26 research outputs found
Cost-benefit in laparoscopic colorectal procedures: comparative analysis with conventional approach
A cirurgia colorretal por vídeo representa procedimento avançado, geralmente associado a custos elevados. No entanto, vantagens observadas na evolução dos pacientes operados por esta via permitem recuperação mais precoce com menor tempo de hospitalização. Uma questão relevante relacionada a este tema diz respeito à dúvida se essas vantagens da cirurgia colorretal por vídeo podem compensar os maiores custos associados a este método. O objetivo deste trabalho foi fazer uma análise crítica dos diversos aspectos envolvidos na relação custo-benefício desta via de acesso em operações colorretais, com base em uma revisão da literatura sobre essa questão.Laparoscopic colorectal surgery is now considered an advanced procedure often associated with great costs. However, the observed advantages in patient's outcome that are operated through this approach include faster recovery and less hospital stay. One important question regarding this issue is: is the laparoscopic colorectal surgery cost effective when compared to the conventional access? The scope of this paper was to make a critical analysis about the aspects that are involved in cost-effectiveness related to laparoscopic colorectal procedures, through a literature review
Fístula vésico-apendicular em adenocarcinoma mucinoso do apêndice
BACKGOUND: A rare case of vesicoappendiceal fistula secondary to mucinous adenocarcinoma of the appendix is presented. CASE REPORT: A 62-year-old man with a one year history of recurrent urinary tract infections. After two months he developed pneumaturia and fecaluria. An abdominal and pelvic computed tomography demonstrated a trans-mural mass in the posterior wall of the bladder with a vesicoenteric fistula leading to the terminal ileum. Laparotomy revealed a tumor arising from the appendix contiguous with the bladder posterior wall. The bladder was opened and a large fistula and tumor on the posterior bladder wall near the trigone was identified. Frozen pathological analysis showed a mucinous adenocarcinoma. En-bloc right hemicolectomy and partial cystectomy, preserving bladder trigone was performed. After manipulating the tumor, grossly leakage of mucinous materials occurred into the pelvic cavity. A peritoneal washing with a mytomicin solution at 42º C was then performed, to prevent peritoneal seeding. The patient had a prolonged postoperative ileus and was discharged at the 15th day. Five months after the procedure the patient was recieving chemotherapy with 5-fluoracil and leucovorin and there was no signs of recurrent disease. CONCLUSION: The presentation with vesico-appendiceal fistula is extremely rare with only a few cases reported in the literature. Knowledge of different types of neoplasm and appropriate treatment allows the surgeon to provide patients optimal care referring to specialized centers whenever appropriate.INTRODUÇÃO: Apresenta-se raro caso de fístula vésico-apendicular secundária a adenocarcinoma mucinoso do apêndice. RELATO DE CASO: Paciente masculino de 62 anos com história de um ano de infecções urinárias de repetição. Após dois meses desenvolveu pneumatúria e fecalúria, sendo indicada tomografia computadorizada de abdômen que mostrou massa trans-mural na parede da bexiga, com fistula vésico-entérica para região do íleo terminal. A laparotomia revelou tumoração surgindo do apêndice cecal, em continuidade com a parede posterior da bexiga. A mesma foi aberta, sendo identificada grande fistula e material tumoral até próximo ao trígono vesical. A biópsia de congelação identificou adenocarcinoma mucinoso. Realizada hemicolectomia associada à cistectomia parcial em bloco, com preservação do trígono vesical. Houve extravasamento de mucina para a cavidade pélvica pela manipulação. Optado por lavagem peritoneal com solução de mitomicina a 42º C para prevenir disseminação peritoneal. O paciente evoluiu com íleo prolongado pós-operatório, tendo alta hospitalar no15º dia. Cinco meses após o procedimento encontrava-se em quimioterapia com 5-fluouracil e leucovorin, sem sinais de doença recidivante. CONCLUSÃO: A presença de fístula vésico-apendicecal é extremamente rara, tendo poucos casos relatados na literatura. O conhecimento dos diferentes tipos de neoplasias e seus tratamentos adequados permite ao cirurgião oferecer melhor cuidado ao paciente
