11 research outputs found

    Túnel carpiano con anestesia local versus WALANT

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    Objetivo: Las cirugías con WALANT han ganado gran popularidad hoy en día. La ventaja principal que ofrece esta técnica es la de prescindir del torniquete y así eliminar las molestias que este genera. Nuestra hipótesis es que la descompresión del túnel carpiano con anestesia local y manguito neumático, realizada por un cirujano experimentado, en un tiempo quirúrgico corto, permite obtener similares resultados que con la cirugía con WALANT. Materiales y Métodos: Se diseñó un estudio de cohortes prospectivo comparativo clínico. Se incluyeron 23 pacientes (30 manos) con síndrome del túnel carpiano. Se asignó a los pacientes en forma aleatorizada, a 2 grupos: grupo 1, operados con anestesia local y grupo 2, operados con WALANT. Se realizó un análisis estadístico. Resultados: Todas las variables mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas respecto a los valores preoperatorios para los dos grupos. Respecto a la relación entre los dos grupos, los resultados funcionales de dolor y grado de satisfacción posoperatorios no mostraron diferencias con significancia estadística. Conclusiones: En nuestro estudio, la descompresión del túnel carpiano con anestesia local y torniquete y la realizada con WALANT arrojaron similares resultados. En cirujanos con experiencia posiblemente la anestesia local con torniquete sea suficiente para realizar el procedimiento, y así evitar las bajas, pero complejas complicaciones de la epinefrina

    Influencia de la consolidación de las tuberosidades en los resultados clínicos de la prótesis invertida para fracturas de húmero proximal

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    Objetivo: Comparar los resultados clínicos y las complicaciones de una serie consecutiva de pacientes con fracturas de húmero proximal tratados con prótesis invertida de hombro y con consolidación anatómica de las tuberosidades o sin ella. Materiales y Métodos: Se evaluó a 113 pacientes >65 años con fractura de húmero proximal tratados con prótesis invertida de hombro. Setenta presentaron consolidación anatómica de las tuberosidades y 43, ausencia de consolidación. Se evaluó el rango de movilidad, y se utilizaron los puntajes de Constant-Murley, ASES, SANE y la escala analógica visual. Se documentaron todas las complicaciones y las reoperaciones. Resultados: El seguimiento promedio fue de 56 meses (rango 24-96) y la edad media era de 73 años (rango 65-83). La elevación activa y la rotación interna medias posoperatorias fueron de 131° (± 14) y 27° (± 5), respectivamente. La rotación externa posoperatoria media en abducción y aducción fue de 27° (± 1) y 15° (± 6), respectivamente. La escala analógica visual promedio posoperatoria fue de 1,7 (± 0,8). Los puntajes ASES, de Constant-Murley y SANE promedio fueron de 76 (± 6), 62 (± 11) y 74% (± 7), respectivamente. La elevación anterior, la rotación externa y los puntajes funcionales promedio finales ASES y de Constant-Murley fueron significativamente mejores en el grupo con consolidación de las tuberosidades. Conclusiones: En pacientes >65 años con fractura de húmero proximal tratados con prótesis invertida de hombro tanto la movilidad posoperatoria, como los puntajes funcionales fueron significativamente mejores en los pacientes con consolidación anatómica de las tuberosidades

    Erosión de la apófisis coracoides secundaria a osteosíntesis de fractura de clavícula distal. Reporte de un caso

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    Introducción: El 10-30% de las fracturas de clavícula ocurren en el tercio distal. El diagnóstico se realiza con radiografías de hombro (de frente y de perfil, y proyección de Zanca). La mayoría de estas fracturas se tratan de forma conservadora, pero aquellas con gran desplazamiento, patrones transversos o conminutos pueden requerir tratamiento quirúrgico debido a la alta tasa de seudoartrosis. Se han descrito diversos tipos de fijación para este grupo de fracturas. Si bien la osteosíntesis con placas logra resultados clínico-funcionales y de consolidación satisfactorios, no está exenta de complicaciones y las más frecuentes son: intolerancia al material de osteosíntesis (hasta un 30%), infección, lesión neurovascular y seudoartrosis. Sin embargo, según nuestro conocimiento, no existen reportes sobre la osteólisis de la apófisis coracoides secundaria a la osteosíntesis con placa LCP en fracturas del tercio distal de la clavícula. Conclusión: La erosión de la apófisis coracoides debido a la fijación con placa y tornillos es una complicación que no ha sido publicada previamente. Debe tenerse extrema precaución al realizar el túnel óseo y al medir la longitud de los tornillos para evitar potenciales complicaciones

