11 research outputs found

    Hemorrhagic Septic Thrombophlebitis in Horses

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     Background: Thrombophlebitis represents the main disease of the cardiovascular system of horses, its occurrence is strongly associated with the use of inappropriate materials and techniques. Its clinical presentation varies according to the degree of vessel obstruction and the appearance of complications, in the diagnosis it is essential to assess the extent of damage and the severity of the case. Establishing appropriate treatments, it should be noted that these are mostly clinical, reserving surgical interventions for severe cases, so the aim of the study is report a case of hemorrhagic septic thrombophlebitis treated by partial phlebectomy of the left jugular vein.Case: A 9-year-old male castrated equine, with no defined racial pattern, weighing 345 kg, used in the practice of vaquejada was attended at the Veterinary Hospital (HV) of the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), Campus Patos (PB). During the anamnesis, it was reported that the animal presented colic a month ago, it was treated, recovered and since then, it started presenting an area with increase in volume in the neck region that ruptured the day before the HV attendance, where blood and pus came from. On physical exam, slight edema was noted in the left masseteric region, a volume rise involving the middle and cranial third of the neck with firm consistency in the left jugular sulcus, sensitivity to palpation and little drainage of purulent bloody secretion was observed. Additionally, tachycardia, tachypnea and intestinal hypomotility were found. In turn, in the ultrasound exam, a hypoechoic structure was seen, causing partial obstruction of the vessel, proximal to the fistulated region and total obstruction distal to it. With this information, antibiotic therapy was prescribed, a warm compress followed by the use of anti-inflammatory gel every 8 hours. By choice of the owner, the animal returned to the farm, in the next day returned to the Veterinary Hospital, due to extensive bleeding observed on the estate, immediately tried to stanch the bleeding by compressive banding, without success, we opted for the surgical intervention aiming to perform ligation and partial resection of the jugular vein. Pre-anesthetic medication was performed and under general anesthesia a rectilinear incision was made over the left jugular vein of the neck caudal region to bifurcation of lingual and facial veins, blunt dissection aiming to loosen the vessel and hemostasis of the installed neovascularization, transfixing proximal ligation with 1-0 nylon thread, diaeresis, removal of the vessel, reduction of the subcutaneous space, application of drain, dermorrhaphy in simple continuous pattern and use of compressive curative. For the postoperative period, maintenance of the initial antibiotic therapy was prescribed, adding flunixin meglumine 1.1 mg/kg, i.m, SID, 4 applications, tetanus serum 5000 UI/IM, antiphlogistic massage in the masseter region and wound treatment by washing with hypersaturated solution, use of sugar, healing pomade and repellent. One month after surgery, the animal received medical release with satisfactory healing, recovery from anemic and infectious condition, without circulatory complications.Discussion: The present report shows the feasibility of unilateral partial phlebectomy of the jugular vein as a therapeutic option in complicated cases of thrombophlebitis. In which thrombectomy techniques are contraindicated and ineffective clinical treatments, another alternative is vascular transplantation, which encounters many logistical difficulties in the routine. Despite the interruption of blood flow being pointed out as an aggravating factor, it should be noted that often thrombophlebitis itself leads to this condition, and the development of collateral circulation secondary to venous flow obstruction has been observed

    Metástase Vaginal como Manifestação Inicial de Carcinoma de Células Renais

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    A ocorrência de metástases de carcinoma de células renais para a vagina é rara. Ocorre principalmente em mulheres na pós-menopausa e o principal fator prognóstico é se essa metástase apresenta-se ou não isolada. Poucos casos foram relatados na literatura mundial e a maioria destes envolve metástases originadas no rim esquerdo. Os autores apresentam um caso de metástase vaginal de carcinoma de células renais em uma paciente de 53 anos de idade cuja apresentação clínica inicial foi de uma massa pediculada com bordas irregulares na parede posterior da vagina. Realizou-se a retirada cirúrgica da lesão que revelou tratar-se de adenocarcinoma de células claras. A ultrasonografia abdominal evidenciou presença de massa incidental no rim esquerdo e foi realizada a nefrectomia deste rim. O estudo imunoistoquímico realizado demonstrou tratar de lesão neoplásica primária do rim com metástase para a vagina. A paciente, então, recebeu radioterapia adjuvante na vagina e na pelve. Após oito meses do início do tratamento, realizou-se imunoterapia com interferon 2 devido ao aparecimento de metástase também para o fígado. A paciente encontra-se viva 17 meses após a cirurgia