Prognostic factors affecting outcomes in multivisceral en bloc resection for colorectal cancer
OBJECTIVES: This study sought to determine the clinical and pathological factors associated with perioperative morbidity, mortality and oncological outcomes after multivisceral en bloc resection in patients with colorectal cancer. METHODS: Between January 2009 and February 2014, 105 patients with primary colorectal cancer selected for multivisceral resection were identified from a prospective database. Clinical and pathological factors, perioperative morbidity and mortality and outcomes were obtained from medical records. Estimated local recurrence and overall survival were compared using the log-rank method, and Cox regression analysis was used to determine the independence of the studied parameters. ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT02859155. RESULTS: The median age of the patients was 60 (range 23-86) years, 66.7% were female, 80% of tumors were located in the rectum, 11.4% had stage-IV disease, and 54.3% received neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy. The organs most frequently resected were ovaries and annexes (37%). Additionally, 30.5% of patients received abdominoperineal resection. Invasion of other organs was confirmed histologically in 53.5% of patients, and R0 resection was obtained in 72% of patients. The overall morbidity rate of patients in this study was 37.1%. Ureter resection and intraoperative blood transfusion were independently associated with an increased number of complications. The 30-day postoperative mortality rate was 1.9%. After 27 (range 5-57) months of follow-up, the mortality and local recurrence rates were 23% and 15%, respectively. Positive margins were associated with a higher recurrence rate. Positive margins, lymph node involvement, stage III/IV disease, and stage IV disease alone were associated with lower overall survival rates. On multivariate analysis, the only factor associated with reduced survival was lymph node involvement. CONCLUSIONS: Multivisceral en bloc resection for primary colorectal cancer can be performed with acceptable rates of morbidity and mortality and may lead to favorable oncological outcomes
Efficacy of three-dimensional endorectal ultrasound in comparison to histopathology for evaluation of extra peritoneal rectal neoplasms
INTRODUÇÃO: O câncer do reto médio e distal ainda é assunto bastante controverso, especialmente no que se refere ao estadiamento locorregional e opções terapêuticas. Busca-se um método sensível e específico para a avaliação da profundidade de invasão da parede retal e o envolvimento linfonodal. O adequado estadiamento da neoplasia do reto extraperitoneal é de suma importância no manejo terapêutico e prognóstico do paciente. Diversos métodos têm sido descritos para a avaliação da disseminação locorregional das neoplasias do reto, que variam desde o toque retal até a ressonância magnética da pelve e a ultrassonografia endorretal bi e tridimensional. OBJETIVO: Correlacionar os achados da profundidade de invasão tumoral na parede retal (T), comprometimento linfonodal (N), extensão e porcentagem de acometimento da lesão à ultrassonografia endorretal tridimensional (USER-3D) com o exame anatomopatológico (AP) de pacientes portadores de neoplasia de reto extraperitoneal submetidos a procedimento cirúrgico após o diagnóstico e estadiamento clínico prévio. MÉTODO: Estudo prospectivo foi realizado com pacientes portadores de neoplasia de reto médio e distal seguidos no Instituto Central (IC) e no Instituto do Câncer do Estado de São Paulo (ICESP), do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (HCFMUSP) que foram submetidos a USER-3D pré-operatório. Os parâmetros analisados por meio do USER-3D foram comparados aos achados da anatomia patológica do espécime cirúrgico obtido após o procedimento. Os exames de USER-3D foram realizados pelo mesmo médico, sendo cego dos outros métodos diagnósticos e dos achados da patologia, a qual também não tinha os resultados do estadiamento clínico pré-operatório. