386 research outputs found
Paleoseismological analysis of late Miocene lacustrine successions in the Prebetic Zone, SE Spain
A paleoseismological study of late Miocene lacustrine sediments was carried out in the Neogene basins of the Prebetic Zone in Albacete (Spain). We developed a multidisciplinary methodology which could be used to extrapolate the paleoseismic data to the present day. This multidisciplinary approach includes different disciplines, i.e. stratigraphy, structural analysis, seismological analysis and paleoseismology. Paleoseismological analysis was focussed on both shallow and deep lake deposits given that these sediments behave differently in different deformation fields. The seismites formed in shallow sediments were generated by liquefaction and include: sand dikes, pillow structures and intruded and fractured gr avels. The deep lake deposits show varied structures, such as loop bedding, disturbed varved lamination, mixed layers and pseudonodules. Seismites indicate paleoearthquake magnitude intervals. The trends of the seismites are usually oriented ve ry close to the stress field trends (from the late Miocene to the Present): NW-SE and NE-SW trends. This constitutes a link between tectonics and seismites. The va rved annual sedimentation evidenced by the deep lake facies was used as a relative dating method. Mixed layers were employed as paleoseismic indicators to calculate the earthquake recurrence interval. The mean recurrence interval is close to 130 years (9446 years of total record with 73 dated events), one maximum interval of 454 years and one minimum interval of 23 years and the mean estimated magnitude value is 5.1. The Gutenberg-Richter relationship shows similar "b" values close to 0.86 from paleoseismological and seismological data. This suggests that the seismic conditions have been similar since the late Miocene
Paleosismicidad y sismotectónica de las cuencas lacustres neógenas del prebético de Albacete
Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Geológicas, Departamento de Geodinámica, leída el 11-03-1999Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEpu
Current situation and future prospects of livestock farming around a Pyrenean ski resort
En algunas zonas de montaña la ganadería coexiste con centros invernales que pueden modificar las circunstancias socioeconómicas de las explotaciones, dando lugar a sinergias pero también a relaciones de competencia en ciertos aspectos. Para analizar las implicaciones de la existencia de una estación de esquí sobre los sistemas ganaderos desarrollados en su entorno, se llevó a cabo una encuesta estructurada a los ganaderos usuarios de pastos en una estación de esquí del Pirineo aragonés (Aramón-Panticosa), cuyos rebaños sumaban 314 vacas y 75 yeguas adultas. Se recogieron aspectos relativos a la estructura del rebaño, base territorial, manejo del ganado y mano de obra, que, en general, respondían a pautas comunes a otras zonas del Pirineo, salvo por el alto índice de pluriactividad de los titulares (60%). Se analizó la dinámica de la explotación, que apuntaba a una continuidad a medio término pero que podría comprometerse a largo plazo por la falta de relevo generacional. Las explotaciones se consideraban estabilizadas en tamaño y gestión, con pocos cambios previsibles en el futuro en las circunstancias socioeconómicas actuales, aunque su estructura y manejo variarían considerablemente ante distintos escenarios potenciales (cambio de políticas agrarias o coyuntura económica). Se analizó la relevancia de distintos objetivos técnicos, económicos y sociales, observándose un menor peso de los primeros con respecto al resto. Los ganaderos consideraron mayoritariamente que la estación de esquí había influido positivamente en el valle, y en parte también en la ganadería, al posibilitar alternativas para la diversificación económica, mientras la estación se beneficiaba del mantenimiento de sus superficies por el ganado.In some mountain areas ski resorts coexist with farming activities, modifying the socio-economic environment and providing synergies but also antagonisms in certain aspects. In order to determine the effect of a ski resort on livestock farming systems in its surroundings, a structured interview was conducted with all farmers whose herds (314 adult cows and 75 mares) grazed during the summer on pastures within a Pyrenean ski station (Aramón-Panticosa, Huesca). Information on labour, herd size, land use, management and technical performance of cattle and horses was collected, as well as recent dynamics and prospective changes under the current socio-economic circumstances and different scenarios, and their objectives and opinions about several issues. When compared with that of similar areas, farm management and performance was similar except for the high farmers’ pluriactivity (60%). Continuity of the farms was ensured on a medium term, but might be low in the long run due to lack of succession. Farms were stable in terms of size and management, and few changes were envisaged in the future in the current socio-economic conditions. However, if they changed or different agricultural polices were implemented, farm structure and technical management may be considerably modified. Regarding their objectives, they considered that economic aspects and those related to their family’s quality of life were crucial, while technical objectives were less important. Concerning their opinions about tourism, they considered that the valley and indirectly their farming activity had benefitted from the ski resort, mostly due to the alternatives for economic diversification that it provided, while in turn it profited from the ecosystem services provided by livestock grazing.Publishe
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