    Hemorrhagic Septic Thrombophlebitis in Horses

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     Background: Thrombophlebitis represents the main disease of the cardiovascular system of horses, its occurrence is strongly associated with the use of inappropriate materials and techniques. Its clinical presentation varies according to the degree of vessel obstruction and the appearance of complications, in the diagnosis it is essential to assess the extent of damage and the severity of the case. Establishing appropriate treatments, it should be noted that these are mostly clinical, reserving surgical interventions for severe cases, so the aim of the study is report a case of hemorrhagic septic thrombophlebitis treated by partial phlebectomy of the left jugular vein.Case: A 9-year-old male castrated equine, with no defined racial pattern, weighing 345 kg, used in the practice of vaquejada was attended at the Veterinary Hospital (HV) of the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), Campus Patos (PB). During the anamnesis, it was reported that the animal presented colic a month ago, it was treated, recovered and since then, it started presenting an area with increase in volume in the neck region that ruptured the day before the HV attendance, where blood and pus came from. On physical exam, slight edema was noted in the left masseteric region, a volume rise involving the middle and cranial third of the neck with firm consistency in the left jugular sulcus, sensitivity to palpation and little drainage of purulent bloody secretion was observed. Additionally, tachycardia, tachypnea and intestinal hypomotility were found. In turn, in the ultrasound exam, a hypoechoic structure was seen, causing partial obstruction of the vessel, proximal to the fistulated region and total obstruction distal to it. With this information, antibiotic therapy was prescribed, a warm compress followed by the use of anti-inflammatory gel every 8 hours. By choice of the owner, the animal returned to the farm, in the next day returned to the Veterinary Hospital, due to extensive bleeding observed on the estate, immediately tried to stanch the bleeding by compressive banding, without success, we opted for the surgical intervention aiming to perform ligation and partial resection of the jugular vein. Pre-anesthetic medication was performed and under general anesthesia a rectilinear incision was made over the left jugular vein of the neck caudal region to bifurcation of lingual and facial veins, blunt dissection aiming to loosen the vessel and hemostasis of the installed neovascularization, transfixing proximal ligation with 1-0 nylon thread, diaeresis, removal of the vessel, reduction of the subcutaneous space, application of drain, dermorrhaphy in simple continuous pattern and use of compressive curative. For the postoperative period, maintenance of the initial antibiotic therapy was prescribed, adding flunixin meglumine 1.1 mg/kg, i.m, SID, 4 applications, tetanus serum 5000 UI/IM, antiphlogistic massage in the masseter region and wound treatment by washing with hypersaturated solution, use of sugar, healing pomade and repellent. One month after surgery, the animal received medical release with satisfactory healing, recovery from anemic and infectious condition, without circulatory complications.Discussion: The present report shows the feasibility of unilateral partial phlebectomy of the jugular vein as a therapeutic option in complicated cases of thrombophlebitis. In which thrombectomy techniques are contraindicated and ineffective clinical treatments, another alternative is vascular transplantation, which encounters many logistical difficulties in the routine. Despite the interruption of blood flow being pointed out as an aggravating factor, it should be noted that often thrombophlebitis itself leads to this condition, and the development of collateral circulation secondary to venous flow obstruction has been observed

    Prevalence of prognostic factors for cancer of the uterine cervix after radical hysterectomy

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    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Cancer of the uterine cervix is still very common in Brazil. It is important to evaluate factors that influence its prognosis. The aim here was to analyze the prevalence of prognostic anatomoclinical factors among patients with carcinoma of the uterine cervix undergoing radical hysterectomy. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional study on 301 patients with invasive carcinoma of the uterine cervix who underwent Level III Piver-Rutledge hysterectomy surgery at São Marcos Hospital. METHODS: The following variables were analyzed: age, histological type, degree of differentiation, invasion of lymphatic, vascular and perineural space, lymph node metastasis, distance to nearest margin, tumor invasion depth, vaginal cuff size, largest diameter of the tumor, presence of necrosis and surgical margin involvement. Descriptive statistics, multiple regression analysis, Kaplan-Meier survival curves and the log-rank test were performed. A significance level of 5% was used. RESULTS: The mean age was 48.27 years. The following were not important for the prognosis, in relation to survival analysis: degree of differentiation and tumor invasion depth; presence of lymphatic, blood and perineural invasions; distance to nearest margin; and vaginal cuff size. Tumor size (P < 0.036), presence of lymph node metastasis (P < 0.0004), necrosis (P < 0.05) and surgical margin involvement (P < 0.0015) presented impacts on survival. The overall survival with 98 months of follow-up was 88.35%. CONCLUSION: The most prevalent prognostic factors were the presence of lymph node metastasis, tumor size and surgical margin involvement

    Use of Terrestrial Laser Scanner for Aboveground Biomass Estimation in a Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest

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    Structural parameters of vegetation and quantification of aboveground biomass (AGB) are important in forest monitoring to understand the vital cycle of ecosystems. This activity is even more challenging in seasonally dry tropical forests such as the Caatinga biome. The feasibility of using the terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) to measure structural parameters of plants and estimate aboveground biomass was investigated as an alternative to traditional methods. The study was conducted in an area of caatinga vegetation in the municipality of Petrolina, PE, Brazil, where three experimental subareas were selected to obtain measurements, cutting, and weighing of plants with a soil surface level diameter greater than 2.5 cm, totaling 97 plants. Scans were performed with the light detection and ranging (LiDAR) technology using TLS to obtain a three-dimensional point cloud. The correlation coefficient (r2) for plant height measured in the field and obtained by TLS was 0.80. The measures of trunk diameter at soil surface level and at heights of 40 and 130 cm showed r2 of 0.79, 0.78, and 0.76, respectively. New exponential allometric equations were generated using input variables obtained in the field and point cloud TLS. These results demonstrate the feasibility and potential of using LiDAR-TLS in dry forests, such as caatinga vegetation. This emphasizes the need to deepen approaches, tools, and techniques using this technology throughout the year to detect variations due to senescence and, therefore, the carbon cycle.</p