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos a enema evacuatório no dia anterior e na manhã do exame. Foram avaliados a sensibilidade, especificidade, valores preditivos positivo e negativo, área sobre a curva e o índice Kappa do USER-3D em comparação ao anatomopatológico, considerado exame padrão ouro. O coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (CCI) foi utilizado para analisar a extensão e porcentagem de acometimento da lesão na parede retal. RESULTADOS: No período de 3 anos, 44 pacientes foram estudados, 27 mulheres, com idade média de 63,5 anos. Houve 12 lesões benignas e 32 malignas de reto, sendo 30 submetidas à ressecção local e 14 à radical. O USER-3D determinou a diferenciação da profundidade de invasão tumoral na submucosa com sensibilidade de 77,3% (CI95% - 54,6%-92,2%), especificidade de 86,4% (CI95% - 65.1%-97.1%), valor preditivo positivo de 85% (CI95% - 62,1%-96,8%), valor preditivo negativo de 79,2% (CI95% - 57,8%-92,9%) e área sobre a curva de 0,82% (CI95% - 0,7%-0,96%). O índice Kappa ponderado para profundidade de invasão da parede retal (T) foi de 0,672 (IC95%: 0,493; 0,850), considerado grau de concordância substancial. Para o envolvimento linfonodal (N) não houve concordância adequada entre o USER-3D e o anatomopatológico (k=-0,164) nos 14 casos analisados. A CCI calculada para extensão da lesão foi moderada (0,45) para a extensão em centímetros, mas adequada (0,66) para porcentagem de envolvimento da circunferência. O gráfico de Bland-Altman mostrou que lesões com extensão de até 5 cm e 50% de acometimento têm melhor correlação com o espécime cirúrgico. CONCLUSÕES: USER-3D foi eficaz para a determinação da invasão da parede retal, sendo seguro na determinação da extensão de lesões até 5 cm e porcentagem de acometimento da circunferência até 50%. O método mostrou baixa eficácia na avaliação linfonodal, em subgrupo limitado de pacientesINTRODUCTION: Loco-regional staging and treatment of extra peritoneal rectal neoplasms is still a controversial subject. There is no perfect method, substantially sensitive and specific for staging rectal wall invasion and lymph node involvement. Adequate oncologic staging of rectal neoplasias has major importance in both, treatment and prognostic evaluation. Therefore, the use of supplementary diagnostic methods such as endorectal ultrasound (ERUS) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the pelvis can promote an accurate assessment of tumor invasion in the rectal wall and lymph node involvement. OBJECTIVE: To correlate the findings of three-dimensional (3D) ERUS with pathology specimen of extra peritoneal rectal neoplasia referred directly to surgery after diagnosis, in regards to depth of rectal wall invasion (T), lymph node involvement, percentage of circumferential rectal wall invasion and tumor extension. METHODS: A prospective study was performed in patients with middle and distal rectal tumors followed at University of São Paulo, School of Medicine and Cancer Institute of State of São Paulo (ICESP), who underwent 3D-ERUS for preoperative evaluation. The parameters analyzed with 3D-ERUS were compared with pathology findings of the surgical specimen obtained after the procedure. A single doctor who performed the exams reported the 3D-ERUS studies and was blind of other methods as well as the pathologic findings. All patients underwent retrograde bowel enema the day before and in the morning of the test. The authors evaluated sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, area under curve and kappa index of the 3D-ERUS as compared to pathologic findings, considered the gold standard. For extension and percentage of tectal wall involvement intraclass correlation index was applied. RESULTS: At 3-years period, 44 patients were studied, 27 females, with a mean age of 63.5 years, who had 12 rectal adenomas and 32 adenocarcinomas and underwent local resection (30) or radical resection (14). Value for 3D-ERUS to determine depth of rectal wall invasion sensitivity was 77.3% (CI95% - 54.6%-92.2%), specificity was 86.4% (CI95% - 65.1%- 97.1%), positive predictive value was 85% (CI95% - 62.1%- 96.8%), negative predictive value was 79.2% (CI95% - 57.8%-92.9%) and area under curve was 0,82% (CI95% - 0.7%-0.96%). The weighted kappa index for the depth of invasion in the rectal wall (T) evaluation was 0.67 (IC95%: 0.49; 0.85), considered substantial agreement. For N involvement