2,981 research outputs found

    Extractability and mobility of mercury from agricultural soils surrounding industrial and mining contaminated areas

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    This study focussed on a comparison of the extractability of mercury in soils with two different contamination sources (a chlor-alkali plant and mining activities) and on the evaluation of the influence of specific soil properties on the behaviour of the contaminant. The method applied here did not target the identification of individual species, but instead provided information concerning the mobility of mercury species in soil. Mercury fractions were classified as mobile, semi-mobile and non-mobile. The fractionation study revealed that in all samples mercury was mainly present in the semi-mobile phase (between 63 and 97%). The highest mercury mobility (2.7 mg kg-1) was found in soils from the industrial area. Mining soils exhibited higher percentage of non-mobile mercury, up to 35%, due to their elevated sulfur content. Results of factor analysis indicate that the presence of mercury in the mobile phase could be related to manganese and aluminum soil contents. A positive relation between mercury in the semi-mobile fraction and the aluminium content was also observed. By contrary, organic matter and sulfur contents contributed to mercury retention in the soil matrix reducing the mobility of the metal. Despite known limitations of sequential extraction procedures, the methodology applied in this study for the fractionation of mercury in contaminated soil samples provided relevant information on mercury's relative mobility

    Desenvolvimento de uma solução de processamento de imagem em ambiente industrial

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    Los moluscos del cesped algal intermareale en Azores

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    The molluscan fauna of the high intertidal algal turf on the island of Pico (Azores) was studied in order to complement existing descriptions of the intertidal biota on these islands. A total of 15,275 specimens belonging to 19 species were found. Five species, the gastropods Alvania mediolittoralis Gofas, 1989, Omalogyra atomus (Philippi, 1841), Pisinna glabrata (Megerle von Muhlfeld, 1824) and Skeneopsis planorbis (Fabricius 0., 1780), and the bivalve Lasaea adansoni (Gmelin, 1791), account for 98% of the total number of specimens, P. glabrata itself being responsible for 46% of all specimens. In places where patellid limpets are absent, Ihe algal turf extends higher in the intertidal zone. In such places, three very abundant molluscan species characterize molluscan assemblages in the algal turf: Lasaea adansoni, Skeneopsis planorbis and Pisinna glabrata, Lasaeo adansoni and Skeneopsis planorbis virtually disappear in the transition from algal lurf to algal fronds, the only (very) abundant species being P. glabrata and, with less importance, Omalogyra atomus and Sinezona cingulata (Costa O.G., 1861)

    Lista de espécies de artrópodes associados a diferentes culturas frutícolas da Ilha Terceira (Açores)

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    Actas do I Workshop de Fruticultura : contributo para o seu desenvolvimento. Angra do HeroĂ­smo, 21-23 Abril 2005.Conhecer a acarifauna e a entomofauna de um habitat agrĂ­cola Ă© um dos passos fundamentais para se conseguir uma protecção integrada e sustentĂĄvel das culturas. Neste trabalho apresenta-se uma lista das espĂ©cies de artrĂłpodes encontradas em quatro culturas frutĂ­colas da ilha Terceira (bananeiras, citrinos, macieiras e pessegueiros). Os indivĂ­duos foram capturados com recurso a trĂȘs mĂ©todos de amostragem: i) recolha directa das folhas e/ou ramos; ii) tĂ©cnica dos batimentos; iii) armadilhas Malaise. No total foram estabelecidas 679 morfoespĂ©cies diferentes, tendo-se identificado, atĂ© ao momento, 218 morfoespĂ©cies atĂ© ao nĂ­vel de gĂ©nero e/ou espĂ©cie. Destacam-se 17 espĂ©cies que sĂŁo citadas pela primeira vez para a ilha Terceira, 12 sĂŁo novidades para os Açores e uma espĂ©cie Ă© citada pela primeira vez para Portugal (Fungitarsonemus peregrinus, Acariformes (Prostigmata): Tarsonemidae). Salienta-se, ainda, uma das espĂ©cies do gĂ©nero Encarsia sp. (Hymenoptera: Aphelenidae), que muito provavelmente serĂĄ uma espĂ©cie nova para a ciĂȘncia. Finalmente discute-se a importĂąncia deste estudo para trabalhos futuros, e a necessidade de desenvolver mais listas faunĂ­sticas para estas e outras culturas