    Profile of Central and Effector Memory T Cells in the Progression of Chronic Human Chagas Disease

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    Chagas disease is a parasitic infection caused by protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi that affects approximately 11 million people in Latin America. The involvement of the host's immune response on the development of severe forms of Chagas disease has not been fully elucidated. Studies on the immune response against T. cruzi infection show that the immunoregulatory mechanisms are necessary to prevent the deleterious effect of excessive immune response stimulation and consequently the fatal outcome of the disease. A recall response against parasite antigens observed in in vitro peripheral blood cell culture clearly demonstrates that memory response is generated during infection. Memory T cells are heterogeneous and differ in both the ability to migrate and exert their effector function. This heterogeneity is reflected in the definition of central (TCM) and effector memory (TEM) T cells. Our results suggest that a balance between regulatory and effectors T cells may be important for the progression and development of the disease. Furthermore, the high percentage of central memory CD4+ T cells in indeterminate patients after stimulation suggests that these cells may modulate host's inflammatory response by controlling cell migration to tissues and their effector role during chronic phase of the disease

    Shoulder Stabilization Technique Using the Medial Glenohumeral Ligament in Patients With the Buford Complex

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    The Buford complex is an anatomic variation defined as the association of a cordlike middle glenohumeral ligament (MGHL) and an absent anterosuperior labrum. It can be challenging to properly identify on preoperative imaging and remains mostly an arthroscopic finding. It may, however, lead to problematic situations when encountered during an arthroscopic soft-tissue stabilization procedure, as the treatment of choice in such cases is a bone block. Moreover, reattaching the MGHL to the anterior border of the glenoid rim has traditionally not been recommended because it theoretically leads to severe restriction in external rotation. This technical note describes arthroscopic stabilization for anterior traumatic glenohumeral instability associated with the Buford complex. The cordlike MGHL is used to reconstruct a neo-labrum, associated with an anteroinferior glenohumeral ligament plication. Glenohumeral stabilization using the cordlike MGHL of the Buford complex may be an efficient alternative to a bone block procedure

    Clavo endomedular recubierto con antibiótico para controlar la infección en una seudoartrosis infectada de húmero. [Antibiotic cement rod to control infection in infected humerus nonunion]

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    Objetivo: Comunicar la eficacia del clavo endomedular recubierto con antibiótico (CERA) para erradicar la infección en la seudoartrosis infectada de húmero (SIH). Materiales y Métodos: Once pacientes (edad promedio 48 años). El tiempo entre la fractura y la cirugía fue 25 meses. El CERA se impregnó con vancomicina en 9 pacientes. El seguimiento promedio fue de 54 meses. Resultados: Se aisló S. aureus resistente a meticilina (SARM) en 5 pacientes. Todos recibieron antibióticos sistémicos por 7 semanas. El antibiótico más utilizado fue vancomicina. La mediana entre el primer tiempo quirúrgico y la reconstrucción fue 56 días (RIC 47-98). Luego del desbridamiento quirúrgico del primer tiempo, se midió el defecto óseo remanente y se lo dividió con variables dicotómicas: grupo con defectos <2 cm (7 pacientes) y grupo con defectos ≥2 cm (4 pacientes). No se observaron diferencias significativas entre la mediana de días entre el primero y segundo tiempo quirúrgico comparando el desarrollo de SARM con el de otros gérmenes (48 días [RIC 45-75] vs. 73,5 días [RIC 56-149], p = 0,2002 Mann-Whitney), ni en la proporción del tamaño del defecto óseo según el desarrollo de SARM o de otro germen (60% vs. 17%, p = 0,242 Fisher). Todos los cultivos fueron negativos y se logró la consolidación del foco fracturario, sin recurrencia de la infección. Conclusiones: El CERA es una buena opción terapéutica en el primer tiempo quirúrgico para un paciente con SIH. Se pudo controlar la infección, lo que permitió la reconstrucción secundaria de la seudoartrosis.   Abstract Objetive: To evaluate the efficiency of the antibiotic cement rod (ACR) in the eradication of infection in infected humerusnonunion (IHN). Material and methods: We included 11 patients with IHN with a mean age of 48 years. The time between fracture-surgery was 25 months. The ACR was impregnated with vancomycin in 9 of de 11 cases. Follow-up was 54 months. Results: Methicillinresistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) was isolated in 5 of cases. All patients received antibiotics systemically for 7 weeks. Vancomycin was the most commonly used antibiotic. Time between ACR and reconstructive surgery averaged 56 days [confidence interval range (CIR) 47-98]. After debridement and implant removal, the residual space of the nonunion was measured with dichotomous variables and classified into two groups: group 1, < 2 cm (7 patients) and group 2, ≥2 cm (4 patients).  No significant differences were observed between the number of days in which the ACR was placed and the development of the SAMR as compared to other germs [48 days (CIR 45-75) vs. 73 days (CIR 56-149) p= 0.2002 Mann Whitney]. Nor were differences observed in the size of the defect in those who developed MRS or any other germ (p=0.242 Fisher). Reconstruction was performed with different techniques. Laboratory parameters were normal, cultures were negative. Fractures could be consolidated without infection recurrence. Conclusions: ACR is a good treatment option for a patient with an INH. The infection could be controlled in all of the cases, which allowed the secondary reconstruction of the nonunio

