11 research outputs found

    Utilização de materiais alternativos de construção para execução de sistemas construtivos de pisos de edificações: Use of alternative building materials for the execution of building floor construction systems

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    ResumoNo setor da construção civil é notável a crescente necessidade de projetos tecnológicos com características sustentáveis, e que busquem critérios de qualidade técnica em uma edificação. O objetivo deste artigo é explanar sobre a concepção de argamassas utilizando-se de resíduos de construção e de demolição (RCD), para a aplicação em contrapisos de edificações. Concluiu-se que as argamassas utilizadas nesta pesquisa apresentaram resistência mecânica compatível, além de desempenho acústico superior a soluções executivas convencionais, sendo portanto uma alternativa sustentável ao setor.Palavras-chave: construção civil; resíduos; desempenho de edificações; construções sustentáveis AbstractIn the construction industry is notable the growing need for technological projects with sustainable characteristics, and that seek technical quality criteria in a building. The objective of this article is to explain about the conception of mortars using construction and demolition waste (CDW) for application in building screeds. It was concluded that the mortars used in this research showed compatible mechanical strength, in addition to superior acoustic performance than conventional solutions, therefore being a sustainable alternative to the sector.Keywords: civil construction; waste; building performance; sustainable building

    Global analysis of aerodynamics deflectors efficiency in the grinding process

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    The conventional, grinding methods in some cases are not very efficient because the arising of thermal damages in the pieces is very common. Optimization methods of cutting fluid application in the grinding zone are essential to prevent thermal problems from interaction of the wheel grains with the workpiece. surface. The optimization can happen through the correct selection of the cut parameters and development of devices that eliminate air layer effects generated around the grinding wheel. This article will collaborate with the development of an experimentation methodology which allows evaluating, comparatively, the performance of the deflectors in the cutting region to minimize the air layer effect of the high speed of the grinding wheel. The air layers make the cutting fluid jet to dissipate in the machine. An optimized nozzle was used in order to compare the results with the conventional method (without baffles or deflectors) of cutting fluid application. The results showed the high eficciency of the deflectors or baffles in the finish results. Copyright © 2006 by ABCM