3 research outputs found

    Perfil de express?o g?nica em h?bridos de Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla afetados pelo dist?rbio fisiol?gico do eucalipto (DFE)

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    Empresa de apoio, fomento e colabora??o com a pesquisa: Veracel Celulose S/A.?rea de concentra??o: Recursos Florestais.No in?cio dos anos 2000 o Dist?rbio Fisiol?gico do Eucalipto (DFE) passou a ser relatado como o principal respons?vel pela redu??o da produtividade em plantios comerciais de eucalipto localizados nos litorais do Esp?rito Santo e da Bahia. Os sintomas causados por essa desordem fisiol?gica incluem perda da domin?ncia apical, trincamento de casca e emiss?o de brota??es advent?cias ao longo do tronco, comprometendo o crescimento e a produtividade, podendo levar a morte de gen?tipos muito suscet?veis. A hip?tese prevalente ? de que o DFE ? causado por fatores abi?ticos e que o padr?o de express?o de genes implicados em vias metab?licas seja respons?vel pela resposta de resist?ncia ou suscetibilidade. Patra tanto, analisou-se o padr?o de express?o g?nica total em folhas de plantas com sintomas e em plantas sem sintomas de tr?s clones de eucalipto. A tecnologia utilizada para detectar e quantificar os transcritos foi RNA-Seq na plataforma Illumina HiSeq 4000 paired-end. O sequenciamento resultou em 14,00 G de bases brutas, 13,60 G de bases limpas que compreendem 46,3 milh?es de sequ?ncias brutas e 45,4 milh?es de sequ?ncias limpas. Ap?s o processo de mapeamento dos reads no genoma do eucalipto, pode-se observar que a porcentagem de mapeamento foi maior que 95%. Uma an?lise mais refinada do processo de mapeamento mostra que acima de 50% dos reads mapeados ocorreram em regi?es anotadas, em torno de 6 a 7% n?o foram mapeados, entre 6 e 8% foram alinhados em m?ltiplos locais, 4% foram alinhados em regi?o n?o anotada e 30%, aproximadamente, foram amb?guos, impedindo o correto alinhamento. Foram obtidos 2.819 exons diferencialmente expressos (DEG) entre plantas com sintomas e plantas sem sintomas. Desse total, 1.265 (44,87%) foram induzidos e 1.554 (55,13%) foram reprimidos nas plantas com sintomas de DFE. A classifica??o desses exons quanto a poss?veis fun??es. Assim, 1.064 exons diferencialmente expressos possuem similaridade com genes catalogados no NCBI. Alguns desses DEG comp?em vias bioqu?micas/metab?licas/bioss?ntese implicadas com estresse abi?tico. Esses dados est?o descritos e ser?o relacionados com a literatura dispon?vel.Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri (UFVJM)Tese (Doutorado) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Ci?ncia Florestal, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2020.In the early 2000s, the Physiological Disturbance of the Eucalyptus (DFE) started to be reported as the main responsible for the reduction of productivity in commercial eucalyptus plantations located on the coast of Esp?rito Santo and Bahia. Symptoms caused by this physiological disorder include loss of apical dominance, cracking of the bark and the emission of adventitious shoots along the trunk, compromising growth and productivity, which can lead to the death of very susceptible genotypes. The prevailing hypothesis is that DFE is caused by abiotic factors and that the pattern of expression of genes involved in metabolic pathways is responsible for the response of resistance or susceptibility. So much, the pattern of total gene expression was analyzed in leaves of plants with symptoms and in plants without symptoms of three clones of eucalyptus. The technology used to detect and quantify the transcripts was RNA-Seq on the Illumina HiSeq 4000 paired-end platform. The sequencing resulted in 14.00 G of crude bases, 13.60 G of crude bases that comprise 46.3 million crude strings and 45.4 million of clean strings. After the reading mapping process in the eucalyptus genome, it can be seen that the mapping percentage was greater than 95%. A more refined analysis of the mapping process shows that over 50% of the mapped reads occurred in annotated regions, around 6 to 7% were not mapped, between 6 and 8% were aligned in multiple locations, 4% were aligned in the region not noted and approximately 30% were ambiguous, preventing correct alignment. 2,819 differentially expressed exons (DEG) were obtained between plants with symptoms and plants without symptoms. Of this total, 1,265 (44.87%) were induced and 1,554 (55.13%) were suppressed in plants with symptoms of DFE. The classification of these exons for possible functions. Thus, 1,064 differentially expressed exons have similarity with genes cataloged in the NCBI. Some of these DEGs comprise biochemical / metabolic / biosynthesis pathways involved with abiotic stress. These data are described and will be related to the available literature

    Gene expression analysis identifies hypothetical genes that may be critical during the infection process of Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri.

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    Background: Gene expression analysis via microarray is widely used in phytobacteria to validate differential gene expression associated with virulence or to compare biological profiles of wild type and mutant strains. Here, we employed DNA microarrays to study the early stages of the infection process (24, 72 and 120 h post-inoculation) of Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri (Xac) infecting Citrus sinensis to interrogate the expression profiles of hypothetical genes. Results: Under infective conditions, 446 genes were up- and 306 downregulated. Outstanding among genes upregulated during infection were those involved in synthesizing the Type 3 Secretion System and effectors, xanthan gum and quorum-sensing induction, and flagellum synthesis and regulation. Additionally, 161 hypothetical genes were up- and 100 were downregulated, 49 of which are known to have a significant biological role. To understand hypothetical gene co-regulation or -expression, nine expression profiles including 158 genes were identified during the three infection phases. Of these, 47 hypothetical genes were identified as having expression profiles associated with at least one connected to a gene associated with adaptation and virulence. Conclusions: Expression patterns of six differentially expressed genes were validated by quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction, thus demonstrating the effectiveness of this tool in global gene expression analysis in Xac