the American singer Lana Del Rey?s body through the rhetoric of sexuality. We perceived this manifestation from the analysis of sexuality in Lana during her presentation in Sao Paulo, in Planeta Terra Festival, in 2013, in view of the methodological perspectives of gesture, presence and what we denominate as fading between Del Rey and Vladimir Nabokov?s Lolita character, an aura summoned by the artist in her show. We see the discursivity around sexuality as a mercantile pragmatics that organizes the subjects? affection to the body with which they relate. Consumption objects of a late capitalism cultural logic, this saleable body does not, however, break with a representative character, being indicative of disputes within pop culture

    WOOD BASIC DENSITY EFFECT OF Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla CLONES ON BLEACHED PULP QUALITY

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    O estudo analisou a influ\ueancia da densidade b\ue1sica de dois clones do h\uedbrido de Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla (440 kg/m3 e 508 kg/m3) na qualidade da polpa branqueada (dimens\uf5es de fibras e propriedades f\uedsico-mec\ue2nicas). O desempenho das madeiras nos resultados da polpa\ue7\ue3o, branqueamento e refino foram analisados. As polpa\ue7\uf5es Kraft foram realizadas em digestor de circula\ue7\ue3o for\ue7ada para obten\ue7\ue3o de n\ufameros kappa de 17 \ub1 1. As polpas n\ue3o-branqueadas foram submetidas a uma pr\ue9-deslignifica\ue7\ue3o com oxig\ueanio e branqueadas pela seq\ufc\ueancia D0EOPD1 visando \ue0 alvura de 90 \ub1 1. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a polpa branqueada do clone de menor densidade b\ue1sica apresentou, significativamente, menor n\ufamero de revolu\ue7\uf5es no moinho PFI para atingir o \uedndice de tra\ue7\ue3o de 70 N.m/g, baixo grau. Schopper Riegler, para atingir esse n\uedvel de tra\ue7\ue3o, gerou folhas com valores mais elevados de volume espec\uedfico e opacidade. Essas caracter\uedsticas e propriedades permitem concluir que a polpa do clone de menor densidade foi mais indicada para a fabrica\ue7\ue3o de pap\ue9is de imprimir e escrever. A polpa branqueada do clone de maior densidade b\ue1sica apresentou valores mais elevados de volume espec\uedfico aparente, ascens\ue3o capilar Klemm e menor \uedndice de reten\ue7\ue3o de \ue1gua quando analisada sem refino. A polpa branqueada do clone de maior densidade b\ue1sica mostrou caracter\uedsticas mais favor\ue1veis para a fabrica\ue7\ue3o de pap\ue9is para fins sanit\ue1rios.The study analyzed the wood basic density effect in two Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla hybrid clones (440 kg/m3 e 508 kg/m3 bleached pulp quality (fiber dimensions and physical-mechanical properties). The woods performance on pulping, bleaching and beating results were analyzed. The Kraft pulping was carried out in forced circulation digester in order to obtain 17\ub11 kappa number targets. The pulps were bleached to 90\ub11 using delignification oxygen and D0EOPD1 bleaching sequence. Bleached pulp of low basic density clone showed, significantly, lowest revolutions number in the PFI mill to reach tensile index of 70 N.m/g, low Schopper Riegler degree and generated sheets with higher values to bulk and opacity. These characteristics and properties allow concluding that bleached pulp of low basic density clone was the most indicated to produce printing and writing sheets. The bleached pulp of high basic density clone showed higher values of bulk and capillarity Klemm and lower water retention value when analyzed without beating. The bleached pulp of high basic density clone showed more favorable characteristics to the production of tissue papers

    Developing a Cell-Microcarrier Tissue-Engineered Product for Muscle Repair Using a Bioreactor System

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    Fecal incontinence, although not life-threatening, has a high impact on the economy and patient quality of life. So far, available treatments are based on both surgical and nonsurgical approaches. These can range from changes in diet, to bowel training, or sacral nerve stimulation, but none of which provides a long-term solution. New regenerative medicine-based therapies are emerging, which aim at regenerating the sphincter muscle and restoring continence. Usually, these consist of the administration of a suspension of expanded skeletal-derived muscle cells (SkMDCs) to the damaged site. However, this strategy often results in a reduced cell viability due to the need for cell harvesting from the expansion platform, as well as the non-native use of a cell suspension to deliver the anchorage-dependent cells. In this study, we propose the proof-of-concept for the bioprocessing of a new cell delivery method for the treatment of fecal incontinence, obtained by a scalable two-step process. First, patient-isolated SkMDCs were expanded using planar static culture systems. Second, by using a single-use PBS-MINI Vertical-Wheel® bioreactor, the expanded SkMDCs were combined with biocompatible and biodegradable (i.e., directly implantable) poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) microcarriers prepared by thermally induced phase separation. This process allowed for up to 80% efficiency of SkMDCs to attach to the microcarriers. Importantly, SkMDCs were viable during all the process and maintained their myogenic features (e.g., expression of the CD56 marker) after adhesion and culture on the microcarriers. When SkMDC-containing microcarriers were placed on a culture dish, cells were able to migrate from the microcarriers onto the culture surface and differentiate into multinucleated myotubes, which highlights their potential to regenerate the damaged sphincter muscle after administration into the patient. Overall, this study proposes an innovative method to attach SkMDCs to biodegradable microcarriers, which can provide a new treatment for fecal incontinence

    Among the hallucinations of everyday life : time and latinidad in Belchior.

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    Neste artigo, a partir de uma leitura contextualizada, analisamos as rela??es entre o tempo e as marcas de latinidade engendradas no ?lbum Alucina??o (1976), do cantor e compositor Belchior. O percurso metodol?gico ? constru?do a partir da articula??o de uma discuss?o sobre a cultura e o tempo social que se desdobra em tr?s eixos anal?ticos: o debate sobre a contracultura articulada ao contexto de produ??o do ?lbum; a reflex?o sobre as temporalidades sociais envoltas na obra e na dimens?o po?tica das can??es; e a emerg?ncia do prosaico como lugar de constitui??o da resist?ncia.In this paper we analyse, from a contextualized reading, the relations between time and traces of latinidad arranged in the album Alucina??o (1976), by the singer and composer Belchior. The methodological path is built from the articulation of a discussion about culture and social time that unfolds in three analytical axes: the debate about counterculture articulated to the context in which the album was produced; reflection on the social temporalities embedded in this work and in the poetic dimension of the songs; and the emergence of the prosaic as a place of constitution of resistance

    Evolution of Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotype 3 in England and Wales: A Major Vaccine Evader.

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    Despite its inclusion in pneumococcal conjugate vaccine 13 (PCV13), Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 3 remains a major cause of invasive pneumococcal disease in England and Wales. Previous studies have indicated that there are distinct lineages within serotype 3 clonal complex 180 and the clade distributions have shifted in recent years with the emergence of clade II. We undertook whole genome sequencing and genomic analysis of 616 serotype 3 isolates from England and Wales between 2003 and 2018, including invasive and carriage isolates. Our investigations showed that clade II has expanded since 2014 and now represents 50% of serotype 3 invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) isolates in England and Wales. Genomic analysis of antibiotic resistance and protein antigen genes showed that distinct profiles are present within the clades which could account for the recent emergence of this clade. This investigation highlights the importance and utility of routine whole genome sequencing and its ability to identify new and emerging variation at the single nucleotide level which informs surveillance and will impact future vaccine development