    Lista de espécies de artrópodes associados a diferentes culturas frutícolas da ilha Terceira (Açores, Portugal)

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    Copyright © 2010 SEA, Sociedad EntomolĂłgica Aragonesa.Conhecer a acarifauna e a entomofauna de um habitat agrĂ­cola Ă© um dos passos fundamentais para se conseguir uma protecção integrada e sustentĂĄvel das culturas. Neste trabalho apresenta-se uma lista das espĂ©cies de artrĂłpodes encontradas em quatro culturas frutĂ­colas da ilha Terceira (bananeiras, citrinos, macieiras e pessegueiros). Os indivĂ­duos foram capturados com recurso a trĂȘs mĂ©todos de amostragem: i) recolha directa das folhas e/ou ramos; ii) tĂ©cnica dos batimentos; iii) armadilhas Malaise. No total foram estabelecidas 679 morfoespĂ©cies, tendo-se identificado 218 morfoespĂ©cies atĂ© ao nĂ­vel de gĂ©nero e/ou espĂ©cie. Destacam-se 17 espĂ©cies que foram encontradas pela primeira vez para a ilha Terceira durante esta amostragem, 12 que constituĂ­am novidades faunĂ­sticas para os Açores e uma espĂ©cie que foi citada pela primeira vez para Portugal. Finalmente discute-se a importĂąncia deste estudo para trabalhos futuros, e a necessidade de desenvolver mais listas faunĂ­sticas para estas e outras culturas.RESUMEN: Conocer la acarifauna y la entomofauna de un hĂĄbitat agrĂ­cola es uno de los primeros pasos necesarios para llegar a una protecciĂłn mĂĄs integrada y sostenible de los cultivos. En este trabajo se presenta el listado de especies de artrĂłpodos que habitan en cuatro tipos de frutales en la isla Terceira (plataneros, cĂ­tricos, manzanos y melocotoneros). Los individuos fueron capturados mediante tres mĂ©todos de colecta: bĂșsqueda directa sobre las hojas y ramas; tĂ©cnica de batido; y trampas Malaise. En total se han identificado 679 morfoespecies, de las cuales 218 se identificaron hasta el nivel de gĂ©nero y/o espĂ©cie. Diecisiete morfoespecies se han encontrado por primera vez en Terceira durante este muestreo, 12 son nuevas para las Azores y una especie es nueva para Portugal. AdemĂĄs se discute la importancia de este estudio para futuros proyectos de investigaciĂłn, y la necesidad de desarrolla r mĂĄs listados faunĂ­sticos en es tos y otros tipos de frutales.ABSTRACT: Knowing the arthropod fauna associated with agroecosystems is essential to achieve sustainable integrated pest management. Here we present a checklist of the arthropod species found on four types of fruit crops on Terceira Island (bananas, orange-trees, apple-trees and peach-trees). The specimens were collected using three different sampling methods: i) direct collecting from leaves and/or branches; ii) beating technique; iii) Malaise traps. In total, we detected 679 morphospecies, of which 218 were identified to the genus and/or species level. Seventeen species are first records for Terceira Island, 12 for the Azores and one for Portugal. Finally we discuss the importance of this work for future studies, as well as the need to develop more checklists for these and other crops

    Mathematics achievement in engineering : an exploratory study with MIEGI students

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    Mathematics is a discipline that appears on the syllabus of many courses, including courses in engineering, where it is an essential discipline to the formation of all future engineers, whatever their field of study and work. Despite that, engineering students tend to reveal difficulties with courses based on mathematics. The factors that influence learning mathematics have been the subject of study for several researchers around the world. Researchers attempt to identify variables that explain mathematics achievement, but fail to address university students. In this paper, we present the results of an exploratory study based on industrial engineering students of University of Minho, concerning their grades in the courses of statistics and numerical methods. The preliminary results show that gender is an unexpected and significant factor.Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia (FCT