    Clavo endomedular recubierto con antibiótico para controlar la infección en una seudoartrosis infectada de húmero. [Antibiotic cement rod to control infection in infected humerus nonunion]

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    Objetive: To evaluate the efficiency of the antibiotic cement rod (ACR) in the eradication of infection in infected humerusnonunion (IHN).Material and methods: We included 11 patients with IHN with a mean age of 48 years. The time between fracture-surgery was 25 months. The ACR was impregnated with vancomycin in 9 of de 11 cases. Follow-up was 54 months.Results: Methicillinresistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) was isolated in 5 of cases. All patients received antibiotics systemically for 7 weeks. Vancomycin was the most commonly used antibiotic. Time between ACR and reconstructive surgery averaged 56 days [confidence interval range (CIR) 47-98]. After debridement and implant removal, the residual space of the nonunion was measured with dichotomous variables and classified into two groups: group 1, < 2 cm (7 patients) and group 2, ≥2 cm (4 patients).  No significant differences were observed between the number of days in which the ACR was placed and the development of the SAMR as compared to other germs [48 days (CIR 45-75) vs. 73 days (CIR 56-149) p= 0.2002 Mann Whitney]. Nor were differences observed in the size of the defect in those who developed MRS or any other germ (p=0.242 Fisher). Reconstruction was performed with different techniques. Laboratory parameters were normal, cultures were negative. Fractures could be consolidated without infection recurrence.Conclusions: ACR is a good treatment option for a patient with an INH. The infection could be controlled in all of the cases, which allowed the secondary reconstruction of the nonunionObjetivo: Comunicar la eficacia del clavo endomedular recubierto con antibiótico (CERA) para erradicar la infección en la seudoartrosis infectada de húmero (SIH).Materiales y Métodos: Once pacientes (edad promedio 48 años). El tiempo entre la fractura y la cirugía fue 25 meses. El CERA se impregnó con vancomicina en 9 pacientes. El seguimiento promedio fue de 54 meses.Resultados: Se aisló S. aureus resistente a meticilina (SARM) en 5 pacientes. Todos recibieron antibióticos sistémicos por 7 semanas. El antibiótico más utilizado fue vancomicina. La mediana entre el primer tiempo quirúrgico y la reconstrucción fue 56 días (RIC 47-98). Luego del desbridamiento quirúrgico del primer tiempo, se midió el defecto óseo remanente y se lo dividió con variables dicotómicas: grupo con defectos <2 cm (7 pacientes) y grupo con defectos ≥2 cm (4 pacientes). No se observaron diferencias significativas entre la mediana de días entre el primero y segundo tiempo quirúrgico comparando el desarrollo de SARM con el de otros gérmenes (48 días [RIC 45-75] vs. 73,5 días [RIC 56-149], p = 0,2002 Mann-Whitney), ni en la proporción del tamaño del defecto óseo según el desarrollo de SARM o de otro germen (60% vs. 17%, p = 0,242 Fisher). Todos los cultivos fueron negativos y se logró la consolidación del foco fracturario, sin recurrencia de la infección.Conclusiones: El CERA es una buena opción terapéutica en el primer tiempo quirúrgico para un paciente con SIH. Se pudo controlar la infección, lo que permitió la reconstrucción secundaria de la seudoartrosis. AbstractObjetive: To evaluate the efficiency of the antibiotic cement rod (ACR) in the eradication of infection in infected humerusnonunion (IHN).Material and methods: We included 11 patients with IHN with a mean age of 48 years. The time between fracture-surgery was 25 months. The ACR was impregnated with vancomycin in 9 of de 11 cases. Follow-up was 54 months.Results: Methicillinresistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) was isolated in 5 of cases. All patients received antibiotics systemically for 7 weeks. Vancomycin was the most commonly used antibiotic. Time between ACR and reconstructive surgery averaged 56 days [confidence interval range (CIR) 47-98]. After debridement and implant removal, the residual space of the nonunion was measured with dichotomous variables and classified into two groups: group 1, < 2 cm (7 patients) and group 2, ≥2 cm (4 patients).  No significant differences were observed between the number of days in which the ACR was placed and the development of the SAMR as compared to other germs [48 days (CIR 45-75) vs. 73 days (CIR 56-149) p= 0.2002 Mann Whitney]. Nor were differences observed in the size of the defect in those who developed MRS or any other germ (p=0.242 Fisher). Reconstruction was performed with different techniques. Laboratory parameters were normal, cultures were negative. Fractures could be consolidated without infection recurrence.Conclusions: ACR is a good treatment option for a patient with an INH. The infection could be controlled in all of the cases, which allowed the secondary reconstruction of the nonunio