there was any agreement between 3D-ERUS and histopathology, with K=-0.164. Intraclass correlation was calculated for lesion extension and was moderate (0.45) for extension in centimeters and adequate (0.66) for percentage of circumference involvement. A Bland-Altman graph was performed and showed that tumor extensions until 5 cm and 50% of wall involvement have a good correlation to specimen size. CONCLUSION: 3D-ERUS was effective for determining rectal wall invasion and evaluation of extension of lesions until 5 cm and 50% of rectal wall involvement. However, this method showed a lack of efficacy for evaluation of lymph node involvement for early rectal tumors in this limited subset of patient
Diagnosis and treatment of constipation: a clinical update based on the Rome IV criteria
The aim of this study was to evaluate the published professional association guidelines regarding the current diagnosis and treatment of functional intestinal constipation in adults and to compare those guidelines with the authors’ experience to standardize actions that aid clinical reasoning and decision-making for medical professionals. A literature search was conducted in the Medline/PubMed, Scielo, EMBASE and Cochrane online databases using the following terms: chronic constipation, diagnosis, management of chronic constipation, Roma IV and surgical treatment. Conclusively, chronic intestinal constipation is a common condition in adults and occurs most frequently in the elderly and in women. Establishing a precise diagnosis of the physiopathology of functional chronic constipation is complex and requires many functional tests in refractory cases. An understanding of intestinal motility and the defecatory process is critical for the appropriate management of chronic functional intestinal constipation, with surgery reserved for cases in which pharmacologic intervention has failed. The information contained in this review article is subject to the critical evaluation of the medical specialist responsible for determining the action plan to be followed within the context of the conditions and clinical status of each individual patient. Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os consensos de sociedade de especialistas e guidelines publicados sobre o diagnóstico e tratamento da constipação intestinal crônica em adultos, e confrontar com a experiência dos autores, a fim de padronizar condutas que auxiliem o raciocínio e a tomada de conduta do médico. Foi realizada busca na literatura científica, mais precisamente nas bases de dados eletrônicos Medline/Pubmed, Scielo, EMBASE and Cochrane, tendo sido utilizado os seguintes descritores: chronic constipation, diagnosis, management of chronic constipation, Roma IV and surgical treatment. Pode-se concluir que constipação crônica é condição comum em adultos, ocorrendo com maior frequência em idosos e mulheres. Identificar com precisão a fisiopatologia presente na constipação crônica funcional é complexo, requerendo a realização de testes funcionais nos casos refratários. O entendimento da motilidade intestinal e do mecanismo defecatório é importante para o manejo da constipação intestinal crônica funcional, sendo o tratamento cirúrgico indicado para casos selecionados, onde à abordagem medicamentosa não surtiu efeito. As informações contidas neste artigo de revisão devem ser submetidas à avaliação e à crítica do médico especialista responsável pela conduta a ser tomada, frente à sua realidade e ao estado clínico de cada paciente. Keywords: Chronic constipation, Outlet obstruction, Colonic inertia, Laxatives, Surgical treatment, Palavras-chave: Constipação crônica, Disfunção do assoalho pélvico, Inércia cólica, Laxativos, Tratamento cirúrgic