    Radial and median nerves distal peripheral tension after reverse shoulder arthroplasty: a cadaveric study

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    Background: Peripheral nerve injury is a recognized complication after reverse shoulder arthroplasty (RSA) that has mainly been studied at the level of the brachial plexus and its proximal branches. However, the impact of RSA on distal peripheral nerves and the influence of elbow and wrist position is not known. This cadaveric study aimed to analyze the effect of RSA implantation and upper limb position on tension in the distal median and radial nerves. The hypothesis was that RSA increased distal nerve tension, which could be further affected by elbow and wrist position. Methods: 12 upper limbs in 9 full fresh-frozen cadavers were dissected. Nerve tension was measured in the median nerve at the level of the proximal arm, elbow, and distal forearm, and in the radial nerve at the level of the elbow, using a customized three-point tensiometer. Measurements were carried out before and after RSA implantation, using a semi-inlay implant (Medacta, Castel San Pietro, Switzerland). Two different configurations were tested, using the smallest and largest available implant sizes. Three upper-limb key positions were considered (plexus at risk, plexus relief, and neutral), from which the effect of elbow and wrist position was further tested. Results: RSA implantation significantly increased median and radial nerve tension throughout the upper limb. The distal nerve segments were particularly dependent on elbow and wrist position. The plexus at risk position induced the most tension in all nerve segments, especially with the large implant configuration. On the other hand, the plexus relief position induced the least amount of tension. Flexing the elbow was the most efficient way to decrease nerve tension in all tested nerve segments and key positions. Wrist flexion significantly decreased nerve tension in the median nerve, whereas wrist extension decreased tension in the radial nerve. Conclusion: RSA significantly increases tension in the median and radial nerves and makes them more susceptible to wrist and elbow positioning. The mechanism behind distal peripheral neuropathy after RSA may thus result from increased compression of tensioned nerves against anatomical fulcrums rather than nerve elongation alone. Elbow flexion was the most effective way to decrease nerve tension, while elbow extension should be avoided when implanting the humeral component. Further studies are needed to assess the ulnar nerve

    Glenoid index: a new risk factor for recurrence of glenohumeral instability after arthroscopic Bankart repair

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    Background: The glenoid index (GI) (glenoid height to width ratio) has been shown to be a risk factor for instability in young healthy athletes. Nevertheless, whether the altered GI is a risk factor for recurrence after a Bankart repair remains unknown. Methods: Between 2014 and 2018, 148 patients ≥ 18 years old with anterior glenohumeral instability underwent a primary arthroscopic Bankart repair in our institution. We assessed return to sports, functional outcomes, and complications. We evaluate the association between the altered GI and the probabilities of recurrence in the postoperative period. Intraclass correlation coefficient was used to determine interobserver reliability. Results: The mean age at the time of surgery was 25.6 years old (19 to 29), and the mean follow-up was 53.3 months (29 to 89). The 95 shoulders who met the inclusion criteria were divided into 2 cohorts, 47 shoulders had a GI ≤ 1.58 (group A) and 48 had a GI > 1.58 (group B). At the final follow-up, 5 shoulders in group A (10.6%) and 17 shoulders in group B (35.4%) suffered a recurrence of instability. Those patients with a GI > 1.58 had a hazard ratio of 3.86 (95% confidence interval: 1.42-10.48) (P = .004) compared with those with a GI ≤ 1.58 of suffering a recurrence. When correlating GI measurements between raters, we observed an intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.76 (95% confidence interval: 0.63-0.84), these results fall under the qualitative definition of good interobserver agreement. Conclusion: In young active patients with an arthroscopic Bankart repair, an increased GI was associated with a significantly higher rate of postoperative recurrences. Specifically, those subjects with a GI > 1.58 had 3.86 times the risk of recurrence than those subjects with a GI ≤ 1.58