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Digital rectal examination (DRE) is part of the physical examination, is also essential for the colorectal surgeon evaluation. A good DRE offers precious information related to the patient’s complaints, which will help in decision making. It is simple, quick and minimally invasive. In many centers around the world, the DRE is still the only method to evaluate the anal sphincter prior to patient’s management. On the other hand, anorectal manometry (ARM) is the main method for objective functional evaluation of anal sphincter pressures. The discrepancy of DRE depending on the examiner to determine sphincter tonus in comparison to ARM motivated this study. OBJECTIVE: To compare the DRE performed by proficient and non-experienced examiners to sphincter pressure parameters obtained at ARM, depending on examiners expertise. METHODS: Thirty-six consecutive patients with complaints of fecal incontinence or chronic constipation, from the anorectal physiology clinic of the University of São Paulo School of Medicine, were prospectively included. Each patient underwent ARM and DRE performed by two senior colorectal surgeons and one junior colorectal surgeon prior to the ARM. Patient’s history was blinded for the examiner’s knowledge, also the impressions of each examiner were blinded from the others. For the DRE rest and squeeze pressures were classified by an objective scale (DRE scoring system) that was compared to the parameters of the ARM for the analysis. The results obtained at the ARM were compared to the DRE performed by the seniors and the junior colorectal surgeons. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Descriptive analysis was performed for all parameters. For the rest and squeeze pressures the Gamma index was used for the comparison between the DRE and ARM, which varied from 0 to 1. The closer to 1 the better was the agreement. RESULTS: The mean age was 48 years old and 55.5% of patients were female. The agreement of rest anal pressures between the ARM and the DRE performed by the senior proficient examiners was 0.7 (CI 95%; 0.32-1.0), while for the junior non-experienced examiner was 0.52 (CI 95%; 0.09-0.96). The agreement of squeeze pressures was 0.96 (CI 95%; 0.87-1.0) for the seniors and 0.52 (CI 95%; 0.16-0.89) for the junior examiner. CONCLUSION: More experienced colorectal surgeons used to DRE had a more significant agreement with the ARM, thereafter would have more appropriate therapeutic management to patients with sphincter functional problems. ARM, therefore, persists as an important exam to objectively evaluate the sphincter complex, justifying its utility in the clinical practice
Médicos residentes podem realizar com segurança e eficiência técnicas de Milligan-Morgan, Ferguson e grampeadores no tratamento cirúrgico das hemorróidas?
RACIONAL: A cirurgia para hemorróidas sintomáticas é necessária em quase 10% dos pacientes. Embora, a literatura sobre o tratamento cirúrgico da doença hemorroidária seja muito grande, os dados relativos à hemorroidectomia ou hemorroidopexia realizadas por residentes de treinamento é limitado. OBJETIVO: Analisar os resultados destes procedimentos em uma instituição de ensino. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados retrospectivamente os dados de todos os pacientes que se submeteram ao tratamento cirúrgico para hemorróidas entre1995 e 2007 em uma única instituição. Residentes supervisionados realizaram todos os procedimentos. As técnicas foram comparadas com base no tempo operatório, permanência hospitalar, morbidade e eficácia a longo prazo. RESULTADOS: Trezentos e trinta e três pacientes foram incluídos no estudo, 182 homens (54,6%), com idade média de 45,3 anos (± 12,02). Hemorróidas de terceiro grau foram a principal indicação (81,7%). Milligan-Morgan foi o procedimento mais comumente realizado (57%), seguido por Ferguson e hemorroidopexia grampeada. A média de tempo operatório foi significativamente menor no grupo hemorroidopexia grampeada quando comparado com os procedimentos abertos e fechados: 49,4 ± 29,3 min vs 61,1 ± 26,5 e 67,1 ± 28,3, respectivamente (p=0,0034). Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos quanto às complicações pós-operatórias ou à taxa de reoperação. O tempo de internação foi significativamente maior no grupo Milligan-Morgan quando comparado com Ferguson e grampeamento (1,41 ± 0,86 dias vs 1,19 ± 0,43 vs 1,16 ± 0,37, respectivamente). Recorrência sintomática, taxas de reoperação e o uso de ligadura elástica foram semelhantes entre os grupos. CONCLUSÃO: Os residentes sob supervisão pode executar Milligan-Morgan, Ferguson e grampeamento hemorroidário com baixa incidência de complicações e bons resultados a longo prazo. O grampeamento foi associado com menor tempo operatório, enquanto Milligan-Morgan foi correlacionada com maior tempo de hospitalização